Previous Researches LITERATURE REVIEW

Furthermore, the Chinese, regardless where they settle, are culturally and historically influenced by Confucianism. It is a system of socioeconomic, political philosophical and ethical beliefs. Confucianism is also often considered as a set of religion, ideology or teaching principles. The core of Confucianism is humanism, with strong concerns on the maintenance of family and social harmony, i.e. filial piety. The secular emphasis of Confucianism lies on the faith that human beings are profoundly kind-hearted, ‘teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal and communal endeavor’ Fingarette, 1972: 463-477. The influence of Confucianism is deep-rooted in Chinese society that it is assimilated with modern values, as it can be seen in education, economic and religious sectors. Confucian churches are examples of the assimilation between Confucianism and religion found in Singapore.

C. Previous Researches

The researcher cannot find any research on Crazy Rich Asians yet. However, the same theory to analyze ideology has been applied to some researches. One of them is entitled “Mark Twain’s Racial Ideologies and His Portrayal of the Chinese” by Hsin-yun Ou 2010. Ou analyses the way Twain portrays Chinese in several works of his, i.e. short stories “Disgraceful Percussion of a Boy”, “John Chinaman on New York”, “Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again”, novel Roughing It, and play Ah Sin. Ou discovers that there is a connection between Twain’s portrayals of Chinese and his ideological intention. To dig his ideological intention, Ou also studies Twain’s biography, journals, letters, life records as well as other relevant documents. Twain depicts Chinese in a more sympathetic way than what is majorly depicted in the popular media. In such manner, he intends his humanitarian sentiments, tolerance and sense of moral righteousness for minority. Moreover, he ideally views the United States as a symbol of social justice and liberalism. Yuli Arti Rahmawaningsih conducts a dissertation entitled “Struktur Ideologi dalam Antologi Puisi “Al-Qas ā’Id As-Syāsiyyah” karya Nizār Qabbāniy: Kajian Materialisme Eagleton” 2013. Rahmawaningsih uses Eagleton’s “Categories for a Materialist Criticism” to analyze the ideological structures of the anthological poem. She mainly focuses on the ideological aspects articulated during the writing process. The findings suggest that the “Al-Qas ā’Id As-Syāsiyyah” anthology constitutes political gigantism embracing authoritarianism, which dominates Syrian forces and relation of production. The public confronts against the ruling power to earn their citizenship rights, namely civil right the right to be free, political right the right to choose and economic rights the right to enjoy prosperity. Hence, the freedom that poem seeks gives influences to the aesthetic ideology AI in its free form, that in return affects the authorial ideology AuI. In addition, this research is distinctive from the previous ones. Firstly, Ou’s topic is similar to this research. However, the object being analyzed is different. She uses Twain’s novel, play, short stories and journals. She also only analyzes one character on each of his works. Conversely, this research analyses Kwan’s work, but many characters in it are being analyzed. Secondly, although Rahmawaningsih’s research and this research employ the same theory, she uses all the five major constituents of the theory; while this research only uses the Authorial Ideology.

D. Conceptual Framework