Problems of The Study

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid any different perceptions between the writer and the readers in understanding the study, it is essential to give some definition of key terms used in this study. Here are the key terms explained: a. Tragedy : An imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and ofa certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artisticornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in theform of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear effecting the properpurgation of these emotions. Aristotle 16 b. Tragic hero: Someone who is endowed with a tragic fatal flaw that dooms him to make serious error in judgment, has normally had an extraordinary, often a nearly divine, destiny, almost within his grasp, and the glory of that original vision never quite fades out of tragedy. Frye 210 c. Archetypal : An original model or type after which similiar things are pattered; a prototype; an ideal example. Gillespie 58 d. Archetypal Criticism : The unknowable basic forms personified or concretized in recurring images, symbols, or patterns which may include motifs such as the trickster or the hero, symbols such as the apple or snake, or images such as crucifixion as in King Kong, or Bridge of Frankemstein-all laden with meaningt already when employed in a particular work. Michael 12 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter explains several important theories related to the research. The first one is theory of new criticism and the second is Aristotle’s archetypal theory. This theory is used to analyze and reveals its story as tragedy. Second is Aristotle’s theory of tragic hero. It was a theory to describes Oscar figure as a hero The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao novel. The concept is used to reveal how Oscar is the tragic hero in the story.

2.1 Theoritical Framework

2.1.1 New Criticism

New Criticism, which dominatedliterary studies from the 1940s through the 1960s, has left a lasting imprint onthe way we read and write about literature. Some of its most important conceptsconcerning the nature and importance of textual evidence —the use ofconcrete, specific examples from the text itself to validate our interpretations —have been incorporated into the way most literary critics today, regardless oftheir theoretical persuasion, support their readings of literature Tyson 135. Keats explains that new criticism,incorporating fformalism, focuses on the relationship between a text’s idea and its form, between what text says and the way it says it. New criticism attempts to be a science of literature, with a technical