









This thesis is submitted to meet one of requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education






This thesiswritten by Fitria Lapele was approved on August1, 2013

By: Advisor II,

Drs. Mas’udi, M.Ed

Advisor I,


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education on August1, 2013

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of Muhammadiyah Malang Dean,

Dr. M. Syaifuddin, M.M

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Dr. Sudiran, M.Hum 1. ... 2. Rahmawati Khadijah Maro, S.Pd, M.Ped 2. ... 3. Dr. Hartono, M.Pd 3. ... 4. Drs. Mas’udi, M.Ed 4. ...



“Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin jiwa dan harta mereka (yang dibayar) dengan surga untuk mereka”.

(TQS at-Taubah:111)

“(yaitu) kamu beriman kepada Allah dan RasulNya dan berjihad di jalan Allah dengan harta dan jiwamu. Itulah yang lebih baik bagimu, jika kamu mengetahui”.

(TQS ash Shaff:11)

DEDICATION: I dedicated this thesis to: My beloved mother and father, My beautiful sisters Dina and Sukma, My handsome brothers Udin and Fajar, And my dear friends in Islam.



Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, the almighty and the merciful, all praise for Allah SWT and our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has given a chance, inspiration and easy going to finish my thesis.

The writer would like to thank to Mister Dr. Hartono, M.Pd as the first advisor and Drs. Mas’udi, M.Ed as the second advisor who gave their patience, time, guidence, advice, suggestion, and correction during the completion of this thesis.

My deepest gratitude is also addressed to my beloved family, and both of my parents Mr. Aladin Lapele and Mrs. Saebi Lagane who always pray for me everyday and give me love, motivation, attention, and financial supports. I also thanks my beloved sisters Dina and Sukmawati, brothers Sahabudin and Fajar, my beloved sisters in Islam that I can’t mention one by one. Thank you for the support, motivation and attention, I can’t say anything and I can’t give anything except I love you all because of Allah and thank you very much.

Malang, July 2013










1.1 Background of the study ……… 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems ………. 5

1.3 Purpose of the Study ……… 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ……… 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ………. 6

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms ……… 6


2.1 Sociolinguistics .……… 8

2.2 Speech Community ……… 9

2.3 Bilingualism ………. 10

2.4 Code ………. 12

2.4.1 Code Switching ……… 13

2.4.2 Kinds of Code Switching ………. 14

2.4.3 The Reasons for Bilinguals to Do Code Switching ….. 15

2.5 Review of Love in Pert Film ………... 19

2.6 Elements of Film ……….. 20



3.2 Approach ………. 23

3.3 Research Object ……….. 25

3.4 Source of Data ……….. 25

3.5 Research Instrument ……….. 26

3.5 Data Collection Technique ……….. 26

3.6 Data Collection ………. 26

3.7 Data Analysis ... 27


4.1 Findings ……….. 28

4.1.1 The Code Switching Used in Love in Perth Film …….. 28

4.1.2 The Kinds of Code Switching Used in Love in Perth Film ……… 30

4.1.3 The Reasons of the Characters in Using Code Switching in Love in Perth Film ……….. 35

4.2 Discussion ……… 41


5.1 Conclusion ………... 43

5.2 Suggestions ……….. 43



Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education. Seventh Edition. USA: Wadsworth.

Bloomfield, Leonard. 1973. Language. USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Bodgan, R.C & Biklen, S.K. 2007. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theories and Methods. Fifth Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.

Fanny, Ardhelia. 2012. An Analysis of Code Switching in the Novel Cinta by Ollie. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: UMM.

Hamers, J. F. And Blanc, H.A.M. 2000. Bilinguality and Bilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hoffmann, Charlotte. 1991. An Introduction to Bilingualism. London and New York: Longman.

Mesthrie R, Swann J at al. 2009. Introducing Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Rodman, Robert & Fromkin, Victoria. 2003. An Introduction to Language. USA: Thomas Wardworth.

Sabilah, Fardini. 2001. Sociolinguistics: Buku Ajar S1 UMM. Unpublished Modul. Malang: UMM.

Samovar Larry A. and Porter Richard E. 2001. Communication between Cultures. Fourth Edition. USA: Wadsworth.

Spolsky, Barnard. 2004. Language Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Trask, R. L. 2007. Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics. New York: London

and New York.

Trudgill, Peter. 2002. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. England: Penguin Books.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (fifth edition). USA: Blackwell.



This chapter discusses some topics related to background of the study, statement of the problems, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, definition of the key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1 Background of the Study

Human is social creatures which means that they cannot live alone. Human needs other people to help staying alive, sharing anything, and solving many problems in their daily live. Indeed, human has to make connection and build relationship with other people in daily live where they have to interact and communicate one another.

The important thing used to interact and communicate is language. Everyday people use language to communicate with friends, family members, and other people. It means that language is the main property people need to communicate each other in order to give a message and information. Meanwhile, Rodman (2003:4) states that language is the capasity to produce sounds that signify certain meaning and to understand or interpret the sound produced by others. In addition, people communication is considered successful even though they use free expressions as long as they can understand what the messages are.

Moreover, Samovar and Porter (2001:137) say that language is extremely important to human interaction because of its labeling, interaction, and transmission



functions. The labeling function serves to identify or the name of a person, object, or act, so that he, she, or it may be referred to in communication. The interaction function is concerned with the sharing and communication of ideas and emotions. And transmission is the process by which a person passes information to others.

People always apply all of labeling, interaction, and transmission functions of language in daily life. In other words, human, language, and society are integrated and cannot be separated. In the study of linguistics, the combination of human, language, and society is known as sociolinguistics. Gumperz (1971, in Wardhaugh 2006) has observed that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find correlations between social structure and linguistic structure and to observe any changes that occur.

Therefore, according to Mesthrie, et al (2009: 28) the studies of sociolinguistics are stressed in four concepts of human societies which can differentiate the use of language in a certain society. The four concepts are (1) culture or design of living, (2) socialization or the process of people learning the culture in society, (3) norms and values or guides of actions and qualities, and (4) status and role or the social position and regulation.

Language and society are integrated. However, language and society may be different in the kinds of properties of the languages used by the society. In the study of sociolinguistics, there is a term called “stratification” or the reason why differences in society’s language occur. It is mentioned that the differences are caused by such factors as social economy, caste or ethnicity, profession, education, environment, and religion. Moreover, it is also stated in Sociolinguistics study that there are such



aspects which make the language different as region, geography, politics, history, profession, ethnics, and social economy.

The differences of language in society lead people to be familiar with some different languages and allow them to master and understand some of those languages. Those people, who can communicate in more than one language, are called bilingual people. Meanwhile, the ability in communicating in more than one language is called bilingualism. Bilingualism is a native-like control of two languages (Bloomfield 1933, in Hammers 2004). The bilingualism may lead bilingual people to use some different languages when they speak or write. Mostly, they combine the languages in a sentence. The action of combining languages in a sentence is known as code switching. For example, an English teacher in Indonesia uses code switching between Bahasa Indonesia and English in order to make the students understand his explanation.

According to Trask (2007: 39) code switching is changing back and forth between two language varieties, especially in a single conversation. Nowadays, the use of code switching is very diverse, both in spoken and written forms. The spoken form is mostly found in people’s conversation or speech. In addition, the spoken form can also be found in such media as films.

In Indonesia, there are a lot of films containing code switching. One of the film is “Love in Perth” directed by Findo Purwono HW. Code switching is very interesting to be analyzed in this film because many times the characters switch their languages. It is a kind of teenagers’ romantic story in Perth International High School. In this film, the characters make the conversations with others using different



languages, Indonesia and English. The setting of the place is in Indonesia and Australia (Perth). Sometimes, the characters switch their language to make the viewer understand the statement. That kind of switching phenomenon in the film “Love in Perth” gets viewers attention because there are a lot of code switching to find. Indeed, watching this film will be very beneficial for those who want to learn about the use of code switching. The viewers who have known about code switching will get the examples of code switching directly. Whereas, for the viewers who have not known about code switching may tempt to learn about code switching more deeply. As further consideration, the language used in this film is very simple to be consumed by the viewers.

The previous analysis has been done by Fanny (2012), the title was “An Analysis of Code Switching in the Novel Cinta by Ollie”. She found out 100 of code switching which devided to 4 kinds of code switching. The kinds of code switching were; Intra-sentential code switching found 84 items, Inter-sentential found 12 items, and Estabilish continuity with previuos speaker found 3 items. The most dominant kinds of code switching used in the Novel Cinta by Ollie was Intra-sentential code switching. The difference about this previous research with the writer research is the previous research found code switching used in novel. It means code switching not only used in daily life conversation and novel script, but also can be used in the movie.

Thus, the researcher is interested in conducting research entitled “An Analysis of Code Switching in Love in Perth film directed by Findo Purwono HW.” The



researcher wants to know about the kinds and reasons of using code switching in this film.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study above, this study is going to answer the following research problems:

1. What code switchings do the characters use in Love in Perth film?

2. What kinds of code switchings do the characters use in Love in Perth film? 3. What are the characters’ reasons in using code switchings in Love in Perth


1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of problems, the purposes of this study are: 1. To find the code switchings used by the characters in Love in Perth film.

2. To find the kinds of code swithcings used by the characters in Love in Perth film.

3. To find the characters’ reasons in using code swithcings in Love in Perth film.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study is intended to make some description about code switching used in “Love in Perth” film. The result of this study is expected to give some contribution to the readers and to enrich their knowledge about code switching. Therefore, the writer hopes that it will be useful for English students especially those who are studying



sociolinguistics. Meanwhile, for English lecturers, this study is expected to be used as an additional resource, adding and entaging the variation of sociolinguistics.

In addition, the reseracher also expect that this study can be used as an addition or source of information about code switching for other reserachers who are interested in doing a similar research.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is code switching in Love in Perth film, especially the kinds and reasons why code switching is used. Meanwhile, the limitation of this study is code switching used by four characters in Love in Perth film; Lola, Dhany, and Ari.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

In this section, the writers would like to define the key terms, which are related to this research, to avoid ambiguity and misinterpretation. The important terms include the following:

1. Analysis is the process of reducing and organizing something, synthesizing, searching for significant patterns, and discovering what is important (Ary, 2010: 481). In this study, analysis refers to searching for significant patterns of kinds and reasons of code switchings used by the characters in Love in Perth film.

2. Code switching is changing back and forth between two language varieties, especially in single conversation (Trask, 2007:39). In this study, code switching



means changing Bahasa Indonesia and English used by the characters in Love in Perth film.

3. Film is a series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on television and often telling a story (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary).

4. Love in Perthis the title of the film directed by Findo Purwono HW. It is a kind of teenagers’ romantic story in Perth International High School.


functions. The labeling function serves to identify or the name of a person, object, or act, so that he, she, or it may be referred to in communication. The interaction function is concerned with the sharing and communication of ideas and emotions. And transmission is the process by which a person passes information to others.

People always apply all of labeling, interaction, and transmission functions of language in daily life. In other words, human, language, and society are integrated and cannot be separated. In the study of linguistics, the combination of human, language, and society is known as sociolinguistics. Gumperz (1971, in Wardhaugh 2006) has observed that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find correlations between social structure and linguistic structure and to observe any changes that occur.

Therefore, according to Mesthrie, et al (2009: 28) the studies of sociolinguistics are stressed in four concepts of human societies which can differentiate the use of language in a certain society. The four concepts are (1) culture or design of living, (2) socialization or the process of people learning the culture in society, (3) norms and values or guides of actions and qualities, and (4) status and role or the social position and regulation.

Language and society are integrated. However, language and society may be different in the kinds of properties of the languages used by the society. In the study of sociolinguistics, there is a term called “stratification” or the reason why differences in society’s language occur. It is mentioned that the differences are caused by such factors as social economy, caste or ethnicity, profession, education, environment, and religion. Moreover, it is also stated in Sociolinguistics study that there are such


aspects which make the language different as region, geography, politics, history, profession, ethnics, and social economy.

The differences of language in society lead people to be familiar with some different languages and allow them to master and understand some of those languages. Those people, who can communicate in more than one language, are called bilingual people. Meanwhile, the ability in communicating in more than one language is called bilingualism. Bilingualism is a native-like control of two languages (Bloomfield 1933, in Hammers 2004). The bilingualism may lead bilingual people to use some different languages when they speak or write. Mostly, they combine the languages in a sentence. The action of combining languages in a sentence is known as code switching. For example, an English teacher in Indonesia uses code switching between Bahasa Indonesia and English in order to make the students understand his explanation.

According to Trask (2007: 39) code switching is changing back and forth between two language varieties, especially in a single conversation. Nowadays, the use of code switching is very diverse, both in spoken and written forms. The spoken form is mostly found in people’s conversation or speech. In addition, the spoken form can also be found in such media as films.

In Indonesia, there are a lot of films containing code switching. One of the film is “Love in Perth” directed by Findo Purwono HW. Code switching is very interesting to be analyzed in this film because many times the characters switch their languages. It is a kind of teenagers’ romantic story in Perth International High School. In this film, the characters make the conversations with others using different


languages, Indonesia and English. The setting of the place is in Indonesia and Australia (Perth). Sometimes, the characters switch their language to make the viewer understand the statement. That kind of switching phenomenon in the film “Love in Perth” gets viewers attention because there are a lot of code switching to find. Indeed, watching this film will be very beneficial for those who want to learn about the use of code switching. The viewers who have known about code switching will get the examples of code switching directly. Whereas, for the viewers who have not known about code switching may tempt to learn about code switching more deeply. As further consideration, the language used in this film is very simple to be consumed by the viewers.

The previous analysis has been done by Fanny (2012), the title was “An Analysis of Code Switching in the Novel Cinta by Ollie”. She found out 100 of code switching which devided to 4 kinds of code switching. The kinds of code switching were; Intra-sentential code switching found 84 items, Inter-sentential found 12 items, and Estabilish continuity with previuos speaker found 3 items. The most dominant kinds of code switching used in the Novel Cinta by Ollie was Intra-sentential code switching. The difference about this previous research with the writer research is the previous research found code switching used in novel. It means code switching not only used in daily life conversation and novel script, but also can be used in the movie.

Thus, the researcher is interested in conducting research entitled “An Analysis of Code Switching in Love in Perth film directed by Findo Purwono HW.” The


researcher wants to know about the kinds and reasons of using code switching in this film.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study above, this study is going to answer the following research problems:

1. What code switchings do the characters use in Love in Perth film?

2. What kinds of code switchings do the characters use in Love in Perth film? 3. What are the characters’ reasons in using code switchings in Love in Perth


1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of problems, the purposes of this study are: 1. To find the code switchings used by the characters in Love in Perth film.

2. To find the kinds of code swithcings used by the characters in Love in Perth film.

3. To find the characters’ reasons in using code swithcings in Love in Perth film.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study is intended to make some description about code switching used in “Love in Perth” film. The result of this study is expected to give some contribution to the readers and to enrich their knowledge about code switching. Therefore, the writer hopes that it will be useful for English students especially those who are studying


sociolinguistics. Meanwhile, for English lecturers, this study is expected to be used as an additional resource, adding and entaging the variation of sociolinguistics.

In addition, the reseracher also expect that this study can be used as an addition or source of information about code switching for other reserachers who are interested in doing a similar research.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is code switching in Love in Perth film, especially the kinds and reasons why code switching is used. Meanwhile, the limitation of this study is code switching used by four characters in Love in Perth film; Lola, Dhany, and Ari.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

In this section, the writers would like to define the key terms, which are related to this research, to avoid ambiguity and misinterpretation. The important terms include the following:

1. Analysis is the process of reducing and organizing something, synthesizing, searching for significant patterns, and discovering what is important (Ary, 2010: 481). In this study, analysis refers to searching for significant patterns of kinds and reasons of code switchings used by the characters in Love in Perth film.

2. Code switching is changing back and forth between two language varieties, especially in single conversation (Trask, 2007:39). In this study, code switching


means changing Bahasa Indonesia and English used by the characters in Love in Perth film.

3. Film is a series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on television and often telling a story (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary).

4. Love in Perthis the title of the film directed by Findo Purwono HW. It is a kind of teenagers’ romantic story in Perth International High School.