Hypothesis Place and Time of the Research Research Method

commit to user 60 skills, which can be learned through practice and not by just memorizing rules. The students having low intelligence prefer listening to the teachers’ explanation, feeling shy and passive during the teaching learning process rather than practicing the language in their daily life. That is why it is supposed that there is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ intelligence in teaching reading. Contextual Teaching and Learning is suitable for students having high intelligence and Grammar Translation Method is suitable for students having low intelligence.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the rationale above, the hypotheses proposed in this research are as follows: 1. Contextual teaching and learning is more effective than grammar translation method for teaching reading. 2. The students having high intelligence have better reading comprehension than the students having low intelligence. 3. There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ intelligence in teaching reading. commit to user 61 III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

A. Place and Time of the Research

The research was carried out at SMP N 14 Surakarta which is located at Jl. Prof. WZ. Johannes No. 54, Surakarta. The research was held from December ‘09 to June, 2010. The following is the time schedule for the research. Table 5. The Time Schedule for the Research Activities Dec ‘09 Jan ‘10 Feb ‘10 Mar ‘10 Apr ‘10 May ‘10 Jun ‘10 Proposal Reviewing literatures Developing instruments Doing treatment Collecting and analyzing the data Writing the report Submitting the document

B. Research Method

According to Ary 2007: 39 there are four different categories developed in classifying educational research: experimental, experimental ex- post facto, descriptive, and historical studies. The framework used in this research is quantitative research. It means the hypotheses of the research will be concluded through various techniques such as: collecting, describing, and commit to user 62 analyzing data collected which are mostly on the form of numerical data. The research is also categorized as an experimental study since it attempts to give treatment to experimental group and maintain control over all factors that may affect the result of an experiment. In other words, the experimental research attempts to investigate the influence of one or more variables to other variables Nana Syaodih, 2006: 57. Experimental research has some characteristics as follows: 1 manipulation or treatment of an independent variable; 2 other extraneous variables are controlled; and 3 effect is observed of the manipulation of the independent variable on the dependent variable Donald Ary, 2007: 338. This experimental research is aimed at observing whether there is an interaction between teaching methods and intelligence for teaching reading. The technique used in conducting the experiment is by comparing the experimental group which is taught by contextual teaching and learning method and the control group taught by grammar translation method. Each group is classified into two different levels of intelligence quotient: the high and the low.

C. Research Design