Discussion of the Result of the Study

commit to user 86 so it can be summarized that there is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ intelligence in teaching reading comprehension.

D. Discussion of the Result of the Study

Based on the computation result of data analysis, it can be explained as follows: 1. Contextual Teaching and Learning Method is more effective than Grammar Translation Method to teach reading comprehension. The method of Contextual Teaching and Learning in learning reading gives opportunities for students to understand the passage through the real experience. The students learn better if the situation around them is created naturally. It will be more meaningful if the children experience what they learn, not only to know what they learn or just memorize what the teacher transfers to them. Creating a setting in which students learn as realistically as possible is a goal of Contextual Teaching and Learning method Nurhadi and Senduk, 2003: 34. It is also supported by Gholam, et al., 2008: 2 who state that in constructivism, transferring knowledge is done by involvement in authentic tasks in meaningful situations. The main feature in transferring knowledge is that learning always takes place in a context; therefore, transferring knowledge should also take place in an authentic contextualized situation. Nobody learns to use a tool by following a set of rules. They must use those tools in real world situations for the learning to be appropriate and effective. Moreover, students who are taught using Contextual Teaching and Learning method will have critical and creative thinking through searching, observing, investigating, and analyzing Nurhadi and Senduk, 2003: 43. The use of inquiry in the reading activity needs the students’ commit to user 87 involvement to find answers themselves and ask the questions along the way. The students view themselves as learners in the process of learning and they look forward to learning. They exhibit curiosity and ponder observation. They ask questions and use the questions to lead them to activities generating further questions or ideas http;www.youthlearn .orglearningapproachinquiry.asp. By presenting variety of different types of texts, they search who are the participants, what they do, where, when, and how they do that, the events, the complication, the resolution, and the code. After that they observe, investigate and finally analyze them. Questioning used by the teacher to check the students’ understanding, to encourage students’ responses, and to know what the students have known make the students confident to express their answers. In addition, the students that work in a small group have the opportunities to ask questions freely among the members. Even the students who are shy to ask questions to the teacher are motivated to study together with their friends Nurhadi and Senduk, 2003: 47. The implementation of learning community really provides students more time to share their ideas or knowledge to each other. Wehrli in AABB Conference 2003: 4 says the advantages of implementing learning community are the students are actively involved and stimulate peer group learning and it helps participants explore pre-existing knowledge and build on what they know. It also facilitates exchange of ideas and awareness of mutual concerns and develops leadership, teamwork, communication, and collaboration skills. Then, modeling by the teacher or the students improves the students’ performance. After seeing how the teacher or their friends answer the questions of text, the other students imitate like what they did. A long with commit to user 88 this, the students have self-confidence to present or retell what they have learned in front of the class Nurhadi and Senduk, 2003: 49. As it is stated by Wehrli in AABB Conference 2003: 4 that role modeling is intentional teaching strategy in which learners listen and observe role model performing regular duties of the profession andor “thinking out loud”. The advantages of role modeling can be subtle but powerful learning. It tends to generate high learner interest. Reflection is one of the components of CTL which has also given great contribution to the improvement of students’ reading comprehension. Kemmis in Zakia Ahmad, 2006: 2 states that reflection is not just an individual, psychological process. It is an action oriented, historically embedded, social and political frame, to locate oneself in the history of a situation, to participate in a social activity, and to take sides on issues. Therefore, a reading development program according to Nuttal in Zakia Ahmad, 2006: 2 should be to enable students to enjoy or at least feel comfortable with reading in the foreign language, and to read without help unfamiliar authentic texts, at appropriate speed, silently and with adequate understanding. After that, the teaching learning process needs feedback. According to Stiggins as cited by Amin, et al., 2007: 3 there are two types of assessment: formative assessment, that is, assessment for learning, and summative assessment, or assessment of learning. In fact, authentic assessment requires both. Boston in Amin, et al., 2007: 3 say that summative assessment is a test that is usually given at the end of a term, semester or year, the purpose of which is to measure proficiency. O’Malley Pierce in Amin, et al., 2007: 3 states that formative commit to user 89 assessment takes place during a course of teaching and is used essentially as feedback to the teaching learning process. According to Amin, et al., 2007: 3 it is an ongoing process of collecting information about the students’ performance through various techniques of classroom assessment. The purpose of this is not only to measure proficiency, but also to improve it as well. In this case, the teacher gives the score through the performance of the students during the teaching and learning process easily. Finally the students feel comfortable to join the class. On the other hand, Grammar Translation Method is unnatural method. The natural order of learning a language is listening, speaking, reading and writing. That is the way how the child learns his language in natural surroundings, but in Grammar Translation Method the teaching of language starts with the teaching of reading. So, speech is neglected, consequently the students feel shy of communicating through English http:en.wikipedia .orgwikiGrammartranslation . Grammar Translation Method also rather attempts to teach language through rules and not by use. In fact, researchers in linguistics have proved that to speak any language, whether native or foreign, entirely by rule is quite impossible. Language learning means acquiring certain skills, which can be learned through practice and not by just memorizing rules. The students who have learned a foreign or second language through this method find it difficult to get proficiency in the second language approximating that in the first language http:en.wikipedia .orgwikiGrammartranslation commit to user 90 2. The students having high intelligence have better reading comprehension than those having low intelligence. Intelligence is one key to be successful in learning. Students who have high intelligence will solve the problem of learning without difficulty. High intelligence toward the method of learning strongly affects the success of learning reading and surely can affect the student’s reading comprehension. Students who have high intelligence have high curiosity. They also learn by full of self confidence, responsible to the learning assignment, autonomous, and hard effort to attain a higher competence, and always enjoy in learning process. By high intelligence, students have hard effort optimally to achieve the success. As it is stated by Gardner that intelligence encompasses the ability to create and solve problems, create products or provide services that are valued within a culture or society Gardner, 1999: 41-43. On contrary, students who have low intelligence are passive recipient of knowledge; they only receive what teacher has said. They always depend on someone else, don’t try hard, give up easily in the face of challenge, and do not have desire to improve their competencies. Students who have low intelligence are discouraged to involve in doing learning activities, lazy to learn, get bored easily, and they do not feel pleasure in classroom. It happens because they have less capacity to learn and carry on abstract thinking. They often meet problem when dealing with reading comprehension. Low intelligence is the cause of reading disability when appropriate educational adaptations are not made. commit to user 91 3. There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ intelligence. Success of learning includes not only the teaching methods but also the students’ intelligence. Students’ participation and involvement in learning activities is strongly affected by the teaching method. Grammar translation method cannot motivate the students because it is teacher- centered; the teacher is regarded as the source of knowledge. Whereas contextual teaching and learning method is student-centered; the students should actively participate in learning activities. In contextual teaching and learning method teaching reading gives opportunities for the students to understand the passage through the real experience. The students find the type of the text by searching who are the participants, what they do, where, and how they do that, and the like. Then if they find difficulties they can express their questions to the teacher or their friends in a small group. They can also make model from the teacher or their friends in answering the questions of the text Nurhadi and Senduk, 2003: 34-51. The students having high intelligence have high curiosity, self confidence are responsible for the learning assignment, autonomous and effort to attain a higher competence. It is stated by Gardner 1999: 41-43 that intelligence encompasses the ability to create and solve problems, create products or provide services that are valued within a culture or society. Therefore, when they are taught using contextual teaching and learning they understand the passage easily; they have creative thinking commit to user 92 and do the assignment better. The students do not depend on the teacher’s translation and explanation. They try to find the meaning and the message from the text by themselves or they will ask friends that work in a small group. Nurhadi and Senduk 2003: 47-51 said that questioning and modeling used by their friends or their teacher can improve the students’ performance. Then, the teacher gives the score through the performance during the teaching and learning process. Finally the students are free to join the class. The students who have high intelligence have high ability in comprehending the various text types. It is revealed by Fathi, et al., 2009: 12 that the multiple intelligence program was effective in improving the reading comprehension skills of the students in experimental group, compared to the control group whose individuals were left to be taught conventionally. That is why contextual teaching and learning method is more effective for the students having high intelligence in teaching reading comprehension. On the other hand, in grammar translation method the teaching of the second language starts with the teaching of reading. It is unnatural order. The natural one is listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Then translation is the easiest way of explaining meanings or words and phrases from one language into another. Since the passages are also taught through the medium of the mother tongue, the teacher may ask comprehension questions on the text taught in the mother tongue http:en. wikipedia. orgwikiGrammar translation . commit to user 93 In learning the second language the students having low intelligence prefer reading to listening. In fact, according to Nurhayati, a Malay psychologist membiasakannya mendengarkan … sejak dalam kandungan, membantunya untuk tumbuh dengan intelegensi tinggi, kemampuan berbahasa yang baik, dan kepribadian yang baik pula http:10091fda.blogspot.com201103benarkah-al-quran-dapat-merang sang.html . They are also passive recipient of knowledge. They depend on the teacher’s explanation to read the text. They do not have initiative. They just wait for the teacher’s translation to know the meaning and the message of the text. That is why when they are taught using grammar translation method they become active, listen carefully to the teacher’s explanation to read the text and enjoy the teacher’s translation to know the meaning and the message of the text. They become enthusiastically in learning process because they can respond the questions in the mother tongue. Even, they can communicate with the teachers without linguistic problems http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiGrammar translation . Finally, they do not get difficulty in doing the assignment. So, grammar translation method is more effective for the students having low intelligence for teaching reading comprehension. This is supported by Sue, et al., 2009: 2 who state that therefore the correlation between reading and intelligence is strongest when the child is a proficient reader. Therefore, there is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ intelligence in teaching reading comprehension. Contextual teaching and learning method is suitable for students having high intelligence and grammar translation method is suitable for students having low intelligence. commit to user 94