Research Design Subject of the Research 1. Population

commit to user 62 analyzing data collected which are mostly on the form of numerical data. The research is also categorized as an experimental study since it attempts to give treatment to experimental group and maintain control over all factors that may affect the result of an experiment. In other words, the experimental research attempts to investigate the influence of one or more variables to other variables Nana Syaodih, 2006: 57. Experimental research has some characteristics as follows: 1 manipulation or treatment of an independent variable; 2 other extraneous variables are controlled; and 3 effect is observed of the manipulation of the independent variable on the dependent variable Donald Ary, 2007: 338. This experimental research is aimed at observing whether there is an interaction between teaching methods and intelligence for teaching reading. The technique used in conducting the experiment is by comparing the experimental group which is taught by contextual teaching and learning method and the control group taught by grammar translation method. Each group is classified into two different levels of intelligence quotient: the high and the low.

C. Research Design

The research design used in the research is a 2 by 2 factorial design. The research design is as follows: Intelligence Quotient B Teaching Method A Contextual Teaching and Learning Grammar Translation Method High B 1 A 1 B 1 A 2 B 1 Low B 2 A 1 B 2 A 2 B 2 Figure 1. Research Design commit to user 63 The research design, consisting of 4 different cells, can be defined as column A for the teaching methods and column B for intelligence quotient. The table shows that column A 1 is Contextual Teaching and Learning method and column A 2 is Grammar Translation Method. Column B consists of B 1 for students with high intelligence quotient and B 2 for students with low intelligence quotient. The intelligence ranked scores are categorized into 50 of upper group the students having high intelligence scores and 50 of lower group the students having low intelligence scores from both classes. In this research, there are 36 students for each class, either experiment or control class. That is why, there are eighteen students of the upper group and eighteen students of the lower group, for both the experiment and control class. The variables in the research are: 1 Independent variables X, consisting of X 1 for Contextual Teaching and Learning and Grammar Translation Methods, and X 2 for the students intelligence quotient IQ; 2 Dependent variable Y, namely, reading comprehension.

D. Subject of the Research 1. Population

Population is a large group to which a researcher wants to generalize his or her sample result Cristensen, 2000: 158. The population of the research is the eighth grade students of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the academic year of 20092010. It consists of six classes.

2. Sample

A sample is a set of elements taken from a larger population Cristensen, 2000: 158. Hadi 2000: 182 defines sample as part of the population. The sample used in the research is the students of class 8F and commit to user 64 8A of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the 20092010 academic year. The first one is treated as the experimental class and the other as the control class.

3. Sampling Technique

Sampling is the way to get sample. The writer uses cluster random sampling to get the sample. It is a type of sampling in which clusters are randomly selected Cristensen, 2000: 172. In other words, cluster random sampling is the selection of groups or clusters of subjects rather than individuals. The writer uses cluster random sampling because it has some advantages, such as: it can be used when it is difficult or impossible to select a random sample of individuals, it is often far easier to implement in schools, and it is frequently less time consuming Cristensen, 2000: 173.

E. Technique of Collecting the Data