The Strategies Of Nick Vujicic’s Book “Life Without Limits” To Achieve The Successful Life





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Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A NIP: 19511013197603 1001

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1. Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring , MA( Head of ESP) ……….

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I am, APRIANA LUBIS, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Strategies of Nick Vujicic to Achieve the Successful life” . Penulis tertarik memilih judul ini karena ingin mengetahui strategi atau cara Nick Vujicic untuk mencapai kesuksesan ditengah keterbatasan fisiknya . Dia lahir tanpa lengan dan tungkai kaki, dia mengatasi cacat tubuhnya dengan menjalani kehidupan yang tidak hanya mandiri, tetapi juga kaya dan menjadi teladan bagi banyak orang. Saat ini dia merupakan pembicara motivasi yang sukses secara international . Satu pesan yang selalu dia sampaikan kepada banyak orang , yaitu bahwa tujuan terpenting siapa pun adalah menemukan tujuan hidup , terlepas dari kesulitan apa pun atau rintangan apa pun yang sepertinya mustahil untuk dilalui. Tuhan memberi dia keteguhan hati yang luar biasa dan juga berbagai bakat yang lain . sejak dini dia sudah menunjukkan bahwa meski tak memiliki lengan dan tungkai kaki, dia merupakan anak yang atletis dan cerdas . Walaupun hanya memiliki batang tubuh , dia tidak pernah merasa takut melakukan aktivitas seperti manusia normal lainya. Dia belajar menggerakkan tubuh , menegakkan badan tanpa bantuan orang lain .Sekarang kehidupanya jauh melampaui seperti apa yang dia bayangkan , dia menjadi orang yang terkenal dan merasakan kebahagiaan yang benar- benar luar biasa dan menjadi berkat bagi banyak orang.



The title of this paper is “ The strategies of Nick Vujicic to Achieve the Successful Life”. The writer is interested in discussing this topic because want to know the strategies of Nick in overcome his physical disabilities .He was born without arms and legs. Nick overcome his disabilities to life independent ,rich ,fulfilling ,and “ ridiculously good” life while serving as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness . Nick eagerly spreads his central message, the most important goals is to find your life’s purpose and to never give up, despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in your way. Nick begins to understand that for any shortcomings he has bestowed abundant advantages to conquer the trials. God gave him exceptional courage and also a variety of other talents. From an early age he already showed that without having arms and legs, he is athletic and intelligent child. Although only the torso, he never felt afraid to do other activities like a normal human. He learned to move the body, straightened without the help of others. Now his life far beyond what he imagined, he became famous and happiness truly amazing and a blessing to many people.



First of all, I would like to thank to God Almighty, Jesus Christ, for blessing me from the time I start to write this paper until to finish this paper.

Then I would like to thank Dr. Syahron Lubis , M.A as The Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies. My sincere thanks to Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A as the Head of English Diploma III Study Program. I also would like to thank to Dra. Hartisari M.A my supervisor who has guided me during completion of the paper. Then, I want to extend thanks to Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S., M.A. as the reader of my paper. In this opportunity, I also would like to extend my thankfulness to all the lectures who have taught me during the academic years. I cannot finish my study and complete this paper without their helps.

I would like to dedicate this paper to my beloved parents , my father Pdt. B Lubis and my mother M Sagala, who have supported me materially and morally during study .In this opportunity , the writer also would like to express my deep appreciation to my beloved Sister, Nurcahaya lubis for support me in doing this paper, and to my beloved brothers, Nardi lubis,


Prengki lubis ,and Roni lubis for their love . My sincere thanks to all my best friend Ruth lewiana ginting, Sonariani Purba, Helfiani and Mastika thanks for support and praying me, I miss you all. Also thanks to my group DERITA, bro Vika, bro Citin, bro Nita, I love you all.

My sincere thanks to my small group in UKM KMK USU, Bg’Johenro silalahi , K’Evi , Anita , Norvika thank you for your spirit and motivation for me . And thanks to all my friends both of class A and B in English Diploma III study Program.

Finally, the writer realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect, therefore, I open my hands to any constructive critics and suggestions in order to make it better .

Medan ,

Apriana lubis



AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ……… ... ... ... i

COPYRIGHT DECLARATION………. ... ... ... ii

ABSTRAK………... iii

ABSTRACT………... iv



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ………... 1

1.2 The Problem of the Study………... 2

1.3 The Scope of the Study ………... 3

1.4 The Objective of the Study ………... 3

1.5 Method of the Study……….. ... 3



3.1 Strategies ………... 6

3.2 Moral………... 15

3.3 Physical Disabilities………... 23

3.4 Spiritual Aspect………... 25


4.1 The Comment Taken From Internet……….. 27

5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusion ………... 28

5.2.Suggestions………... 29




Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Strategies of Nick Vujicic to Achieve the Successful life” . Penulis tertarik memilih judul ini karena ingin mengetahui strategi atau cara Nick Vujicic untuk mencapai kesuksesan ditengah keterbatasan fisiknya . Dia lahir tanpa lengan dan tungkai kaki, dia mengatasi cacat tubuhnya dengan menjalani kehidupan yang tidak hanya mandiri, tetapi juga kaya dan menjadi teladan bagi banyak orang. Saat ini dia merupakan pembicara motivasi yang sukses secara international . Satu pesan yang selalu dia sampaikan kepada banyak orang , yaitu bahwa tujuan terpenting siapa pun adalah menemukan tujuan hidup , terlepas dari kesulitan apa pun atau rintangan apa pun yang sepertinya mustahil untuk dilalui. Tuhan memberi dia keteguhan hati yang luar biasa dan juga berbagai bakat yang lain . sejak dini dia sudah menunjukkan bahwa meski tak memiliki lengan dan tungkai kaki, dia merupakan anak yang atletis dan cerdas . Walaupun hanya memiliki batang tubuh , dia tidak pernah merasa takut melakukan aktivitas seperti manusia normal lainya. Dia belajar menggerakkan tubuh , menegakkan badan tanpa bantuan orang lain .Sekarang kehidupanya jauh melampaui seperti apa yang dia bayangkan , dia menjadi orang yang terkenal dan merasakan kebahagiaan yang benar- benar luar biasa dan menjadi berkat bagi banyak orang.



The title of this paper is “ The strategies of Nick Vujicic to Achieve the Successful Life”. The writer is interested in discussing this topic because want to know the strategies of Nick in overcome his physical disabilities .He was born without arms and legs. Nick overcome his disabilities to life independent ,rich ,fulfilling ,and “ ridiculously good” life while serving as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness . Nick eagerly spreads his central message, the most important goals is to find your life’s purpose and to never give up, despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in your way. Nick begins to understand that for any shortcomings he has bestowed abundant advantages to conquer the trials. God gave him exceptional courage and also a variety of other talents. From an early age he already showed that without having arms and legs, he is athletic and intelligent child. Although only the torso, he never felt afraid to do other activities like a normal human. He learned to move the body, straightened without the help of others. Now his life far beyond what he imagined, he became famous and happiness truly amazing and a blessing to many people.


I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Background of Study

Life is a choice. Thinking of life is the first step toward a better life. Therefore, seeking and choosing the life is the one of fundamental things for human life. Option is something that is dichotomous. To that, the human life is faced with two thing: that is the feeling of sad and happy, In order to achieve life to be meaningful it should start from the individualself. The Meaningful life would not be possible without thinking what is really life, that is by questioning some questions among others how is life and how to continue life for the next time. Those questions can determine whether the life is really meant to someone.

Martimor J. Adler (1984) says, “ living a good life-becoming happy –is one goal to which every one aspires. In this connection, we may and perhaps should give thought to our virtues and vices. To be able to live in a good society and in a well –governed state is something we all wish for ourselves”. Furthermore Dr. john Gray ( 2006) says , “Anything that makes you feel good is always going to be drawing in more . Your choice whether you want to take it and utilize it, if it feels good. If it doesn’t feel good, then let it go, find something that feels good, that resonates with your heart.


Actually life is not always perfect, there are people born with a physical disabilities, and with a mentally good, there are people also born physically normal but mentally sick. In other words, everyone must be grateful to what she/he has. Unfortunately not all the people can accept the fact that their existence, desire un appear before their eyes. No matter how they are now. No matter whether they are born normal or disabilities in a physical body. In this connection, life is not like what is expected or desire .For example what is described in his book, Nick has told about the story of his physical disabilities and the emotional battle he endured while learning to deal with them as a child, teen, and young adult, Nick also has shared how his faith in God has been his major source of strength, and he has explained that once he found a sense of purpose which inspires others to better their lives and the world around them. Yet he found the confidence to build a rewarding and productive life without limits.

1.2 The Problem

The problem is how to find the way to overcome the difficulties as a human being who has physical disability ,and to never give up in order to life independent, rich ,fulfilling ,and ridiculously good life for everyone seeking true happiness.


1.3 Scope of the Study

In writing this paper , the writer focus on the strategies of Nick Vujicic which inspire people to achieve the successful life and how to be able to life with the physical disabilities ,in order to become a successful man .

1.4 Objective of the Study

1. The objective of this paper is to share Nick’s experienced in adversity and obstacles.

2. To understand a lesson that Nick has struggled many years to learn.

3. To encouraged people to overcome adversity with faith, hope, love and courage so that they may pursue their dreams.

1.5 Method of the Study

In completing this paper , the writer has centered her method on library research by collecting and reading some reference books , internet that are relevant to the topic ,so that the writer is able to find a select some important information which can concern and support her main topic.


2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Edgar V.Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1809-1849) in their book literature say,

“Literature helps us grow, both personally and intellectually . It provides an objective base for knowledge and understanding. It links us with the broader cultural, philosophic, and religious world of which we are a part.

Johnson and Scholes, ( 1982) say, “strategy is a longterm goal for organistaion which helps in gaining competitive advantage for the organisation through allocation of neccessary resources with internal environment to meet external demands in the market.

Kenneth Andrews, says, that “strategies a series of decisions that helps in formulating policies and revealing its goals and objectives of the organisation.

Roberts and Henry in their book Literary say, “Moral / intellectual critical approach an approach to the interpretation of literature that is concerned primarily with content and values . Moral/ intellectual criticism should differ from sermonizing to the degree that readers should always be left with their own decisions about whether they wish to assimilate the content of a work , and about whether this content is personally or morally acceptable.



Life Without Limits is a title of the book written by Nick vujicic which inspires people to understand and overcome many difficulties and obstacles faced by Nick disabilities as well as to serve as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness and to motivate anyone to achieve a better life . In his book , Nick has offered some methods for finding hope even amid ardouos trials and heartbreaking tribulations, which will light the path to the other side of grief where one can emerge stranger , more determined and empowered to pursue the life wanted and perhaps even to find a life beyond any one could have imagined. When placing hope in life, God can’t be placed as a priority, in other words one can not depend on God works only. As a following statement which is always believed by Nick:

“If you have the desire and passion to do something, and it’s within God’s will, you will achieve it.”

What he believes is to pick up several important attributes found and needed among others; A powerful sense of purpose, Hope so strong that it cannot be diminished, Faith in God and the infinite possibilities, Love and self –acceptance, Attitude with altitude, A courage spirit, A trusting heart, Hunger for opportunities, The ability to assess risks and to laugh at life, A mission to serve others first.


Those attributes are explained in such a way that they can be applied to everyone’ journey toward a fulfilling and meaningful life – beside those attributes, God’s love for everybody is also shared to experience all the joy and fulfillment intended. The next paragraphs, I will fully explain the story about the strategies of nick vujicic to acvhieve the successful life.

3.1. The Strategies

Strategy is a general frame work that provides guidance for actions to be taken at the same time and shapes the actions. It should be formulated in such a way that it should be understable to all levels of management. In this connection Nick has offered some strategies which are expected to inspire people to have a better life. Such strategies are: dare to dream, believe in the best, monitor the thoughts, speak up, finding a path, lighting the way, make it happen, and the ridiculous rules.

3.1.1. Dare To Dream

The first strategies is dare to dream. This strategies is talking about how one must have courage to pursue his/her dream in order to become true. In this sense one has never doubt his/ her ability to meet whatever challenges come his/her way. This inspiration coming from people’s among capacity when Nick saw them in Chinese orphanages, in the slums of Mumbai, the prisons of Rumania, in South Africa. The power of their spirits has amazed Nick that they have a hope to free them from feeling sadness. It’s the fact that sadness does several purpose. It is perfectly natural


sense that it can be controlled by turning to more positive thoughts and actions that lift one’s spirit. These word are stated in Nick’s book as one of his inspiration:

“You and I may have absolutely no control over what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we choose the right attitude, we can rise above whatever challenges we face. Optimism is empowering - it gives you control over your emotions. P weakens your will and allows your moods to control your actions.”

Beside striving for a dream one has to do, the role of God is also not put behind. Such statement can be seen from one of Nick inspirations:

“To pursue your dreams you have to take action. Move it or lose it. Act or be acted upon. If you don’t have what you want, consider creating what you want. God will light the path. Your path to a purpose may present itself at any moment. Be ready for it. Do all you need to do. Learn all you need to know. If no one comes knocking, beat down a few doors. One day you’ll step into the life you desire.”

3.1.2. Believe In The Best

This strategies indicates that one must have positive and motivated thinking when she/he has unbearable burden. In this case whatever difficulty one has is not allowed to be haunted by despair , feeling insecurities and doubts sprang mostly from whatever challenges one is facing is also not necessary to be self – doubts but must hang on to hope be able to help .


In his book, Nick told his early experience of how his feeling insecurities and doubts existed in his physical challenges of having no arm or legs worked in his world. It can be seen in the following story:

“I was just a toddler when my medical team recommended that my parents put me in a play group with other kids labeled “ disabled.” Their challenges ranged from missing limbs to cystic. Fibrosis and severe mental disorders. My parents had great love and empathy for other special needs kids and their families, but they don’t think any child should be limited to one group of playmates. They held on to the conviction that my life would have no limits, and they fought to keep that dream alive.”

It is a fact that one often feels life is unfair. Hard times and tough circumstance can trigger self –doubt and despair. So when one is suffering or grieving, the strength is needed. All challenges are welcome as character – building experiences and regarded as lessons to struggle many years to learn. In line with how to overcome any difficulties one can take , God must be accepted open – minded enough because He may have a different path. As this quotation:

“Only God knows how our lives will unfold. Hope is His gift to us, a window to look through. We cannot know the future he has planned for us, Trust in him, keep hope in your heart, and even when faced with the worst, do whatever you can to prepare yourself for the best.”

3.1.3. Monitor The Thoughts

Monitor the thought is a stage how one has to overwhelm or sweep away negative though t from someone’s mine. In other words when one detects negative thoughts


acknowledge and understand the sources which create the problem and find the solutions. In this connection, Nick shows how he discouraged that he could use negative thoughts to motivate himself and how he no longer allows his negative thoughts to control his actions. Here is the story:

“As my eleventh birthday approach, I entered the tricky adolescent stage when our brains rewire and strange chemicals flow through out bodies other boys and girls my age were starting to pair up, which added to my growing sense of alienation. Would any girl ever want a boyfriend who couldn’t hold her hand or dance with he?

Without even being aware of it, I allowed those dark thoughts and negative feelings to burden my spirit with growing frequency. Often they come creeping into my mind late at night when I couldn’t sleep, or when I was tired after a long day at school. You know the feeling, you are so weary and out of sorts that he whole world seems to be weighing on your shoulders. We all experience down times, especially when lack of sleep, illness, and other challenges make us vulnerable. No one is happy and perky one hundred percent of the time .The more somber moods are natural. As long as you are aware and in control of your emotions, negative thoughts can produce positive consequences. Only when you let your emotions control your actions do you risk spiraling down into depression and self –destructive behaviors. The key is to refuse to be overwhelmed or swept away by negative emotions or feelings of depression.” In light of the stories he has shared, Nick also told what he had learned from bible class a picture of the “ whole armor of God” with the breastplate of righteousness, the


belt of truth, he shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, and the helmet of salvation. Those were all the weapons that a Christian boy would ever need. He sees the word of God as a sword to fight negative thoughts.

3.1.4. Speaking Up

Speaking up is an important strategies to someone who wants to release his/ her burden. In many circumstance, particularly when things go wrong, people talk in order to get some trouble off their chest. In his issue, Nick wanted people at his school to know that he was just like them on the inside, but he had to go outside his comfort to do that. He spoke to hundred students about his challenges he had faced and gave an impact on others. Here a story which makes Nick not lack credibility by having something to say that could help people with their own problem:

“One day I gave a talk to a group of about three hundred teenager students, probably the biggest group he ever addressed. I was sharing my feelings and my faith when something wonderful happened .Now and then students or teachers would shed tears when I told them about challenges I had faced, but during this particular talk a girl in the audience completely broke down sobbing. I wasn’t sure what had happened – perhaps I had triggered some terrible memory for her. I was amazed when she then summoned the courage to raise her hand to speak, despite her sadness and tears. Bravely, she asked if she could come forward and give me a hug. Wow I was floored. I invited her up, and she wiped away her tears as she walked to the front of the room.


Nobody has ever told me that I’m beautiful the way that I am . No one has ever said that they love me,” she said.” You’ve changed my life, and you are a beautiful person too.”

3.1.5. Finding A Path

Finding path is the strategies which can reach out to the path to the happiness. The path is the essential truth which lies so central to living that is gift – a talent, a skill , a craft, a knack – that gives people pleasure and engage people. In finding the life’s path instead of giving a talk, Nick in his book, has suggested to do a self – assessment trying to figure out where people fit in and what fulfill people. By making a list of favorite activities. For example;

“What do you find yourself drawn to do? What can you spend hours doing, losing track of time and place, and still want to do it again and again? Now, what is it that other people see in you? Do they compliment your talent for organization or your analytical skills? If you are not really sure what others seen in you, ask your family and friends what they think you are best at.” 3.1.6. Lighting The way

Lighting the way as the strategies that one has to contribute when he/ she finds a way to encourage and inspire others. It is expected the way one must shared is something significant or valuable no matter what challenges she / he has which is regarded to be chosen as the right path. In his case, Nick has contributed his way by sharing his experience with feelings of insecurity,


frustration and loneliness flooded back when he saw a boy who was exactly like him, with no arms and no legs at the time he rolled into a California church for a speaking engagement. Such inspiration can be seen in the following story:

“The bright – eyed boy was just like me. No arms, No legs. He even had a little left foot like mine. Though he was only nineteen months old, he was exactly like me. I understood why the two men were so eager from me to see him. As I later learned, this boy’s name is Daniel Martinez, the son of Chris and Patty. I was supposed to be preparing for my speech, but seeing Daniel – seeing my self in that child – triggered such a swirl of feeling that I couldn’t think straight. I first felt compassion for him and his family. But then sharp memories and anguished emotions bombarded me as I was vividly brought back to how I had felt at about the age, and I realize that he must have been going through the same things. I know he feels, I thought. I’ ve already been through what he will experience. Looking at Daniel, I felt this incredible connection and a surge of empathy for him.”

3.1.7. Making It Happen

Making it happen as the strategies that one has to decide or consider which actions or priorities become the highest purpose, the fact is that mere mortals, one , as a human being, has limited vision. What will happen in the future whether both the bad news or the good news, nobody can’t possibly predict it. The thing is what would be more appropriate for somebody, for his / her circumstances and would provide better future. One must decide because everybody must have a choice to get the happiness. The following statement are inspired from Nick:

“ I have I choice. You have a choice. We can choose to dwell on disappointments and shortcomings to be better, angry, or sad. Or when faced with hard times and hurtful people, we can choose to learn from the experience and move forwards taking


3.1.8. The Ridiculous Rules

Beginning from his favorite quotation: Nick has shown many role models as the capacities to add someone flourishes, to pursue someone purpose, passion and pleasures with reckless abandon and ridiculous enthusiasm. All models are expected for a dreamer who never achieve all that he/she dreams of achieving. Yet they can enjoy life so fully.

In this section, Nick encourage one to embrace his/ her freedom to romp on two fronts, with the ridiculous rules among others;

Number one is Ridiculous risk: Be willing to blow past the doubters and the naysayers and make a leap to live your dreams. Some may say you are being ridiculous. Your response should be: why, yes I am! Or your passion. You can’t let their ridicule rid you of your dream. Instead, use it to ride it all the way to the top!

Number two is Ridiculous fun: Take time to enjoy your life and your loved ones laugh, love, and have ridiculous fun so others can share the joy. If you think life is serious, imagine death; In this blessed life be as you need to be, but take the opportunity to be just as playful as you can be too.”

3.1. Moral

Moral is related to manner, character, behavior and action between those that are “good” (right) and those that are “bad” (wrong). The moral described in “Life Without Limits” shows a positive attitude which introduces the concept of attitude adjustment. Such concept has become a staple of emotional posters and coaching materials in countering moods and stopping behaviors that may threaten the ability to live without limits. Here there are some


moral which are there in Nick’s book” Life Without Limits”, the attitude of gratitude, the attitude of action, the attitude of empathy, and the attitude of forgiveness.

3.2.1. The Attitude of Gratitude

The attitude of gratitude is the attitude of how to express gratitude to build a sense of optimism to get someone mind off the past and to look toward the future. This attitude asks the people in order to be able to accept their being or existence instead of claiming to be the victims because they were born into poverty. Others claim to be victims because their parents are divorced, or they have poor health, or bad jobs, or they aren’t then or as tall or as beautiful as they want to be.

When this situation is felt entitled to the good in life, they feel robbed and outraged when something happens to make them uncomfortable. They then look to blame others and demand that they play for their discomfort, whatever it might be. In a self- centered state of mind, they become professional victims. Yet pity parties are the most tedious, unproductive, and unrewarding events they could ever attend, they can only listen to “ poor, poor pitiful me” so many times before they want to tear their hair out and run for cover.

Therefore they should reject the victim role because there is no future in it. By adopting the attitude of gratitude, it can build joyful and fulfilling lives. In this case Nick has become a big believer in the power of gratitude. He was inspired by reading his favorite book” the God love” written by Joni Earjekson Tada. Joni was a role model for Nick who shared his enthusiasm and supported his dream. Her book


inspired Nick and helped too build the foundation for an attitude of gratitude and changed his life in amazing ways. Here is the story of Joni who has inspired Nick; “Joni was an athletic seventeen year- old swimmer and equestrian from Maryland who was just a few weeks away from her first semester of college when she broke her neck while diving into a lake. She was paralyzed from the neck down in that 1967 accident. In her book she wrote about her initial despair and thoughts of suicide because of her paralysis, but eventually she come to believe that” it wasn’t some flip of the corn in the cosmos. Some turn in the universe’s roulette wheel. It was part of God’s plan for me.”

An attitude of gratitude truly changed her life, and she in turn helped change my life and the lives of so many others who have been helped by her best – selling inspirational books and DVDS. Her Joni and friends nonprofit organization operates wheels for the world, a program that has distributed more than sixty thousand free wheel chairs, not to mention thousands of crutches, canes, and walkers, to disabled people in 102 countries. Joni is a quadriplegic. I have no arms and no legs. Yet we each found a purpose and pursued it. We embraced hope our despair. We put our faith in God and the future. We accepted that we are imperfect human beings with blessing of value. We chose positive attitudes fueled with gratitude, and we put them into action to change our lives and the lives of others.”

3.2.2. The Attitude of Action

The attitude of action is the attitude of how to release the burden and then to act to create the positive momentum. This attitude tries to open people eyes to realize that when tragedies such as loss of loved one, battling cancer, strike them, they are attempted to go off somewhere and cry, hoping that eventually the heart break will


case one day. Yet many people have taken attitudes of action so that their terrible tragedies become a force for good. They believe that even the worst tragedy in their lives can provide opportunities for good deeds. In other words it is a fact that life can be felt cruel or unfair but life must move on. The following story is an incredible example of this sort of person to take the attitude of action. This person is Carson Leslie whom Nick met in Dallas. He wrote a book to encourage and benefit others. It can be seen in the following stories:

He was sixteen years old when I met him, but he had been battling cancer for two years already. This young star athlete with a brilliant smile, whose dream had been to play shortstop for the New York Yankees. Was just fourteen when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor that had spread to his spine. He underwent surgeries, radiation, and chemotheraphy. His cancer went into remission. Then it came back.

Through it all Carson did his best to be a normal kid, living a normal life. He often spoke of his favorite Bible verse, which someone had given him just after he was diagnosed. It’s Joshua 1:9: have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; Do not be discouraged, for the Lord Your God will be with you whenever you go.”

Carson was quick to say that this Bible verse on my tombstone and when people visit my grave. I want them to read the verse and think about how it got me through my struggles in life, and I hope others will see that this verse can offer them the same kind of comfort it gives me “ Carson wrote in his book, carry me.”

This incredibly brave by wrote the book with his English teacher to “ give a voile to the teenagers and children who have cancer but are unable to express how such an illness affects their personal, social, physical and emotional life. Carson died on January 12, 2010, just as his book was being released. Proceeds go to the Carson. Leslie foundation in support of pediatric cancer research.”


3.2.3. The Attitude of Empathy

The attitude of empathy is the attitude of how people can share their emotion, thoughts, or feelings into another. This attitude is advised to be practiced and shared at every opportunity because empathy is a great gift for relating to the feeling of others. Empathy heals those who give, as well as those who receive. When one is comforted with hard times, tragedies, or challenges, instead of looking inward, he / she is suggested to look around. Instead of feeling wounded and seeking pity, it is advised to find someone with greater wound and to help him / her heal. It is also advised to understand that grief pain is legitimate, but suffering is part of the human condition and reaching to someone else is a way of healing while helping others heal too. Here is the story of a mission of empathy when Nick met his friend Gabe in Richland;

“My friend Gabe murfitt understands this as well as anybody I know. We when I spoke at the gather for him fundraising dinner in Richland, Washington, in 2009. Gabe was born with malformed legs and arms that are just there inches long. His thumbs have no bones in them, and he has a hearing impairtment. Somehow, he still manages to be extremely active, playing baseball, basketball, and hockey, jumping rope, and banging away on the drums, among other things. Gabe, who grew up near Seattle, has an indomitable spirit as well as great empathy. Now a college student at Washington state university. He began playing little league baseball at the age of six. He once climbed mount Rainier


with a group of friends and family members supporting him. Though he had his own challenges in high school, he began reaching out to other students to inspire them by giving his” clear “speeches on courage, leadership, excellence, attitude, and respect. He and his family created a nonprofit organization to help others with disabilities. Gabe’s foundation of hope. Provides scholarship and grants as well encouragement as a result of Gabe’s amazing empathy.”

3.2.4. The Attitude of Forgiveness

The attitude of forgiveness is the attitude of how to apologize to the injured parties, to make a promise to do better and to more forward. This attitude may be the best of all. Yet it is also the most difficult to learn. To see the fact that to forgive someone is very hard especially when someone has become vulnerable and fallen into the victim’s mentally. For example suffering of disability, of severe disease and grieving of the loss of the loved one, she/ he is angry and in full blame mood. Forgiveness is not on the screen. In order to go through a period of anger and resentment, those emotions should be set free. Anger is not designed to be an around - the –clock – emotion. Once that emotion is hung on too long, it can cause physical and psychological stress weakens the immune and breaks down the vital organs. And there’s another problem with the blame. Therefore the attitude of forgiveness is a good choice


fulfilling lives. The following is the advice how Nick can set him free from feeling anger and resentment.

“An attitude of forgiveness set me free. You see, when you hold on to old hurts, you only give power and control to those who hurt you, but when you forgive them, you cut the ties to them. They can no longer yank on your chain. Don’t get hung up on thinking that by forgiving them you are doing them a favor; if nothing else, do it for yourself.

I forgave all of those kids who mocked and teased me. I didn’t forgive them to absolve them of guilt. I forgave them to unburden myself of anger and resentment. I like myself. I wanted me to be free. So don’t worry about what your forgiveness does for the antagonizer and hurtful people in your past. Just enjoy what forgiving them does for you. Once you’ve adopted an attitude of forgiveness, you’ll lighten your load so that you can chase your dreams without being weighed down by baggage from the past.

The power in forgiveness goes beyond healing yourself. When Nelson Mandela forgave those who imprisoned him for twenty-seven years, the power of his attitude changed an entire nation and had a ripple effect around the world.”

3.2. Physical Disabilities

Nick Vujicic has physical disabilities, born without arms and legs. Basically he is an independent person. Since baby boy he has tried to do anything on insisted on finding his own way. For example he could prove that even without limbs he was athletic and well coordinated. He learned to haul himself into an upright position by bring his forehead against a wall and scooting up it. Gradually he has figured out how to live a full life without limbs, adapting many of the daily skills limbed people without thinking. He writes with two toes on his left foot and a special grip that slides


onto his big toe. He knows how to use a computer and can type up to 43 words per minute using the "heel and toe" method. He has also learned to throw tennis balls, play drum pedals, get a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave, in addition to participating in golf, swimming, and sky-diving. Here the following of some pictures of Nick vujicic.


The picture of Nick vujicic when he was given speech to many people. Wherever he go always inspiring people.

Nick amazing experience surfing with Bethany Hamilton in Hawaii. Bethany was gracious in giving Nick a tandem ride while he searched for the courage to find his balance on his own .( Photo courtesy of Noah Hamilton


The picture of Nick vujic, when he was study in a formal school.

This is Nick favorite photo ( 6 months old) .

Happy , confident , and cute.

His blissful ignorance Was a blessing

at that age, not knowing that he was different


2.4. Spiritual Aspects

Religious beliefs are intensely personal and vary from person to person. Some people have a definite , personal image of God, others having a strong but imprecise sensation. On the other hand, many don’t know whether there is a God, or are certain that there isn’t one. Strong religious beliefs can inspire the people and those around him. For example a professor in one of medical schools has such a firm belief in life after death that he underwent the final phase of his illness with total and unshakable equanimity. He spoke of his immin ent death as one might speak of a summer holiday. The extent of the support he gained from his belief those who looked after him, even though some people felt a little uncomfortable at first.

The personal beliefs are often even more central to the individual’s world view than politics, food, music, or even sex. Many people may go through most of their life without discussing their religious feelings with friends or family who are otherwise fairly close. Discussing religious views may be a delicate matter at any time. It’s particularly delicate as the people face the challenges – an event challenges religious beliefs, almost more than any other. In light of overcoming the challenges and hardship. For example facing hard times and hurtful people, feeling of insecurity, frustration, lonelines having no hope, no faith, no right path. Nick in “ Life Without Limits” always encourages people to remember God’s love be contained wherever they are , whenever they are instead of putting Him in a box. Rather by emphasizing


the word God, it is expected that life will be easy in one’s journey toward a fulfilling and meaningful life as well as all the joy He intended for everybody. Here some inspirations from Nick to inviting people to allows God to guide them in discovering their purpose:

1.Only God knows how our lives will unfold. Hope is His gift to us, a window to look through. We cannot know the future He has planned for us. Trust in him, keep hope in your heart, and even when faced with the worst, do whatever you can to prepare yourself for the best!

2.Instead of dwelling on your imperfections, your failings, or your mistakes on your blessings and the contribution you can make, whether it’s a talent, knowledge, wisdom, creativity, hard work, or a nurturing soul.

3.Having faith in God and the infinite possibilities will keep you moving toward a life without limits. In this action plan, I share my journey of faith and encourages each of you to recognize various types of faith that are part of each day. Through my faith in God, I face each day with confidence and place my future in God’s hands.

4. To pursue your dreams you have to take action. Move it or lose it. Act or be acted upon. If you don’t have what you want, consider creating what you want. God will light the path. Your chance of a lifetime, the door to your dreams is open. Your path to a purpose my present itself at any moment. Be ready for it. Do all you need to do learn all you need to know. If no one comes knocking, beat down a few doors. One



In writing the books, the comments are very important. They can help the author to know his/ her weakness outside. They can be positive or negative. Here there are some comments from the people who read Nick’s book “ Life Without Limits”.

1. Miriam

Life Without Limits “ by Nick Vujicic is an amazing and encouraging memoir. Nick was born without arms and legs and had still lives an unlimited life. He has become a motivational speaker and has traveled to other countries sharing his thoughts and lessons about God and His goodness. Nick admits that there were times in his life when he did not want to continue living as he is, but he shares how he overcome that experience and learned to move on. We may sit an complain that our body part don’t work as they should, but what would life be like without those parts. Nick sheds some light on those thoughts and yet he approaches life with a positive outlook. It is difficult to read his book and not be inspired by what he has to say. I highly recommend this book as you will be deeply.


2. Brooke Hater

“ Life Without Limits” by Nick Vujicic is an amazing and encouraging memoir. Imagine yourself being born without arms. It would be a ridiculously hard thing to overcome. Now imagine yourself without arms or legs. Kinda hard isn’t it? I never really thought about what this would be like till I read Nick’s story, but it’s more of a series of inspirational events that have occurred in his life that really have some great lessons at the end. Nick shares stories and inspiration from his life, illustrating how he has triumphed over his limitations and again. If you struggle with depression, disabilities, low self- esteem, lack of motivation or any of the difficulties life throws at humans, you can be motivated by reading this book.

Born without arms or legs, he desperately wanted to fit in and experience the same things others kids did. His parents helped him achieve a certain amount of independence, and he taught himself how to perform many tasks that I’d never have thought possible for a person without arms or legs. He does so much for other people, even though he is so bad off himself. He reminds his reader that no matter what you’re going through, there is always some way to get through it, whether it be through faith, hope or just by helping those less fortunate. This book has honestly changed my outlook on life. Any time something bad happens to me, I find myself thinking about Nick, and suddenly I don’t feel bad anymore. It’s rare that a book has such an effect on me.



After writing this paper, the writer can conclude that, “ Life Without Limits “ is very fruitful book which can inspire many people who deal with adversity and obstacles in which some of them are unique but most universal to everybody. In this book, Nick Vujicic as the writer as well as the internationally successful motivational speaker has shown some ways or strategies of approaching a situation which may have once appeared unapproachable and some personal action plan to help people determine their unique path to a successful life.

Nick tells the story of his physical disabilities and the emotional battle he endured while learning with them as a child, teen and young adult. “For the longest time, I wondered if there was any purpose to my life other then pain and humiliation.” Born without arms or legs, Nick overcome his disabilities to live an independent, rich, fulfilling and ridiculously good life while serving as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness.


The most important goal of this book is to find anyone life’s purpose and to never give up, despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in anyone way. Nick also shares how his faith in God has been his major source of strength, and he explains that once he found a sense of purpose- inspiring others to better their lives and the world around them. He found the confidence to build a rewarding and productive life without limits. Let Nick inspire you to start living your own life without limits.


After writing this paper, the writer would like to suggest that to achieve a better life one must follow some advice as follows;

1. Always be grateful to what God has given us because life is a gift.

2. Having physical disabilities is not the reason to achieve the better life

3. Never give up when trials and trouble come.



Wellek, Rene and Austin Waren. 1976. Theory of Literature. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books

Abrams ,M.H.1981 . A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Christian Life . Happines – Religious aspects –Christianity, Vujici, Nick . (2010)

Roberts , Edgar V and Henry E. Jacobs.1995.Literature :an introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pretice Hall, Inc.

Kurian , Goerge Thomas . The Nobel Scientists : A Biographical . Encyclopedia, Centenary Edition. Oktober 2001.

Abrams, Irwin (Ed.) dan Tore Frangsmyr (Ed.) Nobel Lectures :

Peace 1971 -1980 – Including Presentation and Acceptance Speeches and Laureates ‘ Biographies Februari 1997. J. Alde Martimor .1984. A Vision of the Future




Nick Vujicic was born on December 4, 1982 i one brother and one sisiter Michelle and Aaron. Although he was an otherwise healthy baby, Nick was born without arms and legs. he had no legs, but two small feet, one of which had two toes. Initially, a Victoria state law prevented Nick from attending a disabled students integrated into a mainstream school once those laws changed.


severe depression. At age eight, he himself in his bathtub at age ten. His love for his parents prevented him from following through. He also stated in his music video "Something More" that God had a plan for his life and he could not bring himself to drown because of this.

Nick Vujicic speaking during the session "Inspired for a Lifetime" at the Annual Meeting 2011 of the January 2011. Vujicic graduated from addressed over three million people in over 24 countries on five continents, he speaks to corporate audiences, congregations, and schools.

Nick Vujicic promotes his work through television shows and through his writing. His first book, Life Without Limbs: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life (Random House, 2010) was published in 2010. He markets a motivational DVD, Life's Greater Purpose, a short documentary filmed in 2005 highlighting his home life and regular activities. The second part of the DVD was filmed at his local church i for young people titled: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries: Youth Version.

He starred in the short film


Film Festival, where Vujicic was also awarded Best Actor in a short film. Butterfly Circus also won the best short film award at Hollywood in 2010.

Vujicic wrote that he keeps a pair of shoes in his closet due to his belief in miracles. In 2005 Vujicic was nominated for the Y

Vujicic currently lives in Los Angel February 2012, he married his fiancée, Kanae Miyahara, and on 13 February 2013, their son Kiyoshi James Vujicic was born weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces.




After writing this paper, the writer can conclude that, “ Life Without Limits “ is very fruitful book which can inspire many people who deal with adversity and obstacles in which some of them are unique but most universal to everybody. In this book, Nick Vujicic as the writer as well as the internationally successful motivational speaker has shown some ways or strategies of approaching a situation which may have once appeared unapproachable and some personal action plan to help people determine their unique path to a successful life.

Nick tells the story of his physical disabilities and the emotional battle he endured while learning with them as a child, teen and young adult. “For the longest time, I wondered if there was any purpose to my life other then pain and humiliation.” Born without arms or legs, Nick overcome his disabilities to live an independent, rich, fulfilling and ridiculously good life while serving as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness.


The most important goal of this book is to find anyone life’s purpose and to never give up, despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in anyone way. Nick also shares how his faith in God has been his major source of strength, and he explains that once he found a sense of purpose- inspiring others to better their lives and the world around them. He found the confidence to build a rewarding and productive life without limits. Let Nick inspire you to start living your own life without limits.


After writing this paper, the writer would like to suggest that to achieve a better life one must follow some advice as follows;

1. Always be grateful to what God has given us because life is a gift.

2. Having physical disabilities is not the reason to achieve the better life

3. Never give up when trials and trouble come.



Wellek, Rene and Austin Waren. 1976. Theory of Literature. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books

Abrams ,M.H.1981 . A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Christian Life . Happines – Religious aspects –Christianity, Vujici, Nick . (2010)

Roberts , Edgar V and Henry E. Jacobs.1995.Literature :an introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pretice Hall, Inc.

Kurian , Goerge Thomas . The Nobel Scientists : A Biographical . Encyclopedia, Centenary Edition. Oktober 2001.

Abrams, Irwin (Ed.) dan Tore Frangsmyr (Ed.) Nobel Lectures :

Peace 1971 -1980 – Including Presentation and Acceptance Speeches and Laureates ‘ Biographies Februari 1997. J. Alde Martimor .1984. A Vision of the Future




Nick Vujicic was born on December 4, 1982 i one brother and one sisiter Michelle and Aaron. Although he was an otherwise healthy baby, Nick was born without arms and legs. he had no legs, but two small feet, one of which had two toes. Initially, a Victoria state law prevented Nick from attending a disabled students integrated into a mainstream school once those laws changed.


severe depression. At age eight, he himself in his bathtub at age ten. His love for his parents prevented him from following through. He also stated in his music video "Something More" that God had a plan for his life and he could not bring himself to drown because of this.

Nick Vujicic speaking during the session "Inspired for a Lifetime" at the Annual Meeting 2011 of the January 2011. Vujicic graduated from addressed over three million people in over 24 countries on five continents, he speaks to corporate audiences, congregations, and schools.

Nick Vujicic promotes his work through television shows and through his writing. His first book, Life Without Limbs: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life (Random House, 2010) was published in 2010. He markets a motivational DVD, Life's Greater Purpose, a short documentary filmed in 2005 highlighting his home life and regular activities. The second part of the DVD was filmed at his local church i for young people titled: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries: Youth Version.

He starred in the short film


Film Festival, where Vujicic was also awarded Best Actor in a short film. Butterfly Circus also won the best short film award at Hollywood in 2010.

Vujicic wrote that he keeps a pair of shoes in his closet due to his belief in miracles. In 2005 Vujicic was nominated for the Y

Vujicic currently lives in Los Angel February 2012, he married his fiancée, Kanae Miyahara, and on 13 February 2013, their son Kiyoshi James Vujicic was born weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces.