“Man Jadda Wajada” Is The Best Motto For The Students To Achieve The Dreams Viewed From The Novel Negeri 5 Menara By Ahmad Fuadi















Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M. Hum Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S., M.A NIP. 19490423 197412 2 001 NIP. 19820904 200501 1 002

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from

Department of English.



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as Thesis for Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head of English Department, Secretary of English Department,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19590419 198102 2 001


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on 29th July 2013

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S ... Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum ... Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M. Hum ... Dra. Martha Pardede, M.S ...




Signed :







Signed :


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim.

First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this thesis. Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to:

• My beloved parents, Ponijan and Misnithanks for the supports, loves, prays, and finance. My beloved siblings, Budi Kurniawan, Hilda and Harri Sugiarto. Thank you for all your motivations. I present this thesis for my family.

• My supervisor, Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M.Hum. and my co-supervisor, Mr. Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S, M.A. I do thank for having guided and advised me in doing this thesis patiently.

Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. as the head of English Department.

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

• My lovely friends in English Extension Program, Mariyadi, Ahmad Hanafi, Riski Putra, Agung, Cicik, Nila, Adinda, Mazlah, Sri Handayani, and many more.

• My friends, Rizka Elfira, Ratu Bulan Haspina, Zean Evelyn, Edtri Putri, Nana Fridayani, Yora Munirah, Rahmad, Oki Setiawan, Siti Syarifah Handayani, Yenni Sembiring and many more.

Finally, I do realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper.

Medan, July 2013

The Writer,

Reg. No. 110721018



This thesis entitled "Man Jadda Wajada is the Best Motto for the Students to Achieve the Dreams Viewed From the Novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi". Man Jadda Wajada means that who’s earnest will succeed. This thesis analyzes about the lives of six main characters and the education system in Pondok Madani in the novel "Negeri 5 Menara" by Ahmad Fuadi. The sixth characters are Alif, Said, Raja, Atang, Baso and Dulmajid. They aspire to go abroad such as to the America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Pondok Madani is a reflection of an Islamic boarding school named Pondok Gontor in East Java and the main character Alif is a reflection of the author's novel named Ahmad Fuadi who was the alumni of the Pondok Gontor. In analyzing this thesis, the writer uses library research and descriptive research. Library research is done by taking the data from books and from other sources such as the internet, while descriptive research is done to describe everything that found in the novel descriptively. The method of approach taken by the intrinsic and extrinsic approach of Welleck and Warren. Intrinsic approach is used to analyze the elements of the novel such as plot, character, setting, theme, point of view and style and find unity of them. While extrinsic approach is used to analyze the relationship between literature and society from the novel. The conclusion that the spirit of the phrase Man Jadda Wajada able to motivate the sixth character to achieve their dreams. While, the system education in Pondok Madani can encourage the students to achieve their dreams by using certain management of keeping tight discipline, giving punishments and rewards for all activities done by students.



Skripsi ini berjudul “Man Jadda Wajada is the Best Motto for The Students to Achieve the Dreams Viewed From the Novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi”.

Man Jadda Wajada memiliki arti siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh pasti akan

berhasil. Skripsi ini menganalisa tentang kehidupan enam tokoh utama dan sistem pendidikan yang ada di Pondok Madani di dalam novel “Negeri 5 Menara” karya Ahmad Fuadi. Keenam tokoh tersebut adalah Alif, Said, Raja, Atang, Baso dan Dulmajid. Mereka mempunyai cita-cita untuk pergi keluar negeri seperti ke benua Amerika, Asia, Afrika dan Eropa. Pondok Madani adalah refleksi dari sebuah pondok pesantren bernama Pondok Gontor di Jawa Timur dan tokoh utama Alif adalah refleksi dari si pengarang novel bernama Ahmad Fuadi yang merupakan alumni dari Pondok Gontor. Dalam menganalisa skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan dan penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian perpustakaan dilakukan dengan mengambil data dari buku dan dari sumber lain seperti internet, sementara penelitian deskriptif dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan segala sesuatu yang ditemukan di dalam novel secara deskriptif. Adapun metode pendekatan yang dilakukan yaitu pendekatan intrinsik dan ekstrinsik dari Welleck dan Warren. Pendekatan intrinsik digunakan untuk menganalisa unsur-unsur dalam novel seperti plot, tokoh, latar, tema, sudut pandang dan gaya bahasa dan menemukan kesatuannya. Sementara pendekatan ekstrinsik digunakan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara sastra dan masyarakat di dalam novel tersebut. Kesimpulannya bahwa semangat dari Man Jadda Wajada mampu memotivasi keenam tokoh tersebut untuk meraih cita-citanya. Sedangkan sistem pendidikan yang ada di Pondok Madani mampu mendorong para muridnya meraih cita-citanya dengan menggunakan manajemen peraturan yang ketat, memberi hukuman serta penghargaan bagi para siswanya.




ABSTRACT………..…... ii



I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study………... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study………... 6

1.3 Objective of the Study....……….... 6

1.4 Scope of the Study………... 6

1.5 Significance of the Study……….... 6

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Approach………..……. 8

2.2 Prose...…..………... 8

2.3 Elements of Prose……….. 9

2.4 Literature and Society……… 15

III. METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design... 17

3.2 Data Collection...….……….. 20



4.1 Alif Fikri……....…...……….. 22

4.2 Said Jufri……….. 31

4.3 Raja Lubis……… 36

4.4 Atang………. 39

4.5 Baso Salahuddin……… 41

4.6 Dulmajid……….. 44

4.7 The Setting of Pondok Madani………. 46

4.8 Relationship between Literature and Society in the novel “Negeri 5 Menara”……… 53

V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion………... 58

5.2 Suggestion..………. 60


i. Author’s Biography and Works ii. Summary of the Novel





This thesis entitled "Man Jadda Wajada is the Best Motto for the Students to Achieve the Dreams Viewed From the Novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi". Man Jadda Wajada means that who’s earnest will succeed. This thesis analyzes about the lives of six main characters and the education system in Pondok Madani in the novel "Negeri 5 Menara" by Ahmad Fuadi. The sixth characters are Alif, Said, Raja, Atang, Baso and Dulmajid. They aspire to go abroad such as to the America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Pondok Madani is a reflection of an Islamic boarding school named Pondok Gontor in East Java and the main character Alif is a reflection of the author's novel named Ahmad Fuadi who was the alumni of the Pondok Gontor. In analyzing this thesis, the writer uses library research and descriptive research. Library research is done by taking the data from books and from other sources such as the internet, while descriptive research is done to describe everything that found in the novel descriptively. The method of approach taken by the intrinsic and extrinsic approach of Welleck and Warren. Intrinsic approach is used to analyze the elements of the novel such as plot, character, setting, theme, point of view and style and find unity of them. While extrinsic approach is used to analyze the relationship between literature and society from the novel. The conclusion that the spirit of the phrase Man Jadda Wajada able to motivate the sixth character to achieve their dreams. While, the system education in Pondok Madani can encourage the students to achieve their dreams by using certain management of keeping tight discipline, giving punishments and rewards for all activities done by students.



Skripsi ini berjudul “Man Jadda Wajada is the Best Motto for The Students to Achieve the Dreams Viewed From the Novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi”.

Man Jadda Wajada memiliki arti siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh pasti akan

berhasil. Skripsi ini menganalisa tentang kehidupan enam tokoh utama dan sistem pendidikan yang ada di Pondok Madani di dalam novel “Negeri 5 Menara” karya Ahmad Fuadi. Keenam tokoh tersebut adalah Alif, Said, Raja, Atang, Baso dan Dulmajid. Mereka mempunyai cita-cita untuk pergi keluar negeri seperti ke benua Amerika, Asia, Afrika dan Eropa. Pondok Madani adalah refleksi dari sebuah pondok pesantren bernama Pondok Gontor di Jawa Timur dan tokoh utama Alif adalah refleksi dari si pengarang novel bernama Ahmad Fuadi yang merupakan alumni dari Pondok Gontor. Dalam menganalisa skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan dan penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian perpustakaan dilakukan dengan mengambil data dari buku dan dari sumber lain seperti internet, sementara penelitian deskriptif dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan segala sesuatu yang ditemukan di dalam novel secara deskriptif. Adapun metode pendekatan yang dilakukan yaitu pendekatan intrinsik dan ekstrinsik dari Welleck dan Warren. Pendekatan intrinsik digunakan untuk menganalisa unsur-unsur dalam novel seperti plot, tokoh, latar, tema, sudut pandang dan gaya bahasa dan menemukan kesatuannya. Sementara pendekatan ekstrinsik digunakan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara sastra dan masyarakat di dalam novel tersebut. Kesimpulannya bahwa semangat dari Man Jadda Wajada mampu memotivasi keenam tokoh tersebut untuk meraih cita-citanya. Sedangkan sistem pendidikan yang ada di Pondok Madani mampu mendorong para muridnya meraih cita-citanya dengan menggunakan manajemen peraturan yang ketat, memberi hukuman serta penghargaan bagi para siswanya.



1.1Background of the Study

"Man Jadda Wajada" is a phrase which means that who’s earnest will

succeed. This phrase becomes the motto for all the students in Pondok Madani,

applied seriously in learning, both in curricular and extracurricular activities. The

Effort is described in all the activities such as learning activities, group work, and

daily activities. This motto encourages all students to have success in all activities.

As the result is alumni of Pondok Madani are well-thought-of society. Many parents

want their children to study in this boarding school even if it means having to pass

more than one strict entrance test. Bad comments about the boarding school are

scraped by the perfection of education and discipline in Pondok Madani. Response

on bad comments about Islamic boarding schools in the community is expressed by

the author of the novel through Alif’s mother. The quote below explains that many

parents send their children to religious schools because of the mark of their children

is not enough to enter junior high or high school. As a result, an Islamic school

become a place of second class student citizens. “…Mengirim anak ke sekolah

agama karena nilai anak-anak mereka tidak cukup untuk masuk SMP atau SMA…”.

“Akibatnya, madrasah menjadi tempat murid warga kelas dua, sisa-sisa…” (Fuadi,

A. 2009: 7)

The good response the society about the Islamic boarding school also

expressed by the Author, A. Fuadi through the character Mr. Sutan. “Anak teman

saya, cuma setahun di pondok langsung berubah menjadi anak baik. Padahal

dulunya, sangat mantiko. Nakal. Tidak diterima di sekolah mana pun karena kerjanya


2009: 19). The quote explains that Mr. Sutan friend's child is Naughty. He is not

acceptable in any school because of his drugs, drinking and scrappy. But only just a

year at the cottage immediately turned into a good boy.

Pondok Madani is a famous boarding school in East Java. Every year there

are approximately 2000 new entrants who register. Because of the strict entrance

examination system, there are only 400 people or about one fifth who accepted to be

a new student. The students also come from across the archipelago. Ahmad Fuadi

also explains the patterns of life, learning system and regulations in the Pondok

Madani. The length of study in Pondok Madani is six years both for junior and senior

high school. In Pondok Madani, students not only learn about the religion but also

how to live independently, entrepreneurial, developing their interests and talents. For

the developing their interests and talents, Pondok Madani provides various kinds of

extracurricular activities that can be chosen by each student according to their


In Pondok Madani, each student is taught to always be disciplined and

responsible. The education system that is used in Pondok Madani is 24 hours. It

means that everything done during the day and night is to learn, not just learn in the

classroom as the school generally but also any behaviour that is done by the students

are learning. Language may be used also only English or Arabic. Each new student

may only use the Indonesian language during their first 4 months in Pondok Madani.

So that they can use both languages, in early days, from dawn, they should to learn

both official languages with the help of their seniors. The seniors dictate five

vocabularies with the meanings and then the students are asked to articulated and

make it in a sentence. In the afternoon after learning curricular, the students in the


students are often study in the front hall of the bedroom which provided for a place

to learn. At night there is usually an extra night classes are accompanied by a

guardian class. The purpose is to repeat the lessons in the morning and prepare for


The way of teaching in Pondok Madani is done to give rewards to students,

either in the form of praise, reward or punishment. The types of awards are the

opportunity to become officers as announcer, give a speech in English or Arabic

when dignitaries visited Pondok Madani as ambassadors from abroad, and etc. So,

confidence of students who are achievers become bigger. Rules are made very

stringent and offset by the provision of punishment for the students who make faults.

Implementation is done by the spy system and discipline of boarding school. Being a

spy is actually a punishment for spying on the inhabitants of a breach of discipline.

After they are released from the punishment, they are free from being spies. It is a

powerful method to make students not want to break the rules. The goal is to enforce

the law and discipline. Punishment in Pondok Madani is not just making the students

be cured of a habit but also other parts of the education. The students are required to

study willingly to accept the punishment in order to be more cautious in behavior

afterwards. In addition to reprimands and become a spy, other types of punishment

are the punishment of the balding and the hardest punishment is removed from the

Pondok Madani that is if they steal, fight and have close contact with women.

In writing this novel, Ahmad Fuadi used simple words and inserted foreign

languages such as Arabic and English. Although he uses foreign language words, he

did not forget to explain them into the Indonesian language. There is a clear motto

exposed through the phrase "Man jadda wajada" which means that anyone who do


in the hearts of the readers. This novel received tremendous appreciation by the

Indonesian community. It became a bestseller and is printed many times.

In analyzing this literary work, the writer must understand the definition of

literature. Beside that, the writer has some references such as theory of literature. In

this paragraph, the writer will explain the definition of literature and other theories

about it. Literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression (Mario Klarer,

1998:1). Whereas, Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1977: 1) stated that literature is

a creative activity, an art. It means that literature is not only the act of writing, but

other creative activities. A different understanding of the literary meaning, Julien D.

Bonn stated that "Literature in a broader aspect can be defined as written or spoken

material, but the term most often refers to a creative work" (2010: 93). Roberts &

Jacobs (1995:2) state that the literature refers to compositions that tell stories,

dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas. The

explanation from the fourth literary meaning of the experts are the same and it can be

said that literature is the work of results of creative thinking written and also played

as a drama. From the experts above, Renne Wellek, Austin Warren and Julien D.

Bonn concluded that literature is the shape of creative work. While, Mario Klarer,

Roberts and Jacobs concluded that literature is the expression of the writer.

Literature may be classified into four categories or genres: (1) prose fiction,

(2) poetry, (3) drama, and (4) nonfiction prose (Roberts and Jacobs. 1995). Prose

fiction or narrative fiction, includes myths, Parables, romances, novels and short

stories. The novel is derived from the Italian novella (literally, "a little new thing"),

which is a short tale in prose. The term "novel" is now applied to a great variety of

writings that have in common only the attribute of being extended works of fiction


prose the novel are plot, characters, setting, theme, point of view, and style of

language. In the novel Negeri 5 Menara, the Writer will analyze six characters and

setting of place as the main object of the analyzing.

The Writer himself fascinated the phrase “Man jadda wajada” and regards

that phrase is very interesting to be analyzed because it has a message that is very

important to achieve success in life and the world of education especially. As the

evidences of the success of that phrase, the writer will analyze the six characters who

have embedded the phrase as their way of life. The six characters are Alif, Said,

Raja, Atang, Dulmajid, and Baso. Each character came from different region in

Indonesia. Alif from Padang, Said from East Java, Raja from Medan, Atang from

Bandung, Baso from Gowa and Dulmajid from Sumenep. They get closer and closer

after having many experiences together in Pondok Madani such as getting

punishment together because of being late gathering in the mosque on the first day in

Pondok Madani, learning together about speech, English, and many other lessons,

etc. These six characters are called “Sahibul Menara” or “Tower Owners” because of

their habit of relaxing under the tower near the mosque. In that place, they

determined their dreams to continue their studies abroad after graduating from

Pondok Madani. They keep their spirit, teamwork and persistence for four years in

the boarding school. The writer will also describe Pondok Madani as a place for them

to study and to achieve their dreams.

Actually, the novel “Negeri 5 Menara” tells the story of the author's personal

experience Ahmad Fuadi who used to learn and become alumni of Pondok Gontor in

East Java. He wrote this novel to disguise the names of the characters and place

names that exist in this novel as the actual name of the Pondok Gontor changed to


1.2Problem of the Study

In a novel, there are many the problems that can be written into a thesis. In

the novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi, the writer will discuss these issues:

1. How can the phrase “Man Jadda Wajada” motivate the students to achieve

the dreams in the novel?

2. How the systems of education in Pondok Madani encourage the students to

achieve the dreams?

1.3Objective of the Study

1. To describe how the phrase “Man Jadda Wajada” motivates the main

characters in the novel achieve the dreams.

2. To describe the significant of education in Pondok Madani to support the

students to achieve their dreams.

1.4Scope of the Study

In this thesis, the writer will focus on the analysis of the six characters and

setting of place in Pondok Madani. This limitation has the purpose to give the writer

and readers more easily understand and comprehend the contents of this thesis.

1.5Significance of the Study

The advantage of this analysis is to increase knowledge about the six

characters of Sahibul Menara to the readers and also about the life in Pondok

Madani. By writing this thesis, the writer hopes that the readers will understand that

every human being should have dreams in their life and should be determined to


must also be supported by the environment. The writer also hopes that this thesis will



2.1Intrinsic and Extrinsic Approach.

In the book "Theory of Literature", Welleck and Warren classify two types of

approaches, namely intrinsic and extrinsic approach. Intrinsic approach is based on

the approach of the text itself, while extrinsic approach is the approach that is out of

the text, such as history, environment, economy, social and political.

Intrinsic approach is to analyze the elements of a prose which consists of plot,

character, setting, theme, point of view and style. Extrinsic approach is to analyze the

relationship between a literary works with evolving circumstances at the time of the

work is created as the relationship mentioned above.

In analyzing this thesis, the Writer will use the intrinsic approach is to

analyze the elements of a literary work as described Renne Wellek and Austin

Warren (1977: 159) who stated that study of literature departed from a reasonable

interpretation and literary analysis itself.


Prose Fiction or narrative fiction, includes myths, parables, romances, novels,

and short stories. Originally, fiction meant anything made up, crafted, or shaped. The

essence of fiction is narration, the relating or recounting of a sequence of events or

actions. Works of fiction usually focus on one or a few major characters who

undergo a change of attitude or characters as they interact with other characters and

deal with problems. (Roberts and Jacobs, 1995: 2). The novel is derived from the

Italian novella (literally, "a little new thing"), which is a short tale in prose. The term


attribute of being extended works of fiction written in prose (Abrams, 1999:190).

While Bonn stated that novel is a long fictional narrative written in prose, which

developed from the early novella and other form of narrative. A novel is usually

organized under a plot or theme with a focus on character development and action.

2.3Elements of Prose

Works of fiction share a number of common elements such as, plot, character,

setting, theme, style, and point of view. According to Roberts and Jacobs (1995: 51),

the more significant ones are character, plot, structure and theme.

Plot is a series of events in a story (Stanton, 2007: 26). Stories are made up mostly of action or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequential

or narrative order, however, is only the first step toward the more important

consideration – the plot, or the controls governing the development of the actions

(Roberts and Jacobs, 1995: 88). Plot is usually limited to events which are causally

connected only. Causal event is an event that causes or could result from a variety of

other events and can not be ignored because it will affect the whole work.

In connection between plot with character, Nurgiyantoro (via Sofia and

Sugihastuti, 2003: 14) says that the events of the story (plot) is manifested through

the actions, behaviors, and attitudes of the main characters story. Plot is a reflection

or even a trip to the behavior of the characters act, think, feel and behave in dealing

with the problems of life.

There are two basic elements that exist in the plot according to Stanton (2007:

31) they are the conflict and climax. Conflict consists of internal conflict is a conflict

between two desires within a prominent and external conflict is the conflict between


climax is the moment when the conflict is so intense that the ending can not be

avoided anymore. In the novel “Negeri 5 Menara”, the plot is that the six characters

are able to achieve their dreams to go abroad as their goals with the spirit of Man

Jadda Wajada phrase.

Character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being (Roberts and Jacobs, 1995: 131). Through action, speech, description, and

commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and

even loving, although there are also characters may you laugh at, dislike, or even

hate. While Abrams (1999: 32-33) stated that Characters are the persons represented

in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed

with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what

the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it the dialogue and from what

they do the action.

A character occupies a strategic position as a carrier and transmitter of the

message, moral, mandate, or something intentionally wants to share to the readers.

According Nurgiyantoro (via Sofia and Sugihastuti, 2003: 16) as if the characters as

mouthpieces just a messenger, even a reflection of mind, attitude, stance, and the

author desires.

Roberts and Jacobs (1995: 132) explained that in studying literary character,

it begins by determining the character’s outstanding traits. A trait is a quality of mind

or habitual mode behavior, such as never repaying borrowed money, avoiding eye

contact, or always thinking oneself the center of attention. Sometimes, of course, the

traits we encounter are minor and therefore negligible. But often a trait may be a

person’s primary characteristic (not only in fiction but also in life). Thus, characters


inconsiderate, open or secretive, confident or self-doubting, kind or cruel, quiet or

noisy, visionary or practical, careful or careless, impartial or biased, straightforward

or underhanded, “winner or loser”, and so on.

In relation to the overall story, the role of character is not the same. There is a

character that can be classified as the main character and the characters that can be

classified as an extra character. Stanton (2007: 33) explains that in most of the stories

can be found "main character" is the character associated with all the events that take

place in the story. Typically, these events lead to a change in the characters. More

clearly, Nurgiyantoro (via Sofia and Sugihastuti, 2003: 16) explains that the central

character or the main character is a character in a novel that its story is precedence.

He is the most showing character, both as actors and events, including the conflict so

that the character affects the plot development. In the novel “Negeri 5 Menara”, there

are many characters but the main character are the six characters named Sahibul

Menara. They are children whose persistent in achieving their goals and are able to

follow the tight rules in Pondok Madani and sincere in any punishment. Analysis of

the characters will be explained in the chapter of analysis.

Setting is the environment that surrounds an event in the story, the universe that interacts with the events taking place (Stanton, 2007: 35). Setting can be either

decoration of place, also certain times such as day, month, and year, weather or a

period of history. Setting is usually described with descriptive sentences. Setting can

sometimes affect the characters and become an example representation of the theme.

Sofia and Sugihastuti (2003: 20) in differentiating elements in setting into three main

elements, namely place, time and social. The third element although each offers

different issues and can talk about itself, in fact interrelated and mutually influence


of fiction. Setting of time is related with the problems and the occurrence of the

events described in a work of fiction. Setting of Social advised on matters relating to

the social behavior of people in a place that is told in a work of fiction.

Roberts and Jacobs (1995: 230) stated that Setting is the natural,

manufactured, political, cultural, and temporal environments, including everything

that characters know and own. Characters may be either helped or hurt by their

surrounding and they may fight about possession and goals. Further, as characters

speak with each other, they reveal the degree to which they share the customs and

ideas of their times.

Setting is useful for writers and readers. For the author, the setting can be

used to develop the story to explain the time, place and situation being experienced

by the characters. For the readers, the setting can be helpful to think of the place,

time and situation experienced by the character. Setting also helps the readers to

understand the characteristic of the characters, the story setting, plot, and determine

the theme of a story. The setting in the novel “Negeri 5 Menara” is divided into 3

kinds. First, setting of place is in Pondok Madani. Second, setting of time is about a

dozen years which when they are at Pondok Madani and when they finally gathered

in London. While setting of social is description of an Islamic boarding school.

Theme is a central idea or statement that unifies and controls the entire work (Bonn, 2010: 171-172). The theme can take the form of a brief and meaningful

insight or a comprehensive vision of life; it may be a single idea. A theme is the

author’s way of communicating and sharing ideas, perception, and feelings with

readers and it may be directly stated in the book, or it may only be implied. While

Stanton (via Sofia and Sugihastuti, 2003:13) have the conclusion that the theme is


the simplest way. Themes can not be concluded only by certain parts of the story.

Although difficult to determine it, the theme is not a hidden meaning. The most

effective way to identify the theme of a work is to observe carefully any conflicts

that exist in it. The most prominent element in the novel “Negeri 5 Menara” is the

phrase of Man JadanWajadda that means who’s earnest will succeed.

Style is in the way the author uses language (Stanton, 2007: 61). Although the two authors use same plot, character, and setting, the writings of both can be very

different. The difference generally lies in the language and spread in various aspects

such as complexity, rhythm, short term sentences, detail, humor, and metaphors.

Mixture of various aspects of the above will result in style.

Aminuddin (via Siswanto) say that the style is the way a writer convey ideas

using language media are beautiful and harmonious and capable to express the

meaning and situation that can touch the readers intellectually and emotionally.

While Abrams (1999: 303) stated that Style has traditionally been defined as the

manner of linguistic expression in prose or verse as how speakers or writers say

whatever it is that they say. The style specific to a particular work or writer, or else

distinctive of a type of writings, has been analyzed in such terms as the rhetorical

situation and aimcharacteristic diction, or choice of words; type of sentence structure

and syntax; and the density and kinds of figurative language. Roberts and Jacobs

(1995: 264) stated that style means the way writers assemble word to tell the story,

develop the argument, dramatize the play or compose the poem. Thus, it is concluded

that the style is the way the author to tell a story and with some existing provisions.

In the novel “Negeri 5 Menara”, Author's style is simple language because he uses

simple words and clear, there is no figure of speech, and rarely use the local


Point of View signifies the way a story gets told—the mode (or modes) established by an author by means of which the reader is presented with the

characters, dialogue, actions, setting, and events which constitute the narative in a

work of fiction (Abrams. 1999: 231). While Roberts and Jacobs (1995:180) stated

that point of view refers to the position and stance of the voice, or speaker that

authors adopt for their works. It supposes a living narrator or persona who tells

stories, presents arguments, or expresses attitudes such as love, anger or excitement.

Conditions that affect point of view depend on two majors, first is the situation of the

narrator as an observer. And second is the narrator’s closeness, distance and

involvement in the actions.

Roberts and Jacobs (1995:183) divided point of view into three kinds:

1.8First-person point of view

2.8Second-person point of view

3.8Third-person point of view

First point of view is if the voice of the work is an “I”, the author is using the

first-person point of view—the imfirst-personation of a fictional narrator or speaker. Of all the

points of view, the first person is potentially the most independent of the author, for

such a speaker is often given unique identity, with name, job, and economic and

social position. First-person speakers might reports event as though they have

acquired their knowledge in a number of ways:

- What they have done, said, heard, and thought (firsthand experience)

- What they have observed others do and say (firsthand witness)

- What others have told them (second-hand testimony and hears)

- What they are able to reconstruct from the information they might have


- What they are able to imagine a character or characters might do or think,

given the situation.

In the novel “Negeri 5 Menara” is only found the First-person point of view. The

narrator is Alif. He describes the events that exist in the novel.

2.4Literature and Society

Discussion of the relationship between literature and society typically

departed from De Bonald phrase that "literature is an expression of public feeling".

Welleck and Warren classify 3 ingredients in a descriptive study of the relationship

between literature and society, (1) the sociology of author related to social

background, status of the author, and the author ideology demonstrated by various

authors in activities outside the literary work. (2) The content of the literature work

itself related to social issues. (3) problems of the reader and the literary works of

social impact.

Each author is a citizens, he can be studied as a social being. Biography of the

author is the primary source. We may also collect information about social

background, family background and economic position of the author. In his writing,

the author is influenced by sociological background in the form of social structure

and social processes. Social structure is the entire fabric of the main elements,

namely social norms, social institutions, social groups and social institutions. While

the social process is reciprocal influence between the economic, political, legal,

religious, and so on (Soekanto via Siswanto. 2008: 3).

The values in the literature are the result of creative expression and cultural

authors taken from the community. Those values can be either intrinsic and extrinsic


setting, they are considered essential that sustains and the underlying story. Whereas

extrinsic value is the idea of the author of the social and cultural environment.

Further descriptions about the analysis of literature and society will be described in



In writing this thesis, the writer uses library research and descriptive research.

The Writer applies the library research by reading and collecting data from several

books and other sources such as internet which are related to the problem taken in

this thesis especially about literature. The Writer will use a descriptive research. This

descriptive research is the research aimed to describe everything found descriptively.

The Writer uses the novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi work as the subject of

analysis in this thesis. The writer uses intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach. The

writer uses the intrinsic approach because the writer will analyze the elements of

prose such as character and the setting in this thesis. The Writer uses the extrinsic

approach because the Writer will analyze about Welleck and Warren concept stated

about Literature and society to explain the relationship about Pondok Gontor that

given Ahmad Fuadi an inspiration as author to create Alif as a central character in

Novel. Thus the extrinsic elements are seen reflected in the novel, the biography of

the author who ever learned in Pondok Gontor also reflected in the activity at Pondok

Madani in the novel.

3.1 Research Design

This thesis analyzes the six characters called Sahibul Menara or Tower

owners and the setting of place in the novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi. In

order to analyze the characters and the setting of place, first of all the writers

designed the research method. It is important because it will make the research more

schematic and structured. First, the writer read the novel Negeri 5 Menara for several


being discusses. Third, the writer relates the problems with supported theory to

answer the problems of analysis. Fourth, the writer takes all the data that supports the

description of the characters and the setting of place from the Novel. Fifth, applying

the descriptive method to analyze this thesis. Then, the information is sorted and

summarized to make the description of the six characters and the setting of place.

Sixth, the writer analyzes by using the intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach and

get findings. After doing all steps above, the writer makes the conclusion and


Chart of Research Design Start

Reading the novel “Negeri 5 Menara”

Deciding the problems of analysis

Finding related theory

Taking the data from the novel applying the descriptive method Information is sorted and summarized Doing analysis by using the intrinsic approach and

sociology of literature and Getting the findings Making the conclusion and suggestion of the

analysis. Finish


3.2 Data Collection

The writer uses library research to collect data related to the analysis, such as

the quotations from the novel. The writer has to read the novel Negeri 5 Menara for

several times to make him understand the story. After having understood it, the

writer classifies the characters and setting of place. After taking the data from the

novel, and the author focuses to collect information about physics, status and morals

from the six characters and setting of place. Then the Writer makes a conclusion

about the characters in a physical, status, and moral forms, and information about

setting made to complement the responses from each characters. For the extrinsic

data, the writer will find information about the Pondok Gontor and Ahmad Fuadi as

the author from books and the internet. Then the data is sorted and summarized to

make the description of the six characters, the setting of place, the relationship

between Pondok Madani and Pondok Gontor, and the relationship between Alif and

the author, Ahmad Fuadi. After all, the writer makes conclusions about it.

3.3 Data Analysis

After collecting the data from the novel “Negeri 5 Menara” by Ahmad Fuadi,

the next step is describing the data. The data is analyzed by using descriptive

research which is to describe descriptively about the characters and the setting of

place that is written in the novel. The writer finds the relationships between the

characters, their dreams and their success achieving these dreams that never getting

loose with the motto “Man Jadda Wajada”. To get the data from the text, the writer

uses the intrinsic approach belongs to Wellek and Warren (1977:139) who stated that

the natural and sensible starting point for work in literary scholarship is the


novel then get the data, the data is classified into the six elements of prose to make

the unity of the analysis. The elements of prose such as plot, character, setting,

theme, style and point of view. Then, The writer uses Welleck and Warren concept

about literature and society to explain the relevance between Pondok Madani with

Pesantren Gontor and Alif as the central character with Ahmad Fuadi as the author.



The author will discuss six main characters in novel Negeri 5 Menara by

Ahmad Fuadi. The central character of six figures is Alif Fikri. They are students in

1988 at Pondok Madani. They are called as Sahibul Menara or tower owners because

they often gather under the tower near to the Mosque. Under this tower they see

clouds in the sky shaped like a world map of the America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

They imagine and hang their dreams to go to the continent and the country as they

look in the clouds.

4.1 Alif Fikri

Alif Fikri is a 15-year-old, skinny, small, wear glasses and straight-haired. He

is the first child in his family. Alif lives in a rented house with his parents and two

younger sisters around the edge of Maninjau Lake in West Sumatra. He has just

finished school in Madrasah Tsanawiyah or Junior High School (secondary school).

Alif wants to continue his education to the Senior High School (SMA) as his promise

to his friend, Randai. But his desire is hindered by his mother’s desire who wants

Alif go to Islamic boarding school in order to become a great religious leader such as

the ideals of his mother during Alif in the womb.

When entering the Islamic boarding school, Alif makes friend with the Raja,

Atang, Said, Dulmajid and Baso after six of them suspended from their senior’s

punishment because of coming late to the mosque. Since that time they become

familiar, especially living in the barracks.

In Pondok Madani, Alif follows the activities outside of class, he chooses to


photographing. And finally he applies for and takes a test and then becomes the

journalist of Syams magazine. For sports, Alif chooses martial arts and football, but

because the schedule of the martial art does not fit with writing activities in Syams,

he just chooses football, because he remembers the words of Kiai Rais.

“Sayang, jadwal latihan silat tidak cocok dengan jadwal latihan menulis di Syams. Akhirnya aku memilih sepakbola saja. Kata Kiai Rais, “pilihlah kegiatan berdasarkan minat dan bakatmu sehingga bisa mengerjakannya dengan penuh kesenangan dan hasil bagus.” Memang kalau sudah main bola dan menulis rasanya tidak ada capeknya.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 161)

Alif is always interested in writing, especially because his teacher Ustad

Salman always encourages him and says that if he wants to write a good story and

easy to read, using storytelling and literary language, he should read magazine

Tempo frequently, because it has a high standard language. Alif is always fascinated

by the exciting reports Tempo journalists from various countries. Since the time he

wants to change his ideals as Mr.Habibie, become a journalists in Tempo.

“Walau sekarang ada di PM, belajarnya adalah agama, aku tidak malu bermimpi suatu saat bisa menjadi wartawan Tempo yang melaporkan berita-berita penting dan terhormat dari berbagai belahan dunia. Diam-diam aku mulai mempertimbangkan mengganti cita-citaku dari Habibie menjadi wartawan Tempo.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 172)

Because of his hobby is writing, eventually he is promoted becoming an

editor of Syams magazine with Dulmajid.

Alif is a hesitant child. At the time of the exam, Alif always feels a very

heavy burden. In Pondok Madani, examination is in two types namely, oral exams

and writing exams. Alif is very aware of his weakness in term of memorizing and

Arabic. Alif is not sure of himself that the quality of his Arabic language can make


Baso who is great in memorizing the lessons and has a good vocabulary in Arabic,

but he does not give up in the exam, he has plans to make the test going smoothly

namely to pray and worship, eat nutritious foods and drink multivitamin, honey and

eggs. And the most important of all is staying up all night and wake up to learn that

termed Sahirul Lail.

“Sahirul lail maknanya kira-kira begadang sampai jauh malam untuk belajar dan membaca buku. Sebuah pepatah Arab berbunyi: Man thalabal fula sahiral loyali. Siapa yang ingin mendapatkan kemuliaan, maka bekerjalah sampai jauh malam. Dan aku ingin mencari kemuliaan itu.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 196)

The hard test does not make Alif and friends become down, but they even

more courage. They are so eager and try to out of the line of themselves to achieve

more success. However Alif still feels frustration with the test. He feels

un-confidence since so many memorize subject in Pondok Madani, while he realizes that

his weakness is in it, even he ever think whether he is still fit in there or not.

Alif has a high imagination and ambition. After the test, he and his Sahibul

Menara’s friends usually gather under the tower while enjoying the fresh air and feel

freedom. Under the tower he looks up the sky and imagines the continent of

American. He wants to go there since he is influenced by Ustadz Salman and news

from VOA radio, then he tells his friends about his imagination.

“Aku melihat dunia di awan-awan itu,” kataku sok puitis. Aku gerakkan telunjukku menunjukkan garis-garis imajiner di awan kepada Raja yang duduk di sampingku. Kami samasama menengadah. “Benua Amerika,” kataku.”

(Fuadi, A. 2009: 208)

It turns out that his friends also imagine the same thing. They imagine about


feels doubt himself can go there. Before going to bed at night, he writes his

ambitions in his diary but he is still doubt can go to America. Is this dream makes

sense, because he is conscious of being in Pondok Madani which later will become a

teacher and preacher. But by a piece of the magic spell that ManJadda wajada, then

he makes up his mind.

“Di kepalaku berkecamuk badai mimpi. Tekad sudah aku bulatkan: kelak aku ingin menuntut ilmu keluar negeri, kalau perlu sampai ke Amerika. Dengan sepenuh hati, aku torehkan tekad ini dengan huruf besar-besar. Ujung penaku sampai tembus ke halaman sebelahnya. Meninggalkan jejak yang dalam. “Man jadda wajadda. Bismillah”. Aku yakin Tuhan Maha Mendengar.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 212)

Alif is a young man who likes the opposite sex. In Pondok Madani very

rarely find a woman, so when there is a gossip about a young and beautiful woman,

the daughter of Ustad Khalid and being the hot news for weeks at Pondok Madani.

Raja gives a challenge to Alif if he can get acquaintance with the girl named Sarah

and as a reward he will treat makrunah for a month. Makrunah is a typical menu in

the cafeteria as favorite menu in Pondok Madani – it is made from fat noodle

wallowing in ketchup, fried onions and chopped cengek. Alif deals with it, but Raja

gives the heavier requirements that he has to take a photograph together with Sarah.

Alif does not give up and has faith and keep to try. By a piece of magic words Man

Jadda Wajada, he tries to make it happen and proves to Raja. Alif soon devises a

plan to make it happen. First he tries to come home directly to Ustad Khalid to ask

about the lessons. But he realizes that Ustad Khalid does not teach in his class, but he

is not desperate, he tries to use his position as a campus reporter to interview Ustad

and hope to meet Sarah.

“Cara yang kedua yang lebih mungkin adalah memanfaatkan kedudukanku sebagai wartawan majalah kampus Syams. Aku bisa


mengajukan surat untuk wawancara panjang dengan Ustad Khalid, untuk dimuat sebagai rubrik “Mengenal Guru Kita”. Wawancara seperti ini sudah beberapa kali aku melakukannya dengan ustad senior” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 236)

After two weeks of procrastinating, finally Alif goes to Ustadz Khalid’s house and

then a few days later he is able to interview. When he finishes interviewing at

afternoon, in the evening Alif stays up to wait for the print in Syams magazine. Then

the next morning, he took the magazine to Ustad Khalid’s house and meets Sarah.

Immediately he tells to his Sahibul friends, but Raja says that if there is no picture

then no for makrunah. Alif is not concerned about the bet, the most important is he

has met Sarah, the girl who becomes the gossip of the students in Pondok Madani.

“Tidak apa-apa. Yang penting kalian tahu aku telah bertemu Sarah!”. Sa-rah.

Bunyinya terus berkumandang di gendang telingaku” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 256)

Alif is a lucky boy. Two weeks after interviewing Ustad Khalid, Alif is asked

to take a photograph of Ustad Khalid’s family, and after photographing then they

talk. In this conversation is known that Alif is the nephew of Mr. Etek Gindo who is

also a friend of Ustad Khalid in Egypt. Then Alif is brave to take pictures with Ustad

Khalid, the reason is to be sent as a memento to Mr. Etek Gindo.

Aku sempat ragu-ragu. Tapi kemudian aku memberanikan diri untuk meminta izin berfoto bersama dengan mereka sekeluarga. Alasanku, untuk kenang-kenangan dan dikirimkan ke Pak Etek Gindo. Ustad Khalid sama sekali tidak keberatan. Dengan menggunakan timer, aku ikut di dalam frame. Jepret!”

(Fuadi, A. 2009: 262)

Alif shows the photo to his friend at the under of the tower. They do not believe that


Alif is a child who never gave up. When Alif gets punishment for the first

time as a jasus or spy, Alif has trouble because he does not find people who make

mistakes. His friends try to help but Alif refuses it. He thinks that the personal

mistakes must be paid individually, with the spirit and the magic words Man Jadda

Wajada, to shows his sincerity, he devises a plan to immediately complete the task

with the time remaining. Alif’s effort is not in vain. He succees to do it.

“Rumus man jadda wajada terbukti mujarab. Kesungguhanku segera dibalas kontan. Dalam tempo hanya satu jam saja, ajaib kedua kartuku terisi. Aku memergoki seorang anak kelas 3 memotong antri diam-diam di kamar mandi

umum. Sementara dilapangan basket, seorang kawan makan dan minum sambil berdiri. Aturan di PM, makan dan minum harus sambil duduk.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 82)

Alif is a child who is not accustomed to lie. At the time of the dissolution of

Class Six Show organized by the sixth grade at Pondok Madani, Alif accidentally

says that he is supposed to keep secret. He says that himself with Atang and Said

without asking for permission to buy dry ice to Surabaya for their show in front of

friends and Ustad torik which is a discipline that dreaded teacher at Pondok Madani.

“Iya, contohnya ketika kita tiba-tiba harus ke Surabaya untuk membeli es kering. Kalau sudah kita rencanakan dari awal, kita tidak perlu tergesa-gesa seperti itu,” kataku sambil mengenang perjalanan ini.”

“Surabaya? Daun Telinga Ustad Torik langsung tegak berdiri” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 350-351)

Consequently Alif, Atang and Said are asked to overlook the KP (Kantor

Pengasuhan/care office) and get the bald head as punishment.

Alif is a clever child. It is proved that he get exam score that included ten


“Aku tegak di atas panggung aula madrasah negeri setingkat SMP. Sambil mengguncang-guncang telapak tanganku, Pak Sikumbang, Kepala Sekolahku memberi selamat karena nilai ujianku termasuk sepuluh yang tertinggi di Kabupaten Agam” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 5)

He wants to continue his study to senior high school and wants to achieve his dream

to study at UI, ITB and become like his idol, Mr. Habibie. His mother does not give

him permission. After arguing a lot with her mother and locked himself in a room for

three days, he receives a letter from Mr. Etek Gindo or his uncle who is in Egypt and

suggests that Alif shpuld into existing Pondok Madani in East Java.

“…Pak Etek punya banyak teman di Mesir yang lulusan Pondok Madani di Jawa Timur. Mereka pintar-pintar, bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arabnya fasih. Di Madani itu mereka tinggal di asrama dan diajar disiplin untuk bisa bahasa asing setiap hari. Kalau tertarik, mungkin sekolah ke sana bisa jadi pertimbangan…”

(Fuadi, A. 2009: 12)

After a rather long thought, finally he decides to continue his education at Pondok


Alif is struck by a piece of foreign words at the beginning of a magical

incantation inside the madrasah, Man Jadda wajada means that: "Who's earnest, will


Alif and his friends get the nickname Sahibul Menara. Alif and his friends

often gather under the tower which is beside the mosque and had a small garden.

Because they too often gather under the tower, they are called by his friends as

Sahibul Menara means the tower owner. “Saking seringnya kami berkumpul di kaki

menara, kawan-kawan lain menggelari kami dengan Sahibul Menara, orang yang


Alif is a child who is difficult to memorize the lessons. In Pondok Madani

requires many lessons for memorizing such aphorisms in Arabic. Every time there is

a lesson that requires memorizing, he often exposes to punishment stand up in front

of the class while holding a book. He feels there is something lacking in his head in

terms of memorizing lessons. “Entah chip apa yang kurang di kepalaku, begitu

berhadapan dengan hapalan, otakku langsung hang. Bagiku, menghapal letter teks

adalah cobaan pedih.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 116)

Alif loved English lessons and calligraphy. For calligraphy, he loves it even

more because it does not require memorizing but to practice. According Alif

calligraphy is full of meaning.

“Aku sendiri sangat suka pelajaran khatul arabi atau kaligrafi Arab. Anggapanku selama ini salah, ternyata kaligrafi tidak hanya bagaimana menuliskan abjad Arab dengan benar, tapi juga bagaimana menorehkannya dengan sabar, indah dan konsisten.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 114)

Alif is a child who is shy to perform himself in public. In Pondok Madani,

there are three times a week held a speech lessons in English, Arabic and Indonesian

and must be performed in front of 40 people or more from other class. At the week

he gets turn to speech in English, he realizes that he's not comfortable in public and

now has to deliver a speech in a foreign language. He finally asks his friend to help

him learn how to be a good orator. After his turn is finished, he is more confident of

himself to appear in public.

“Dulu aku anak yang sangat pemalu untuk tampil di depan umum, apalagi harus berpidato panjang lebar. Kini, tiga kali latihan pidato dalam seminggu, latihan menjadi imam shalat, belum lagi berbagai kegiatan seperti pramuka, pelan-pelan menambah kepercayaan diriku di muka umum. Kalau dulu tanganku dingin dan suaraku bergetar-getar seperti mau menangis, sekarang tanganku terkepal dan suaraku mulai bisa normal.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 158)


Alif is a careless child. When he is asked to take photograph with Ustad

Khalid and family, after taking a few pictures, he realizes that the numbers on the

camera do not change. When he reaches into his pants pockets turned out he forgets

to put the film in his camera. Due to this, he is nervous and shy, especially in front of

the woman he loves, Sarah.

Ustad, mohon maaf, ada kesalahan teknis. Filmnya belum dipasang,” kataku. Mukaku merah seperti kepiting dibakar. Aku menangkap getar di kumisnya, tapi wajah Ustad Khalid tidak berubah.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 260).

Alif achieves his goals. Few years after graduated from Pondok Madani, he

eventually becomes a journalist from Indonesia who works in the United States. It is

because his experience ever been editor of the magazine in Pondok Madani.

“Kantorku berada di Independence Avenue, jalan yang selalu riuh dengan pejalan kaki dan lalu lintas mobil. Diapit dua tempat tujuan wisata terkenal di ibukota Amerika Serikat, The Capitol and The Mall, tempat berpusatnya aneka museum Smithsonian yang tidak bakal habis dijalani sebulan. Posisi kantorku hanya sepelemparan batu dari di The Capitol, beberapa belas menit naik mobil ke kantor George Bush di Gedung Putih, kantor Colin Powell di Department of State, markas FBI, dan Pentagon. Lokasi impian banyak wartawan.”

(Fuadi, A. 2009: 2)

In this novel Alif is described as a 15-year-old, has high ideals, persistent,

kind, and creative. He has friends who are familiar and well and want to help him.

He is a clever boy, shy, hesitant and also not good at lying. He serves as an editor at

Pondok Madani Magazine, Syams. He is successful in realizing his dream to go to


4.2 Said Jufri

Said is nineteen years old who comes from Surabaya. He is a big boy in the

class. His arms are big, hard muscled, muscular chest and shoulders. He has black

hair, thick eyebrows, mustache, nose and cheekbone features complement the firm

faces the Arabic. Although he is just nineteen years old, his face is like a father aged

40 years old. Said has completed high school (SMA). He is a naughty boy, but now

he is repent and wants to learn religion.

“Makhluk paling raksasa di kelas adalah Said Jufri yang berasal dari Surabaya. Lengannya yang legam sebesar tiang telepon dan berbuku-buku oleh otot keras serta ditumbuhi bulu-bulu panjang keriting. Bajunya yang berbahan jatuh mencetak dada dan bahunya yang kekar. Rambut hitam ikal, alis tebal, kumis melintang, fitur hidung dan tulang pipinya tegas melengkapi wajah Arabnya. Dia memang keturunan kelima dari saudagar Arab yang mendarat dan menetap di kaisan Ampel, Surabaya. Walau berwajah Arab, tapi medok suroboyoan. Walau umurnya baru 19 tahun, wajahnya seperti bapak-bapak berumur 40 tahun”

(Fuadi, A. 2009: 45)

Said is a strong man. First day in Pondok Madani, he buys supplies for the

barrack. Said shows his strength exceeds that of his friends to lift cabinets from a

cooperative to his room, while the others struggle to lift cabinets and other items. But

Said’s braveness seems distorted when they make a mistake that is coming late to

the mosque and get punishment as a Jasus or spy.

“Hanya Said yang mencoba terlihat gagah dan tabah menerima keadaan ini. Sayang, kumisnya kali ini tampak layu, kalah wibawa dengan kumis para kakak keamanan. Kepala kami menunduk dalam, posisi duduk semakin berdempet-dempetan. (Fuadi, A. 2009: 74)

Said is the owner of a good idea. Said and his friends like to gather and learn

together. Thus, they try to find a place that is very safe and quiet without being


exactly matching, Said gives an input a place that fit with their desires. Then they

follow the instructions, finally they find the tower which has the garden under it.

“Kemarin waktu dihukum membersihkan masjid, aku kebagian membersihkan menara. Ternyata dasar menara ini tempat yang enak untuk istirahat,” kata Said memperlihatkan temuannya. (Fuadi, A. 2009: 93)

They finally agree that under of the tower is very suitable for gather place. Firstly

because it is close to the mosque, the second is not monitored by security officers

and third because this place is shady so fitting to assemble. Based on an idea from

Said to gather under the tower, this is the beginning they are named Sahibul Menara

or people who have the tower.

Said who is a big fan of actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Said invites his

friends to Ponorogo for refreshing. Once they take pains to ask permission to KP

(care office) using a variety of reasons they eventually allowed to Ponorogo. They

rent bicycles to get there. Said is so infatuated with the all action films involving the

muscular actor. In front of a cinema in Ponorogo Said sees the poster Terminator,

Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“Wah luar biasa. Ck…ck…” Said terpana sampai sepeda nya hampir menyelonong masuk selokan. Dengan mukanya tidak lepas dari poster Terminator, dia merebahkan sepedanya di pinggir jalan. Wajah Arnold Schwarzenegger yang dilukis di kain maha besar ini bergerak-gerak ditiup angin. Said terpana melihat idolanya berkacamata hitam memegang senapan dan.otot bertonjolan hampir sebesar sapi bunting.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 129)

After seeing the poster, Said promises to watch the film when the holidays come.

When the holidays come, Said keeps his promise. Said asks Alif, Atang and Baso to

come to his house in Surabaya. He buys them tickets to watch the Terminator movies


Said’s hobby is sport. In Pondok Madani there are many extracurricular

activities that can be followed by the students. Each student is free to choose the

activities they like, including Said. He is a person who likes sports and he is a main

player in the football of the barrack. He joins in almost all sports that exist in Pondok


“Said dengan semangat memilih hampir semua cabang olahraga yang ada, mu lai silat, sepakbola dan terakhir body building. Aku tidak habis pikir bagaimana dia membagi waktu latihan. “Kalau diniatkan, semuanya bisa diatur akhi,” jawabnya sambil bergegas memakai sepatu bola. Belakangan dia menyerah juga dan hanya memilih 4 cabang olahraga.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 162)

Said is a sleeper. Although Said is a head of class who is strong and

authoritative, but he likes sleepy in class also. One afternoon when they are gathering

at the mosque to read the Quran, Said seems so sleepy that starts with a light swing

head forwards and withered neck and chin touching chest. At that time, Alif tries to

wake him up, but then just a while, Said wakes up then falls to his left side and

immediately wake up. No wonder the few friends who see the incident immediately


“Bosan dengan upaya yang gagal, aku menyerah dan membiarkan Said berayun-ayun terus. Tiba-tiba saja, badan Said yang besar rebah ke samping kirinya dengan bunyi gedebuk. Said yang segera terbangun kaget sekali menemukan dirinya dalam posisi setengah tidur.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 70)

Said is someone who is mature and positive thinking. A day after Said and his

friends take over as a spy in center security, his friends feel stressed with their

current position entailed. But Said feels it is not a punishment, he tries to take it


“Alah cuma gini aja kok bingung. Daripada masdhuk, coba kalian lihat ini sebagai permainan. Bayangkan kayak permainan petak umpet. Cuma wilayah pencariannya berhektar-hektar dan waktu bermainnya 24 jam. Asyik, kan? Kapan lagi kita bisa main petak umpet sehebat ini,” katanya dengan serius.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 79)

By the time, their friendship is very strong. Said, the oldest man grows into

their informal leader. Because he is one of the oldest students in his class, Said

becomes the head of class. His body is like a father and his way of thinking such

adult that made him acceptable as a leader.

Perawakan yang seperti orangtua dan cara berpikirnya yang deisa membuat kami menerimanya sebagai yang terdepan. Dia kerap jadi tempat kami bertanya kata akhir kalau ada masalah. Aku sendiri mengagumi caranya melihat segala sesuatu dengan positif.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 156)

Said wants to be a censorer in Pondok Madani, Pondok Madani is very strict

to censor any incoming information, including newspapers. Only newspapers in the

paste on the panels are available and sometimes there are some censored like movie

advertisement. As a result of these censors, they can only read the title of the film

vaguely, but Said is a person who likes to watch movies, Due to this, Said aspires to

be a censorer in Pondok Madani.

Said paling kesal dengan sensor ini. Kekesalan ini menjelma jadi cita-cita. “Aku ingin menjadi tukang sensor ini saja nanti,” katanya setiap kami berdesakkan membaca koran sore hari.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 171).

Said hangs his goals. When the Sahibul Menara look at the sky under the

tower and imagines the clouds such as the world map and they want to come there,

but Said does not see the relevance of the cloud as his friends look. Said assumes that


appropriate place to do good things. This is the nationalist characteristic of Said.

“Aku juga. Setelah sekolah, aku balik ke Kampung Ampel, dan memperbaiki mutu

sekolah dan madrasah yang ada,” kata Said.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 210)

Said achieves his goals. By the time they are in the sixth grade, they are all

called to care office for given the authorized. Said is the first called. An hour later he

is out of care office, he tells his friends that he gets a job as a censorer.

“Aku menjadi ketua tukang sensor!” katanya tersenyum memperlihatkan sebuah surat bersampul cokelat. Kami tertawa dan menepuk-nepuk punggungnya, memberi selamat atas jabatan baru itu : menjadi anggota elit “The Magnificent Seven” tujuh orang terpilih pembela keamanan dunia PM.

Ini sesuai dengan cita-citanya dulu di depan panel koran. Dialah badan sensor koran, seperti yang diidam-idamkan,” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 299).

Finally Said’s ideals envisioned as a censorer is reached. This position is suitable for

him because of his body is big and muscular. At the end of the story also said that

Said manages to realize his dream at a time under the tower that is fighting for

education with Dulmajid.

“Atang mendapat kabar kalau kini Said meneruskan bisnis batik keluarga Jufri di Pasar Ampel, Surabaya. Sesuai cita-cita mereka dulu, Said dan Dulmajid bekerja sama mendirikan sebuah pondok dengan semangat PM di Surabaya.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 403)

Said is described as an adult child, always think positive, strong, kind-hearted

and good at sports. In Pondok Madani, Said ever be punished that is bald head. When

the first day of class 6, Said serves as chairman of the sensor information. Said

realizes his goal of building a boarding school with Dulamajid in Surabaya and runs


4.3 Raja Lubis

Raja is a child who is skinny, clean-skinned, have deep eyes and square face,

and he comes from Medan. He's about two or three years older than Alif which is

about 17 or 18 years. He has nine siblings. He is given the mandate by his parents to

study religion. Raja failed to enter the Pondok Madani because he signed late in the

previous year. During wait for the new school year, he studies in a Pondok not far

from Pondok Madani.

Raja likes read books and English too. At the first entering the class and all of

his friends bring books and Quran, but instead he takes a thick books and one of

them is English dictionary. Raja determines to finish reading the dictionary which is

very thick. When in English subject, the Raja is the most fluent answer the questions

from the teacher.

“Cak kau lihat ini bos, judulnya Advanced Learners Oxford Dictionary, kamus Bahasa Inggris yang hebat. Cocok buat kita yang belajar bahasa Inggris. Kalau ingin pandai seperti Habibie, macam buku inilah yang harus kau baca,” ujarnya serius sambil mengangkat kitab tebal ini pas di mukaku.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 44)

His English-speaking ability is shown by the birth of a dictionary. Together

with Baso who is clever in Arabic, they compile English-Arabic-Indonesian

dictionary special for students. Their efforts to make the dictionary are tirelessly.

Finally, the dictionary makes Raja and Baso become a legend in Pondok Madani

because as young teens, they are able to make a dictionary.

“Mereka terus menulis dan menulis tidak kenal lelah. Pagi-pagi aku melihat jempol, telunjuk dan jari tengah mereka bengkak-bengkak dan membiru karena dipakai memegang pulpen tiada henti. Tapi hasilnya berbicara. Dua tahun setelah memproklamirkan proyek ambisius ini, kamus mereka dicetak di percetakan PM. Kini “Kamus Arab-Inggris-Indonesia” karya Baso Salahudin dan Raja Lubis ini tersedia di toko buku kami.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 307)


Raja is a great man in the speech. The greatness of Raja in a speech is not in

doubt. At the first entering the class and introduces himself, raja uses a rough, tough

tone and it is more like the style of a speech than an introduction. No wonder why

when Alif wants to do a speech in English, raja gives many feedbacks on

pronunciation, delivery techniques and a suitable place to practice speaking and

some other techniques that he gets from reading the book.

Aku coba tarik napas yang dalam dan aku ingat-ingat nasehat Raja: pandanglah mata hadirin. Pelan-pelan aku angkat wajahku menghadap ke massa dan untuk beberapa detik aku diam mematung. Lalu pelan-pelan pandangan aku edarkan kepara hadirin. Kata Raja, ini namanya commanding by eyes, tips yang dibacanya di buku Tuntutan Menjadi Orator Ulung.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 154)

Since in the beginning, Raja determines to become a lion podium and envisioned

himself as Bung Karno who is great in speech. To achieve this dream he joins the

English Club that teaches how to make a speech, discussion and debate as well.

The greatness of Raja in English language and speech is rewarded with a

position as a driver of Language in Pondok Madani.

“Kalian tebaklah, jadi apa aku ini?” “Jadi bagian informasi pusat?” “Bukan.”

“Ketua bahasa untuk asrama Al-Barq?”

“Bukan. Aku dipercaya jadi anggota The Three Muskeeteers,” katanya bersemangat. Three Musketeers adalah julukan kami di PM bagi tiga orang penggerak bahasa pusat. Mereka yang menjaga program pengembangan bahasa dan menjaga kedisiplinannya. Mereka hakim tertinggi untuk menghukum para pelanggar bahasa. Tiga orang ini punya kemampuan bahasa Arab dan Inggris yang superior dan menjadi role model untuk semua murid.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 301)

Raja’s friends does not surprise if he gets the job. Since the beginning, Raja is


won the public speaking competition among fellow barracks and classes, in

Indonesian, English, or Arabic speech competition.

Raja wants to go to England. When Raja and friends Sahibul Menara is being

gather under the tower and imagine the clouds in the sky, he illustrates that the sky

like the European continent. And then he hangs his dream to go to England to see the

greatness of the British Empire.

“Kalau aku, suatu ketika nanti ingin menjalani jejak langkah Thariq bin Ziyad, menapaki perjalanan Ibnu Batutah dan jejak ilmu Ibnu Rusyd di Spanyol. Lalu aku ingin melihat kehebatan kerajaan Inggris yang pernah mengangkangi dunia. Aku penasaran dengan cerita dalam buku reading kita, ada Big Ben yang cantik dan bagian rute jalan kaki dari Buckingham Palace ke Trafalgar Square,” kata Raja menggebu-gebu kepada kami. Dia memang pencinta buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan hapal isinya dari depan sampai belakang.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 208).

His goal is not to stop until the extent of wishful thinking. He studies hard to

achieve these ideals with study hard and earnestly. A dozen years later his goal is

achieved. He is asked to be the coach of religion by Indonesian Muslim community

in London and he takes night class in London Metropolitan University in the field of


“Dia juga mengambil kelas malam di London Metropolitan University untuk bidang linguistik. “Sebuah kebetulan yang menyenangkan. Bisa mengabdi membantu umat di sini, sekaligus kuliah di tempat yang dulu aku impikan,” katanya.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 404).

Raja is described as a child who likes reading so much, have a strong passion

and purpose to achieve his dream. Raja becomes one of the legends in Pondok

Madani because he is able to make a dictionary with Baso. Raja has served as a

driver language center in Pondok Madani. He achieves his goal to go to London in


4.4 Atang

Atang is a tall boy with short hair upright, wears glasses and a white-faced

and has a rough beard. Atang comes from Bandung. Atang is three years older than

Alif, it is about 18 years old and has graduated from senior high school in the major

of Physics.

Atang is a good and he is generous child. When the holidays come and all his

friends back to their hometown, he is sad to see the Alif and Baso will only spend the

holidays in Pondok Madani. He invites them to have holiday in his house in


“Aku juga tidak punya duit sekarang. Tapi aku bisa menjamin makan dan tinggal kalian nanti gratis selama di Bandung. Pergi ke Bandung jelas tidak bayar karena naik mobil bapakku. Untuk ongkos kembali dari Bandung ke PM aku bisa meminjamkan nanti. Bagaimana?” bujuk Atang. (Fuadi, A. 2009: 217).

In the first period at the Senior High school, Atang is a theater performer. He

also helps Alif when he gets turn to give a speech. As theater performer he knows

several techniques of pronunciation. He gives the pronunciation techniques in order

to voice becomes round and loud that he knows it from a theater play. This technique

is taught to Alif so that Alif’s speech sounds good. “Lif, coba tahan napas di perut,

dan keluarkan seakan-akan suara dari perut. Dijamin suara lebih lantang,” katanya

sambil memperagakan.” (Fuadi, A. 2009: 152)

His theater habit is continued in Pondok Madani, because he wants to

continue his hobby from the senior high school. Besides theater, Atang has a hidden

goal that is he wants to be able to read the Qur'an as he sings. Atang decides to join a

group that specifically hone chanting Quran, although he realizes that his voice is


driver language center in Pondok Madani. He achieves his goal to go to London in

England and become a coach of religion there.

Atang is described as a generous child, a performer in theater since Senior

high school and has high artistic soul that he gets a job as an arts council center in

Pondok Madani. Atang achieves his goals that he wants to go to the Middle East, and

finally he becomes a student of Doctoral Program in Cairo.

Baso is described as a religious child, diligent and smart because he has

photographic memory which is a powerful memory and can memorize what he has

read. Baso is an orphan and he does not finish school in Pondok Madani because he

has to take care of his grandmother in the village. At the end of the story Baso

reaches his goal to memorize the Quran and gets a scholarship to Saudi Arabia.

Dulmajid is described as a child who comes from an ordinary family. He's a

diligent, clever in lobbying and idolizes Icuk Sugiarto. Dulmajid serves as an editor

of the Syams magazine in Pondok Madani. Dulmajid is a good child also, that he

wants the welfare of his family and builds Islamic boarding school in the village. At

the end of the story, Dulmajid successfully realizes his goal of build an Islamic

boarding school with Said in Surabaya.

The conclusion is that the six characters can achieve their dreams with the

spirit of the phrase “Man Jadda Wajada”, although one of them who come out of the

Pondok Madani but his spirit never fades to achieve his goals because in their hearts

are full of the spirit "Man Jadda Wajada" phrase.

Pondok Madani is a reflection of the Pondok Gontor because of similarities in

terms of education equivalent to high school, its education for 24 hours, every


paid, and also the source of funds managed by Pondok itself. Pondok Madani is an

independent boarding school because its school is able to fulfill its own needs.

Pondok Madani is one of the famous boarding schools in Java and in Indonesia. Its

students come from around the country. When Pondok Madani held the event, the

guests come from the officer, General, to President. Education system in Pondok

Madani consists of formal, informal and extracurricular. Regulations made also very

strict and not only as a punishment for noncompliance but rather as an education to

educate students. While, Alif is a reflection of the author, Ahmad Fuadi. Fuadi

derives from the edge of the Maninjau lake in West Sumatra, and then he continues

his education at boarding school, and finally he is able to achieve his dream to go to


5.2 Suggestion

There are some suggestions that can be taken from the novel "Negeri 5

Menara" such as spirit, optimistic and never give up. Phrase "Jadda Wajada man"

means to explain Who's earnest, will succeed. Therefore we have to do something

with as much as possible, should be optimistic that we can get it, and do not give up

despite facing many obstacles. We believe that God always appreciate any efforts

made by his slave. In this novel, many behaviors these are obedient to discipline, be

sincere when got punishment and be humble when receiving reward shown by each

characters. Finally, the Writer hopes that readers will be able to take a lot of good

lessons from this novel. Last but not least, “Man Jadda Wajada” (Who's earnest, will



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i. Author’s Biography and works

Ahmad Fuadi (born in Bayur,

novelist & social entrepreneur from Indonesia. His debut novel Menara”: trilogy, followe as one of the most watched Indonesian movie in the year of 2012. He’s also well known for his extraordinary achievement in achieving 9 overseas scholarships. One of Fuadi’s life-changing experience is his experience during his study in Pondok Modern Gontor, where he is introduced to a powerful mantra “Man Jadda Wajada” (He who gives his all will surely succeed) in his first day. He then went to Padjajaran University, majoring International Relations. During his last semester in a semester there. Upon graduating with a degree in International Relations from Padjadjaran University, he became a journalist for journalism is done in reporting assignments under the guidance of senior Tempo journalists. In 1999, he received a the Venturing to Ishington, D.C. together with Yayi, his wife—also a Tempo journalist—is a childhood dream come true. While studying, they are also Tempo correspondents and reporters for historical news, such as the and Capitol Hill. In 2004, another world window opened when he received the continue his education and find more scholarships. He has had opportunities to live and study in Canada, Singapore, USA, and the UK. With his wife Danya “Yayi” Dewanti, Fuadi founded Komunitas Menara, a volunteer-based social organization


fortunate. Up until now, Komunitas Menara has already built 5 free pre-schools throughout Indonesia. His works are the novel “Negeri 5 Menara 2009)”, “Ranah 3 Warna (2011)”, and “Rantau 1 Muara (2013)”.

ii. Summary of the Novel

Negeri 5 Menara is a novel by Ahmad Fuadi which is published by Gramedia in 2009. This novel tells about the life of six students from 6 different areas studying in Pondok Madani (PM) Ponorogo in East Java are away from home and managed to realize their dreams. They are Alif Fikri From West Sumatera, Raja Lubis from Medan, Said Jufri from Surabaya, Dulmajid from Sumenep, Atang from Bandung, Baso Salahuddin from Gowa. They get closer and closer after having many experiences together in Pondok Madani such as getting punishment together because of being late gathering in the mosque on the first day in Pondok Madani, learning together about speech, English, and many other lessons, etc. These six students are called “Sahibul Menara” or “Tower Owners” because of their habit of relaxing under the tower near the mosque. In that place, they determined their dreams to continue their studies abroad after graduating from Pondok Madani. They keep their spirit, teamwork and persistence for four years in the boarding school. Because of the spirit of phrase "Man Jadda Wajada" which motivate them achieve the dreams and Pondok Madani which encourage them to achieve their dreams by using certain the management of keeping tight discipline, giving punishments and rewards for all activities doing by students, finally they can achieved their dreams.