In writing the books, the comments are very important. They can help the author to know his her weakness outside. They can be positive or negative. Here there are some comments from the people who read Nick’s book “ Life Without Limits”. 1. Miriam Life Without Limits “ by Nick Vujicic is an amazing and encouraging memoir. Nick was born without arms and legs and had still lives an unlimited life. He has become a motivational speaker and has traveled to other countries sharing his thoughts and lessons about God and His goodness. Nick admits that there were times in his life when he did not want to continue living as he is, but he shares how he overcome that experience and learned to move on. We may sit an complain that our body part don’t work as they should, but what would life be like without those parts. Nick sheds some light on those thoughts and yet he approaches life with a positive outlook. It is difficult to read his book and not be inspired by what he has to say. I highly recommend this book as you will be deeply. Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. Brooke Hater “ Life Without Limits” by Nick Vujicic is an amazing and encouraging memoir. Imagine yourself being born without arms. It would be a ridiculously hard thing to overcome. Now imagine yourself without arms or legs. Kinda hard isn’t it? I never really thought about what this would be like till I read Nick’s story, but it’s more of a series of inspirational events that have occurred in his life that really have some great lessons at the end. Nick shares stories and inspiration from his life, illustrating how he has triumphed over his limitations and again. If you struggle with depression, disabilities, low self- esteem, lack of motivation or any of the difficulties life throws at humans, you can be motivated by reading this book. Born without arms or legs, he desperately wanted to fit in and experience the same things others kids did. His parents helped him achieve a certain amount of independence, and he taught himself how to perform many tasks that I’d never have thought possible for a person without arms or legs. He does so much for other people, even though he is so bad off himself. He reminds his reader that no matter what you’re going through, there is always some way to get through it, whether it be through faith, hope or just by helping those less fortunate. This book has honestly changed my outlook on life. Any time something bad happens to me, I find myself thinking about Nick, and suddenly I don’t feel bad anymore. It’s rare that a book has such an effect on me. Universitas Sumatera Utara