Cultural in Deixis Translation

subordinated to a certain community of society which is usually based on “family and blood”. In Chinese culture, people emphasize a lot on collectivism, so the addresser attaches much significance to maintain a friendly interpersonal relationship by means of pragmatic empathy. And that is why in most cases Chinese are inclined to use such kind of sentences as “we think”, “we hold the opinion that” to deliver the addresser’s own viewpoint. 42 Chinese zan and wo are general and ambiguous in reference, but the English I tends to be clear-cut and specified to merely refer to the addresser himself. This disparity tells the very difference in the mode of thinking between the Chinese and people in English-speaking countries. In terms of mode of thinking, it is the intuitive integrity that features in the mindset of traditional Chinese culture, while the analytical logic epitomizes that of the western culture. The exchange of pronouns can shape or confirm the power dynamics and solidarity of a relationship, and the use of Chinese self-depreciatory terms just shows another cultural difference between the Chinese ideology of power hierarchy and of Li politeness and the western ideology of equality. 43 42 Shirong Zhang,, op.cit., p. 1870. 43 Ibid. 24 CHAPTER III ANALYSIS OF DEIXIS IN TRANSLATION

A. The Data Description

This chapter contains the data of deictic terms that was taken from the Voyage of the Dawn Treader novel in English and Indonesian version. This novel is the third edition of the Chronicles of Narnia series novel. The English novel is written by C. S. Lewis and published by HarperCollins Children’s Books in 2010. English version is translated by Indah S. Pratidina into Indonesian. Table 8: Data Description Deictic Terms Amount Types of Deixis English Indonesia He -nya 7 Person Deixis He dia 5 Person Deixis Her dia 3 Person Deixis Her kapal 3 Person Deixis Her Majesty Yang Mulia 5 Person Deixis Him dia 66 Person Deixis Him -nya 15 Person Deixis His -nya 33 Person Deixis I -ku 15 Person Deixis I aku 410 Person Deixis I ku- 31 Person Deixis It dia 62 Person Deixis It nya 28 Person Deixis It singa 10 Person Deixis Me aku 1 Person Deixis Me -ku 16 Person Deixis My hand -ku 110 Person Deixis Myself aku sendiri 4 Person Deixis Our kita 45 Person Deixis Our our person ku untukku 24 Person Deixis Our world negeri kami sendiri 22 Person Deixis Ourselves sendiri 1 Person Deixis Own sendiri 2 Person Deixis Saving her menyelamatkannya 1 Person Deixis She nya 5 Person Deixis She anak perempuan itu 1 Person Deixis She dia 13 Person Deixis Their Majesties Ketiga Yang Mulia 1 Person Deixis Them menyukainya 2 Person Deixis Them kita 1 Person Deixis Them lautan dan daratan 1 Person Deixis Them mereka 46 Person Deixis themem mereka 3 Person Deixis Themselves diri mereka 4 Person Deixis They dua pulau itu 2 Person Deixis They The Duffer 1 Person Deixis They mereka 94 Person Deixis Us kami 29 Person Deixis Us kita 24 Person Deixis We aku 2 Person Deixis We kami 105 Person Deixis We kita 132 Person Deixis You kalian 83 Person Deixis You kau 102 Person Deixis you all you kalian semua 2 Person Deixis you and I kita 194 Person Deixis you mean maksudmu 6 Person Deixis you two kalian 2 Person Deixis Your kau 45 Person Deixis Your kita 3 Person Deixis Your Tuan 2 Person Deixis Your Good Majesty Yang Mulia 17 Person Deixis Your Grace Yang Mulia 1 Person Deixis Your Lordship Tuan 3 Person Deixis Your Majesties all Yang Mulia semuanya 2 Person Deixis Your Majesty Yang Mulia 1 Person Deixis Your own land tanah kalian sendiri 1 Person Deixis your subject rakyatmu 1 Person Deixis your Sufficiency Yang Cekatan 29 Person Deixis Yours dunia kalian 3 Person Deixis Yourself dirimu sendiri 3 Person Deixis A couple of hours beberapa jam lagi 1 Platial Deixis A day satu hari 1 Platial Deixis A few months ago beberapa bulan lalu 1 Platial Deixis A minute or two dalam satu atau dua menit 1 Platial Deixis A morning pagi-pagi 1 Temporal Deixis A week seminggu 1 Temporal Deixis A year setahun 1 Temporal Deixis A year ago setahun berlalu 1 Temporal Deixis About a hundred and fifty years selama seratus lima puluh tahun terakhir 1 Temporal Deixis After a bit setelah beberapa lama 1 Temporal Deixis After the New Year setelah Tahun Baru 1 Temporal Deixis All my life sepanjang hidupku 1 Temporal Deixis All the time sepanjang waktu 2 Temporal Deixis An hours time sejam lagi 1 Temporal Deixis At night di malam hari 2 Temporal Deixis At noon today di siang hari ini 1 Temporal Deixis At noon tomorrow pada siang hari besok 1 Temporal Deixis Before noon tomorrow sebelum siang hari besok 1 Temporal Deixis Below ke bawah 1 Temporal Deixis Between teen an ten p.m. On second Saturdays antara pukul sembilan dan sepuluh malam pada Sabtu kedua 1 Temporal Deixis Come here kemarilah 1 Temporal Deixis Daylight siang hari 2 Temporal Deixis Days and weeks berhari-hari bahkan berminggu-minggu 1 Platial Deixis Down below di bawah 1 Platial Deixis East from here ke timur dari sini 2 Platial Deixis Every day setiap hari 1 Platial Deixis Every day at sunset setiap hari saat matahari terbenam 1 Platial Deixis Every morning setiap pagi 1 Platial Deixis Five days more dalam lima hari kemudian 1 Platial Deixis