Data Collection An Analysis Of Slavery And Its Impact Towards Black People In Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin


3.2 Data Collection

Data is a collection of facts that we find to produce an interesting conclusion of a decision. Data is the plural of datum word, derived from the Latin meaning something given. In everyday usage, data means a statement that is accepted as it is. This statement is the result of measurement or observation of a variable which can be a statement, picture, sound, letters, numbers, language or other symbols that we can use as ingredients to see the environment, objects, events, concepts, etc. Information processing is the result of a model, formation, organization, or a change in the form of data that have a certain value, and can be used to increase the knowledge of those who receive it. In this case, the data can be Data Selection : Quotations Main Source of Data : Novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin Researcher Interpretation Conclusion Analysis Universitas Sumatera Utara regarded as an object of the information which is is useful for the recipient. Information can also be called as a result of processing or data processing. Data collection is conducted to obtain the information needed in order to achieve the objective study. In the study, data collection technique is an important factor for the success of the study. It is concerned with how to collect data, what the source, and what tools are used. Types of data sources is about where the data was obtained. Whether the data obtained from direct sources primary data or data obtained from indirect sources secondary data. To obtain data that can be used as material in this study, I use these techniques to support the topic deals with analysis. 1. Literary study : collecting data by studying, observing, and taking the theories and concepts from a number of literary books, journals, magazines, newspapers or other kind of scientific papers which relevant to the topic of study. 2. Documentation : utilize written documents, images, photographs, or objects related to other aspects which is observed. Documentation studies is data collection techniques that are not addressed directly to the subject of research. Documents can be examined a wide range, not only official documents, can be diaries, personal letters, reports, and other documents. Documents can be divided into primary and secondary documents. Primary documens is the document which is written by people who directly experience an event. An example is the autobiography. While secondary document is like events reported on others who subsequently written by this person. An example is the Universitas Sumatera Utara biography. I also obtain the data from internet which also help to provide information related to the topic. Information which is obtained through library study and documentation used as the main data related to the topic. Because the analysis of this study is not based on calculations such as quantitative research, analysis of data lies in the ability of the researcher in connecting data, facts, and information which is obtained by the authors own.

3.3 Data Analysis