Racial Discrimination The Impact of Slavery

one,” said he. “There seems to be atheory of emigration suggested there.” XX. 233 From the quotations above, we can see the reason behind the slaves’ lack of understanding is because they only know how to do work for their masters. They have no time to study or sorts. They never have such an proper education. Their movement is limited which makes them difficult to do anything except working. For example, for Topsy the only thing she know is her job. When Topsy is asked by Miss Ophelia about what she does for her master and mistress, she answers that she fetch water, wash dishes, rub knives and wait on folks.

4.2.2 Racial Discrimination

Uncle Tom’s Cabin shows that slavery is utterly immoral and the domination of one group of people by another based on race is unacceptable. Blacks are depicted as having the same kind of souls and the same claims on God’s love that whites have. The novel draws attention to the black race specifically. It mentions that blacks are discriminated and hated by the society and they feel real depression and they find it very difficult to be happy in the society that ignore their existence. Uncle Tom’s Cabin are concerned with the rights of black people and their feelings of depression, sadness and misery that have been represented through the characters in the plays. They have examined discrimination of communities. Its undoubtedly the intention of Providence that the African race should be servants, – kept in a low condition, said a grave-looking gentleman in black, a clergyman, seated by the cabin door. Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be, the scripture says. XII. 70 This is one of the statement which claims that blacks are a race cursed by God and that they deserve to be slaves forever. Universitas Sumatera Utara In this case, Topsy is one of the slaves that experiences the racial discrimination. She says to Eva that Miss Ophelia never let Topsy to touch her because she is black. “But, Topsy, if you’d only try to be good, you might-“ “Couldn’t never be nothin’ but a nigger, if I was ever so good,” said Topsy. “if I could be skinned, and come white, I’d try then.” “But people can love you, if you are black, Topsy. Miss Ophelia would love you if you were good.” Topsy gave the short, blunt laugh that was her common mode of expressing incredulity. “Don’t you think so?” said Eva. “No, she can’t bar me, ‘cause I’m a nigger – she’d soon have to a toad touch her There can’t nobody love niggers and niggers can’t do nothin’. I don’t care,” said Topsy, beginning to whistle. XXV. 261 “It is true what she told me; if we want to give sight to the blind, we must be willing to do as Christ did – call them to us, and put our hands on them.” “I’ve always had a prejudice against negroes,” said Miss Ophelia, “and it’s a fact, I never could bear to have that child touch me; but I didn’t tink she knew it.”... “I don’t know how I can help it,” said Miss Ophelia; “they are disagreeable to me – this child in particular. How can I help feeling so?” XXV. 262 It shows the long struggle for equality for black because of the discrimination. Many blacks receive only the injustice, pains, criticism and hate from the white people who always thought they are superior. Even after slaves are emancipated, slavery has a constant malignant impact on their culture. Slavery put African-Americans at a racial disadvantage, which has taken them over a century to fight, and they still have not completely overcome this disadvantage. The racism that they have faced lead them to become bonded like an extended family, but this bond is a method of defense rather than an actual cultural bond. The impact of the memories and racism of slavery has causes African-Americans to create a culture based around their defense and overcoming racism, rather than a common religion or common practice. Overcoming such an obstacle is impossible, and memories of slavery will always be held within them. The removal of their culture, their Universitas Sumatera Utara restrictions as slaves, and the impact of slavery after emancipation have all negatively affected the culture that they have created. Harriet Beecher Stowes novel, Uncle Toms Cabin changes how Americans see slavery, the system that treated people as property. It demands that the United States deliver on the promise of freedom and equality, creates the abolition movement and contributes to the outbreak of the Civil War. Uncle Toms Cabin is a book that drew many people into the fight over the institution of slavery. Stowe’s novel is designed to illustrate for the world the evils of slavery. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

5.1 Conclusion