3.1 The Theme

To look for the theme in a novel, we must read that novel till finish. Or even we must repeat it to get the real correct theme. In Ranah 3 Warna novel, the writer finds out the central theme and sub theme. The central theme in this novel is Struggle for life. Then the sub theme in this novel is about love.  Struggle for life The story about struggle for life always appear in this novel, that is why the writer decides that struggle for life is the central theme in Ranah 3 Warna novel. The story happens when the main character, which is Alif, has graduated from boarding school. Alif has a high dream, which want to become successful person such as Mr. Habibie and study in Institute of Technology Bandung ITB. Mr. Habibie is one of the nation’s best people and has served as President of Indonesia, which even his name is respected in many big countries in the world for his research on method of aircraft, while ITB is the most popular college in Indonesia. All of students in Indonesia want to study there. Since Mr. Habibie was graduated of ITB, Alif be ambitious to studying in that favorite college. The first struggle of Alif happens when he must be study hard to learning all the lessons of senior high school that he never learned at boarding school to follow senior high school equivalence test. Many people underestimated him. Alif try to borrow the books from his friend or his neighbors that have the books of senior high school and learn it intensively. He wants to show his ability to everybody that he capable to enter in his favorite college. Universitas Sumatera Utara The next struggle is when his father died. So he must be looking for job while he still studies in Padjajaran University in order to defraying his life and give money to his mother and his younger siblings in the village. He received all the employment offered to him, so he had three different jobs while studying. He must sell the device need mothers like Mukena, veil, woven garments, etc. He sold it to some places of social gatherings or family gatherings, he also a seller of perfume door to door, and he must also teach private lesson in the afternoon. Consequently, the schedule of his life changed drastically, no more free time. In the morning he must study, so in the afternoon he teach private lesson, and in the evening till night he around to sell his wares. It can be seen from the quotation below: Apa gunanya masa muda kalau tidak untuk memperjuangkan cita-cita besar dan membalas budi orang tua? Biarlah tulang mudaku ini remuk dan badanku susut. Aku ikhlas mengorbankan masa muda yang indah seperti yang dinikmati kawan-kawanku. Karena itu aku tidak boleh lemah. Aku harus keras pada diriku sendiri. Pedih harus aku rasai untuk tahu benar rasanya senang. Harus berjuang melebihi rata-rata orang lain. Fuadi, 2011:117 What is the use of youth if not to fight for the ideals and help parents? Let my young bones are broken and my body shrinkage. I’m willing to sacrifice of beautiful who enjoyed by my friends. Therefore I must not be weak. I have to be hard on myself. The pain should I suppose to know the true taste delight. Have to fight more than the average of others. Fuadi, 2011:117  Love Love is the sub theme in Ranah 3 Warna novel. The love story happens when Alif always met with a girl who lived in the same area with him, in Dago area, Bandung city. She is Raisa, a girl who study in the same university with Universitas Sumatera Utara Alif. Alif began fall in love with Raisa because they often met on the bus before and after they study. Raisa is also elected to the program of students exchange to Canada. This makes they are increasingly being met, so that Alif become increasingly in love with Raisa. But Randai, his close friends also loves Raisa. So they are involves in a triangle love. Alif often feels jealous when he saw Randai trying to seduce Raisa. But Raisa more pleased to be associated with Randai because Randai could teach her the traditional arts of Indonesia than Alif. Jangan – jangan mereka masih saling kontak sampai sekarang. Ada yang berdenyut keras di jantungku. Aku begitu bodoh selama ini. Aku menekur memandang sepatuku, si hitam yang seperti mencibir mengejek kebodohanku. Tapi, hei, kenapa aku harus merasa cemburu? Bukankah hak Raisa untuk menyebut nama siapa saja, termasuk Randai? Ada apa denganku? Olala. Inikah rasanya jatuh hati ? Fuadi,2011:422 Are they still contact each other until now? There is a loud pulsing in my heart. I am so stupid up till now. I look at my shoes, the black like as sneering mocking my ignorance. But, hei, why should I feel jealous? Raisa may name anyone, including of Randai? What’s wrong with me? Olala. Is this the falling in love? Fuadi, 2011:422

3.2 Plot