Figurative Language REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 1 Semantics

14 Describe sentence scientifically. iii Explain the meaning in communication process Kempson, 1977:11 In Kempson opinion, he explains three aspects that can find in meaning: 1. Word 2. Sentence 3. What the speaker need to communicate. People can open dictionary to get the meaning of a word; however, it is not possible to forever if people always open the dictionary to get meaning of word that they can understand. And it is not a must someone has to open the dictionary to communicate. In daily life of human, it is difficult for people to apply meaning that is in dictionary, because meaning of a word in a sentence often moves. In the other word, sometimes a word has wide meaning. This thing can be find if someone be faced with idiom, figure of language, metaphor, and trope.

2.3 Figurative Language

In semantic, there are two kinds of meaning, these are literal meaning and non-literal meaning. Literal meaning is the real meaning of words. Non- literal meaning is unreal meaning of words, it is called figurative language that include of metaphor, irony, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, and litotes, etc. Webster’s New World Dictionary of American English 1998:789 defined that, in general, the literal meaning is based on the actual words not figurative or symbolic. The literal meaning is according to dictionary or letter scriptures, being without exaggeration or embellishment. Figurative language is special or artistic. It is an expressive use of language where words are used in a non-literal way to suggest 15 illuminating comparisons and resemblances. Figurative language contains a hidden meaning to express a word and used to special effect feeling. For example, the uses of word ‘face’ in sentence Mrs. Lana can face her problem by herself refers to ability solve something. Figuratively, this sentence means Mrs. Lana can solve her problem by herself. This is an unusual way of coding experience. Literally, the uses of word face can find in sentence she has beautiful face refers to a part of humans body. Using figurative language to describe or convey the idea of writer is more effective and unique, the writer use symbol or reveal the meaning indirectly. It also creates poetic nuance in writing which make it more beautiful. We are not only finding figurative language in poem, song, or novel but also in conversation of our day life. Indirectly, figurative language also increases varieties of words, which is increase creativity of writer in writing. There are some definitions of figurative language according to the experts: 1. Bekson and Ganz 1957:80state, “Figurative language is language which makes use of certain devices called ‘figure of speech’, most of which are techniques for comparing dissimilar objects, to achieve effects beyond the range of literal language. 2. Shaw 1985: 251 states figurative language often vivid and imaginative can add color and clarity, vigor and effectiveness to writing. 3. David Crystal 1999:116 says, “Figurative language is an expressive use Of language where words are used in a non-literal way to suggest illuminating Comparisons and resemblances.” 16 4. John F. Genung 1893 described figurative language as an international deviation from the plain and ordinary mode of speaking, for the sake of greater effect. All the definitions of figurative language above are different in the way of explanation but have the same meaning. The term figurative language has traditionally referred to language which differs from everyday, nonliterary usage. Figures were seen as stylistic ornaments with which writers dressed up their language to make it more entertaining, and to classify the meaning they wanted to convey. Figurative language contains images, and writer use it to describe something through unusual comparison, for effect, interest, and make it reader or listener interested to find the real meaning and force the reader or listener to think and imagine the meaning. There are more than 10 kinds of figurative language. The types of figurative expressions which are going to be explained are simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, hyperbole, apostrophe, allegory, parable, paradox, and irony. Merriam-Websters Encyclopedia Of Literature says that figurative language can be classified in five categories: resemblance or relationship, emphasis or understatement, figures of sound, verbal games, and errors.

2.4 Metaphor