Data Collection Technique Research Instrument In the practice of bilingual program, the teaching and learning model referred to bilingual transitional education. So, the teachers used English in delivering material partially not fully English. The headmaster explained that the portion of English used is different among class levels. The portion was based on students’ ability in English. Tabel 4. 1 The portion of English use in teaching learning process Grade Portion Language 1 and 2 75 Bahasa 25 English 3 and 4 50 Bahasa 50 English 5 and 6 25 Bahasa 75 English There is another objective of implementing English in teaching and learning process that is helping students to acquire English since they were young in any aspects. The students are expected to be able the topic from the subject matter being taught using English while also improving the students’ English skills. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the objective of the implementation English in teaching and learning process is not only to reach international standardized school but also to prepare the students in facing globalization era by improving students’ English skills since they are young. b The communication in the teaching and learning process between teacher and students. The researcher observed two points related with this topics as follows: 1 Interaction between teacher and students In SD Islam Al-Chusnaini, the main teaching and learning process was done using English language such as in the opening, delivering material, and closing. But when there were some students who had not yet understand about the material given, the teacher explained using Bahasa. Based on the observation, the researcher found that during teaching and learning process, teacher sometimes give some feedbacks. For example, the teacher gives feedback for inappropriate vocabulary. When the teacher realizes students made mistake, the teacher would helped those students, even though the researcher found that some teacher also made some mistakes related to grammar. The teacher also gave feedback in written from because the assessment toward the students’ learning is in the written. 2 Interaction among students Based on the observation result, interaction among students in teaching and learning process was created by the teacher by making group. The teacher divided some students into some groups then asked them to do some exercise. When the students interacted to each other, most of them were not aware of the structural and grammatical features of English. The students lacked of using English in their daily conversation because they still use their mother tongue. 3 Interaction among teachers In this research, interaction among teachers also observed by the researcher. Usually, there are 6 to 8 teachers chosen by English coordinator who get a task to be teacher ambassador. Those teachers are asked to wear yellow scarf as a mark. While they get a turn to be teacher ambassador they must speak English anytime and anywhere as they can, another teacher who communicate with them should use English also. As the continuation of bilingual program, the researcher found there was an activity called one minute talk. Here, those teachers who have duty as teacher ambassadors are asked to talk or give a speech in front of other teachers for one minute. They are