Students’ Writing Score The Story Skeleton Improves Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative Text getting better after using story skeleton even though levels of the increasing are not same in each criterion.

b. The Result of Students’ Comment about Story Skeleton

Based on the result finding on s tudents’ comment about the use of story skeleton in teaching and learning narrative text, the researcher asked four questions to the students. The description of each question is described as follows: 1 Menurut anda, bagaimana pembelajaran writing narrative text menggunakan story skeleton? Based on the question above, students state that story skeleton stimulates students’ interest in learning. Students feel easier to understand narrative text because they know the structure of narrative text in detail. In addition, students feel easier to write a narrative text because they know the contents, the plot sequence, and kind of events which occur in a story. They feel enjoy and interest during learning writing narrative text using story skeleton 2 Apa kesulitan yang anda alami ketika menulis teks naratif menggunakan story skeleton? Based on the result of interview about students’ difficulties on writing narrative text using story skeleton are drawing the main character or supporting character, make synopsis or summary of the story, and determine other problems that appear besides the main problem. Students also get difficulty in vocabulary. 3 Menurut anda, apa kelebihan dan kekurangan dari media story skeleton? Based on the result of interview about the advantage of story skeleton are students get easier to understand the text. It is because the text is described in detail. When they identify the text in detail, they know the whole story so that they understand the text. It also helps students to write narrative text through story skeleton as the outline. They could write narrative text in sequence plot. Then story skeleton helps them to memorize the story. It makes them easier to remember the plot or the sequence of story. 3 While the disadvantage of story skeleton is the shape is monotonous. Students hope that there may other shape that can be used. If so it will make story skeleton more interested. Then in drawing the character takes a long time. Although in writing activities students do not necessarily draw the characters. 4 Apa harapan anda untuk pembelajar naratif teks kedepannya? Based on the result of interview to the students, they hope that they can write a good narrative text. When they write narrative text 3 Based on interview with students on Wednesday, May 18 th 2016 they do not need to make an outline, the can directly write the story. Then, students’ understanding in narrative text will increase. There may other learning media that make them more interest and enhance their mood in learning narrative text. It doesn’t mean that story skeleton is not interesting. They want to know various media which can be used in narrative text.


1. The Use of Story Skeleton to Teach Writing Narrative Text.

Based on the research findings, it can be seen that in teaching writing narrative text teacher asked students to write not only used story skeleton as the outline but also gave students steps to write a good text. The steps that followed by the teacher were planning, drafting, editing and revising. Harmer states that there are four steps in writing process which can make our writing are good. 4 Those are planning, drafting, editing, and revising. In writing narrative text using story skeleton, students follow those four steps. The first is planning. The first thing students do is choosing the topic and think about the structure. In this step students make an outline using story skeleton which consisting of the structure of the text orientation, complication, resolution. The second step is drafting. In this step, students generate the ideas and the structure into full paragraph. The third step is 4 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, New York: Pearson Education Limited, 2004,4. editing. Here, students check the organization of paragraph, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. The fourth step is revising. In this phase, students have edited their draft, making changes if it necessary, and produce a final version of the written text. It also means that the text is ready to be read. Furthermore, story skeleton has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of story skeleton was to make students more aware of the entire contents of the narrative text. Empowered students in analysis a text so that they know in detail what is in the text. When students created a narrative text, the sequence of event was coherent. They could also develop the story of the points that had been written. Story skeleton raised students’ interest to the lesson, lead students’ attention, and helped students to understand the lesson. Therefore story skeleton is effective media to teach writing narrative text. The disadvantage of story skeleton was consuming a lot of time if the student had to describe and coloring characters and setting of time and place. The shape was too monotonous. Because the shape only human body.

2. The Story Skeleton Improves Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative Text

Regarding to the students’ comment on how learning writing narrative text using story skeleton, the researcher concludes that story skeleton the use of story skeleton as writing outline can help students to write a narrative text. Also it can increase students’ ability in writing. The students’ score after using story skeleton is higher than students’ score before using story skeleton. It can be seen on the table 4.5. Moreover, students’ ability in writing narrative text increases. It can be seen on chart 4.1. The highest criterion which increases is structure. This is in accordance with Shutta Crum that story skeleton can help students to master the sequence of the action in a story. 5 It provides a sequence of event which occurs in the story. It guides students to place the plot structure correctly. Besides useful in writing a story, these media can help students to remember or memorize a story. As Bill states in his book that story skeleton sets students up to tell the story depend on what students’ need. 6 It is because the skeleton gives the basic sequence of character and events. 5 accessed on April, 3 rd 2016 6 Bill Gordh. Stories in Action: interactive tales and learning activities to promote early literacy. London: The Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2006, 25.


This chapter presents conclusion and suggestion related to the research findings and discussion. A. Conclusion Based on the research findings, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: 1. The used of story skeleton to teach writing narrative text follows some steps. The first is planning. Students’ choose the topic and think about the structure. In this step students used story skeleton as the outline. Students fill all skeleton’s body which has represented the content of a story. The second is drafting. Here students generate the ideas and the structure into all paragraphs orientation, complication, resolution. Students write a paragraph which refers to the points on story skeleton. They place in accordance with the generic structure of the text. The third step is editing. Here students check the organization of the paragraph, grammar, vocabulary etc. Then the last step is revising. Students re-read and re-check whether there is a change or not. Here the students’ written text is ready to be read. Story skeleton can be used for teaching writing narrative text as an outline before students write a narrative text. And it all was going well. 64 2. The story skeleton improves students’ writing skill in narrative text are explained in two categories. The first one is based on their writing score. Story skeleton can increase studen ts’ writing ability. It can be seen on the results are the structure criterion increases 13. The paragraphing criterion increases 12. Ideas criterion also increases 11. Vocabulary criterion increases 6 while audience criterion increases 3. Then spelling criterion and character and setting criterion increase 2 of each criterion. Sentence structure, punctuation, and cohesion increase about 1 of each criterion. The second is students’ commenter about the use of story skeleton in writing narrative text. Story skeleton is an effective media for teaching narrative text. It raises students’ interest to the lesson, leads students’ attention, and helps students to understand the lesson. On the other hand, they feel confuse to determine the other problems that occur in the story. Then they hope there is another form of story skeleton. So it is not only form as human body.

B. Suggestion

The findings and discussion in chapter IV encourages the researcher to give some advices as a result of this study.

1. For students

This research can be used to motivate students to learn and to make students remember or memorize a story. Moreover it can be taken many advantages of the activities that have been designed by the teacher to decrease students ’ difficulty in writing narrative text.

2. For teacher

From the results of the study, the researcher suggests that teacher would better use audio as supporting media in teaching process because the school has complete facility which can be used in teaching and learning English. It will make the learning process more attractive by the use of audio-visual learning. It will help students to improve students’ skill. Also, teacher should better provide activity which can enrich students’ vocabulary. It can be designed as a mini game in warming up session. It will attract students ’ interest into the lesson. They will get ready to accept the material with a pleasure. It will help students to improve their skill.

3. For other researchers

The findings of this study are expected to be used as consideration for other researchers who plan to study related to the use of story skeleton in teaching other language skill such as reading, listening, and speaking.