The Problem of the Study The Scope of the study The Method of the Study The Reason for Choosing This Topic The Purpose of the Study Tourism Products

2 produced as well as, it will affect the problems which will make difficult even harm. To guarantee in order to the tourism can increase and come in advantages and minimize disadvantages. The increasing of tourism should be begun by the hard study and the research for all support resource. North Sumatera is one province in Indonesia with has big potential of tourism. The Capital of North Sumatera is Medan. Medan is one big city of Indonesia beside Jakarta and Surabaya. Medan also has so many historical places, such as Maimoon Palace and Grand Mosque AL-Mashun. There are twenty five regencies at North Sumatera. One of them is Karo Regency Today, the interesting destination to visit should has some activities which can make tourists happy or satisfied. Some activities should give some memorable experience or even the unforgettable one. Karo Regency is one of tourism destination in North Sumatera, Indonesia

1.2 The Problem of the Study

Based on the background has been explained so that the problem of this study are :  What the potentials does Lau Kawar have as Tourism Resorts?  What the strategies needed Lau Kawar to be a famous Tourism Resort?

1.3 The Scope of the study

The scope of this study has an important role in the writing of this paper. It is used to limit the problem therefore the topic in this paper is more focused. The 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD 3 writer just focused this paper on describing the potentials of Lau Kawar as Tourism Resort and the way to increase its potential.

1.4 The Method of the Study

 Library Research Library research is the way to get information by collecting some books that relevant to the theme.  Field Research This paper is also used field research to find real data. Field research can be an extraordinary exciting and rewarding experience leading to important discoveries and breakthrough ideas. The writer also took some pictures by photographing to support from interviewing.

1.5 The Reason for Choosing This Topic

The reason why the writer choosing this topic is that, this topic is exciting and has not been written by anyone in English Program Studies, Faculty of Culture Study, Unversity of Sumatera Utara. This topic makes the writer feel interested to discuss it.

1.6 The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is :  To show the reader about the potentials of Lau Kawar as tourism resorts  To introduce Lau Kawar as one Tourism Resorts in Karo Regency 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD 4 CHAPTER II RELATED OF REVIEW LITERATURE

2.1 The Meaning of Tourism, Tourist, and Destination

The term “tourism” has recently known after eighteenth century. The activity of travelling is called tour. McIntosh 1995:10 said that “ tourism is a composite of activities, services, and industries that delivers a travel experience : transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking establishment, shops, entertainment, activity, and other hospitality service available for individual or group that are away from home” The definition of Tourism from Undang-Undang No.10 Tahun 2009 is that all activities about tourism and be supported by all facilities and services which is provided by society, businessman, government, and local government. Both of definition below, the writer can conclude that tourism is outdoor activity is done by a person or a group with the aim to enjoyed a recreation in a destination which is provided by society, businessman, government, and local government. A person traveled is called tourist. The internationally, definition of tourist is limited by Economic Commission of the League of Nations means that tourist is an person travelling for a period of 24 hours or more in a country other than that in which is usually resides. Besides tourist term, any other term is same meaning. The term is a foreign visitor. The foreign visitor is a person traveled in a destination without stay in. Points of different are both that maximum time to get travelling 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD 5 which has been established by International Civil Aviation Organizaion and Commission of the United Nation. They give a limited about three month until six month for get travelled according by role of each country. A place which is visited by the tourists are called destination. The requirement of destination should have the attraction in order to make the tourist or visitor attract to visit that destination. There are some categories of tourism. They are : 1.Ecotourism Ecotourism is a destination which supplies about ecosystem. It usually engages natural and jungle. Sometime it also has special species which can be looked, for example like Bukit Lawang is famous about Lauser National Park and especially famous about Orang Utan.

2. Agro Tourism

Agro tourism is a destination utilizes agricultural as main aim visitor, for example at Berastagi is famous about fresh vegetable and fruit, especially Marquisa.

3. Cultural tourism

Cultural shows about custom culture, the tradition, as an attraction at a destination. For example ; custom home of Karoness is that Siwaluh Jabu at Lingga and at Dokan. Reog Ponorogo is typical performances from Ponorogo.

2.2 Tourism Products

8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD 6 Tourism products are tangible and abstract in the united series of travelling which can be only felt by who was doing travelling by get some good experiences as finishing a traveling. Generally, the tourists will enjoy their touring with new atmosphere, but sometime there are some of them will enjoy their touring with the same atmosphere like their country. For there, we should know the characteristic tourist toward their necessary so that they will get good experience for being touring or travelling. If we have known their necessary, we can prepare to provide their necessary and exactly the uniqueness a destination have to also available as an attraction its destination. If the potential its destination can provide their necessary, it will form an unforgettable memorable for the tourist is who travelling. For this context, tourism product is important thing for development of destination The qualities of tourism are :  It can not be saved Generally the product is easy to destroy and can not be sold back.  It can not be moved The tourists can not bring out its product so that they have to come the place provide it.  Objective 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD 7 Generally the product is made and sold for the necessary some of variety tourists so that its price is also variety. The price is determined by some factor such look from season or status buyer.  The tourists can not taste the product before The tourist should come where the product is made as they will not know how the condition of real product. They know the product by brochure or advertisement only. Tourism product can be meant that all services is needed the tourists since they leave their home until they come back their home. The statement of Burkat and Medik that “tourism products are a series of integrated product which contains are destination, transportation, accommodation, and attraction where those products is prepared by each industry and be supplied separately for the consumer touristvisitor .” Based on both, the meaning of tourism product, it can be concluded that there are three things to form a tourism product are :  Attraction by destination  The facilities by destination  Accessibility by destination Their thing can be an image for a destination. We will know what its destination listed based on necessary the tourists. They are :  Attraction and destination  Travel agency and tour operator  Public transport 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD 8  Accommodation services  Souvenir services  Corporate services

2.3 Tourism Industry