13.44 45.96 5.75 136.03 136.96 211.82 0.00 28.40 2016Q3 Analysts Meeting Final

69 Government Bond Portfolio by Type and Maturity Rp 102,434 Bn 3 Q 16 Government Bond GainsLosses Rp Bn Mark to Market impacts Profit Mark to Market impacts Equity Nominal value

33.29 13.44

3.52 45.96

6.22 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Trading AFS HTM Fixed Rate Variable Rate Bonds by Rate Type Portfolio as of September Rp 102,434 Bn Maturity Rp Bn Trading Portfolio Available for Sale Held to Maturity Nominal MTM Nominal MTM Fixed Rate Bonds 1 year 150 151 7,892 7,968 319 1 - 5 year 686 725 20,982 22,418 4,909 5 - 10 year 1,175 1,225 11,180 12,054 718 10 year 1,394 1,423 3,175 3,518 275 Sub Total 3,405 3,524 43,229 45,958 6,221 Variable Rate Bonds 1 year - - 10 10 12,297 1 - 5 year - - 33,631 33,280 1,145 5 - 10 year - - - - - 10 year - - - - - Sub Total - - 33,641 33,289 13,442 T o t a l 3,405 3,524 76,870 79,247 19,663 Q 4 Q Q Q Q Realized GainsLosses on Bonds

37.39 5.75 136.03 136.96 211.82

Unrealized GainsLosses on Bonds 107.30 113.08 37.87 89.42 13.90 Total

69.91 118.83 98.16 226.38 225.72

70 Stated in Rp Millions Series Interest Rate Marked To Market - - - - - - 1 VR0021 25-Nov-15 - - - - 2 VR0022 25-Mar-16 - - - 3 VR0023 25-Oct-16 5.34 9,738 4,086,068 100.2440 - 9,762 4,086,068 4 VR0024 25-Feb-17 5.35 - 8,210,550 99.5800 - - 8,210,550 5 VR0025 25-Sep-17 5.60 65,402 1,145,148 99.2740 - 64,927 1,145,148 6 VR0026 25-Jan-18 5.34 1,379,267 - 99.2650 - 1,369,129 - 7 VR0027 25-Jul-18 5.34 2,005,267 - 99.1590 - 1,988,403 - 8 VR0028 25-Aug-18 5.35 3,571,695 - 99.0680 - 3,538,407 - 9 VR0029 25-Aug-19 5.35 3,856,688 - 98.9270 - 3,815,306 - 10 VR0030 25-Dec-19 5.60 7,019,765 - 98.8800 - 6,941,144 - 11 VR0031 25-Jul-20 5.34 16,333,108 - 98.9130 - 16,155,567 - - 34,240,930 13,441,766 - 33,882,644 13,441,766 - 34,240,930 13,441,766 - 33,882,644 13,441,766

0.00 71.81

28.19 0.00

71.60 28.40

47,682,696 47,324,410 Sub Total No. Maturity Date Nominal Fair Value Total Trading Port. Total Available For Sale Port. Total Held To Maturity Portfolio Total Trading Port. Total Available For Sale Port. Total Investment Port. Fixed Rate Sub Total Variable Rate Total Fair Value Grand Total Total Nominal Value 71 Moody s Mar h Fitch Rating August 2016 Outlook STABLE Issuer Default Rating BBB- Long Term Rating Baa3 National LT Rating AAAidn Foreign LT Bank Deposits Baa3 National ST Rating F1+idn Local LT Bank Deposits Baa3 Viability Rating bb+ Senior Unsecured Debt WR Support Rating Floor BBB- Bank Financial Strength D+ Foreign Currency ST Deposits P-3 Local Currency ST Deposits P-3 Pefindo June 2016 “ta dard Poor s December 2015 Outlook STABLE Outlook STABLE LT General Obligation idAAA LT Foreign Issuer Credit BB+ Subordinated Debt idAA+ LT Local Issuer Credit BB+ ST Foreign Issuer Credit B ST Local Issuer Credit B 72 Dividend Payment Net Profit for the financial year of 2015 of Rp20,334,967,510,904.70 was distributed as follows: • 30 or Rp6,100,490,253,271.41 for the annual dividend • Total Dividend Payment of Rp261.44958 per share Schedule : a. Cum Date: Regular and Negotiated Market: March 29, 2016 Cash Market: April 1, 2016 b. Ex Date: Regular and Negotiated Market: March 30, 2016 Cash Market: April 4, 2016 c. Recording Date: April 1, 2016 d. Payment Date: April 22, 2016 Net Profit for the financial year of 2014 of Rp19,871,873,276,792.60 was distributed as follows: • 25 or Rp4,967,968,319,198.15 for the annual dividend • Total Dividend Payment of Rp212.91292 per share 73 501 ,303 7,809 4,445 72 53 16,944 999 513 ,865 Beg. Bal. DG to 2 UG from 2 DG to NPL UG from NPL Net Disb. FX Impact End Bal. Category 1 Loan Movements Rp Bn – Bank Only Category 2 Loan Movements Rp Bn – Bank Only 25 ,205 7,809 4,445 2,572 621 797 25 25 ,796 Beg. Bal. Cat. 1 DG UG to 1 DG to NPL NPL UG Net Collection FX Impact End Bal. 74 Loan Profile: 3Q Collectability by Segment Bank Only 97.0 87.2 88.9 89.5 90.2 1.3 6.4 5.8 6.3 7.8 2.0 0.5 0.8 0.4 1.6 3.8 3.7 2.4 0.9 Corp Comm Small Micro Cons 5 4 3 2 1 205,919 141,871 53,142 41,757 71,175 2,763 10,429 3,481 2,949 6,173 3,283 3,358 6,147 2,226 1,126 748 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 Corp Comm Small Micro Cons Loan Profile: 3Q Collectability Rp bn by Segment Bank Only 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Cu rr e n t 30 D ay s OD NPL Loan Det ai l: Qua rterl y by Day s Past Due Q uar ter ly DG to NP L In ter es t DPD - Ba nk Only 11,161 6,901 1,177 4,106 1,558 1,304 1,031 1,644 235 783 561 134 503 596 325 1,858 1,975 297 480 283 851 617 454 552 1,284 357 605 503 553 649 379 545 796 353 562 524 729 499 439 1,529 889 2,291 2,640 2,045 3,884 6,554 1,640 2 ,000 4 ,000 6 ,000 8 ,000 10 ,000 12 ,000 Q105 Q205 Q305 Q405 Q106 Q206 Q306 Q406 Q107 Q207 Q307 Q407 Q108 Q208 Q308 Q408 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q409 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q112 Q212 Q312 Q412 Q113 Q213 Q313 Q413 Q114 Q214 Q314 Q414 Q115 Q215 Q315 Q415 Q116 Q216 Q316 R p B n Value Quar ter ly NPL St ock In ter es t DPD - B an k Only 17,456 24,962 24,193 26,248 26,424 25,665 25,414 17,960 17,180 16,500 13,603 10,654 6,558 6,510 6,586 7,833 9,678 7,700 6,099 4,505 3,589 3,668 3,985 3,929 4,301 4,261 4,983 4,805 4,927 4,643 4,644 4.496 4,812 4,863 5,006 4,965 5,294 5,351 5,266 5,598 6,077 7,283 9,273 9,471 11,725 17,124 5 ,000 10 ,000 15 ,000 20 ,000 25 ,000 30 ,000 Q105 Q205 Q305 Q405 Q106 Q206 Q306 Q406 Q107 Q207 Q307 Q407 Q108 Q208 Q308 Q408 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q409 Q110 Q210 Q310 Q410 Q111 Q211 Q311 Q411 Q112 Q212 Q312 Q412 Q113 Q213 Q313 Q413 Q114 Q214 Q314 Q414 Q115 Q215 Q315 Q415 Q116 Q216 R p B n Value Ex cl u d in g M icro C o n su mer Lo a n s 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Cu rr e n t 30 D ay s OD 76 19 ,427 20 ,914 20 ,645 16 ,560 17 ,104 16 ,046 14 ,131 13 ,508 11 ,671 12 ,437 11 ,207 9 ,854 10 ,372 13 ,010 20 ,068 24 ,526 26 ,379 25 ,548 31 ,000 35 ,846 2005 A dd D e du ct 2006 A dd D e du ct 2007 A dd D e du ct 2008 A dd D e du ct 2009 A dd D e du ct 2010 A dd D e du ct 2011 A dd D e du ct 2012 A dd D e du ct 2013 A dd D e du ct Q 1 14 A dd D e du ct Q 2 14 A dd D e du ct Q 3 14 A dd D e du ct Q 4 14 A dd D e du ct Q 1 15 A dd D e du ct Q 2 15 A dd D e du ct Q 3 15 A dd D e du ct Q 4 15 A dd D e du ct Q 1 16 A dd D e du ct Q 2 16 A dd D e du ct Q 3 16 Others Write-Offs Repayments Restructuring Balance IDR bn Others includes partial payments, FX impacts, and fluctuation in Working Capital facilities Loans by Restructuring Type in 3Q 2016 Maturity extension; 96.9 Maturity extension wreduced rates; 0.4 Maturity extension wother restrg; 2.5 Other Restructuring includes reduction of interest rates, rescheduling of unpaid interest extension of repayment period for unpaid interest Restructured Loan Movement 2005 - 3Q2016 Rp billions Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Loans Restructured 3,159 6,902 4,850 2,781 6,352 6,139 7,997 NPL Collections 94 46 128 104 102 150 163 77 Reorganize SAM Group Transfering Problem Loans Resetting Risk Assessment Criteria Increase Monitoring Frequency Intensify Cash Recovery Key Areas Remarks • Restructuring Unit • Recovery Unit Focus on preventing increasing NPLs. To solve te po a p o le s i usi ess s a d take the necessary steps for loan restructuring. • Transfering Problem Loans Transfering problem loans from business units to SAM group to be handled more effectively. We will continue to review for more loans to transfer. • Update Risk Assessment Criteria Help to reset risk assessment criteria to support business units in improving the loan origination process. • Loan Monitoring • Early Warning System • Incentives for Loan Repayment • Auction Frequency • Asset Marketing Unit • Achieve higher cash recovery than last year • Accelerate loan repayment by writing off interest and penalty • Identify targeted buyers for specific assets Preventiative actions to improve asset quality by increasing standardized process and upgrading risk tools 78 Plantations Manufacture Business Services Distribution Trading FoodBeverages Manufacture Chemicals Manufacture Retail Trading Others Trading Mining Construction Transportation Electricity 1 Non-consolidated numbers Each sector 3 Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 79 Mandiri Credit Card Delinquency Rates 75.60 87.50 61.34 45.90 69.95 81.62 87.89 95.84 105.82 104.78 101.83 100.19 106.07 111.79 137.08 129.94 130.32 143.26 152.42 178.54 288.20 329.13 313.89 295.88 312.32 295.04 292.91 32.6 37.4 44.5 59.2 66.5 67.7 82.880.5 79.9 84.6 88.4 93.0 110.7 138.1 177.3 212.6 197.8 189.5 180.0 6.9 13.8 30.9 28.2 38.8 13.1 15.0 17.9 23.9 28.1 29.3 29.5 28.4 29.4 30.2 35.8 35.9 38.2 43.1 59.2 58.2 70.3 69.6 4 Q 05 4 Q 06 4 Q 07 4 Q 08 4 Q 09 1 Q 10 2 Q 10 3 Q 10 4 Q 10 1 Q 11 2 Q 11 3 Q 11 4 Q 11 1 Q 12 2 Q 12 3 Q 12 4 Q 12 1 Q 13 2 Q 13 3 Q 13 4 Q 13 1 Q 14 2 Q 14 3 Q 14 4 Q 14 1 Q 15 2 Q 15 3 Q 15 4 Q 15 1 Q 16 2 Q 16 3 Q 16 NPLs 90+DPD Write-Offs Recoveries Quarterly Charge-offs, NPLs Recoveries Rp Bn 10.2 11.7 6.0 4.8 5.2 5.3 5.4 4.7 4.8 5.0 4.84.7 4.8 5.1 4.6 4.9 5.7 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.4 6.5 6.2 6.2 5.3 3.2 2.3 2.9 2.7 2.8 2.3 2.4 2.22.7 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.6 2.22.4 2.6 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.4 3.4 5.0 3.8 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.22.2 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.9 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 4 Q 05 4 Q 06 4 Q 07 4 Q 08 4 Q 09 1 Q 10 2 Q 10 3 Q 10 4 Q 10 1 Q 11 2 Q 11 3 Q 11 4 Q 11 1 Q 12 2 Q 12 3 Q 12 4 Q 12 1 Q 13 2 Q 13 3 Q 13 4 Q 13 1 Q 14 2 Q 14 3 Q 14 4 Q 14 1 Q 15 2 Q 15 3 Q 15 4 Q 15 1 Q 16 2 Q 16 3 Q 16 30 DPD - Rp 90 DPD - Rp 30 DPD - Cards 90 DPD - Cards St a ffi n g and Di stri buti on Ne tw ork Gr o wth 22,909 25,236 25,706 26,327 27,305 27,907 28,183 28,153 28,518 30,762 30,830 31,721 32,905 33,982 34,089 34,442 34,475 34,696 34,954 35,010 35,503 35,498 37,173 37,755 38,669 2009 2010 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 1,095 1,370 1,381 1,442 1,526 1,537 1,548 1,643 1,733 1,810 1,811 1,835 1,909 2,050 2,061 2,087 2,154 2,312 2,317 2,327 2,380 2,457 2,460 2,472 2,505 2009 2010 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 Em p lo yee s Do m es ti c B ran ch N e tw or k A TM N e tw or k A TM -Li n k N e tw or k 4,996 6,496 6,505 8,480 8,993 8,996 8,996 10,361 10,466 10,985 10,985 11,454 11,454 11,514 11,514 11,604 13,309 15,344 15,444 17,032 17,341 17,388 17,452 17,461 17,461 2009 2010 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 12,666 18,321 18,581 18,939 21,478 22,794 23,602 28,309 31,139 35,300 35,395 36,123 38,432 39,854 40,248 44,239 45,771 47,327 49,107 50,706 53,895 53,957 58,132 58,602 59,425 2009 2010 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 3Q16 81 3 4 5 Current 31-60 Days 61-90 Days 90 Days Trad-Ret Trad-Distr Agri Equip Mass Trans Mfg-Metal Trading Others Constr Bus Serv Mfg FX RP Invest Program WC Commercial Small Business 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Segment Loan Profile: 3Q NPL Downgrades Only Rp 1,640 Bn Bank Only Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans downgraded to NPL in 3Q totaled Rp 1,640 Bn. Of these loans:  83.3 were more than 90 days overdue on interest payments  54.1 came from our Small Business Portfolio  Largest downgrades by sector:  Retail Trading  Trading Distribution  Agriculture Equipment  95.9 were IDR loans  89.3 were Working Capital loans, 10.4 were Investment Loans Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 82 3 4 5 Current 30 Days 31-60 Days 61-90 Days 90 Days Trad-Distr Mfg-Text Mfg-FB Trad-Ret Others Mass Trans Mfg-PP Mfg-Chem Mfg-RawM Oil Gas Agri Bus Serv FX RP Consumer Export Invest Syndication WC Corporate Commercial Small Business 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Segment Loan Profile: 3Q Non-Performing Loans Only Rp 17,166 Bn Bank Only  18.8 remain current on interest payments and an additional 6.8 are less than 90 days overdue  60.1 are to Commercial customers  63.7 are Working Capital loans and 27.1 are Investment loans  Primary sectors are:  Trading Distributions  Textile Manufacturing  Food Beverages Manufacturing  83.6 are Rp loans  22.8 are Cat. 3 8.9 are Cat. 4 Corporate, Commercial Small Business NPLs totaled Rp 17,166 Bn in 3Q. Of these NPLs in 3Q: Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 83 Corporate Commercial Small Business Current 1 Day 30 Days 31-60 Days 61+ Days Oil Gas Trad-Ret Trad-Distr Mfg-RawM Bus Serv Mfg Mfg-Metal Mfg-FB Others Trans Soc Serv Trading FX RP Export Invest Syndication WC 2000-2004 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Segment Days Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year Loan Profile: 3Q Downgrades to Cat. 2 Only Rp 4,865 Bn Bank Only Rp4,865 Bn in Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans were downgraded to Category 2 in 3Q. Of the Special Mention Loans downgraded:  61.6 are for Commercial 32.3 are to Small Business customers  42.3 are current 42.2 are less than 30 days overdue in interest payments  Primary sectors downgraded are:  Oil Gas  Retail Trading  Trading Distribution  72.0 are RP loans  61.5 are Working Capital loans Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 84 Corporate Commercial Small Business Current 1 Day 30 Days 31-60 Days 61- 90 Days Trad-Distr Trad-Ret Mfg-Metal Mfg-Chem Mfg-RawM Others Oil Gas Mass Trans Mfg-FB Mfg-Text Trading Bus Serv Mfg Constr FX RP Export Invest Syndication WC 2000-2004 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Segment Days Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year Loan Profile: 3Q Category 2 Loans Only Rp 16,673 Bn Bank Only Rp 16,673 Bn in Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans were in Category 2 in 3Q. Of these Special Mention loans:  62.5 are to Commercial customers  62.9 are current or 1 day overdue, with an additional 21.6 less than 30 days overdue  Primary sectors in Category 2 are:  Trading Distribution  Retail Trading  Metal Manufacturing  79.3 are Rp loans  72.1 are Working Capital loans  66.5 were Category 2 in 2 Q 16 Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 85 1 2 Commercial Small Business Mfg Chemicals Oil Gas Ports Trad-Distr Trad-Ret Others Constr FX RP Invest Program WC 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Segment Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year Loan Profile: 3Q Upgrades to PL Rp 557.0 Bn Bank Only Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans upgraded to PL in 3Q totaled Rp 557.0 Bn. Of these loans:  87.0 are to Commercial customers  All upgraded loans originated later than 2004  Largest upgrades by sector:  Chemichal Manufacturing  Oil Gas  Ports Construction  92.8 are Rp loans  88.8 are Working Capital loans; 11.2 were Investment loans Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 86 1 2 Corporate Commercial Small Business Plantations Mfg Bus Serv Mfg-Chem Mfg-FB Trad-Distr Trad-Ret Oth Trading Mining Constr Trans Electricity FX RP Consumer Export Invest Program Syndication WC 2000-2004 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Segment Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year Loan Profile: 3Q Performing Loans Only Rp 417,604 Bn Bank Only Rp 417,604 Bn in Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans were performing in 3Q. Of these performing loans:  50.0 are to Corporate customers 36.5 are to Commercial customers  96.6 originated since 2005  Primary sectors are:  Plantations  Manufacturing  Business Services  82.1 are Rupiah loans  51.6 are Working Capital loans; 34.2 are Investment loans Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 1 2 3 4 5 Current 30 Days 31-60 Days 61-90 Days 90 Days Mfg-Chem Trad-Distr Trans Oth Plantations Mfg-RawM Mfg-Text Mining Oil Gas Mfg-Metal Mfg-PP Trad-Ret Constr Rp Fx WC Invest Syndication Commercial Corporate Small Business 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Int Aging Sector Currency Purpose Segment 87 Loan Profile: 3Q Restructured Loans Only Rp35,846 Bn Bank Only Of the remaining Rp 35,846 billion in restructured Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans in 3Q :  77.0 are Performing  73.2 of Restructured Loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors are:  Chemical Manufacturing  Distribution Trading  Transportation  65.5 are Rp loans  67.9 are Investment loans  66.5 are to Commercial customers Wholesale Loans Only 88  98.3 are performing loans, with 1.3 in Category 2  all Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in Corporate are:  Plantations  Food Beverages Manufacturing  Manufacturing  74.6 are Rupiah loans  39.3 are Investment loans; 39.7 are Working Capital loans Loan Profile: 3Q Corporate Loans Only Rp 212,372 Bn Bank Only Rp 212,372 billion in loans were in the Corporate portfolio in 3Q. Of the Corporate Loans in 3Q : 1 2 5 Current 61+ Days Plantations Mfg-FB Mfg Others Mfg-Chem Electricity Bus Serv Constr Oil Gas Trading Trad-Ret Real Estate Trad-Exp Trans FX RP Export Invest Syndication WC 2000-2004 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year 89 1 2 3 4 5 Current 30 Days 31-60 Days 61+ Days Trad-Distr Plantations Mfg-Chem Bus Serv Trading Others Mfg-RawM Mfg Mining Mass Trans Mfg-FB Mfg-Metal Constr Mfg-Text FX RP Consumer Export Invest Syndication WC 2000-2004 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year  93.7 are performing loans, with 6.4 in Category 2  64.5 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in Commercial are:  Trading Distribution  Plantations  Chemical Manufacturing  85.7 are Rupiah loans  61.2 are Working Capital loans, 33.0 are Investment loans Loan Profile: 3Q Commercial Loans Only Rp 162,613 Bn Bank Only Rp162,613 Billion in loans were in the Commercial portfolio in 3Q. Of the Commercial Loans in 3Q: 90 1 2 4 5 Current 30 Days 61+ Days Trad-Ret Trad-Distr Plantations Household Equip. Mfg Bus Serv Constr Trad-Dom Soc Serv Others Trans Trading FX RP Consumer Export Invest Program WC 2000-2004 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Currency Purpose Origin Year  94.7 are performing loans, with 5.8 in Category 2  28.0 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in Small Business are:  Retail Trading  Distribution Trading  Plantations  99.4 are Rupiah loans  71.3 are Working Capital loans Loan Profile: 3Q Small Business Loans Only Rp 59,785 Bn Bank Only Rp 59,785 Bn in loans were in the Small Business portfolio in 3Q of the Small Business Loans in 3Q: 91 1 2 3 5 Current 31-60 Days 61+ Days Plantations Bus Serv Mfg Trad-Distr Mfg-FB Trad-Ret Mfg-Chem Oth Constr Trading Electricity Trans Mfg-RawM Corporate Commercial Small Business Consumer Export Invest Syndication WC 2000 2000-2004 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Segment Purpose Origin Year  96.0 are performing loans, with 3.7 in Category 2  58.5 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in Rupiah loans are:  Plantations  Business Services  Manufacturing  44.3 are Corporate loans  56.7 are Working Capital loans, 32.8 Investment loans Loan Profile: 3Q Rupiah Loans Only Rp 357,051 Bn Bank Only Rp 357,051 billion in loans were Rupiah denominated in 3Q Of the Rupiah Loans in 3Q: Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 92 1 2 5 Current 30 Days 31-60 Days Mfg Mining-Oil Gas Trading Oth Mfg-Chem Mining Plantations Mass Trans Soc Serv Bus Serv Corporate Commercial Small Business Export Invest Syndication WC 2000-2004 2004 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Collect. Cat. 2 Int. Aging Sector Segment Purpose Origin Year  96.4 are performing loans  79.0 of Category 2 loans are current in interest payments  Primary sectors in FX loans are:  Manufacturing  Oil Gas Mining  Trading  69.5 are Corporate loans  38.8 are Investment loans; 31.1 are Working Capital loans Loan Profile:3Q FX Loans Only Rp 77,720 Bn Bank Only Rp 77,720 Bn in loans were FX denominated in 3Q. Of the FX Loans in 3Q: Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Loan growth, Qual ity Prov is ioni n g Rel ati ve to Peers Bank Onl y, As of June 2016 193 151 143 120 116 101 98 98 55 41 BCA BRI BNI Mandiri CIMB Niaga Permata Panin Danamon Maybank BTN R a ti o of P rov isi ons to NPL 590,705 546,952 387,088 338,123 169,670 149,316 122,135 119,274 106,964 98,476 BRI Mandiri BCA BNI CIMB Niaga BTN Panin Permata Maybank Danamon Tot al Loans Rp bn

24.3 18.4