46. Unlike flat character, round characters consist of various traits;

15 which never be achieved p. 121. It will cause negative self-concept in them since it makes them feel low self-esteem. The last characteristic of personality change is slow versus rapid change. 1974, “Changes are regarded as slow if they are barely perceptible, while rapid changes are readily apparent to all” pp. 121-122. For slow change, they are scarcely noticeable because the process of change needs long time. Hurlock 1974 states that usually personality changes go slowly and step-by-step. It is because of the process of habit breaking and relearning. People have to try to discontinue the habit which is already embedded before and try to learn the new habit as the change p. 122. On the other hand, Hurlock 1974 explains changes of short period are mainly because some artificial stimulation which causes the person to not remember his real self-concept and see himself have favorable trait momentarily. This change only happens in short time because of instant influences such as smoking and drinking alcohol. When they consume it, they feel as if they have changed. The effect is covering their unfavorable self-concept p. 122. Furthermore, Hurlock 1974 explains that rapid personality changes which are constant are because of an endocrine or neurological upset. Some diseases are usually accompanied by rapid personality change p. 122.

c. Conditions Responsible for Personality Change

The first condition which is responsible for personality change is physical changes. According to Hurlcok 1974, the possibility of physical changes is coming from “maturation and decline or from illness, organic and glandular 16 disturbances, injur ies, or some other condition resulting from the person’s life pattern but unrelated to the normal changes in the body structure” p. 124. Physical change makes someone have to adjust that condition to his self-concept. Hurlock 1974 supports it, “Marked physical changes, especially if they occur rapidly, do not give the person time to adjust smoothly; and, as a result, they have greater influence on his self- concept than slow or minor changes” p. 124. Quick noticeable physical changes produ ce bigger power on one’s self-concept. Hulock 1974 adds that when the physical changes make him able to approximate the ideal self-concept for him, it will make him have favorable self-concept p. 124. However, when a person thinks that he is normal and healthy and then he experiences unfavorable changes, there is possibility that he tends to have inferior personality like unconfident, feeling insecure, useless Hurlock, 1974, p. 124. Second, changes in social environment produce changes of self-concept too Hurlock, 1974, p. 124. When someone moves to a new environment, he adapts his behavior to the social-environment. New environment like college will give new experiences and view on new values Hurlock, 1974, p. 124. On the other hand, when someone only stays in the same environment from childhood to adulthood, his self-concept does not improve. However, Hurlock 1974 says that new environment will cause improvement or not depends on “whether the personality moves toward equilibrium with its environment and when the movement happens” p. 125. It depends on whether the environment meets the needs at that time or not.