23 variety of angles —keeping an open mind and an open research log, the former to invite new ideas and the latter to house them ” p. 49. I did brainstorming by reading other researches and discussing with some friends. Those processes produced the two research questions to be solved. Next, I tried to find way to solve the problems. I found out the secondary sources before solving the problems. Relevant data from secondary sources was gathered as the materials to do the analysis in this study. When the data was enough, I did the analysis. First, I revealed the personality of Olga by using character and characterization theory. I highlighted information from the primary book to support the personality which was revealed. I m ade a list of Olga’s personalities and added the explanations and evidences. Moreover, I used the psychological approach which was personality development theories to analyze what factors which influence the personality development of Olga. Last, I drew conclusion of this study as the result which was useful for future research and others. In addition, I did consultation and sharing with advisor and friends for every part to have a better study. 24


This chapter contains the discussion of two problems in this study. The first part of this chapter discusses the personality description of Olga as portrayed in this novel. The second part discusses Olga’s personality development and the factors which affect it.

A. Olga’s Personality Description

Olga has unique traits. As Allport in Hurlock 1974 says , “Every individual is unique and never- repeated phenomenon” p. 8. There is no one can resemble her p ersonality. Olga’s personality description is analyzed by using Murphy’s 1974 characterization theory. Those characterization ways are through another character’s opinion, Olga’s speech, Olga’s past life, Olga’s reaction, direct comment from the author, and Olga’s thought. In this study, the most frequent ways used to reveal Olga’s characters are by reading Olga’s thought and learning her past life. Thereafter, Olga is the main character which is analyzed in this study. Olga is included as a round character. According to Kennedy and Gioia 1999 “Round characters, however, present us with more facets ─ that is, their authors portray them in greater depth and in more generous detail” p. 61. In the novel, Olga is a round character since the author represents her with many aspects and details. Besides, according to Kennedy and Gioia 1999, “Round characters