The last semesters at the ELESP

study hard against, because I know that I will be understand. That is the my positive thinking about learning English education SO1. Refl.8. My own experience and other three students ’ are similar My Refl. Refl. 8. The three students reflected that the first three semesters were difficult but after the first semesters 4-6 they could increase their English language and had positive behavior with classmates and can follows the lectures’s explanations. But other four Papuan students have decided to drop their course and moved to other study program, because they did not have the persistence and positive learning behavior.

c. The last semesters at the ELESP

The lived experience of the last semesters at the English language education study program comprised of three themes: 1 silence during the classroom section; 2 lack of motivation in learning English; and 3 lack of interest in being a teacher. Here is the reflections of Papuan students: In my own experience last semester I liked study English. Even though, during the group discussion I did not deliver ideas because sometimes not confidence, about the ideas which I deliver and also my English is not fluently. In myself I though that my English is better but my classmates they did not understand. Nowadays, in last semester I have study English diligent because English is importand and I want to speak English in front of others people or will be an English teacher SO1. Refl.09. The researcher found the same themes from the interview with the three Papuan students as the reflection above SO1. Refl. 9. They mentioned, for example silence during the classroom learning, difficulty to speak in front of classmates, lack confidence, difficulty in giving opinions in group work. However another Papuan students was confident in learning English at the English language education study program. The second theme lack of motivation in learning English in the current semester. Learning English had a profound impact on the Papuan students’ lived experience, attitudes and lack of motivation in learning. Papuan students reflected lack of motivation: In current semester I am happy to study English, even though lack of motivation in learning English, because I learn from lack motivation and I myself support and motivated, for the future I will be betterment. I believes that learn from lack in the future will be better. So whatever, I faced bad experince in first semester it is the good values SO1. Refl.10.” At the current semester I am lucky because I can able to learn English language and in my motivation I hope that I will graduate in this study program. Now I don’t think about lack my motivation in learning English, but I will study harder even though I did not understand more about English SO2 Refl.10 23 April 2014.” In the current semester learning English I am very happy. I want to say some things about my motivation in my lived experience that my motivation to learn English in this study program, I want to be become an English teacher and build Papua to implement formal and informal. Although, many challenges and too many experience face in English language education. That is my dreams in the future SO3Refl.10.” My experience in current semester at the English education that, lack of motivation is better. Because learn from lack motivation in my feeling is good values on language aspects. SO4 Refl.10 April,2014.” There are some theories that support in this study. According to Petry 1981, p.3 , motivation is a concept which we use when we want to describe the action or within someone to initiate and direct behavior. And the other researchers states that motivation refers to factors of an individual such as needs and interests which active, maintain, and direct behavior towards hisher goal Huffiman, Vernoy, and Vernoy, 2000, p.392. 23


In this part, the researcher provides conclusions of the study and suggestions.

A. Conclusions

There were three points in this research that needed to be stressed, the lived experience of Papuan students in the previous schooling, the lived experience during the study period at the English language education study program and’ suggestions for ELESP lecturers, for Papuan students’ and for the Papuan government. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with three Papuan students and collected their refletions created in narrative. The researcher undertook phenomenological research. Then the researcher interpreted the data from the researcher and three Papuan students ’ reflections to explore the essential meaning of the lived experiences of Papuan students learning English at the English language education study program. In this study the researcher focused on the lived experience of Papuan students studying at the English language education study program in Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta.