condition for language learning in order to meet success in acquiring L2. Most researchers would agree that in order for anyone to learn a language with reasonable efficiency, three essential conditions must be met. There also one additional condition that is desirable, instruction. Willis’ Model of Condition of Language Learning diagram can be seen in Figure 2.2. Essential Desirable Condition for Language Learning Figure 2.2: Willis’ Model of Condition of Language Learning Willis, 1996: 11

a. Exposure

All good language learners take full advantage of their exposure to the target language in use. This might involve listening, reading, or both. It may be a conscious process or largely subconscious. They will try to make sense of what they hear or read and observe how other express the meaning that they want to be able to express. This will lead on to noticing small chunks of language typically used in particular contexts. It involves isolating some words, discovering To a rich but comprehensible input of real spoken and written language in use Exposure Of the language to do things i.e. exchange meaning To listen and read the language and to speak and write it i.e. to process and use the exposure In language i.e. chances to focus on form Use Motivation Instruction PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI meaning, and using it. Therefore, in learning learners need to be exposed to inputs of target language. One thing that should be put into consideration is that input should be relevant to their level of comprehension. According to Krashen 1993, L2 acquisition depends on comprehensible input. He suggests that the right level of input is attained automatically when interlocutors succeed in making themselves understood in communication. Success is achieved by using the situational context to make messages clear and through the kinds of input modifications found in foreigner talk. This is essential that learners are ultimately exposed to the variety of language that they will need to understand and use outside classroom. Young learners might not know what language they will need later. In this case it is best to select a range of materials that will give them a varied language experience, and to choose things they enjoy in order to sustain their motivation. Therefore, the quality of the exposure has been found to be more important than the quantity.

b. Language Use

Not only input, output is also essential for language development especially if a learner wish to speak andor write in target language. However, teachers also have to be sensitive because some learners need the silent period but some others want to start speaking as soon as possible. Some learners need to have silent period until they have had a certain amount of exposure to it. Silent period is when learners learn a lot about language through listening to or reading it, but they make no attempt to say anything to begin with Ellis, 2002. Willis PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1996 argues that silent period gives them time to obtain the feel of it, and acquire language naturally. We cannot force children to speak, when they are not ready. They will not speak if they feel under pressure. Learners have to speak the language in order to learn it, even though they make a lot of errors. Learners who have more opportunities to communicate are likely to acquire language faster and more efficiently. Additionally, students also need the experience of communicating in a variety of situations such as in groups of two, three, and also the whole class. Interaction can assist learners to process the input, which may help them to comprehend and acquiring L2 forms. Therefore, learners need opportunities to communicate what they want to say and express what they feel or think freely. Additionally, teachers are responsible to always correct students’ errors in a positive way, so that the students would not be afraid to make mistakes.

c. Motivation

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