2.1 Classification A: Acceptable Translation

The data which are classified into this classification are the data that are acceptable. Every data with the mean score 3.0 belongs to this classification. The data are classified in acceptable if the translation of slang expression sounds

natural and appropriate with Indonesian’s culture based on the context of situation. They almost do not feel like translation. All data classified in this

classification are acceptable. There are 82 data, 55 data (67.07%) considered to be acceptable. It means the message of slang word expression is perfectly conveyed into Indonesian based on the context of situation.

Some of the data are presented below:

Datum 27/TR/ CD1/SL/00:27:59,040

Curtis : yeah Fish : And you can have it, Gratis TL : Fish : Benarkah? Kau suka? Curtis : Ya Fish :Kalau begitu kau boleh memilikinya, Gratis

The dialogue happens in informal situation between Fish and Curtis as a vocalist and songwriters of ADD band. In this scene, Fish gives the idea of lyric for Curtis and he likes it. The word Gratis is translated into Gratis without giving any changes in Indonesian. The translator uses the borrowing technique and it is acceptable because it has been familiar used in the target language to explain that someone don not need to pay at all. It means that the translation of slang words expression Gratis into Gratis sounds natural and appropriate with Indonesian’s culture.

Datum 60/TR/ CD2/SL/00:09: 43,361

SL: Amelia: see? I look like shit, okay? Go away. TL: Amelia: Kaulihat, bukan? Aku kelihatan konyol.

In this scene, the dialogue happens between Fish and Amelia in informal situation. Amelia is angry because the makeup artist brushes her hair and makes In this scene, the dialogue happens between Fish and Amelia in informal situation. Amelia is angry because the makeup artist brushes her hair and makes

appropriate with Indonesian’s culture. Datum 61/TR/ CD2/SL/00:09: 43,361 SL: Fish: l isten, it’s just hair. It’s no biggie TL: Fish: sudahlah, itu hanya masalah rambut.itu bukan masalah besar.

In this scene, the dialogue happens between Fish and Amelia in informal situation. Amelia is angry because her makeup artist brushes her hair and makes her look strange. And fish comes with the solution to remake up her hair. No biggie according to accessed on August 22, 2011

means “not something to worry about. (Shortened from the phrase “no big deal”).” From the explanation above we can see that the translator transfers “no biggie” into “bukan masalah besar” is natural, acceptable and appropriate with Indonesian culture.

into unfamiliar terms for the target readers’ culture. But, in a whole the translation sounds natural. In this research, the data which are included in Less acceptable

have the range of 2.0 – 2.9. The result of questionnaire in VCD of The Rocker movie shows 23 data (28,05%) which are considered as less acceptable. Here some explanations which describe the result of the analysis.

Some of the data are presented below: Datum 16/TR/ CD1/SL/00:13:53,520

SL: Jeremy: See you guys, keep Rocking TL : Jeremy: Sampai nanti teman-teman, semoga kalian main bagus.

In this scene, the dialogue happens in informal situation between Jeremy, Jeremy’s mom and personnel of ADD. Jeremy comes with his mom and he

explains about the problem against his teacher in school. The words Rocking supposed to show motivation. And the translator renders the Rocking into

“Semoga kalian main bagus” is less acceptable because it seems to wisdom not to motivate. So the example slang words expression in datum 16 is not perfectly

conveyed into Indonesian based on the context of situation.

Datum 18/TR/ CD1/SL/00:21:52,680

CS:. Fish fell into his post glorious moment of Rock’n’Roll. Amelia: You are delusional.

The context of situation in this dialogue is when fish upset the other personnel of ADD because he plays drum very bad. In this dialogue, the word sourpuss supposed to represent sarcasm expression.

According to sourpuss means a surly, grouchy and unfriendly person. In this dialogue, translator transfers the

word “sourpuss” into “sayang” Therefore the translation of sourpuss into sayang cannot replace the sarcasm expression on the screen and it belongs to less

acceptable translation.

2.3 Classification: Unacceptable Translation

Unacceptable means that the translation heard clumsy for the target readers’ culture. In this study, the data which are included in unacceptable are

those which have the range of 1.0 to 1.9 in the VCD of The Rocker movie, the researcher found 4 data or 4. 88 % where are considered as unacceptable translation.

Here the explanation about unacceptable translation Datum 77/TR/ CD2/SL/00:41: 32,961

SL : David marshal: We got Ashlee Simpson situation here. TL : David marshal: keadaan disini sangat memalukan.

The context situation of this dialog is between David marshal as the The context situation of this dialog is between David marshal as the

C. Data Classification Analysis

1. The analysis of the classification used in translation of slang words.

a. Classification 1.

Translating Slang Words in SL into Slang Word in TL

This classification refers to how translator translates the slang word in source language into slang word in target language. The translator found the equivalence word that similar in source language.

There are 10 data or 12.19% are included in this classification, they are: Table 3

Translating Slang Words in SL into Slang Word in TL


Slang Words

Indonesian Translation

Data Number

cewek cewek

4 Crap


5 Jackass


6 Runs


Datum 81/TR/ CD2/SL/00:42: 33, 881

Context of Situation:.

David strongly suggests to ADD band not to perform again. ST : David marshal: screw these people, it’s a free show dumbass. You don’t have a

choice. TL : David marshal: Persetan dengan mereka, ini konser gratis, goblok.

According to, “dumbass” is combination of an “ass” is a fool and “dumb”means stupid. The slang word

dumbass often used by teenager stated the offensive, it usually is spoken in informal situation. Translator transfers the word dumbass into goblok which also considered

according to which means stupid person. It has an equivalent to Indonesian people but it will be less appropriate if used in formal situation.

Example : Datum 26/TR/ CD1/SL/00:27:09,280

SL: Fish: Deodorant, buses,Chiks TL : Fish: Deodoran, bus, cewek-cewek

Chick is slang word which represents the bad attitude of a woman like “horn” or “bitch” and for this context of situation the translator translates word chicks into “cewek-cewek”. “Cewek-cewek” in Indonesian is also categorized as a

slang words, the reason of why the translator rendering chicks into ”cewek- cewek” is the translator wants to give more polite expression rather than translated

“chicks” into “wanita jalang” so the meaning will be less expressive, sound natural and acceptable to Indonesian without leaving the actual meaning of SL.

b. Classification 2 Translating Slang word in SL Into in common TL words

In this part, the researcher explains the translation of slang word which is translated into common Bahasa Indonesia as target language. The translator using the words in the target language which express similar meaning of slang word in source language by considering of its equivalent.

There are 54 data or 65,85 % are included in this classification, they are:

Table 4

Translating Slang word in SL Into in common TL words


Slang Words

Indonesian Translation

Data Number

4 fellas

Teman- teman

8 Shut up

diam saja

lucu sekali

18 Shut up

28 strap in

anak muda

30 sweet

manis sekali

31 sweet

luar biasa

32 sweet

hebat sekali

kantor polisi

pengeras suara

39 hottest


40 shit


41 baddas


42 flirtinies


43 awesome


48 Shut up

52 ashlee simpson Memalukan

Example: Datum 62/TR/ CD2/SL/00:09: 43,361 CS:. Fish tries to talk with Amelia about her problems. ST : Fish: you’ve got pure, unfiltered badass. TL : Fish: kau punya kemampuan yang hebat dan sikap yang memukau.

According to,

“Baddas” means something awesome or really. It is usually used to make the expression to be more expressive. The translator transfer the word “baddas” into “memukau” because the translator feels the word “memukau” is the best

equivalent words that represent the meaning of SL and it commonly used by TL in Indonesian. Example: Datum 20/TR/ CD1/SL/00:23:274,480 SL : Kim: You know, it’s just icky.

The dialogue takes place in Curtis house when fish wants to meet Curtis and he ask Curtis’s mom for a dinner. Unfortunately, Curtis mom refuses Fish’s

offer She will not date with her son’s friends. Based on the word icky means Strange or freaky to the extreme. The translator uses the word “aneh” to represent the meaning of “icky” because it commonly uses by Indonesian people.

c. Classification 3 Translating By Ommission

This classification refers to how the translator transferring slang word from SL by using omission. As a result, the message of translation is incomplete.

There are 5 data or 6.09% are included in this classification, they are:

Table 5

Translating by Omission

No. Slang word

Indonesian Translation

Data Number

1 Dude

2 Dude

3 Dude

4 Cookie

5 Rockstar

CS: Fish and his band were released in bail SL:

Fish: That, my friends, is what happens when you’re rockstar. TL: Fish: -

The context of situation of this dialogue happens when fish and his band were arrested and they were released in bail by their parents. Rockstar means the

famous rock band member. The translator did not transfer the word “rockstar” and the message convey incompletely. It would be more natural if the translator translated it into “bintang rock”.

d. Classification 4 Translating By Paraphrase

This classification refers to how translation of slang words in source language translated into Indonesian by using paraphrase. The translator often uses this method only if he/ she did not find the equivalent word in target language.

There are 11 data or 13.41%% are included in this classification, they are:

Table 6 Translating by Paraphrase


Slang Words

Indonesian Translation

Data Number

1 Blew

Nama yang Jelek

2 Gig

Main Band

3 Chicks

Gadis Cantik

4 Rocking

Semoga Kalian Main Bagus

7 Stick

Tetap Bersama

8 Biggie

Masalah yang Besar

9 Shorties

Gadis Cantik

10 Smallies

Gadis Mungil

11 Shorties

Gadis Pendek

Example: Datum 61/TR/ CD2/SL/00:09: 43,361

CS:. Fish tries to talk with Amelia about her hair.

SL : Fish: listen, it’s just hair. It’s no biggie TL: Fish: sudahlah, itu hanya masalah rambut.itu bukan masalah yang besar.

Based on biggie, the word “biggie” is shortened from “big deal”. Translator transfer the word “biggie” into “bukan masalah besar” because the translator cannot find the equivalence word that represents the meaning of “biggie” in target language except by using paraphrase method.

Example 2: Datum 30/TR/ CD1/SL/00:32:23, 040

SL : Curtis: What? /

Matt : A gig?

Matt: kesempatan untuk tampil di panggung? This conversation happens between fish, matt and curtis. Fish explains that ADD band has a performance schedule on the next day. According to, the word “gig” means a live performance, musical, theatrical, or physical. Translator translates the word “gig “into “kesempatan untuk tampil di panggung” using paraphrase method and the meaning are conveyed successfully into TL.

e. Classification 5 Translating by loan word

This classification refers to the method of untranslated word. In this part the word in SL are maintained in TL without any changes. The translator used this method because he / she cannot find the similar meaning in TL.

There are 2 data or 2.43% are included in this classification, they are:

Table 7 Translating by Loan Words


Slang Words

Indonesian Translation

Data Number

2 Rock’n’roll


Example : Datum 48/TR/ CD2/SL/00:02: 10,681

CS:. Fish seeing no behavior of Rock’n’Roll on other bands member. SL:

TL: Fish: Beginilah cara musik Rock’n’roll punah.

The context situation of this dialogue is Fish enter the band’s room and see the other player of ADD band who are playing video game then fish asks them to get some parties. Translator did not translate the word “Rock’n’roll” because this word refers to the one of music genre. Therefore, In Indonesian the word “Rock’n’roll” is commonly used and has the similar meaning in TL.


This sub chapter will discuss the relation between quality assessment of slang word and the classification use to translate slang word in the film entitled The Rocker.

The Techniques and Level of Accuracy, Acceptability

No Classification

Percentage .

Translation Quality

Data Number



7 70% in SL into slang word in TL

1. Translating slang word

Less accurate

Less acceptable

- 2. Translating slang word

in SL into common TL 21,33,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,

Less accurate




Less acceptable 5,13,18,21,32,34,35,39,40,62,64

1 1.8% 3. Translating by omission Accuracy

Less accurate

Less acceptable

3 60% 4. Translating by

Less accurate

Less acceptable

5. Translating by loan

Less accurate

Less acceptable




strategies used in translating slang word in SL into slang word TL in the film entitled The Rocker , they are translating slang word in SL into slang word in TL, translating slang word in SL into common TL word, translating by omission, translating by paraphrase, translating by loan word.

The most dominant classification is found in this translation is translating slang word in SL into common TL word, there are 7 data (70%) that are considered to be accurate, 3 data (30%) are considered to be less accurate (30%). While, in term of acceptability, there are 7 data (70%) are considered to be acceptable translation, and 3 data (30%) are considered to be less acceptable.

Next classification is translating slang word in SL into slang word in TL, in term of accuracy, there are 38 data or 70.4% of entire data are considered to be accurate, 15 data or 27.8% of entire data considered to be less accurate and 1 datum (1.8%) is considered to be inaccurate translation. While, in term of acceptability, there are 41 data (76%) considered being acceptable translation, 12 data (22.2%) are considered to be less accurate translation and only one datum is considered to be unacceptable translation.

The third classification is translating by omission. There are five data that includes in this classification. In term of accuracy, there is only one datum considered to be accurate translation and four data considered to be inaccurate translation. In term of acceptability, there is 1 datum (20%) that is considered to

(60%) are considered to be unacceptable translation.

Next classification is translating by paraphrase; there are 11 data that classified into this classification. In term of accuracy, there are 5 data (45.5%) considered being accurate translation and 6 data (54.5%) considered to be less accurate translation. In term of acceptability, there are 5 data considered to be acceptable translation and 6 data considered being less acceptability.

The last classification is translating by loan word, there are two data classified into this classification. There are one datum considered to be accurate and one datum considered to be less accurate. While, in term acceptability, all of data considered to be acceptable translation.

Chapter V Conclusion and suggestion

This chapter presents the conclusion of the analysis based on the problem statements stated in Chapter I. From the explanation in previous Chapter, it can be drawn some representation as follows:

1. From the table of accuracy, the researcher involves three raters to evaluate the accuracy of the translation. The Average score of the mean is 2.75, so it means the translation of subtitled movie entitled the rocker is accurately translated. We can see from the table of accuracy that shows 53 data (64.63%) belong to accurate, 24 data (29.27%) belong to less accurate, and 5 data (6.10%) belong to inaccurate.

2. From the table of acceptability the researcher involves three raters to evaluate the Acceptability of the translation. The Average score of the mean is 2.74, so it means the translation of subtitled movie entitled The Rocker is classified as acceptable translation. We can see from the table of acceptability that shows 55 data (67.07%) belong to acceptable, 23 data (28.05 %) belong to less acceptable and 4 data (4.80%) data belong to unacceptable.

3. There are five classifications of strategies used, They are : 10 data or 12.19% belong to Translating slang words in SL into slang word in TL, 54 data or 65,85% 3. There are five classifications of strategies used, They are : 10 data or 12.19% belong to Translating slang words in SL into slang word in TL, 54 data or 65,85%

A. Suggestions

The researcher gives the suggestion as follows:

1. For The Translator: The translator needs to be more careful in translating a subtitle text, The Translator is expected to consider the meaningfulness. Sometimes, in some data the researcher found that the translator only focuses on the naturalness without considering the actual meaning of the subtitle translation.

2. The Student of English Department. The students can be more interested in studying how to translate other terms of audiovisual translation such as subtitling, dubbing or interpreting.

3. For other researchers Hopefully, this research can motivate the other researchers to take further

research relating to the audiovisual translation in terms of subtitling such as doing research relating to the process, techniques and qualities.