Co-meronym The Type of Research

Examples: - The teacher is teaching math using English. The activity for teacher is teaching. That is why, the relation between person and verb is collocation. - Salmon fish never get decreases in the sea. Salmon lives in the sea. The relation between things and places is also collocation. These all cohesive devices is used in this research to explore and classify which ties type the students used in their narrative text based on the classification that has explored above.


This chapter comprises several parts: the type of research, the type of data, the data collection, and data analysis. Research methodology is needed to get the validity and accuracy of the research. This step is one of the important steps of doing scientific research. The aim is to illustrate the way researcher conduct the research.

3.1 The Type of Research

This study employs mixed method, which are taken from two different approaches: qualitative and quantitative research . “Qualitative research generally are not set up as experiments; the data cannot be easily quantified and the analysis is interpretive rather than statistical, while quantitative research generally followed by the quantification of data and some sort of numerical analysis is carried out”Mackey and Gass, 2005:2. Qualitative method is applied in this research to produce descriptive data in the form of text composed by seventh semester students, majoring linguistic, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University. Furthermore, quantitative method is applied to count the type of cohesive ties type applied in their composition as well as counting the frequency ties type is used. Based on Mackey and Gass, 2005:4 this research is included into exploratory- qualitative-statistical. The form of data is based on qualitative one texts and the method of analysis is statistical. By the data, the number of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in the texts is counted in order to get the coherence and to find the possible relationship between the use of cohesive devices in the text and students’ writing quality. This research uses non-experimental design and the analysis provides a statistical rather than interpretative analysis.

3.2 The Type of Data

The types of data in this thesis are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data are in the form of sentences or words and stated in the form of sentences Blaxter et al, 1997:177. The qualitative data in this thesis are in the form of a narrative text, which consist of sentences in the use cohesive devices taken from seventh semester students, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University. On the other hand, quantitative data presents in the form of numbers. The calculation on the number of the type of grammatical reference, substitution, and ellipsis and lexical cohesive devices repetition, antonym, synonym, etc and the calculation on the percentage of coherence in the texts applied in this study.

3.3 Data Collection

The current study uses documentary technique to collect the data and applies non-experimental design. Documentary technique is conducted by abstracting from each document, those elements which we consider to be important or relevant by grouping together those findings, or setting on them alongside others which we believed to be linked. The texts, narrative text, written by seventh semester students, majoring linguistic, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University are the primary data in this study. Some procedures are set up to collect the data as follows: a. Participants The participants in this current research are seventh semester students Majoring Linguistics, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University who now on the higher level of study in bachelor degree and has prepared for doing thesis. Consent form is necessarily provided in this study to collect the data because its involve human participant and expected to provide, or even, add benefits Mackey and Gass, 2005:25-26. Consent form is produced in bilingual, which is English and Indonesia in order to minimize the risk of participants’ misunderstanding about the form. b. Narrative text All participants are going to write their text. The instruction is designed to have the students create or retell about the theme given, which asked them to produce a narrative story about ± 200 words as the minimum number. Moreover, students will have around 30 minutes to compose their narrative text. The texts written by the students are collected as the primary data. In this research, the data are analyzed whether they use either grammatical or lexical cohesive devices in narrative text and to account for degree of coherence of the narrative text produced by students in linguistics major in the seventh semester, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University.

3.4 Data Analysis

The data analysis in this research uses descriptive, statistical, and interpretative method. Descriptive method is used to apply the theory of narrative proposed by Chatman 1982 in order to review whether the text written by seventh semester students, English Department, Faculty of Letters uses generic structure potential of short story or not. Then based on Zhang 2004, the following steps are followed for identifying cohesive ties and coherence’s percentage in each student composition by using theory of cohesion proposed by Halliday and Hasan. Procedures for identifying cohesive devices: 1. Each text is separated into three division based on the topic they have chosen. 2. Each text in each topic is given an index number which later coded as text 1, text 2, and so on. 3. Each text is read without commenting. 4. Each text in each topic is divided into four parts of generic structure, which consists of orientation, complication, evaluation, and resolution. 5. Each text is reread sentence by sentence to identify and mark cohesive devices.

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