The Background of the Study

explain that features in narrative are needed and constructed by genre. He describes the distinction of narrative in the diagram recogniz ed since Aristotle’s in Poetic: Figure 1.1 Chatman, 1978:19 Furthermore, in understanding the distinctions in the figure above, a crucial part that makes the information in narration transferred from sender writer to receiver reader is coherence. Chatman 1978:30 clarifies that coherence is another inference for the existence of narrative. Sequence of events in narrative must remain the same from one event to the next. If the sequence is not the same, the explanation of the difference preserved. It is influential to readers’ level of interpretation. Hence, the existence of events in narrative identifies the coherence and continuous story that exists in it. Writing is language skill that is arduous. However, organizing and translating ideas into readable text for second language students sometimes is difficult Ghasemi, 2013:1. Since narrative is a transaction as a text Chatman, 1978:31, indeed learners must have a good skill in writing a continuous text. Writing task is important output for learners because its structure expresses learners’ thoughts. In line with this, seventh semester students of English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University who achieved and learning English as nearly as second language must be able to write a continuous text based on experienced they have. Moreover, they must provide an output, especially in writing skills, for their achievement in learning English. Hence, narrative task would seem to be an ideal tool for assessing level of language skill for seventh semester students in English Department Faculty of Letters as second language learners.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

The presence of cohesion in a text especially in narrative text indicates an organized and comprehensible text. The sequence of eventsin narrative text should be in order, continues and understandable. Hence, the presence of cohesive devices and cohesive ties is significant. Seventh semester students should produce a continuous and coherent text in their grade.They were able to use various cohesive devices in their narrative text. Nevertheless, there are some problems in writing such as inappropriate and incorrect use of cohesive devices items in sentences even paragraph and the lack presence of cohesive ties ’ item. Therefore, it leads to misconception or even misinterpretation of their narrative writing. This research intends to investigate about on how seventh semester students deal with cohesive devices and cohesive ties in their narrative writing and to investigate the relationship between the use of cohesive devices and writing quality to make an organized and coherent text.

1.3 Research Questions

The research problems composed as follows: 1. Do the seventh semester students’ Faculty of Letters use cohesive devices in their writing? Which are the categories of cohesive devices that they used? 2. How cohesive ties do create texture to establish grammatical and lexical cohesion to make students’ narrative text become cohesive coherent and unified? 3. What is possible relationship between the use of cohesive devices and writing quality of seventh semester students?

1.4 The Goals of the Study

The goals of this study generally are to know how cohesive devices as linguistic tools works on students’ narrative text and how coherence of the narrative text expressed through discourse analysis is. Here are the goals of the study in particular: a. To elucidate what cohesive tiesare applied in composition of the seventh semester student, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University. b. To investigate how cohesive ties creates texture to establish relation of meaning that build a coherence discourse in the narrative text of seventh semester students, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University. c. To find possible relationship between the use of cohesive devices and the writing quality of seventh semester students, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Jember University.

1.5 The Organization of the Thesis

The organization of this thesis is dividedinto five chapters. They are introduction, theoretical framework, research methodology, the result and discussion, and conclusion. The first chapter illustrates the background of study, problem to discuss, research questions, the goals of study, and the organization of the study. The second chapter consists of theoretical framework and theoretical review. The third chapter is the research methodologies that explain the methods, data collecting, and analyzing data. The fourth chapter is about the result and discussion of the data analysis that uses discourse analysis on seventh semester students’ English narrative. The last chapter, the fifth, is conclusion.

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