The Interpretation and Applied Strategies of Logo and Tagline of Circles Shoes









CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1Background to the Topic 1

1.2Scope 3

1.3Objectives 3

1.4Significant to Knowledge 4

1.5The Framework of the Theory 4 1.6Research Method 6

1.7Place and Time 6


2.2 Job Position and Coordination 2.2.1 Job Position 7 2.2.2 Job Coordination 8 2.3 Responsibilities 8



3.1 The Intepretation and Applied Strategies of logo and tagline 9 3.2 Problem in dealing this business 12 3.3 Solution for the Problem 13


4.1. Conclusion 14

4.2 Suggestions 15



Business Plan

Business Development Report Data



Calter, David E .1995. Howt To Improve Your CoporateIdentity:Harpercollins Goddard, Angela. 2002. The language of advertising:Taylor& Francis

Keegan, Warren J. 2005. Global Marketing 4thEditon International Edition. USA: Prentice Hall

Kotler, Philip. 2003. ManajemenPemasaran (EdisiKesebelas). Jakarta: PT. IndeksKelompokGramedia.



This chapter presents general descriptions of background to the topic, scopes, and objectives, significant to knowledge, framework of the theory, method, place and time in and on which the job training was conducted.

1.1Background to the Topic

In marketing world, there is a media well known as media promotion. The media promotion itself is the way to affect the customers directly or indirectly to create exchanges in marketing. Alma describes,

“Promosiadalahsejeniskomunikasi yang memberipenjelasandanmeyakinkancalonkonsumenmengenaibarangda njasadengantujuanuntukmemperolehperhatian, mendidik, mengingatkandanmeyakinkancalonkonsumen.”(2006: 179)

Learning Alma’s theory, the purpose of the media promotion is to communicate among customers and companies, as well as introducing the products or services offered. Furthermore, the media promotions may be formed as print medias, televisions, and radios.

Specifying to print media, print media is a part of advertising that is used to communicate the information that may be conveyed in logo and tagline. The both of them are the way to communicate the messages of the products or companies.



RhenaldKasalidescribes: “Media cetakadalahsuatu media yang statisdanmengutamakanpesan-pesan yang bersifat visual’ (1992: 99)

According to the theory, the function of print media is to communicate the message visually; the forms of logo and tagline. Logo and tagline are the identity of products or companies. The theories say:

“logoadalahidentitassuatuperusahaandalambentuk visual yang diaplikasikandalamberbagaisaranafasilitasdankegiatanperusahaanse bagaibentukkomunikasi visual. Logo dapatjugadisebutdengansimbol, tandagambar, merekdagang (trademark) yang berfungsisebagailambangidentitasdiridarisuatubadanusahadantandap engenal yang merupakancirikhasperusahaan” (David E.Calter:1995)


“Slogan atau tagline adalahPerkataanataukalimat yang menarik, mencolok, danmudahdiingatuntukmenyampaikansesuatu”. (Dita, 2008)

Unfortunately, in the marketing world many companies have not fully understood how to communicate their products or services. Of course, the issue leads to prominent cases to be discussed. They may be how to understand the message, which is conveyed in media promotion, and how to create a good media promotion.

Based on the cases identified, the aims of the discussion are to describe and to explain the intepretation of logo and tagline, and the strategies applied to create a good logo and tagline.


Referring to the focus of the discussion, scope of the research are: 1. What are the interpretations of logo and tagline?

2. What strategies are applied in producing logo and tagline?


Relevance to the Scope, objectives may be determined: 1. To describes the interpretation of logo and tagline.

2. To describe strategies applied in producing logo and tagline.

1.4 Significance to knowledge

The present writer expects this paper will be used in creating strategis logo and tagline in media promotion world, and provides the proof of benefit in the practical world by applying semiotic theory.

1.5 The Framework of the Theory

Promotion is the way to promote companies’r product and disseminate information of the products to the target market toincrease sales, and affect the customers directly or indirectly by advertising. Kotler (2003: 14) says, “Promotion includes all the activity the company undertakes to communicate and promote its products to target market.” In the media promotion there is



advertising, it is part of media promotion that is used to communicate the message of the company.

Advertisingis very helpfulandeffectivein conveying the messageof a productand in buildingproducts. As well as, advertising is effective communication to connect the company with the market. Despite of the communication of advertising is non-personal; advertising is a promotion tool that most affect the several of the company and the market awareness of existence of the company. Keegan (2005:437) suggest, “Global Advertising may be defined as messages whose art, copy, headlines, photographs, tag lines and other elements have been developed expressly for their world wide suitability.”

Based on the theory above, in advertising there are logo and tagline that can convey the message to the market.

Logo is the identity and characters of company; it is used to communicate company’s products in the form of visual communication. It is considered to be a part of the company so that it is very important to convey a company's benefit and to carry the brand’s message. David E.Calter says:

“logoadalahidentitassuatuperusahaandalambentuk visual yang diaplikasikandalamberbagaisaranafasilitasdankegiatanperusahaanse bagaibentukkomunikasi visual. Logo dapatjugadisebutdengansimbol, tandagambar, merekdagang (trademark) yang berfungsisebagailambangidentitasdiridarisuatubadanusahadantandap engenal yang merupakancirikhasperusahaan” (1995)


On the other hand, tagline can be used to articulate company’s vision, convey essential qualities, brand character, emphasize the benefit of the product, and align brand message with an intended target market. The Allice Sylvestersay:

“Tagline adalah slogan singkat yang terdapatdalamsebuahiklan, dimaksudkanuntukmenumbuhkan memorable paraaudiens.Tagline tidakharus kata-kata publikatau kata-kata indah yang terpentingharusmenacap di kepaladanhatikonsumen.” (2007: 145)

1.6 Research Method

The method that the writer uses in this job training report is descriptive method. In this method the theory will be described with some explanations. According to Dawson (2002) said, “Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or program, or provides information about, say, living condition of a community, or describes attitudes towards an issue.

1.7 Place and Time

The present writer took the job training activities in Bandung Timur Plaza Zona 5 No 76 at Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 46A Bandung. In this entrepreneurship job training the present writer became copywriter in advertising business. It was started on July 16th to September 6th, 2013.




2.1 The General Description of Miracle of Design

Description of Venture

Miracle of Design is a company that we built to fulfill job training in 7th semester in English Department of Indonesia University of Computer. We run the business in field of copywriting; we make a logo and a tagline that will be offered to the some companies.

Logo and tagline, which are parts of a company, are believed to be so important to identify products or companies. It can be convey the benefit and the image of the product or service, so the companies have to own them.

Ibelievethis businessisprospective, because it is just afew peoplewhoworkin this field, besidethis business does notrequirelarge capital; it only needs the

imagination in designand creativity, wecando it, and certainly many profits will be gained by working in this business.

2.2Job Position

The present writer’s job position in this business is a design manager and a manager of production with main responsibility in making a logo and tagline.


8 2.3Coordination

Executing the project, the present writer manages coordination with the clients. Discussing to the client’s core message and target audience, writing and presenting a few options to clients, and modifying copy until the client is satisfied, are parts of the present writer’s responsibilities.


As the design manager and manager of production, the present writer has responsibility to make a logo and tagline that should be unique and simple, and certainly to promote a company brand and to build brand identity. Then, the present writer has responsibility to create a logo and tagline that will produce and overseeing the production phase.





3.1 The Interpretation and Applied Strategies of logo and tagline

When we want to promote something either in the form of products or services, we definitely need a good media promotion. Media promotion includes all the activity of a company to communicate and promote its products to target market. Therefore, the information or the message that we convey to the costumers will be received. The important media promotions are known as logo and tagline.

A logo is a symbol that has a meaning to identify a product or company that is formed as visual media; it is a part of the company so that it is very important to convey a company's benefit and carries the brand’s message. The good logo can build loyalty between business and customers by the message of the logo itself, it can establish a brand identity, build the image of the company and can assure customers of the product or service that the company offers. The purpose of the logo is to represent a business and to distinguish it from its competitors and give a visual representation of a company brand.

One of the popular questions is “why logo should be different?” logo is identity of the product or company, so it should be different from another and have a


unique, simple, and memorable, certainly should promote a company brand and build brand identity.

Then, the effective way to communicate brand’s messages is by creating a tagline. Tagline can be used to articulate company’s vision, convey essential qualities, brand character, emphasize the benefit of the product, and align brand

message with an intended target market. A companyneeds todig

deepandestablisha relationshipof communication, so the costumersknowand are interested in theproduct.The communicationthatcompany built, must be represented thecorporate identityandbringthe companytoits customers.

Data 1

Circle shoes logo can be interpreted in several factors: (1) how the logo creates the image of the company, (2) how the logo brings products to the market, and (3) how the logo interpreted in an interpretation.



How does the logo create the image of the company? Logo is identity of company that conveys their message to the market. A logo was created as an identity that is unique and easy to distinguish from competitor of companies. Logo can be likened to the face; everyone can be easily identified with each other just by looking at the face. It is not different with logo; logo is delivering company images through a simple look in the form of symbol.

How does logo bring the product to the market? Company has its own identity, and one of the easiest ways to distinguish between companies from another is to create the logo. Logo may become an effective way to identify and remember the company and its product and/or service so easy. Logo can be conveyed the company’s information by involving the image of the product and benefit of the product to the market, so logo can build loyalty between the company and market by the message of the logo itself.

How can logo be interpreted in an interpretation? The logo that we have made here is a combination between circle shape and straight line. The meanings of circle shapes are immortality, completeness, freedomandprotection. Then straight lines are balance, and destination. After that, there is a color black splotches that has meaning a weakness of the product or company, allthings inthisworldnothing isperfect, because perfection of a product certainly has weaknessordeficiency.

If we review the logo, it is constructed by two elements; those arecirlce and straight line. Those elements are familiar in daily life because we can find


many things with circle shape and straight line. By using these elements, this logo will be easy to remember by the costumers and market.

Data 2

This tagline has been made for casual shoes product, the name of thisproduct is CIRCLE. The present writer has chosen the words that are easy to beremembered, and the tagline covers the name brand of the product. The purpose of that is, when the people hear it, the tagline is memorized quickly, and repeated easily

Then, the present writer tries to make this tagline different from others. It is the important thing to reflect the brand’s identity, so it should be different to represent the characters and make some branding images the product itself.Based on the concept, this tagline is simple, elegant, unique, catchy, memorable, and timeless, so it is easy to be remembered by many people and hasan emphasisormain point.

3.2 Problem in dealing this business

The business that we run is marketing service, this business is very profitable but there are many risks, such as the logo and tagline that have been made are less known by people.


13 3.3 Solution for the Problem

Before beginning the process of a logo and tagline creation, be sure that you have developed your brand strategy and knowing the target market. After that, we should try to make a logo and tagline different from others, because the both of them are identity and branding strategy of a company.




4.1 Conclusions

The media promotion functions as means to communicate between customers and company, as well as introducing the products or services offered by a company through advertising. It is used to communicate the information that may be conveyed in logo and tagline. Logo and tagline are the identity that has a meaning to identify a product or company.

As the identity of the company, logo and tagline should be illustrated the simplicity to catch customers’ attention. The combination of circle and straight line gives an idea that the product is timeless, complete, free from worry, and well protected. The splotches of black is suggested that the product is far from perfection but trying to have it.

As a strategy, furthermore, the present writer assumes that the preparation is important point to gain achievement. Beginning of the process, brainstorming the idea based on the product knowledge and target market should be handed skillfully.

To sum up, the creativity of producing logo and tagline requires the knowledge of symbol, and an effective strategy to create one.


4.2 Suggestion

Elaborating the issue under discussion, the steps on making story line may be the next interesting issue to fill the gap in this research. The story line is believed in gaining the achievement of the logo and tagline. To complete the issue, in addition, the research on customers’ response may be another alternative. The response serves the idea how effective logo and tagline are perceived.



1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Indra Sapaat

b. Address : Kp. Cihawuk, RT. 04 RW. 04 Desa. Cihawuk

Kecamatan. Kertasari Kabupaten. Bandung

c. Place and date of birth : Bandung, 21 September 1992

d. Sex : Male

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 0812-2168-9689

g. E-mail :

1. Educational Background

a. Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1998-2001 SDN 1 Cihawuk

3 2004-2007 SMPN 2 Kertasari

4 2007-2010 SMAN 1 Ciparay



How does the logo create the image of the company? Logo is identity of company that conveys their message to the market. A logo was created as an identity that is unique and easy to distinguish from competitor of companies. Logo can be likened to the face; everyone can be easily identified with each other just by looking at the face. It is not different with logo; logo is delivering company images through a simple look in the form of symbol.

How does logo bring the product to the market? Company has its own identity, and one of the easiest ways to distinguish between companies from another is to create the logo. Logo may become an effective way to identify and remember the company and its product and/or service so easy. Logo can be conveyed the company’s information by involving the image of the product and benefit of the product to the market, so logo can build loyalty between the company and market by the message of the logo itself.

How can logo be interpreted in an interpretation? The logo that we have made here is a combination between circle shape and straight line. The meanings of circle shapes are immortality, completeness, freedomandprotection. Then straight lines are balance, and destination. After that, there is a color black splotches that has meaning a weakness of the product or company, allthings inthisworldnothing isperfect, because perfection of a product certainly has weaknessordeficiency.

If we review the logo, it is constructed by two elements; those arecirlce and straight line. Those elements are familiar in daily life because we can find



many things with circle shape and straight line. By using these elements, this logo will be easy to remember by the costumers and market.

Data 2

This tagline has been made for casual shoes product, the name of thisproduct is CIRCLE. The present writer has chosen the words that are easy to beremembered, and the tagline covers the name brand of the product. The purpose of that is, when the people hear it, the tagline is memorized quickly, and repeated easily

Then, the present writer tries to make this tagline different from others. It is the important thing to reflect the brand’s identity, so it should be different to represent the characters and make some branding images the product itself.Based on the concept, this tagline is simple, elegant, unique, catchy, memorable, and timeless, so it is easy to be remembered by many people and hasan emphasisormain point.

3.2 Problem in dealing this business

The business that we run is marketing service, this business is very profitable but there are many risks, such as the logo and tagline that have been made are less known by people.


13 3.3 Solution for the Problem

Before beginning the process of a logo and tagline creation, be sure that you have developed your brand strategy and knowing the target market. After that, we should try to make a logo and tagline different from others, because the both of them are identity and branding strategy of a company.




4.1 Conclusions

The media promotion functions as means to communicate between customers and company, as well as introducing the products or services offered by a company through advertising. It is used to communicate the information that may be conveyed in logo and tagline. Logo and tagline are the identity that has a meaning to identify a product or company.

As the identity of the company, logo and tagline should be illustrated the simplicity to catch customers’ attention. The combination of circle and straight line gives an idea that the product is timeless, complete, free from worry, and well protected. The splotches of black is suggested that the product is far from perfection but trying to have it.

As a strategy, furthermore, the present writer assumes that the preparation is important point to gain achievement. Beginning of the process, brainstorming the idea based on the product knowledge and target market should be handed skillfully.

To sum up, the creativity of producing logo and tagline requires the knowledge of symbol, and an effective strategy to create one.


4.2 Suggestion

Elaborating the issue under discussion, the steps on making story line may be the next interesting issue to fill the gap in this research. The story line is believed in gaining the achievement of the logo and tagline. To complete the issue, in addition, the research on customers’ response may be another alternative. The response serves the idea how effective logo and tagline are perceived.


CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Indra Sapaat

b. Address : Kp. Cihawuk, RT. 04 RW. 04 Desa. Cihawuk

Kecamatan. Kertasari Kabupaten. Bandung

c. Place and date of birth : Bandung, 21 September 1992

d. Sex : Male

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 0812-2168-9689

g. E-mail :

1. Educational Background

a. Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1998-2001 SDN 1 Cihawuk

3 2004-2007 SMPN 2 Kertasari

4 2007-2010 SMAN 1 Ciparay