The Indonesian translation of tea and juice drinks labels : a study on the accuracy, readability and strategies applied.



PRATAMA, ALBERTUS ABI GALIH. The Indonesian Translation of Tea and Juice Drinks Labels: A Study on the Accuracy, Readability and Strategies Applied. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

This undergraduate thesis concerns the translation in the drinks labels. This study related with the accuracy, strategy and readability. In some cases, language also needs translation to help the reader understand the messages. Actually the information from this translation of drinks label is important, because the information about these products should be accurate and well-informed to the target language. Another strong reason, these products are accessible by many people and everyone would need a drink for their daily needs. As the result, the translation quality in terms of accuracy, readability and strategy is the important aspect how the language is translated and helps the reader understand the messages what is officially stamped in the drinks labels.

There are three problems that were analyzed in this thesis. The first this study tries to find out the accuracy of the translation from English to Indonesia in Tea and Juice drinks labels. Second, it is how readability may affect on this translation study from the drinks labels. The third, this study analyzes the what translation strategies applied by the translator when translate tea and juice drinks labels in order the translation can fulfill the message from the source language.

The field research is used to measure the accuracy and readability of the translations drinks labels. This study engages 13 respondents. They are three respondents are obtained from a linguistic expert and professional translators. Ten respondents were chosen randomly because these products were consumed by any people of variant backgrounds.

As the result of this research, based on Accuracy rating theory from Nababan (2004: 61), the writer finds that the translation from total 22 data in Tea and Juice drinks labels are accurate. It is due to the total of average scores of (1.4). In readability is found that the data of this study are readable. It is due to the total of average scores of (1.5) from data translation. Furthermore, the last result nine of fifteen translation strategies by Suryawinata are used to overcome the data problem in this translation. Next, the strategy that has been used frequently is Transposition strategy (16). As scientific reason, the result of the accuracy and readability can be determined by the strategies applied in the translation.



PRATAMA, ALBERTUS ABI GALIH. The Indonesian Translation of Tea and Juice Drinks Labels: A Study on the Accuracy, Readability and Strategies Applied.Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

Dalam skripsi ini membahas mengenai terjemahan dalam label minuman. Data skripsi ini dititikberatkan pada keakuratan, keterbacaan, dan strategi dalam fenomena tersebut. Dalam beberapa hal bahasa perlu diterjemahkan untuk membantu pembaca mengerti pesan yang terkandung didalamnya. Sesungguhnya informasi dalam label minuman itu penting karena informasi dalam produk minuman ini harus akurat dan memberi cukup informasi pada bahasa tujuan. Alasan cukup kuat lainnya adalah produk ini sebenarnya juga mudah diakses oleh banyak orang dan semua orang membutuhkan minum untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-harinya. Hasilnya, bisa dilihat dari kualitas terjemahan dalam aspek keakuratan, keterbacaan dan strategi tersebut merupakan aspek penting bagaimana bahasa itu diterjemahkan dan membantu pembaca mengerti makna dari apa yang sebenarnya tertera secara resmi dalam label minuman.

Dalam kasus ini ada tiga masalah yang diteliti dalam skripsi ini. Pertama – tama skripsi ini mencoba mencari tingkat keakuratan terjemahan dari bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia dalam label minuman teh dan jus. Permasalahan kedua tentang bagaimana keterbacaan berpengaruh dalam terjemahan label minuman tersebut. Selanjutnya permasalahan ketiga menganalisis apa saja strategi yang diterapkan oleh penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan kasus ini, sehingga terjemahan tersebut bisa memenuhi makna dari bahasa sumber.

Studi lapangan digunakan untuk meninjau keakuratan dan keterbacaan teks terjemahan label minuman. Penelitian ini melibatkan 13 responden. tiga responden ditujukan untuk seorang ahli bahasa dan dua ahli penerjemah. Sepuluh responden dipilih secara acak karena produk ini dikonsumsi oleh orang – orang dari berbagi macam latar belakang.

Hasil dari penelitian ini berdarsarkan indikator keakuratan dari Nababan (2004:61), peneliti menemukan bahwa terjemahan dari total 22 data dalam label minuman teh dan jus adalah akurat. Dilihat dari hasil total rata-rata skor adalah (1.4). Dalam perumusan masalah dalam keterbacaan, ditemukan bahwa target teks terbaca. Yakni dari total rata- rata skor adalah (1.5) dari terjemahan ini. Lebih lanjutnya, sembilan dari lima belas strategi dalam teori oleh Suryawinata digunakan untuk menerjemahkan masalah dalam terjemahan ini. Hasil ini bisa dilihat dari strategi yang paling sering digunakan adalah transposisi (16). Berdasarkan alasan ilmiah, hasil dari keakuratan dan keterbacaan bisa ditentukan dari strategi yang digunakan dalam terjemahan tersebut.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofSarjana Sastra

In English Letters


ALBERTUS ABI GALIH PRATAMA Student Number: 104214033







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofSarjana Sastra

In English Letters


ALBERTUS ABI GALIH PRATAMA Student Number: 104214033








ASarjana SastraUndergraduate Thesis





ALBERTUS ABI GALIH PRATAMA Student Number: 104214033

Approved by

Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, S.S., M.Hum. April 28, 2015 Advisor

Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum. April 28, 2015



ASarjana SastraUndergraduate Thesis





ALBERTUS ABI GALIH PRATAMA Student Number: 104214033 Defended before the Board of Examiners

on May 12, 2015 and Declared Acceptable BOARD OF EXAMINERS

Name Signature

Chairperson : Dr. F. X. Siswadi, M.A. __________________ Secretary : Dra. A. B. Sri Mulyani, M.A., Ph.D __________________ Member 1. : Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. __________________ Member 2. : Harris H. Setiajid, S.S., M.Hum. __________________ Member 3. : Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum. __________________

Yogyakarta, May 29, 2015 Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University





I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, 28 April, 2015




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Albertus Abi Galih Pratama

Nomor Mahasiswa : 104214033

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul




beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencatumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 28 April 2015

Yang menyatakan,



Act scream louder than words!

Albertus Abi Galih Pratama

We all lose someone at some point in our lives,

But don't ever let go of that smile.

Hold on forever,

Because that's our final dedication.

Asking Alexandria–Dedicationsong lyrics

I am a type of person… if you ask a question, and I don’t know the answer…I’m gonna tell you that I don’t

know. But I bet you what. I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer.



This page dedicated for . . .

My Savior Jesus



My Beloved Parents

as spirits of my life \m/




I present my gratitude and thankful for Jesus Christ for His blessing in every step that I have been through and everyone who has helped and supported me to finish my study in English Letters. I would like to say thank you to Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, S.S., M. Hum., for to be my guidance and advisor so I can accomplish my study well. I also thank to my co-advisor of my undergraduate thesis, Adventina Putranti, S.S., M. Hum., for her advices and lessons. For all my lecturers and staffs ofEnglish Letters Departmentthat helped me during the process until I finished. I also thank to the important partof this study, who all people that have been kindly to bemy respondents that I cannot mention one by one. Thank you so much.

All of this, I give the special thanks to my beloved parents, Paschalia Indrasti Kuswijayanti and Silverius Bambang Suhartoyo that always support, trust, love, and pray for my study at this university. I thank my sisterBrigita Eva Puspita Cahyani that always cheers me up when I am down. Many thanks also I

and Rengganis that always support me and make me to go ahead when faced every problem during the undergraduate thesis writing. Everyone else that I cannot be mentioned here one by one. Thank you for a good time and a bad time, to make me to be what I am now, to keep me struggle even though it seems hard somehow.

Albertus Abi Galih Pratama give to my beloved friends, Domas, Tika, Rizky, Icha, Dita, Yasmine, Hengky









MOTTO PAGE ... vii







ABSTRAK... xvi


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. Definition of Terms ... 5


A. Review of Related Studies ... 7

B. Review of Related Theories ... 9

1. Theory of Translation Process ... 9

2. Accuracy Theory ... 10

3. Translation Readability ... 11

4. Translation Strategies ... 12




A. Area of Research ... 19

B. Object of the Study ... 19

C. Method of the Study ... 20

D. Research Procedure ... 20

1. Types of Data ... 20

2. Data Collection ... 21

3. Population and Samples ... 23

4. Data Analysis ... 23


A. The Accuracy of Translation... 28

1. Accurate ... 29

2. Quite Accurate ... 31

3. Inaccurate ... 33

B. Translation Readability ... 37

1. Readable ... 37

2. Quite Readable ... 40

C. Translation Strategies and Its Application on the Drinks Labels ... 46

1. Addition ... 46

2. Substraction ... 46

3. Transposition ... 47

4. Borrowing ... 47

a. Transliteration ... 48

b. Naturalization ... 48

5. Synonym ... 48

6. Reduction and Expansion ... 50

7. Addition ... 50

8. Omission ... 50





Appendix 1:Data of Imported Beverage Product Data ... 57

Appendix 2:Accuracy Questionnaire ... 59

Appendix 3:Readability Questionnaire ... 61

Appendix 4:Pictures of Imported Beverage Product Data ... 63

Appendix 5:The Result of Accuracy, Readability and Translation Strategies Applied ... 65




Table 1.Nababan’s Accuracy Rating Instrument... Table 2.Accuracy's Score Category ... Table 3. Nababan’s Readability Rating Instrument ... Table 4. Readability's Score Category ... Table 5. Example of the data code ... Table 6. The relation between Accuracy and the Readability ... Table 7. The Strategies Applied in the Drinks Labels ...

11 11 12 12 21 44 52




DJ : Diamond Juice FT : FresTea

GT : Green Tea JF : Jefi

JJ : Jungle Juice

MM : Minute Maid Pulpy NJ : Nu Juv

NB : Nutriboost OS : Ocean Spray PK : Pokka

TTJ : Tropicana Twister Juice YC : You-C 1000



PRATAMA, ALBERTUS ABI GALIH. The Indonesian Translation of Tea and Juice Drinks Labels: A Study on the Accuracy, Readability and Strategies Applied. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

This undergraduate thesis concerns the translation in the drinks labels. This study related with the accuracy, strategy and readability. In some cases, language also needs translation to help the reader understand the messages. Actually the information from this translation of drinks label is important, because the information about these products should be accurate and well-informed to the target language. Another strong reason, these products are accessible by many people and everyone would need a drink for their daily needs. As the result, the translation quality in terms of accuracy, readability and strategy is the important aspect how the language is translated and helps the reader understand the messages what is officially stamped in the drinks labels.

There are three problems that were analyzed in this thesis. The first this study tries to find out the accuracy of the translation from English to Indonesia in Tea and Juice drinks labels. Second, it is how readability may affect on this translation study from the drinks labels. The third, this study analyzes the what translation strategies applied by the translator when translate tea and juice drinks labels in order the translation can fulfill the message from the source language.

The field research is used to measure the accuracy and readability of the translations drinks labels. This study engages 13 respondents. They are three respondents are obtained from a linguistic expert and professional translators. Ten respondents were chosen randomly because these products were consumed by any people of variant backgrounds.

As the result of this research, based on Accuracy rating theory from Nababan (2004: 61), the writer finds that the translation from total 22 data in Tea and Juice drinks labels are accurate. It is due to the total of average scores of (1.4). In readability is found that the data of this study are readable. It is due to the total of average scores of (1.5) from data translation. Furthermore, the last result nine of fifteen translation strategies by Suryawinata are used to overcome the data problem in this translation. Next, the strategy that has been used frequently is Transposition strategy (16). As scientific reason, the result of the accuracy and readability can be determined by the strategies applied in the translation.



PRATAMA, ALBERTUS ABI GALIH. The Indonesian Translation of Tea and Juice Drinks Labels: A Study on the Accuracy, Readability and Strategies Applied.Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

Dalam skripsi ini membahas mengenai terjemahan dalam label minuman. Data skripsi ini dititikberatkan pada keakuratan, keterbacaan, dan strategi dalam fenomena tersebut. Dalam beberapa hal bahasa perlu diterjemahkan untuk membantu pembaca mengerti pesan yang terkandung didalamnya. Sesungguhnya informasi dalam label minuman itu penting karena informasi dalam produk minuman ini harus akurat dan memberi cukup informasi pada bahasa tujuan. Alasan cukup kuat lainnya adalah produk ini sebenarnya juga mudah diakses oleh banyak orang dan semua orang membutuhkan minum untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-harinya. Hasilnya, bisa dilihat dari kualitas terjemahan dalam aspek keakuratan, keterbacaan dan strategi tersebut merupakan aspek penting bagaimana bahasa itu diterjemahkan dan membantu pembaca mengerti makna dari apa yang sebenarnya tertera secara resmi dalam label minuman.

Dalam kasus ini ada tiga masalah yang diteliti dalam skripsi ini. Pertama – tama skripsi ini mencoba mencari tingkat keakuratan terjemahan dari bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia dalam label minuman teh dan jus. Permasalahan kedua tentang bagaimana keterbacaan berpengaruh dalam terjemahan label minuman tersebut. Selanjutnya permasalahan ketiga menganalisis apa saja strategi yang diterapkan oleh penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan kasus ini, sehingga terjemahan tersebut bisa memenuhi makna dari bahasa sumber.

Studi lapangan digunakan untuk meninjau keakuratan dan keterbacaan teks terjemahan label minuman. Penelitian ini melibatkan 13 responden. tiga responden ditujukan untuk seorang ahli bahasa dan dua ahli penerjemah. Sepuluh responden dipilih secara acak karena produk ini dikonsumsi oleh orang – orang dari berbagi macam latar belakang.

Hasil dari penelitian ini berdarsarkan indikator keakuratan dari Nababan (2004:61), peneliti menemukan bahwa terjemahan dari total 22 data dalam label minuman teh dan jus adalah akurat. Dilihat dari hasil total rata-rata skor adalah (1.4). Dalam perumusan masalah dalam keterbacaan, ditemukan bahwa target teks terbaca. Yakni dari total rata- rata skor adalah (1.5) dari terjemahan ini. Lebih lanjutnya, sembilan dari lima belas strategi dalam teori oleh Suryawinata digunakan untuk menerjemahkan masalah dalam terjemahan ini. Hasil ini bisa dilihat dari strategi yang paling sering digunakan adalah transposisi (16). Berdasarkan alasan ilmiah, hasil dari keakuratan dan keterbacaan bisa ditentukan dari strategi yang digunakan dalam terjemahan tersebut.



A. Background of the Study

Translation can be an instrument of language that can help human to understand other languages by transferring the messages from the source of language to the target of language. That is why somehow language also needs translation to help the reader understand about the messages. It is an interesting source text to discuss this topic because it may give a substantial contribution in the linguistic research.

In this topic the researcher analyzes the accuracy and readability from Source Language (SL) into the Target Language (TL) in the scope of Labels: tea and juice drinks. In other words, meaning that exists in SL (Source Language) must have the closest meaning with the TL (Target Language. Besides, the researcher wants to see whether this object has different application in terms of strategy that may be applied in the Target Language (TL). Therefore, as stated, the meaning becomes the important one in the language, whether in a sentence or a phrase.

According to the book The Theory and Practice of Translation, Nida and Taber (1974) said as follows in:

Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in the terms of style. (Nida and Taber, 1974: 12)


Consider from that explanation above, the meaning always comes first before the style of language. Therefore, to make the explanation becomes clear, the difficulties faced on this translation of drinks labels, some samples are presented here from data number 31 in JenFood Beverage.

31/Source Text/JF Peach drink with pulp

31/Target Text/JF Minuman Sari buah persik

The translation, in fact, carries the ambiguity of the Target Text, because the text loses the message of with pulp. The meaning of Source Text is really different from the Target Text. However, it needs to be considered that the term of pulp itself only can be used for orange fruit. As said in (Echols and Shadily, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, 1988: 456) that the meaning of pulp is daging buah (orange). In here, the translator also added the word sari buah into Target Text. As the result, although the respondent considered this as inaccurate translation, it is fine that omitted the word with pulpfrom Source Text. Furthermore, according to expert respondent, to make the sentence clear and well transferred it can be translated intoMinuman rasa buah persik. In the explanation of the strategy of the translation, it is shown below from data number 25 in NutriJuice Beverage.

25/ Source Text /NJ Orange Citroen Juice Drink 25/ Target Text /NJ Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk


From that result above 25/TT/NJ has lost the main meaning from the word

“Orange Citroen” to be Buah Jeruk. A strategy that researcher can be analyzed,

the translator was using “omission” strategy that made the important meaning from Source Text 25/ST/NJ not fully transferred to the Target Text 25/TT/NJ. As can be seen in here, word Citroen is omitted by the translator. One of the respondents considers that the word of Orange Citroen should be translated into Jeruk Sitrun to get specific and the original meaning from Source Text, because there are so many types of orange fruit. Furthermore, as researcher’s opinion

based on Suryawinata and Hariyanto translation strategy theory that were related to the accuracy.

As we can see from the above of phenomena, why the translations in this case are important, because the information about these products should be accurate and well-informed to the target language. Another strong reason, these products are accessible by many people and everyone would need a drink for their daily needs.

As the result, the information about these products should be accurate and well-informed to the target language. Talking about delivering a message, the accuracy of translation is important in order to make the consumer understand what information officially stamped on the products. Thus, as already stated about the messages of translation, related to the definition by Nida and Taber as is follow:

Translating must aim primarily at “the reproducing the message.” To do

anything else is essentially false to one’s task as a translator.


This study is going to analyze the phrases or sentences that have been found in the drink’s labels as an object of this study are accurate or not and can maintain the readability or not for the all of the consumer or reader. The study also considers that it is also important to analyze and focus on the strategy applied by the translator’s drinks label as the messages on the label is really important what is actually contains in the products.

B. Problem Formulation

1. How is the accuracy of the Indonesia translation of tea and juice drinks labels?

2. How is the readability of the translation of tea and juice drinks labels? 3. What are the strategies applied in the translation of tea and juice drinks


C. Objectives of the Study

There are three objectives of this study. First, this study aims to find out how accurate the translation from English to Indonesian in the drinks labels. This is to answer the first problem in this study. Second, is to find out how the translations of this study readable or not.


To answer the third problem, the researcher tries to find out what the strategies of translation applied in this translation that are related to the accuracy and readability based on the strategies that have been applied from the original translator in tea and juice drinks labels.

D. Definitions of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding with these several terms, the researcher feels that it is necessary to give further explanation on definitions of terms in this study, there are:

Accuracy, can only be rightly determined by judging the extent to which the response of the receptor is substantially equivalent to the response of the original receptors (Nida, 1974: 28).

Readability, according to Richards and Richard (1985: 238) defines readability is how easily written materials can be read and understood. Another proposed by Sakri is as follows:

Readability represents the degrees of easiness of a writing to comprehend Writings with high readability are far easier to comprehend rather than the low ones. In a contrast, writings with low readability are more difficult to read (Sakri, 1994: 165, translated)

Strategy of Translation, according to Campbell (1998:7) as tricks in translation including realizing a translational problem, monitoring of SL or TL text segments, rephrasing of TL text segments, and others.


In other words, readability in translation is how communicative or easy to understand a particular transferred text is, both in term of its contents and forms so that the target readers can get the same meaning to those of the source readers.

Another proposed by Suryawinata define strategy: is a tactic of translator for translating words, phrases, or a sentence (Suryawinata, 2003: 67).

Label, according to Kotler and Keller (2006:366) a tag attached to the product or an elaborately designed graphic that is part of the package. The label might carry only the brand name or great deal of information. Even if the seller prefers a simple label, the law may require additional information.




In this chapter the researcher divided the part to review related studies previously done by other researchers on the same topic or maybe an author. In this part the researcher of this undergraduate thesis will show what study is related with the researcher’s topic. As the result, at the end of this part the researcher shows the position of his undergraduate thesis, whether it’s developed other studies and discover the new research study. At the last, this study shows how the researcher’s undergraduate thesis is different with the others.

A. Review of Related Studies

Susanti, (2012) in her undergraduate thesis “Translation Accuracy based on the Translation Strategies in Translating Names and Terms Related to Plant in Andrea Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi into The Rainbow Troops.” Her research discusses the translation strategies and the accuracy of the translation. On her undergraduate thesis found out that objects were translated by using particular translation strategies in order to help the translator to deliver the message of the original text. However, the translation accuracy is also important so that the message of the story is understood by the target reader (Susanti, 2012, xi).

There are two problems that Susanti’s analyzed in her under undergraduate thesis. The first problem is what the translation strategies applied in translating names and terms of plant found in the novel. The second is how accurate the


translation of the names and terms related to plants found in novel based on the translation strategies applied on them.

Lengari, (2012) in her undergraduate thesis “The accuracy, Acceptability, and Translation Strategies of Indonesian Metaphors Translation in Twilight.” In her research found out the accuracy and the acceptability category. The indicator that is used in the questionnaire is Nababan’s accuracy and acceptability category. The library research was used to obtain more information about theories and other concepts to support her study. And the result of her analysis throughout questionnaire according Nababan’s theory is 1.9 out of 4 which means quite accurate.

Further, from the all information above, it is known that previous studies focus on translation strategies that occurred in names and terms of translation in the novel. Contrasted to the others research of studies, Yoana’s can be rather completed using accuracy and acceptability to overcome her problems. Furthermore, this undergraduate thesis will make new research in the different field that really contrasts with the others studies above. If the other studies concerned in the literary work such as a novel to be the data, present researcher will analyze on the field of drinks labels that might be new and rare in this translation field.

Moreover, the research of this study tries to test how accurate, readable and what strategies were applied to the translation of drinks labels.


B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of translation process

Bell in his book Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice (1997:5) defines translation as the expression in the target language of what has been expressed in the source language, preserving semantics and stylistics equivalence. It is the replacement of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language. Translation transfers sentences from a source language into the target language. The Target language should have the same meaning with the source language so that it does not lead to misunderstanding.

Nida and Taber in their book The Theory and Practice of Translation (1974:12) describe translation as the reproduction in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style. The meaning of the target language should be the same with the source language. In this method, Nida and Taber (1969: 33) show the process of translation that is called Dynamic translation.

Based on their theories, translation consists of a more elaborate procedure compromising three stages:

(1) Analysis, in which the surface structure is analyzed in terms of (a) grammatical relationships and (b) the meanings of the words and combinations of the words,

(2) Transfer, in which the analyzed material is transferred in the mind of translator from the language A to language B, and


(3) Restructuring, in which the translated material is restructured in order to make the final message fully acceptable in the receptor language.

This approach may be diagrammed as in:

A (Source) B (Receptor)

(Analysis) (Restructuring)

X (Transfer) Y

2. Accuracy theory

Accuracy according to Nababan is the accuracy of the translation related to how far the content of the source text can be delivered correctly into target language. It is shown that the basic principle of translation’s accuracy is the similarity of meaning in target text and source text. According to Nababan (2004: 61)in “Strategi Penilaian Kualitas Terjemahan” in Jurnal Linguistik Bahasa there are indicators of accuracy assessment that is used.


Table Accuracy Indicator

Table1. Nababan’s Accuracy Rating Instrument (modified and translated) Score Accuracy Category Explanation

1 Accurate The content of the Source Text is conveyed accurately to the Target Text. The sentences can be understood clearly and did not create ambiguity.

2 Quite Accurate The content of Source Text conveyed less accurately to the Target Text. That may create ambiguous meaning. Indicated by a literal translation.

3 Not Accurate The content of the ST is translated incorrectly to the Target Text.

Table 2. Accuracy's Score Category

Score Range Category

1 1 - 1.6 Accurate

2 1.7 - 2.3 Quite Accurate

3 2.4 - 3 Not Accurate

The score 1 - 1.6 indicates that the translation categorized as conveyed accurately, the score 1.7 - 2.3 means that the target language categorized as quite accurate and the score 2.4 – 3 indicates that the translation categorized as inaccurate.

3. Translation Readability

A part from accuracy, a transferred material text has to fulfill the clarity so that what is written can be easily comprehended. Because of that, to conduct a test for readability, the researcher asks some respondents of the target readers to read the translation products and decide whether they are easy or hard to be understood.


In testing to the readability, the study uses the ‘readability-rating instrument’ from Nababan (2004:61) that are modification of Nababan’s accuracy-rating instrument. As is follows below:

Table 3.Nababan’sReadability Rating Instrument (translated and modified) Score Readability Indicator

1 Text is easy to read and can be understood clearly by the readers. 2 Text is not easy to be understood and may create ambiguous meaning. 3 Text cannot be understood by the readers.

From this theory, this is table how to calculate the average score to measure the translation in terms of readability from Nababan with modification.

Table 4. Readability's Score Category

Score Range Category

1 1 - 1.6 Readable

2 1.7 - 2.3 Quite Readable

3 2.4 - 3 Not Readable

This score category is from the totaling the score in each data divided by the total of the respondents. The score 1 - 1.6 indicates that the translation categorized as readable text, the score 1.7 - 2.3 means that the target language categorized as quite readable text and the score 2.4 - 3 indicates that the translation categorized as not readable.

4. Translation Strategies

Suryawinata and Hariyanto divide the translation strategy into two main types. They are structural strategy, a strategy related with sentence structure, and semantic structure, a strategy related with word meaning (2003: 6).


In the process of translation, the exact meaning of sentences, idioms, and phrases must be discovered. This process is regarded as the problems of translation.

Thus, the translator should pay attention with his/her translation strategy which can help the translator to translate the language into another language. Translation strategy as a tactic of translator for translating words, phrases, or a sentence (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 67). There are two strategies, first structural strategies and semantic strategies

a. Structural Strategies

The structural strategies are categorized into three: there are addition, subtraction and transposition. (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 67 - 69). i. Addition

This strategy uses to add the words in the source language structure because the source language needs to add some words. For example:

SL: Saya guru, TL: I am teacher

The word “am” and “a” must be added to make the structure in the target language can be accepted.

ii. Subtraction

Subtraction means there is omitting structural element in the target language. For example:

SL: You should go home. SL: Her husband is an engineer. TL: kamu mesti pulang. TL: Suaminya insinyur.


The structural element in verb ‘go” and “is an” are omitted from target language.

iii. Transposition

In this strategy, the translator changes the source language structure in the target language sentences to get same meaning. The changes of the structure can be from plural into singular, adjective phrase, or the whole sentences. For example:

SL: Musical instruments can be divided into two basic groups. TL: Alat musik bisa dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dasar.

From the example, plural word in the source language changes into singular in the target language. “Instruments” (plural) translated into “alat” (singular). Similarly with the word “groups” translated into “kelompok”.

b. Semantic Strategies

Semantics strategies are translation strategies related with the meaning. These strategies are focused in the words, phrases, clauses and sentences. Semantics strategies are divided into nine strategies.

There are borrowing, cultural equivalent, descriptive equivalent, synonym, official translation, loss and gain, additional, omission, and modulation. (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 70 - 76).

i. Borrowing

Borrowing is a translation strategy whereby the translator uses a word or expression from Source Language in the Target Language.


One reason of using foreign terms is to show respect through the words. Another reason is because there is no equivalence in the Target Language.

There are two kinds of borrowing. The first one is transliteration, a borrowing that keeps the Source Language word in its original form, either its sound or spelling. The second one is naturalization. By naturalization, the Source Language word’s sound and spelling are adapted into the Target Language. For example:

Source Language Transliteration Naturalization

mall mall mal

sandal sandal sandal

orangutan orangutan orangutan

ii. Cultural equivalent

In this strategy, the translator translates the SL cultural word with the TL cultural word. As the example, the Indonesia word ‘Jaksa Agung’ is translated as Attorney General in English (not Great Attorney).

iii. Descriptive equivalent and Componential Analysis

This strategy is used when the SL word is expressed by its description and function.

For example, the word samurai is described as ‘the Japanese aristocracy from the eleventh to nineteenth century’; its function was ‘to provide officers and administrators’.


iv. Synonym

This strategy is used when the translator uses the TL words that have more or less the same meaning for the SL words. For examples:

SL: What a cute baby you’ve got! TL: Alangkah lucunya bayimu!

The word “cute” translated into “lucu”. “Cute” and “lucu” are synonym. “Cute” is an attractive child and “lucu” is a child who is attracting people to get their attention. “lucu” and “cute” have similar meaning as an attractive child toget someone attention.

v. Official Translation

This strategy is used to formal translation. When translator translates a text from another language into Indonesian and uses this strategy, the translator needs to have a manual book “Pedoman Pengindonesiaan Nama dan Kata Asing” publised by Pusat Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Depdikbud R.I. For example, “read-only memory” translated on the book into “memory simpan tetap”.

vi. Reduction and Expansion

Reduction means reducing the SL word component, for example, translating the word “automobile” as “mobil” in Indonesia, Here, the word element “auto” is omitted.

The expansion is the opposite of reduction. Here the word component is expanded in the TL, for example, translating “whale” as “ikan paus” in Indonesia because if it is not added the word “ikan”, it may mean the pope.


vii. Addition

In this strategy, the translator gives extra information to the TL readers. It may come in the text, at the bottom of the page (footnote), and at the end of the text. For example:

SL: The skin, which is hard and scaly, is greyish in color, thus helping to camouflage it from predators when underwater.

TL: Kulitnya, yang keras dan bersisik, berwarna abu-abu. Dengan demikian, kulit ini membantunya berkamuflase, menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan lingkungan untuk menyelamatkan diri dari predator, hewan pemangsa, jika berada di dalam air (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 75).

viii. Omission

Omission means deleting a word or a text part of the SL in the TL. This strategy is used when the meaning carried by the words is not important enough to the development of the text. For example:

SL: “Samadengan raden ayu ibunya,”katanya lirih. TL: “Justlike her mother,” she whispered

The word “raden ayu” from source language is not translated into targetlanguage.

ix. Modulation

Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view.


This change is justified when, literal translation results in a pragmatically correct utterance, it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL. Translating “I broke my leg” as “kakiku patah” in Indonesia is an example of modulation. In this translation, the translator views the problem from its object (“kaki”), not from its subject (“saya”). This is a must because Indonesian grammar does not allow such structure like “saya mematahkan kaki saya.

C. Theoretical Framework

First, in the theory of definition and process of translation by Nida and Taber will help to understand how the translation process is done. Then, theory that is used in this research to solve the first problem is about how accurate the translation is used Nababan accuracy theory that contains an indicator of accuracy. Furthermore, this theory is used to assess the accuracy score of each translation.

Second, still come from same relation with the accuracy theory, to answer the second problem, the researcher is using Nababan readability theory. As related to the accuracy this theory also using an indicator to assess the score from each translation. Through this result from that process the researcher can find out the relation between accuracy and readability from each data.

The final process comes from strategy theory; this strategy determines what kinds of strategies are used by Suryawinata and Hariyanto. In this research, the theories that will be used can be related or same with the previous researcher.




A. Area of Research

Comparison of Translation and their Source Texts

Translation involves the textual comparison of translation from the Source Texts as an original source. This may deal with several translations so may be understood by the readers of the Target Text. Not all topics can deal with every possible aspect of the texts, so as the translator may choose what is closest or match with the original (Chesterman, 2002: 7). In here, the researcher tries to focus on accuracy, readability and strategy applied in the Indonesian translation of drinks labels. Talking about comparison, this study aims to discover patterns of translation in scope of drinks labels. As the result, this study aims to make readers/consumer understand what officially stamped on the products.

B. Object of the Study

The object of this research study is the translation phrases from Source Language (SL) to the Target Language (TL) that had been found on the beverage’s label as the target texts. There are many kinds of drinks labels in Indonesia. Furthermore, in here to clarify what is included as an object of the study, there are: imported tea and juice drinks that will be analyzed from English to Indonesia Languages.


C. Method of the Study

The method used in this study is the combination of two kinds of research. Those are the library research and field research. First, Library research was done to find out the theory of translation and gain important information. Second, the field research was used to obtain accuracy and readability through questionnaires. Furthermore, the main goals of using this questionnaire were to support and solve the analysis in the result of this study, whether the data categorized as accurate, quite accurate or inaccurate and readable, quite readable or not readable.

D. Research Procedure 1. Types of Data

The kinds of data are divided into two categories, the one is objective and the other is affective data.

a. Objective data

The data analyzed were taken from several beverage products such as: Diamond Juice, Jungle Juice, Minute Maid Nutriboost, Minute Maid Pulpy, Green Tea, Frestea, Nutriboost,Tropicana Twister Juice, Pokka, Jefi, Nu Juv, You-C1000, Dewlands, and Ocean Spray.Furthermore, the researcher gathered all the data and got 22 data that have been analyzed.

b. Affective Data

The Affective data were collected from the respondents using questionnaires. There were thirteen respondents involved in this study.


In terms of accuracy study, there were three respondents. They were from two professional translators and one from linguistic background.

In terms of readability, because the consumer of this product may come from variant background, the researcher chosen randomly ten respondents for the readability assessment as representative of the target language. The Respondents were asked to answer the questionnaire. The Accuracy of the questionnaire consisted of Source Language and Target Language, meanwhile the Readability questionnaire consisted of the Target Language only. The respondents were expected to assess the accuracy and readability of the TL based on the score 1- 3 (for accuracy) – 1 – 3 (for readability) and gave comments, correction, or suggestion for the translations if they had any.

2. Data Collection

First of all, the data were obtained from some sources which were available in some convenience stores, such as Plaza Ambarukmo Jalan Solo, Indomart Demangan, Alfamart Demangan and Koperasi Mahasiswa Sanata Dharma,the product selected were from Tea and Juice drink labels. Moreover the drink labels were photographed. The photos were then analyzed, coded and categorized.

Table 5. Example of the data code

Code Source Text Code Target Text

1/ST/DJ Keep Refrigerated 1/TT/DJ Simpan di tempat


How to Read Initial Coding 1 means : The data number ST means : The Source Text DJ means : Diamond Juice 1 means : The number of data TT means : The Target Text DJ means: Diamond Juice

Furthermore, the complete product abbreviations can be seen on page xiv. In here, the words, phrases and sentences would be analyzed based on the respondents scoring and calculated to get the final score. First, for the accuracy assessment, there were three respondents from different expert background. They are two from professional translator and one from linguistic expert. Next, the respondents gave the score for all the twenty two data. Nababan’s rating instruments with modification were used to analyze the assessment from the respondents.

No Code Source Text Code Target Text Skor 1 2 3

1 1/ST/DJ Keep


1/TT/DJ Simpan di

tempatsejuk ±4°C

Second, in readability the collected data gathered from Indonesia translation. The researcher collected data from readability same with the method of collecting the accuracy data. The difference is between how to make code in each readability data.


Code Target Text 1/TT/DJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c

How to Read Initial Coding 1 means : The number of data TT means : The Target Text DJ means : Diamond Juice

In terms of readability, the goal is wanted to know whether from Indonesian translation of drinks labels can be easy to read by the consumer or not. Ten random respondents were chosen randomly as capable to answer and give scores for each datum. Further analysis used Nababan’s rating instrument with modification to complete the readability analysis process.

Code Target Text Skor Indikator

1 2 3

1/TT/DJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c

3. Population and Sample

The data population of this study was 22 drink labels of English and Bahasa Indonesia that have been collected. No samples were taken and all populations are selected.

4. Data Analysis

In this case of the study, the researcher used a questionnaire as a field research to know whether the translation is accurate or not.


The data collected were selected through these steps. For these calculations only for accuracy, the average score by totaling scores from its data and dividing it by three as the total of the respondents who have taken the questionnaire.

First, the accuracy data from respondents were categorized based on Nababan’s accuracy indicator, as exemplified below.

18/ST/NJ Orange Citroen Juice Drink

25/TT/NJ Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk

Score: 2

The score of translation above was 2. It meant that the accuracy of this translation is quite accurate. Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk as the translation of Orange Citroen Juice Drinktransfers the meaning of the message from Source Text. Besides, one of the respondents considers that the word ofOrange Citroenshould be translated into Jeruk Sitrun to get specific and the original meaning from Source Text, because there are so many types of orange fruit.

11/ST/TTJ Real Orange Pulp 18/TT/TTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli

Score: 2

The translation above got the score 2 and categorized as quite accurate translation. The Translator makes this translation lose its meaning by translated the wordReal Orange Pulp into Dengan Bulir Utuh BuahAsli. We can see that the meaning of translation orange is generalized into buah. It is suggested to specify into Bulir Utuh Jeruk Asli.The reason isbuahcan be referred to certain kinds of fruits.


Second, for these calculations only for readability, the average score by totaling scores from its data and dividing it by ten as the total of the respondents who have taken the questionnaire. The data from readability respondents were categorized based on Nababan’s readability indicator.The example as is follows.

18/TT/NJ Minuman sari buah jeruk Score: 1. 1

Most of the respondents can read the translation. Therefore, it is really clear enough and needs no revision. The respondents give score 1.1. As the result, this translation considered as readable and quite accurate translation as is follows respondent can understand well the meaning of the translation is.

11/TT/TTJ Dengan bulir utuh buah asli Score: 2

The respondents still can get the meaning of the phrase. The similar result also comes from the analysis of the accuracy translation; it is considered quite accurate and quite readable translation.

Third, after analyzing the accuracy and readability, the data were analyzed based on the strategies employed by Suryawinata and Hariyanto. They divided the translation strategy into two main types. They are structural strategy, a strategy related to sentence structure, and semantic structure, a strategy related to a word


meaning (2003: 6). In this study, since the analysis will deal more on the accuracy and related to word meaning, the researcher considers both on structural and semantic strategy. The following is the style of the data.

Omission means deleting a word or a text part of the SL in the TL. The analysis found that nine translations using this strategy.


Code Source Text Code Target Text

11/ST/TTJ Real Orange Pulp 11/TT/TTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli

The translator makes this translation lose its meaning by omitting the word OrangeintoBuah.

We can see that the meaning of translation orange is generalized into buah. It is suggested to specify the translation into Bulir Utuh Jeruk Asli. The translation is quite accurate and quite readable.


Code Source Text Code Target Text

11/ST/TTJ Real Orange Pulp 11/TT/TTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli

The translator changes the position and adds the word dengan and utuh on the Target Text. Nevertheless, there is no difference in the meaning, because it still can carry the meaning of this translation from the Source Text. Thus, the translation is categorized as quite accurate and quite readable.


In order to strengthen the analysis result, the researcher also looking what theories were matched to solve the problems, connecting the result with the theory, analyzing the respondent’s answer using accuracy or readability indicator, giving statements and concluding the result of the analysis to get the final result, making and typing the possibility or consideration for each data analysis, then calculating the score and summarize the final conclusion for all the findings of the analysis result.




This chapter deals with the analysis of the accuracy and the readability of the Indonesian translation of the drinks labels. The accuracy analysis is done partly by distributing questionnaires to three respondents who have a certain qualifications. They are professional translators and linguistic expert.

The result of the accuracy analysis is then compared to the readability of the drink label translation to find whether they are accurate– readable, not accurate– readable, accurate – readable, not accurate –readable, or any other combination. The last step is to find the translation strategies that were possibly done by the translator.

A. The Accuracy of Translation

The accuracy indicators use three scales based on the Nababan’s accuracy rating instruments. The study analyses twenty two data translations and present three different categories for every single data. As the result of the study, the researcher finds that there are fourteen translations which are accurate. Five translations which are quite accurate, and three translations which are inaccurate. All of them were listed and explained as below.


1. Accurate (score range 1–1.6)

Of the twenty two data, fourteen data are accurate; all of drink labels are translated without any distortion of meaning. The followings are some example of the data.

1/ST/DJ Keep Refrigerated 1/TT/DJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ± 4°C

Score: 1

In the translation above, the phrasekeep refrigerated is transferred intosimpan di tempat sejuk ±4°C is considered accurate translation from the respondents. Although, the Target Text has additional phrases/words, the translation can carry the meaning from Source Text and make it clearer because the meaning ± 4°C here has the same meaning as a cold place because this product is sale in Indonesia as tropical country. As mentioned on (Oxford Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary, 2007: 1642) define tropic as the area between two tropics, which is the hottest part of the world.

4/ST/NB Delicious + Refreshing

4/TT/NB Enak + Menyegarkan Score: 1

The accuracy in the translation above is high because, still can convey the message from Source Text to the Target Text. This datum is considered as accurate in spite of the fact that there is an addition of "+"symbol to the Target Text. The meaning, however, is the same with the Source Text. Further analysis in the word “delicious”has a meaning of having a very pleasant taste or smell


(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 404), and can be translated into enak in the Target Text. Meanwhile, refreshing has a meaning “as making you feel less hot” that equal as menyegarkan in Target Text (Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary,2007: 1271). 8/ST/YC Replenish Lost Fluids

, Taste The Difference

8/TT/YC Pengganti cairan tubuh, rasakan bedanya

Score: 1

The Target Text above is slightly different from the Source Text; the wordlostis not translated. Nevertheless, there is no difference in meaning. The word fluids

has a meaning of “a liquid; substance that can flow: body fluids (Oxford

Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 596) which is directly translated into Cairan Tubuhmakes this sentence clear to the Target Text because this is related with the liquid.

17/ST/PK Green Tea Jasmine 17/TT/PK Minuman Teh Hijau Aroma Melati Score: 1

The addition of minuman is to enhance the meaning of phrase teh hijau aroma melati. However,minuman teh hijau aroma melatihas an addition wordaroma,in the Target Text to explain more that the tea has a smell of jasmine flower. Furthermore, translation above considered as accurate.

21/ST/DL Fruit Cocktail 21/TT/DL Sari buah campuran

Score: 1

Although the translation above losses the wordcocktailfrom the Source Text. The translation still considered as accurate translation.


However, the phrase has addition of sari buah that used to enhance the meaning from Source Text. This statement also proven in the definition of cocktail itself,

“a drink usually made from a mixture of one or more spirits (strong alcoholic

drinks) and fruit juice. It can also be made without alcohol.”(Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 286). Another suggestion from one of the respondent for this translation to the Target Text can be translated intokoktail buah.

2. Quite Accurate (score range 1.7–2.3)

This part has five translations out of twenty two translations which are categorized as quite accurate. The meaning this translation conveyed less accurately to the Target Text, which may create ambiguous meaning, and indicated by a literal translation.

16/ST/MM White Grape Flavored Drink with Aloe Vera

16/TT/MM Minuman Rasa Anggur dengan Lidah Buaya Score: 1. 7

There is a loss of meaning in the translation above. The word White grapewhich is translated intoAngguris different in meaning from the Source Text. The reason is'White' grapes are actually green in colour, and are evolutionarily derived from the red grape “Grape Varieties”. Jancis Robinson Learn About Wine. Jancis Robinson. n.d. ( The way to make this translation clearer is to add word putih into Target Text. Therefore, the translation consideration will be Minuman Rasa Anggur Putih dengan Lidah Buaya.


7/ST/GT Less Sugar 7TT/GT Rendah Gula Score: 1.7

Although translation above seems accurate enough for the researcher, two respondents give score 2 and one respondent gives score 1. One respondent suggests the translation into Gula Sedikit. As example proven that less has meaning; used with uncountable nouns to mean “smaller amount of”. (Oxford

Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,2007: 880).

11/ST/TTJ Real Orange Pulp 11/TT/TTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli

Score: 2

The translation above got the score 2 and categorized as quite accurate translation. The translator makes the translation above lose its meaning by translating the word Real Orange Pulp into Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli. We can see that the meaning of translation orange is generalized into buah. It is suggested to specify into Bulir Utuh Jeruk Asli.The reason is buahcan be referred to certain kinds of fruits.

18/ST/NJ Orange Citroen Juice Drink

18/TT/NJ Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk

Score: 2

The score of translation above was 2. It meant that the accuracy of this translation is quite accurate. Minuman Sari Buah Jeruk as the translation of Orange Citroen Juice Drinktransfers the meaning of the message from Source Text. Besides, one of the respondents considers that the word ofOrange Citroenshould be translated


into Jeruk Sitrun to get specific and the original meaning from Source Text, because there are so many types of orange fruit.

22/ST/DL Fruit juices Apple, Grape & Mixed Berry

22/TT/DL Sari buah campuran apel, anggur dan berry Score: 2

This datum above is considered not accurate. The respondents give consideration of this translation to be Sari buah apel, anggur dan campuran berry, due to the meaning of the translation does not fit and properly to carry the meaning from the Source Text. Because the word Mixed Berry from the Source Text not conveyed to the Target Text. The translation above considered as quite accurate translation.

3. Inaccurate (score range 2.4–3)

In this part, three translations are considered inaccurate. The content of the Source Text is not conveyed accurately to the Target Text, indicated by incorrect translation. The example can be seen as follows.

20/ST/JF Peach drink with pulp 20/TT/JF Minuman Sari buah persik Score: 2.7

The translation above, in fact, carries the ambiguity of the Target Text, because the translator loses the message of with pulp. The meaning of Source Text is really different from the Target Text. However, it needs to be considered that the term of pulp itself only can be used for orange fruit. As said on (Echols, et al, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, 1988: 456), that the meaning of pulp is daging buah


(orange). In here, the translator also added the word sari buah into Target Text. As the result, although the respondent considered this as inaccurate translation, it is fine that omitted the word with pulp from Source Text. Furthermore, to make the sentence clear and well transferred, it is considered can be translated into Minuman rasa buah persik.

10/ST/OS Cranberry Juice


10/TT/OS Minuman Sari Buah Cranberry Score: 2.7

The translator skips the word cocktail from Source Text into Target Text and omitted it. It is awkward when the translator does not translate the whole words of this phrase. It is considered to translate the meaning of this phrase fromCranberry Juice Cocktailto beMinuman sari buah koktail cranberry.

19/ST/JF Green Guava drink with pulp

15/TT/JH Minuman Rasa Jambu Biji

Score: 3

The meaning of the translation above is clear, but the respondents consider this translation does not transfer the meaning of word Green Guava into Target Text. To make it better, the respondents suggest to add the word Hijauand translated to be Minuman rasa jambu biji hijau. However, as have been explained before, it needs to be considered that the term of pulp itself only can be used for orange fruit. As said on (Echols, et al,Kamus Inggris Indonesia,1988: 456),the meaning ofpulpisdaging buah (orange).


Based on the analysis above the average score for this accuracy assessment can be found out or shown in the following diagram:

Diagram 1. Accuracy Score of Each Respondent

Based on the diagram table above, it can be seen that respondent one (Resp. 1) gives 1,4, second respondent (Resp. 2) gives score 1,5, and the third respondent (Resp. 3) gives score 1,4 to the 22 translations. To get the result of this analysis, it can be calculated as below.

∑ =total scores total respondents ∑ =1.4 + 1.5 + 1.4


1.34 1.36 1.38 1.4 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.5

Accuracy's Table 1.4



Resp. 1 Resp. 2 Resp. 3


∑ = 1.45 = 1.4

The score, 1.4, based on Nababan’s accuracy rating instrument, is categorized as accurate. It means that the translations have been transferred well and can reveal the message on ST and no need of rewriting.

The following chart of pie diagram will show the classification of the translations in the percentage. Furthermore, the percentage of total translation can be seen as below.

Diagram 2. Accuracy Score Classification in Percentage

The diagram above shows that the translation of this accuracy’s analysis can be classified into three types. The average score of 1 –1.5 as an accurate translation reach 64% in percentage. When for quite accurate translation reach 23%. Moreover, inaccurate translation is only 13%. As the result, it can be seen that translation in the drink labels is classified as accurate translation.

64% 23%


Indicators of Accuracy


B. Translation Readability

This part explains about the readability analysis as assessed by ten (10) respondents of English field background. Furthermore, the respondents were asked to fulfill the questionnaire form using the ‘readability rating-instrument’by Nababan’s accuracy-rating instrument.

It is found that there are 14 readable translations, 8 quite readable translations, and no data is not readable translation. The analysis of the translation is readability is linked with the previous accuracy analysis to find whether the translations are fulfilled some phenomena as aforementioned in the introduction of chapter IV.

1. Readable (score range 1-1.6)

From total twenty two translations, fourteen data are considered as readable. Furthermore, it is can be seen that the text is easy to read and can be understood clearly by the readers. This example can be seen below.

20/TT/TG Minuman Sari buah persik Score: 1

The translation above is basically short and readable. However, compared with the accuracy this translation categorized as inaccurate translation. The Target Text is not well translated according to its Source Text as expert respondent said


before. As the reason of this problem, it needs to be considered that the term of pulpitself only can be used for orange fruit. It has been explained on page 33.

17/TT/PK Minuman Teh Hijau Aroma Melati Score: 1. 1

The translation above is completely clear. There is no clumsy word when the respondents read it. Meanwhile, the accuracy analysis shows that the translation is accurate, because this translation is well transferred the message from Source Text.

18/TT/NJ Minuman sari buah jeruk Score: 1. 1

Most of the respondents can read the translation above. Therefore, it is really clear enough and needs no revision. The respondents give score 1.1 as average score data. As the result, this translation considered as readable and quite accurate translation as is follows respondent can understand well the meaning of the translation is.

4/TT/NB Enak + menyegarkan Score: 1. 2

Most of the respondents can understand and accept the translation aobve. This also shows on the accuracy result, compared with that translation it is considered as a good and well transferred translation.


1/TT/DJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c Score: 1. 3

This translation above can be accepted by the respondents.

The translation from an accuracy point of view, this is also accurate translation and can be fully understood. This good result also follows from accuracy result, which is accurate.

8/TT/YC Pengganti cairan tubuh, rasakan bedanya Score: 1, 3

No revision or suggestion is proposed by the respondent because they feel can understand the meaning of the translation above.

19/TT/JF Minuman Rasa Jambu Biji Score: 1. 4

The translation above goes smoothly as it can be understood, no revision is needed. However, this is contrasted with the accuracy of translation because this text is considered inaccurate.

7/TT/GT Rendah gula

Score: 1. 5

The meaning of translation above can be understood without any problem by ten respondents. In the other hand, from the accuracy analysis this translation is considered as a quite accurate translation.


16/TT/MM Minuman rasa anggur dengan lidah buaya Score: 1. 6

All of the respondents agree that the translation above is readable and can be easily read and they give 1.6 as avereage score.

There is no need to revise the word. Meanwhile, compared with the accuracy translation this categorized as quite accurate translation. As the result, the accuracy result does not really give an impact to this translation.

2. Quite Readable (score range 1.7–2.3)

This analysis finds that eight translations are considered as quite readable out of twenty two data. Moreover, this can be seen that the text is not easy to be understood, and may create ambiguous meaning this example can be seen as follows.

22/TT/FTS Sari buah campuran apel, anggur dan berry Score: 1. 7

The readability of the translation above can be understood by the readers. Although the translation still maintains berry from the Source Text, because this fruit might not exist in every country or in this case in Indonesia country this fruit does not exist. The readers still find out that it is quite readable translation. The accuracy analysis finds that this is quite accurate.


10/TT/OS Minuman Sari Buah Cranberry Score: 1. 9

Most respondents said that the translation of cranberryis not translated from the Source Text because that is a borrowing term from Source Language. Hence, this translation is still categorized as quite readable. Meanwhile that result’s effect comes from the accuracy result, this is considered as an inaccurate translation. 11/TT/TTJ Dengan bulir utuh buah asli

Score: 2

The respondents still can get the meaning of the phrase above. The similar result also comes from the analysis of the accuracy translation, it is considered quite accurate.

21/TT/DL Sari buah campuran Score: 2. 2

The respondents still find the translation strange when reading translation above. As example of the reason, buah in here can be refers to many certain kinds of fruit. In, addition this translation also considered accurate, as is follows does not giving the good impact of the readability result.


As the result of this analysis, according to the score per translation presented above, the final score of translation readability can be counted by firstly finding the average score given by each respondent. Secondly, the step can be done by calculating the total score per item of each respondent and then divided by the total data translations that have been analyzed. Furthermore, as the result of average score can be seen below.

Diagram 3. Readability Score of Each Respondent

Further explanation about the calculating method finds out the average score of each respondent. The method to calculate the average score is as follows.

∑ =total average score total respondents

∑ =1.5+1.9+1.4+1.5+1.3+2+1.2+1.2+1.5+1.3 10

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Readability Scale

Resp. 1 Resp. 2 Resp. 3 Resp. 4 Resp. 5 Resp. 6 Resp. 7 Resp. 8 Resp. 9 Resp. 10


∑ = 1.48 = 1.5

Based on the analysis the translation of this drinks labels is considered readable. It means that the translations are easy to read, still, cannot be fully understood through some terms.

For further analysis to complete the study, the readability score can be got by finding items which are readable, quite readable, and not readable. In this section, the chart will show the classification three of indicator in percentage.

Diagram 4. Readability Score Classification in Percentage

As the final result of this analysis in case of readability, as it can be seen that the readable data 64 %, quite readable translation is 36 %, and no data is categorized as not readable. From the explanation above it can be concluded that translation in drink labels is considered as readable translation.

64.00% 36.00%

Indicator of Readability


In relation to the accuracy analysis, it found out that the accuracy and the readability are not always synchronized. Some data are considered accurate, but, they are not readable, and vice versa. The following table shows the relation between the accuracy and the readability. The explanation of this abbreviation as follows that A means Accurate, QA means Quite Accurate, IA means Inaccurate, R means Readable, QR means Quite Readable, and NR means Not Readable.

Table 6. The relation between Accuracy and the Readability No of Data A-R QA-R IA-R A-QR QA-QR IA-QR A-NR QA-NR IA-NR 1 √ 2 √ 3 √ 4 √ 5 √ 6 √ 7 √ 8 √ 9 √ 10 √ 11 √ 12 √ 13 √ 14 √ 15 √ 16 √ 17 √ 18 √ 19 √ 20 √ 21 √ 22 √


-Initial Coding A : Accurate QA : Quite Accurate IA : Inaccurate R : Readable QR : Quite Readable NR : Not Readable

As the result of this analysis, according to the data above, found that 9 translation is Accurate and Readable, 3 translations as Quite Accurate and Readable, 2 translations as Inaccurate and Readable, 5 translations as Accurate and Quite Readable, 2 translations as Quite Accurate and Quite Readable, 1 translations as Inaccurate and Quite Readable, and no translations categorized neither as Quite Accurate and Not Readable, Accurate nor as Not Readable and Inaccurate and Not Readable. Furthermore, the analysis found that the translations are mostly categorized as Accurate and Readable.


C. Translation Strategies and Its Application on the Drinks Labels

In this part the researcher analyzes and explains about what kind of strategies applied in each drinks labels translation based on Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003: 67-76).

Furthermore, the analysis and explanation of strategies applied on the drinks labels can be seen as follows.

1. Addition

From this strategy researcher founds that out of 22 data, only three translations using this strategy. The example as is follows.

Code Source Text Code Target Text

1/ST/DJ Keep Refrigerated 1/TT/DJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ± 4°C

The worddifrom phrasetempat sejuk ± 4°Cis considered to be added, in order to make fulfill the structure of Target Text to be complete. This translation is accurate translation and readable.

2. Subtraction

Three translations are using this strategy to overcome the translation phenomena. The example can be seen on the following.

Code Source Text Code Target Text


The translator used this strategy to omit the word. The word infrom Source Text is omitted from the structure. There is a loss of meaning in this translation from the wordin the Source Text. However it does not affect the result of the accuracy and readability analysis. Therefore, the translation is accurate and readable.

3. Transposition

There are sixteen translations using transposition strategy, the example of analysis can be seen below.

Code Source Text Code Target Text

11/ST/TTJ Real Orange Pulp 11/TT/TTJ Dengan Bulir Utuh Buah Asli

The translator changes the position and adds the word dengan and utuh on the Target Text. Nevertheless, there is no difference in the meaning, because it still can carry the meaning of this translation from the Source Text. Thus, translation is categorized as quite accurate and quite readable.

4. Borrowing

Borrowing is a translation strategy in which the translator uses a word or expression from SL in the TL. One reason of using foreign terms is to show respect through the words. Another reason is because there is no equivalence in the TL.

There are two kinds of borrowing. The first one is transliteration, a borrowing that keeps the SL word in its original form, either its sound or spelling.


The second one is naturalization. By naturalization, the SL word’s sound and spelling are adapted into the TL. The researcher found out that one data translation using transliteration and naturalization.

a. Transliteration

Code Source Text Code Target Text

10/ST/OS Cranberry Juice Cocktail

10/TT/OS Minuman Sari Buah Cranberry

The applied strategy in this translation is transliteration. The word cranberry is left untranslated to the Target Text. As the result this translation categorized as inaccurate and quite readable.

b. Naturalization

Code Source Text Code Target Text

22/ST/DL Fruit juices Apple, Grape & Mixed Berry

22/TT/DL Sari buah campuran apel, anggur dan berry

From the accuracy and readability it is fine that the wordberryis left untranslated, the reader still understand the meaning. This translation is considered quite accurate and quite readable.

5. Synonym

This strategy is used when the translator chooses the TL words that have more or less the same meaning for the SL words. The example can be seen below.


Code Source Text Code Target Text

4/ST/NB Delicious +


4/TT/NB Enak + Menyegarkan

The synonym strategy is applied in the translation still can convey the message from Source Text to the Target Text. The meaning, however, is the same with the Source Text. The meaning, however, is the same with the Source Text. Further analysis in the word “delicious” has a meaning of having a very pleasant taste or

smell (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,2007: 404), and can be translated into enak in the Target Text. Meanwhile, refreshing has a meaning “as making you feel less hot” that equal as menyegarkan in Target Text (Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 1271). Therefore, this translation categorized as accurate and readable.

Code Source Text Code Target Text

7/ST/GT Less Sugar 7TT/GT Rendah Gula

The translator directly translates the word less to rendah, which is synonymous with the Source Text. The respondents suggest this translation to be sedikit Gula. As example proven that less has meaning; used with uncountable nouns to mean

“smaller amount of” Text (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007: 880). Which has meaning assedikitin Target Text.The translation is quite accurate and readable.


6. Reduction and Expansion

Reduction means reducing the SL word component. However, expansion is the opposite of the reduction strategy.

Here researcher founds five translations using expansion strategy, the examples are below.

a. Expansion

Code Source Text Code Target Text

17/ST/PK Green Tea Jasmine 17/TT/PK Minuman Teh Hijau Aroma Melati

The translator makes an expansion in word minumanto enhance the meaning the phraseTeh Hijau.The translation is Accurate and Readable.

7. Addition

In this strategy, the translator gives extra information to the Target Text readers. The analysis founds out that five translations are using this strategy; it can be seen as example below.

Code Source Text Code Target Text

1/ST/DJ Keep Refrigerated 1/TT/DJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ± 4°C

The translator tries to add phrases in this translation. The phrase keep refrigerated transferred into simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°C is considered accurate translation and readable. Although the Target Text has additional phrases/words, the translation can carry the meaning from Source Text and make it clearer.


Appendix 3: Readability’s Questionnaire

Kuesioner Keterbacaan

Dalam mengisi kuesioner ini, Saudara diharapkan membaca teliti terlebih dahulu data–data yang telah disediakan dalam kolom tabel tersebut.

Responden dimohon bantuannya untuk mengisi kuesioner ini dengan memberi tanda (√) dalam penilaian atas tingkat keterbacaan penerjemahan ini yang menggunakan skala 1 - 3 dengan indikator sebagai berikut:

Skala Indikator

1 Teksdapatdimengertidenganjelasdanmudaholeh para pengguna. 2 Tekstidak begitu mudahdimengerti dan menimbulkan makna lain. 3 Tekstidakdapatdimengerti.

Kontribusi Saudara dalam penelitian ini sangat berarti bagi saya, oleh karena itu saya ucapkan terimakasih banyak kepada Saudara yang telah bersedia mengisi kuesioner ini.

(Boleh diisi, boleh tidak)

Nama : ... Pekerjaan : ...

Kepada responden yang terhormat,

Saya ucapkan terimakasih sebelumnya atas kesediaan anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian saya sebagai salah satu responden,

Penelitian ini saya lakukan dalam rangka menyusun tugas akhir kuliah dengan judul “THE INDONESIAN TRANSLATION OF TEAAND JUICE DRINKS LABELS: A STUDY ON THE ACCURACY, READABILITY AND STRATEGIES APPLIED”. Obyek penelitian ini adalah semua frasa atau kalimat yang ada di label minuman tersebut.



Code Target Text Skor Indikator

1 2 3

1/TT/DJ Simpan di tempat sejuk ±4°c 2/TT/JJ Minuman sari buah jeruk 3/TT/JJ Minuman sari buah campuran 4/TT/NB Enak + Menyegarkan

5/TT/NB Minuman mengandung susu dan sari buah 6/TT/NB Enak + menyegarkan

7/TT/NB Minuman mengandung susu dan sari buah 8/TT/NB Sumber zat gizi


Terimakasih-Hormat saya,

Albertus Abi Galih Pratama, No Induk Mahasiswa 104214033, Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta.



Appendix 4: Pictures of Imported Beverage Product Data






Appendix 4: Pictures of Imported Beverage Product Data

9/ST/FT 9/TT/FT 10/ST/OS 10/TT/OS


13/ST/MM 13/TT/MM 14/ST/MM 14/TT/MM

15/ST/MM 15/TT/MM 16/ST/MM 16/ TT/MM



Appendix 4: Pictures of Imported Beverage Product Data

17/ST/PK 17/TT/PK 18/ST/NJ 18/ST/NJ

19/ST/JF 19/TT/JF 20/ST/JF 20/TT/JF

21/ST/ DL 21/TT/DL 22/ST/ DL 22/TT/ DL

Appendix 5: The Result of Accuracy, Readability and Translation Strategies Applied Code Ac c u r a te (1 1 .6 ) Q u it e Ac c u r a te (1 .7 2 .3 ) In a c c u r a te ( 2 .4 3 ) Re a d a b le (1 1 .6 ) Q u it e Re a d a b le (1 .7 2 .3 ) No t Re a d a b le ( 2 .4 3 ) Translation Strategies Applied

1/ST/DJ √ √ Addition (Structural and




3/ST/JJ √ √ Transposition and


4/ST/NB √ √ Synonym

5/ST/NB √ √ Transposition and


6/ST/NB √ √ Subtraction and


7/ST/GT √ √ Synonym

8/ST/YC √ √

Addition (Structural and Semantic), Synonym,

and Omission

9/ST/FT √ √ Transposition and


10/ST/OS √ √

Transposition, Transliteration, Expansion, Omission

11/ST/TTJ √ √

Addition structural, Transposition, Synonym,


12/ST/TTJ √ √ Transposition, Synonym,

and Expansion

13/ST/MM √ √ Subtraction

14/ST/MM √ √ Transposition and


15/ST/MM √ √ Transposition

16/ST/MM √ √ Transposition and


17/ST/PK √ √ Transposition and


18/ST/NJ √ √ Transposition and


19/ST/JF √ √ Transposition, Omission

and Expansion

20/ST/JF √ √ Transposition, Addition

and Omission

21/ST/DL √ √ Transposition, Addition

and Omission

22/ST/DL √ √

Transposition, Naturalization, Addition

and Omission