32 Participant B mentioned several aspects of classroom management. She argued it was not only how the teacher handled the students but also managed the classroom situation as shown in Excerpt 3. Classroom management, in my opinion, is the way to handle the students in the class. It is not only about handling the students, but also managing the classroom situation. Excerpt 3 In Excerpt 4 and Excerpt 5, she gave an additional explanation about what she had mentioned previously. She explained in detail about what classroom management was. For example, classroom management is students’ seating arrangement, and time allocation. How many times for explanation, exercise, and games. It is how to manage the class. Excerpt 4 Classroom management is about time allocation, how to deal with noisy students, and managing the learning situation. Excerpt 5 In Excerpt 6, Participant C stated that classroom management was how teacher managed students so that the classroom situation became conducive. If I am the teacher, it is how the teacher manages the students so that the situation becomes conducive. Excerpt 6 Participant D defined classroom management as how teacher organized the classroom in order to prepare the learning activity in the class as shown in Excerpt 7. Classroom management is how to manage time and the students in the classroom. The point is how you prepare the learning activity in that class. Excerpt 7 She added two other aspects in classroom management namely material and lesson delivery as mentioned in Excerpt 8. The first is managing time, the second is materials, the third is lesson delivery, and the fourth is how to deal with students. Excerpt 8 33 Meanwhile, Participant E mentioned classroom management included classroom situation, students’ engagement, and how teacher accessed his or her students easily as shown in Excerpt 9. In my opinion, classroom management such as classroom situation, how the students are engaged, and how the teacher can touch or have interaction with the students easily. Excerpt 9 In Excerpt 10, she gave another aspect of classroom management. This aspect was managing students’ seating arrangement. Therefore, management that is used is also manag ement of students’ seating arrangement. Excerpt 10 The conclusion of the participants’ responses was they believed that there were various aspects which should be managed in classroom management. It was not only related to teaching needs, but also how to deal with students. Each participant mentioned more than one aspect in classroom management. Some of the aspects were students’ seating arrangement, time allocation, lesson delivery, students’ engagement, materials, and classroom situation.

2. Creating a Comfortable Learning Environment

The second belief was creating a comfortable learning environment. The participants believed that in classroom management, teachers should create a comfortable learning environment. The comfortable learning environment could be created through various strategies, f or instance, arranging students’ seats and creating a good classroom situation. All the participants agreed about the importance of creating a comfortable learning environment. 34 Participant B, C, D, and E declared that a comfortable learning environment was important because it influenced teaching-learning activities. When the classroom was clean and orderly, it made the teacher and the students comfortable. The students would focus on the study without any disturbance which was related to the physical arrangement of the classroom. As Cooper, et al. 2011 pointed out that the physical arrangement of the classroom affected the atmosphere of the classroom p. 222. Therefore, an effective teacher should be able to arrange all physical stuff in the classroom in order to create a comfortable learning environment Brandvik McNight, 2011, p. 17. Seating arrangement is one of the classroom management aspects. A good teacher s hould consider the students’ seating arrangement in order to build a comfortable learning environment. Each participant experienced a situation when t hey had to arrange students’ seats so that a comfortable learning environment could be created. Bes ides arranging the students’ seats, each participant also did other strategies to create a comfortable learning environment. Participant A did the arrangement by separating male students who tended to make much noise. If there were many male students who sat in the same row, she asked some of them to move as shown in Excerpt 11. Male students were difficult to control, so I tried to move them who were noisy in distance. Excerpt 11 Participant A had difficulty applying this because some of the students did not want to move. Therefore, she would ask the students in a firm way that it was a must as mentioned in Excerpt 12.