Observation Instruments and Data Gathering Technique



In this chapter, the researcher presents the findings and the discussion. There are three sections in this chapter. They are participants’ background, pre- service teachers’ beliefs in classroom management, and pre-service teachers’ beliefs manifestation on their Teaching Practicum. In the first section, the researcher describes the general information about the participants. In the second section, the researcher elaborates pre-service teachers’ beliefs in classroom management into five themes. In the third section, the researcher explains the beliefs that were manifested by pre-service teachers in their teaching during the Teaching Practicum. The explanation was based on the video recordings of their teaching performances. In this study, the researcher focused on the four aspects of classroom management which were physical design, rules and procedures, teacher-student relationship, and discipline. All of the participants had the same beliefs. The researcher presented the data, and after presenting the data, the researcher discussed them using theory.

A. Participants’ Background

All of the participants were the ELESP students from batch 2013, who have had their Teaching Practicum. Participant A, B, and D had their Teaching Practicum in Junior High Schools, while Participant C and E were in Vocational 29 High Schools. They were chosen as the participants purposively because of their experience on the Teaching Practicum. Besides, they became the participants because of the availability of their teaching videos and their willingness to participate in this research. All the participants stated that they did not have a passion for becoming a teacher yet. Participant A, D, and E did not really have high motivation to enroll in ELESP because they were suggested by their parents to study at ELESP. Participant A and E added that they enrolled in ELESP also to develop their English skills. In their opinions, it would be more beneficial if they were able to use English nowadays. On the other hand, Participant B and C had the same reason why they enrolled in ELESP. Their reason was many people argued that ELESP of Sanata Dharma University was a good study program. Therefore, they decided to study at ELESP. Participant B also believed that studying English language was not as complicated as Science majors. Even though they did not have a passion for becoming teachers yet, most of them liked teaching. They enjoyed having interaction with their students inside and outside the classroom. Three of them mentioned that they felt satisfied if they could share their knowledge which would be useful for the students. Also, they were happy when they taught some materials, and the students could understand and get a high score in those materials. However, Participant C declared that whether or not she liked teaching depended on the students. She would like teaching only if the students interacted well with her and paid attention to her.