Research Method The analysis of Taboo words and swear words in George Carlin`s monologue seven words you can’t say on television.

39 often contains social critics and new enlightenment toward the language itself. The writer searched the related information mostly in the internet and then he found that Gorge Carlin was engaged in a legal affair concerning his monologue Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television. Having got the research problem, the writer then reviewed the relevant literature to gain more insights and knowledge about the topic. The writer read several journals and books to be better in understanding the specialism. Having read those references, the writer chose some theories which could be appropriate in analyzing the data. The writer used theories from some different linguists such as Magnus Ljung, Steven Pinker, Timothy Jay, David Crystal, Searle and some other experts. After determining the theories, the writer then made the theories as the base to analyze the data. After reviewing some relevant literature, the writer then designed the research. The approach the writer used was qualitative approach since the writer wanted to get detailed and in-depth information about the topic. In supporting the approach, the method used was content analysis. Content analysis study was assumed to be the most appropriate method in analyzing the data since the main data are in form of a recording and its written transcription. After deciding the approach would be used, the writer then determined what mode of data collection which would be best used. The writer used text- based research. 40 Having got the data, the writer then analyzed the data. This part was the most challenging part the writer dealt with. In analyzing the data, the writer made the theories as the bases. The texts were analyzed using the theories from different linguists and experts. The theories were also contested and compared. After analyzing the data, the next step the writer conducted was interpreting the findings and stating conclusion. The writer presented his interpretation and explanation in narrative form. While interpreting the findings, the writer also stated some conclusions about what the writer had analyzed. This part came to whether or not the writer questions be best answered. Having interpreted the findings, the writer then reported the result. Since the writer conducted a qualitative study, the data presented is in form of expositional explanation.