4 Representation in The Combination of Inter Sentence 5 Misrepresentation

27 marked by the use of word connector of because, as though sentence of “the i ncreasing of crime rate in Jakarta because of the increasing level of poverty”. Besides of coherence, cohesion device also can show the ideology of the text maker. Cohesion device is an element of forming to one unity semantic relation in inter sentence to another in a text. Cohesion device among other can be pronoun, demonstrative, and repetition. An example of the uses cohesion device, such as designation to Indonesian Labor who working in overseas is using pronoun of “the foreign exchange hero” for income fund of country.

a.4 Representation in The Combination of Inter Sentence

In this section, the analysis is focus on how the sentences ideas arranged within a text, and how the representation of participant that visible in the combination of inter sentences ideas. Participant representation is about how participant is described either the participant shown alone in commenting a topic or shown in giving the reaction to another participant‟s ideas. In analysis of partici pant representation is need to see whether the position one participant‟s commentary is more highlighted or not rather than another in the text. Through this analysis can be seen what exactly the text maker ‟s aim is. Commentary from two participants assembled into one paragraph as follows: The president of Indonesia, Gus Dur suggested to MPR removed Tap MPRSXXV1996. The suggestion was extended in front of Worshipers Mosque of Al-Munawwarah, Ciganjur, yersterday. The reason was, Tap MPRS was not appropriate with justice principal, and samness in law. 28 Perceive the Gus Dur‟s suggestion, the chairman of MPRS Amien Rais, said his disagreement. p.297 In the quotation is visible that there is contradiction between Gus Dur and Amien Rais in addressing the problem abolishment Tap MPRS. Gus Dur‟s opinion in that quotation placed in the first paragraph and more be explained by text maker rather than the opinion of Amien Rais. Amien‟s opinion is only placed in the end of paragraph and not more be explained. That description affirm there is the tendency that the text maker is not stand in neutral area however more impartial to Gus Dur.

a.5 Misrepresentation

In the process text of representation can occur misrepresentation, namely inaccuracy or error description. Someone, a community, opinion, or an idea, is shown not as it should be, but described adversely. 40 Misrepresentation is very possible occur in reportage because of one of the form of discourse strategy which often used certainly by mass media is to hide it ideology. There are four form of misrepresentation that is possible occur in reportage: excommunication, exclusion, marginalization, and delegitimation. Firstly, is excommunication that is about how someone or a community released from the public discussion. Excommunication can be done by two strategies, that is presenting and omitting a 40 Eriyanto, op.cit., pp.120-121. 29 community and various it identity, and also describing other part that always in the framework of personal interest. 41 Second is exclusion, that is how is someone or a community ostracized in talk. In exclusion, the ostracized part is discussed and invited into discussion, regarded poorly and differently. The third form is marginalization. In marginalization is also occurs a bad description to the particular part, but in this case does not occur distinction from one part other part. Marginalization can be practiced in four strategies, that is euphemism, for instance the use of word curbing, to address the action of eviction of cadgers that done by local government; dysphemism, for instance the word of anarchic which sometimes used to call student demonstration; labeling the use of offensive words to the individual, group, or specific activity, for instance designation a particular country which using the term of “land of thousand islands” and stereotype equation of class individual, or action by the words that show negative traits, for instance, a Country like Afghanistan which is in the view of international society often imaged as a country of home of terrorist or conflict country. The last form is delegitimation that is how an individu or a gorup considered as invalid or incorrect. Through analysis of this four form of misrepresentation eventually can be known the view and attitude the speaker or writer to the certain part. 41 Ibid., pp. 122. 30

2. Relation and Identity