Dialectical Materialism Historical Materialism

4 The writer usus the technique in collecting data as follows: a Reading the novel repeatedly and carefully. b Identifying the topic of the novel. c Understanding the novel. d Determining the major character that will be analyzed. e Reading some related books to find out the theory, data, and information required. f Taking notes of important parts in both primary and secondary data sources. a In analyzing data, the writer employs describtive qualitative of content. The steps of technique of data analysis are compiled as follows: Analyzing the issue of the novel. b Trying to decide the Marxist analysis of the literary work. Focus will be paid on the meaning of social class. c Making discussion of the finding. d Making conclusion.


After analyzing the novel, the researcher find some findings. First, are the five basic Karl Marx’s conception.

3.1 Dialectical Materialism

On dialectical materialism, the history of society consists of three parts there are the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. A Little Princess novel expresses the process of dialectical materialism. The different of the social class of the researcher can be classified and suited as a lower class. The researcher describes Sara Crewe as a lower class girl who is willing to hard work and pays attention for duties. Thesis appears from when the person is depressed in her life. It is realized from One of the most curious things in her new existence was her changed position among the pupils. Instead of being a sort of small royal personage among them, she no longer seemed to be one of their number at all. She was kept so constantly at work that she scarcely ever had an opportunity of speaking to any of them, and she could not avoid seeing that Miss Minchin preferred that she should live a life apart from that of the occupants of the schoolroom. ALP; p:74 The antithesis comes when Sara Crewe tries to deal with her problem of the power imagination, that imagination can be showed if she is a little princess. It is easy to see 5 A princess must be polite, she said to herself. ALP; p: 109 Sometimes a miracle comes when a man from India and his friend of Captain Crewe get Sara Crewe after two years and then Sara Crewe is found by Mr. Carriford, his father’s business partner a diamond miner. So, finally synthesis comes to formulate thesis and antithesis. In the process, the researcher describes Mr. Carrsisford happiness because he found Sara Crewe. Sara Crewe was the child he was looking for. After finding Sara Crewe, he finally gained his health back. Were so glad you are found, she said. You dont know how glad we are that you are found. ALP; P: 177

3.2 Historical Materialism

Historical materialism is a Marxist theory that emphasizes on the social development based on economic circumstances. The definition of historical materialism can be reflected in the story A Little Princess novel. The historical materialism happened when the different of the social class. The researcher devides social class into three classes, they are upper class, middle class, and working class. The upper class members by creating Captain Crewe and his daughter, she is Sara Crewe. They went out and visited many big shops together, and bought a great many things. They bought, indeed, a great many more things than Sara needed; but Captain Crewe was a rash, innocent young man and wanted his little girl to have everything she admired and everything he admired himself, so between them they collected a wardrobe much too grand for a child of seven. There were velvet dresses trimmed with costly furs, and lace dresses, and embroidered ones, and hats with great, soft ostrich feathers, and ermine coats and muffs, and boxes of tiny gloves and handkerchiefs and silk stockings in such abundant supplies that the polite young women behind the counters whispered to each other that the odd little girl with the big, solemn eyes must be at least some foreign princess--perhaps the little daughter of an Indian rajah. ALP; p: 9 Meanwhile, middle class is represented by Miss Minchin and her sister, she is Amelia Minchin. Miss Minchin is drawn as a middle aged woman who has her own girls boarding school. Miss Amalia is always supporting her 6 sister. And the working class is represented by Becky. Becky is Miss Minchin’s servant who sleeps at the attic room.

3.3 Alienation