492, 410 15. 1 853 75. 3 089, 262 12. 8 427, 821 12. 7 274, 309 16. 3 ANALYST MEETING 03 AUG 2012 final


9. 2 12. 2

- GRESIK - PADANG - TONASA 5. 15 3. 14 2. 00 4. 70 2. 73 1. 74 9. 7 15. 1 14. 7 EXPORT 0. 33

0, 61 45. 2


9. 23 11. 9

1H-2012 - SMGR Sales Volume million tons 1H-2012 – Domest ic Consumpt ion million tons Sour ce: Indonesi a Cement Associ at i on AREA 1H-12 1H-11 Change Industry Sales Type mio tons 1H-12 1H-11 YoY Change Bag 21. 0 81 18. 4 82 14. 1 Bul k 4. 8 19 4. 0 18 20. 0 i ncl udi ng 458, 235 t ons cement pr oduct i on f r om Tuban IV dur i ng commi ssi oni ng per i od of Feb - June 2012 Jakart a 2, 484, 790 2, 278, 949 9. 0 Bant en 1, 545, 781 1, 303, 407 18. 6 West Java 3, 742, 211 3, 290, 211 13. 7 Cent ral Java 2, 784, 663 2, 415, 427 15. 3 Yogyakart a 381, 536 351, 311 8. 6 East Java 3, 221, 031 2, 717, 672 18. 5 Tot al Java 14, 160, 011

12, 356, 977 14. 6

Sumat era 5, 821, 758 5, 333, 487 9. 2 Kalimant an 1, 981, 115 1, 590, 774 24. 5 Sulawesi 1, 893, 028 1, 579, 691 19. 9 Nusa Tenggara 1, 451, 110 1, 220, 278 18. 9 Maluku Papua 584, 503 412, 203 41. 8 TOTAL INDONESIA 25, 891, 526

22, 492, 410 15. 1

Export Cement 47, 508 154, 582 69. 3 Export Clinker 100, 416 442, 271 77. 3 Tot al Export 147, 924

596, 853 75. 3

GRAND TOTAL 26, 039, 450

23, 089, 262 12. 8

FINANCIAL SUMMARY: 1H-2012 RESULTS EBITDA Rp bil l ion NET INCOME Rp bil l ion NET INCOME Rp bil l ion EBITDA Margin EBITDA Margin 1H-08 1H-09 1H-10 1H-11 1H-12 31. 3 31. 5 34. 1 33. 2 33. 4 NET INCOME Margin NET INCOME Margin 1H-08 1H-09 1H-10 1H-11 1H-12 19. 9 22. 4 24. 4 24. 6 24. 3 Description Rpbn 1H2011 1H2012 Change Revenue 7. 606 8, 658 13. 8 Cost of revenue 4, 110 4, 696 14. 2 Gross profit 3, 496 3, 961 13. 3 Operating expenses 1, 223 1, 364 11. 5 Operating income 2, 301 2, 644 14. 8 Ebitda 2, 528 2, 894 14. 4 Net Income 1, 873 2, 103 12. 3 EPS full amount 316 355 12. 3 2894 2528 2.273 2.129 1.782 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 1H-08 1H-09 1H-10 1H-11 1H-12 2103 1.136 1.514 1.627 1873 425 850 1.275 1.700 2.125 1H-08 1H-09 1H-10 1H-11 1H-12 Ratio Formula 1H 2011 1H 2012 Ebitda margin Ebitda Revenue 33.2 33.4 Interest coverage x Ebitda Interest expense 201.1 237.0 Cost ratio [COGS + Opex] Revenue 70,1 70,0 Total debt to equity Total debt Total equity 9.1 15.8 Total debt to asset Total debt Total asset 6.3 10.44 Total debt calculated from interest bearing debt PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE Unit Cement Product ion Growt h • Semen Gresik • Semen Padang • Semen Tonasa 5, 143, 351 3, 254, 276 2, 030, 194 11. 5 13. 5 14. 4 TOTAL

10, 427, 821 12. 7

1H-2012 PROGNOSES 2H-2012 Unit Prognoses Product ion Growt h • Semen Gresik • Semen Padang • Semen Tonasa 6, 407, 300 3, 292, 850 2, 574, 159 23. 7 3. 0 22. 9 TOTAL

12, 274, 309 16. 3

TARGET 2013 Unit Cement Product ion • Semen Gresik • Semen Padang • Semen Tonasa 12, 800, 000 6, 500, 000 6, 300, 000 TOTAL 25, 600, 000 5 5 Cement Finish Grinding Preparation Bored Pile Preheater Tonasa V Jetty Extension Area T u b a n T u b a n T o n a sa T o n a sa T o n a sa T o n a sa New Pow er Plant Area CEMENT PLANTS POWER PLANT PROJECTS These st rat egic proj ect s wil l ensure sust ainabil it y of t he Company’ s market l eadership Preheater Tuban IV Blending Silo Tonasa V New Plants Location Capacity mn tons Investment US mn Construction Start Completed Tuban IV 3. 0 355 2009 Jun 2012 Tonasa V 3. 0 315 2009 Sep 2012 Sumat era 3. 0 352 2012 Q4-2015 Java 3. 0 403 2012 Q2-2016 Sub Total 12. 0

1, 425