



Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Magister Pendidikan

By : SYAHRIANI Reg. Number 8136174029


MEDAN 2016





SYAHRIANI. An Analysis On Biology Education Students’ Misconceptions on Circulatory and Respiratory System in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan. Postgraduate Program State University of Medan 2016

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi mahasiswa calaon guru pada sistem peredaran dan pernapasan dengan menggunakan tes diagnostik dan wawancaran. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa yang aktif pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Tes diagnostik adalah tes pilihan ganda yang dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan tingkat keyakinan jawaban mahasiswa yang digunakan untuk menyelidiki dan mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi pada mahasiswa pendidikan biologi mengenai sistem peredaran dan sistem pernapasan. Skor tertinggi pada tiap soal test diagnostik adalah +3 dan skor terendah dalah -1. Berdasarkan hasil jawaban tes diagostik, mahasiswa akan dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok atas, kelompok sedang dan kelompok rendah. Kemudian dua perwakilan mahasiswa dari setiap kelompok diwawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa sebanyak 68.81 % mahasiswa mengalami miskonsepsi tendang sistem peredaran dan sistem respirasi. Mahasiswa mengalami miskonsepsi hampir pada setiap konsep sistem peredaran dan sistem pernapasan. Namun miskonsepsi yang paling banyak dapat ditemukan pada konsep proses peredaran darah, pembuluh darah, perdaran pada invertebrata, respirasi pada vertebrata dan proses respirasi manusia. Hasil analisis wawancara mengungkapkan bahwa miskonsepsi tersebut berasal dari mahasiswa sendiri, metode mengajar, dan buku pegangan siswa.



SYAHRIANI. An Analysis On Biology Education Students’ Misconceptions on Circulatory and Respiratory System in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan.Postgraduate Program State university of Medan 2016

This study was aimed to identify biology student teachers misconceptions on circulatory and respiratory system by using diagnostic test and interview. The population of this reasearch was all active biology education students in acdemic year 2014/2015. The diagnostic test is the multiple choice test which is modified by involving the respondents confidence level that was used to detect and identify misconceptions of biology education students related to the concepts circulatory and respiratory system. The highest score for each question of diagnostic test is +3 and the lowest score is -1. According to the result of the diagnostic test the students were grouped into upper, middle and lower group. Then two representatives students of each grouped were interviewed. The result of this study revealed that 68.81% students possed misconceptions on circulatory and respiratory system. Students’ misconceptions was mostly found on the whole concepts of circulatory and respiratoy system. However the highest rate of misconception was on the concept of blood circulatory process, blood vessels, circulatory of invertebrates,respiratory of vertbrates and human respiratory process. The result of interview analysis revealed that the causes of misconceptions derived from students itself, teaching methods and students’ hand book.

Keywords: Misconceptions, Diagnostic Test, Circulatory System, Respiratory System




First of all, I would like to praise and gratitude to Allah SWT Almighty for graciious and merciful that has given the health and strength to me so that this thesis entitled An Analysis on Biology Education Students’ Misconceptions on Circulatory and Respiratory System in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan can be completed properly in accordance with planned time.

During writing this thesis, the writer had the guidance, assistance and prayer support from the various parties. Sincere thanks should always be offered to my beloved parents H. Syamsir, S.E. and Hj. Azmaini, S.H. for their encouragement support and motivation during writing this thesis. I would like to express my genuine gratitude to my adviser Dr. Hasruddin, M.Pd. and Dr. Ely Djulia, M.Pd. who have given great support to me throughot my research. This study wouldn’t be possible without their suggestions and guidance. they did not contribute to valuable advice and criticism, but also provided strength by encourgement and moral incentive.

Thanks are also due to the head and secretary of Biology Education Study Program: Dr. Hasruddin, M.Pd. and Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si. and also the staff Anna for their comitment to facilitate the students of Postgraduate Program of Biology Education and for their trust that provided me confidence. Last but not the least, I am greatly thankful to all my friends and collegues of biology class B2. Therefore the author, the author would like thank profusely to:

1. Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd. as the Director of Post graduate Program of State University of Medan who has allowed the authors to carry out the research.

2. Lectures of Biology Study Program in Post graduate of Post Graduate State University of Medan which have provided knowledge to the author during the lectures.

3. Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., Prof.Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S. and Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si as the lecturer team of examiners for their suggestions and constructive criticism for the revision of this thesis.



4. All off the staff in Post Graduate Biology Study Program, State University of Medan who have given the knowledge that are useful for the author during academic program.

5. Dean and Vice Dean I of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan Dr. Asrin Lubis M.Pd. and Prof. Dr. Hebert Sipahutar, M.Sc who have given permission for the author for doing research in Biology Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan.

6. Drs. Zulkifli Simatupang, M.Pd. and Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc. for their kindness to allow author in conducting this reasearch at Biology Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Medan.

7. Students of Biology Depatmenment who have received the presence of author during research in their class

8. All my friends especially for Dina Kharida, Alfi Safitri and my future husband Muhammad Badzlan Darari, M.Pd. for his motivation, kindnes and encouragement to author.

9. The rest who are too many to mention but who have never felt bored of reminding me to complete this thesis.

Finally, I hope suggestions and critics from the readers in order to revise this thesis. Hopefully this thesis can be useful and give functions for the readers’ knowledges especially about misconceptions on biology.

Medan, January 2016







Approval Sheet i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgemnt iv

Table of Content vi

List of Tables ix

List of Figures x

List of Appendices xi


1.1 The Background of The Study 1

1.2.The Problem of the Study 7

1.3.The Scope of the Study 7

1.4.The Formulation of The Study 8

1.5.The Objectives of The Study 8

1.6.The Significance of The Study 9



2.1.1 Constructivism Theory 10

2.1.2. Concept, Conception and Preconception 12

2.1.3. Misconceptions 16

2.1.4. Misconceptions on The Level of Education 17

2.1.5. Misconceptions on The Field of Study 18

2.1.6. Misconceptions of Biology 18

2.1.7. Sources Of Misconceptions 20

2.1.8. Identification of Misconceptions 25

2.1.9. Prevention Misconceptions 39

2.1.10. Description about Circulatory System and Respiratory System 31

2.1.11. The Relevance Studies 31

2.2. Conceptual frameworks 35



3.1. Location and Time 37

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 37

3.2.1. Population 37

3.2.2. Sample 37

3.3. Design of The Research 38

3.4. Operational Definitions 40



3.5.1. Making Instrument 40

3.5.2. Distribution Instruments 41

3.5.3. Data Collection 41

3.5.4. Data Analysis 41

3.6. Data Collection Technique 41

3.6.1. Diagnostic tests 41

3.6.2. Interview 43

3.7.Data Analysis Technique 44

3.7.1. Grouping Data 44

3.57.2. Misconception Percentage Calculation 45 3.7.3. Determining subjects / matters possess misconceptions 46 3.7.4. Finding the causes of misconceptions through interviews 46 CHAPTER IV


4.1 Results 47

4.1.1 Undergraduate Student’s misconception 47

4.1.2 Stundents Misconception on Circulatory and Respiratory System 48 4.1.3.The Comparison of Student’s Misconceptions on Cirulatory System

Concepts 49

4.1.4. The Comparison of Student’s Misconceptions on Respiratory

System Concepts 50

4.1.5. Misconceptions on Circulatory and Respiratory System

Concepts Based on Interview Results 51

4.2 Discussion 60

4.2.1. Student misconceptions 60

4.2.2. Students Misconceptions on Circulatory System Concepts 62’s Misconceptions on Blood Component Concept 62 misconceptions on Subtopic of Blood Clotting

Mechanism 62 misconceptions on Sub Topic Blood Types 63 Student misconceptions on Heart Concept 63 Student misconceptions on Blood Vessels Concept 64 Students Misconception on Blood Circulation Process Concept 64 Students Misconceptions on Lymphatic System Concept 65 Students misconceptions on Human Circulatory System

Disorders Concept 65 Student misconceptions on Invertebrates Circulatory Systems

Concept 66 Student misconceptions on Vertebrate Circulatory System 67 4.2.3. Student misconceptions on Respiratory System Concepts 67 Student misconceptions on The Definition Breathing and

Respiration Concept 67 Students Misconception on Respiratory Organs Concept 68 Student misconceptions on Human Respiratory Process Concept 68 Student misconceptions on Gas Exchange Process Concept 70



4.2.3. 5. Student misconceptions on The Disorders of the Human

Respiratory System Concept 70

4.2.3. 6. Student misconceptions on Respiratory System of Invertebrates

Concept 71

4.3.Causes of Students’ Misconception 72

4.4.Limitation of The Study 76



5.1. Conclusions 78

5.2. Implications 79

5.3.Suggestions 80





Page Figure 2.1. Rate Scheme of Two Dimensional Test 28 Figure 2.2.The Study Conceptual Framework 36

Figure 3.1. The Research Design 40

Figure 4.1. The Percentage of Students’ Misconception 47 Figure 4.2. The Comparison of Students Misconception on Circulatory

System’ Concepts 49

Figure 4.3. The Comparison of students misconception on Respiratory

System Concepts 50

Figure 4.4. The Proportion of The Students Concept Sources




Page Table 2.1. Common Misconceptions in Biology 19 Table 3.1 The number of classes and the total population 37 Table 3.2. The Assessment Rate of The Diagnostic Test 42 Table 3.3. The Question pattern of Diagnostic Test 43 Tabel 4.1.Comparison of Students Diagnostic Test Score Averages,

on Circulatory and the Respiratory System Concepts 48 Table 4.2. Misconceptions on Circulatory and Respiratory System based

on the Results of Interview 51

Tabel 4.3. Students’ Reason in chosing Answer to Diagnostic Tests 53 Table 4.4. Source of concept obtained by Student on Circulatory and

Respiratory System subtopics 57 Tabel 4.5. The Causes of Students Misconceptions 59




Page Lampiran 1 Daftar Konsep Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah

dan Sistem Respirasi 85

Lampiran 2 Deskripsi Materi 89

Lampiran 3 Tes Diagnostik 96

Lampiran 4 Kunci Jawaban 106

Lampiran 5 Wawancara untuk Mengetahui Penyebab Utama

Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa 107 Lampiran 6 Frekuensi Jawaban Mahasiswa 121 Lampiran 7 Perbandingan Hasil Analisis Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa

Angkatan 2012 dan Angkatan 2013 Berdasarkan

Kelompok Miskonsepsi 124

Lampiran 8 Jumlah Mahasiswa Kelompok Tinggi, Sedang, Dan Rendah 125 Lampiran 9 Hasil Analisis Skor Diagnostik Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa

Stambuk 2012 dan 2013 129 Lampiran 10 Pengelompokan Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa Stambuk 2012

dan 2013 135

Lampiran 11 Perbandingan Hasil Analisis Rata-rata Skor Diagnostik Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa Stambuk 2012 dan 2013 pada

Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah dan Sistem Respirasi 141



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of The Study

Misconception researches indicate that students have considerable degree of misconceptions related to biological concepts. Many concept in biology are abstract and difficult to understand especially about the various terms, abstract and complicated process in biology. At this point, there is a need to identify the sources of those misconceptions. Misconceptions may originate from certain experiences that are commonly shared by many students. Some of them rooted in everyday experiences. For instance, in our society there is a common belief that there should not be flowers in the bedrooms. Furthermore, in daily life,we add word 'fish' behind dolphin and seal which imply that they are fish rather than mammals.

The study of misconception in biology are not the novel research. Misconceptions may impede the understanding of the biology concepts, because many biological concepts are closely interrelated so that misconceptions of one concept will distract the comprehension of another concept. Previous studies have investigated that many misconceptions that occur in the biology topic. They are including misconceptions about the cell biology (Kara, 2008; Boo, 2007), photosynthesis (Kose, 2008), circulatory (Pelaez, 2005; Yip, 2010), human respiratoy system (Michael, 1999), genetics (Long, 2008) and evolution (Nelson, 2008; Yates, 2014).

A large number of prior studies reported that many conceptional problems concerning circulatory and respiratory system (Bajd, 2010; Cliff, 2006; Michael et al., 2002; Tekkaya, 2002). However, detailed research related to biology student


2 teachers’ misconceptions about circulatory and respiratory system was rarely found. If higher education curriculum designers knew students’ misconceptions, it might be helpful to prepare effective teaching strategies. Teachers can play an important role in teaching scientific concepts and, from a constructivist perspective, students should gain meaningful knowledge about biological concepts like circulatory and respiratory system. Biologically literate students should be able to use and apply basic biological concepts when considering biological problems or issues.

The concept of the circulatory system and respiratory system is extremely important in biology because it is the key to learning the basic life processes. The concept of the circulatory system and respiratory system is also related one to another. The circulatory system and respiratory system work closely together within the body. Oxygen, which is an essential part of the metabolic process of nearly all cells, is gathered through the respiratory system and transported through the bodies of complex organisms, such as humans, through the circulatory system. These two systems also work together to eliminate carbon dioxide, which is a metabolic waste product (Prokop, 2006).

A review of the research literature shows that several studies have been conducted involving misconceptions about the circulatory system.One of the most frequent misconceptions in this topic can be stated as follows: “The heart has the function to store, filter, prepare or clean the blood”(Tekkaya, 2002). Özgür (2012) conducted a study with various grades of students to identify their alternative conceptions about the human blood circulatory system. The findings of the study indicated several alternative conceptions related to the structure of blood,function


3 of blood, structure of the heart, function of the heart, circulatory pattern, circulatory/ respiratory relationship and closed circulation. Similar to students, biology teachers were found to hold misconceptions in the same topic (Yip, 2010). Such misconceptions held by teachers were transmitted to their students through the questions that the teachers asked.

Many students even adults have misconceptions about respiration. In everyday life we say that we breathe with our lungs, fish breathe with gills and amphibians breathe through their skin. This process is not breathing but inspiration and expiration, exchange of the air. Inhaled air, high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide, travels through the respiratory tract deep into the terminal portions of the lungs; this is inspiration. There, oxygen diffuses across the lung surface into the blood. From the lungs, oxygenated blood is carried to the heart and then, via the systemic circulatory system, to all part of the body. The real biologically accepted definition of breathing is, in fact, at the cellular level. Many investigations show that this topic is very difficult to understand (Bajd, 2010). Uzoamaka (2014) found that student’s error and misconceptions of respiration were partly contributed by the teacher’s and partly by students’ lack of understanding of the conceptual areas of respiration themselves. The result was discussed and its implication to biology education was given through the finding of the study showed that conceptual errors exist between students and their teachers.

Studies related to misconceptions are being conducted seriously all over the world. Indonesia has numerous research related to misconceptions such as in physics (Wilantara, 2003),work and energy Khasanah (2010). In biology itself


4 include the topic of animal classification (Panggabean, 2011), circulatory system (Rabitah, 2011), cells (Gultom, 2011), respiratory system and excretory system (Purba, 2011). In Indonesia studies related to students’ misconceptions and teachers’ misconceptions in biology are being done but rarely found in biology student teachers . Whereas the study of misconception in student teachers is also crucial to be implemented. The consideration of misconception that occurred in the teacher begins when they were the student teachers. Purba (2011) reported that 68.95% biology education students have misconceptions on the concept of cell biology. Earlier study of misconceptions on the teacher candidates will prevent misconceptions when they become the teacher someday. Therefore, a study of student teachers’ misconceptions has great significance.

Biology education students of FMIPA Unimed are teacher candidates. For prospective teachers, students should be able to gather information and apply basic right concepts of biology when facing problems or issues concerning biology. Lack of knowledge and teachers’ mastery on the learning concept will lead to the lack details of the lessons presentation that can lead to misconceptions when they become the teachers in the future and for their own students.

Students who have misconceptions will hold a concept which they believed to be true and this will lead to misconceptions are stable and resistant to change. Misconceptions can disrupt the learning process due to incorrect logic when studying new right concepts. Misconception is considered latent obstacles because its existence is generally not detected when it is not being challenged with other misconceptions. If misconception is not removed, misconceptions will


5 have a negative impact on future learning especially when they learn about the fundamental topics such as circulatory system and respiratory system.

Biology education students of FMIPA Unimed learn circulatory system and respiratory system in course namely Animal Physiology and Human Anatomy and Phsyology. Students come to college with varying background of education and experience with ideas about and explanation of the natural physiology, most students enter the physiology classroom with one or more fundamental misconceptions about circulatory and respiratory physiology. The students harbour misconception and still hold the wrong concept make them face the difficulties in learning circulatory system and respiratory system.

Most of biology education students in FMIPA Unimed still rely to the information that was delivered by the lectures and also text book from the college. The students are rare having another text book even to borrow in the library. The students are expected to more actively explore their critical and analytical thinking about the concept about circulatory system and respiratory system. The lack of interest and curiosity of students to learn and explore further depth about circulatory system and respiratory system are the main factors in misconception

The result of preliminary interview stated that in learning the topic of circulatory system and respiratory system, most students of biology education in Unimed have the impediments to mastery the concepts, although it is considered that circulatory system and respiratory system are not the difficult topic. Most of them still confuse about the differences between arteries and veins, the location gas exchange, that take place in alveolus, even they still confuse the relationship between circulatory system and respiratory system in oxygen transport. The


6 impact of this situation resulted that half of students were not passed in the formative test related the topic circulatory system and respiratory system and in a third of students got C in course human anatomy and physiology and animal physiology.

The investigation of misconceptions in Biology student teachers has been a substantive feature of the work of the Science Education research community. The importance of investigating misconceptions is emphasised by the number of student teachers that possess misconceptions and are transferring these misconceptions to the minds of the students they teach . For student teachers in particular, misconceptions are a concern as they may leave their initial teacher education program without having found a way of dealing with this issue. The quality of student achievement is nowadays increasingly understood to depend on the quality of the teachers . Therefore, in order to improve ecience education, it is imperative that teachers find a satisfactory way to identify and amend misconceptions that they may have during their teacher education courses (Galvin and Grady, 2012).

Although the previous studies related to misconceptions are numerous and had been accomplished but the study on misconceptions are still needed in the educational world. We are expected to realize that misconception is the root of obstacles in the teaching learning process. The educators are in charged to conduct the study about the problems of learning that caused by misconceptions. The study of misconception is still important and has a role for the improvement of the learning quality.



1.2. The Problem of the Study

According to the background of the study description,the problems are identified as follows: (1) The presence of misconceptions on the concept of circulatory system and respiratory system in biology education students; (2) The misconceptions of biology education students of FMIPA Unimed in the concept of circulatory system and respiratory system related to the structures and function of each organ and the various scientific terms; (3) Misconceptions of of biology education students of FMIPA Unimed could possibly be originated from their preliminary knwoledges and personal experiences from the background of education, the lack of students’ curiosity to explore the informations in various literatures circulatory system and respiratory system related to the topic circulatory system and respiratory system; (4) The effect of misconceptions in biology education students of FMIPA Unimed leads to the unstisfactory learning achievement in human and animal a physiology courses; and (5) Misconceptions can bring the negative effects for biology education students who will later be biology teachers who also deliver their misconceptions to their students

1.3. The Scope of the Study

Based on the problem of the study, the scope of the study is intended to discuss such as the following: (1) Misconception of biology education students batch of 2012 and 2013 in the topic of circulatory system and respiratory system ; (2) The identification of concepts in which the biology education students are found to possess misconception in Faculty of Mathemathic and Natural Sciences State University of Medan; (3) The causes of misconceptions on biology


8 education students of Faculty of Mathemathic and Natural Sciences State University of Medan.

1.4. The Formulation of The Study

The problems of this research are formulated in questions such as the following:

1) What percentage of biology education students have misconceptions about circulatory system and respiratory system in Faculty of Mathemathic and Natural Sciences State University of Medan?

2) Which concepts do biology education students hold misconceptions about circulatory system and respiratory system in Faculty of Mathemathic and Natural Sciences State University of Medan?

3) What are the causes of misconceptions on circulatory and respiratory system of biology education students in Faculty of Mathemathic and Natural Sciences State University of Medan?

1.5. The Objectives of The Study

Based on the background of the study,the objectives are intended:

1) to obtain the percentage of misconceptions of biology education students about circulatory system and respiratory system in Faculty of Mathemathic and Natural Sciences State University of Medan.

2) to identify misconceptions on the concepts of circulatory and respiratory system that are found on biology education students in Faculty of Mathemathic and Natural Sciences State University of Medan.


9 3) to investigate the causes of misconception of biology education students about circulatory and respiratory system in Faculty of Mathemathic and Natural Sciences State University of Medan.

1.6. The Significance of The Study

These research findings are hoped to be useful as the following :

1. Theoretically, the results of this study are expected to contribute ideas and reference materials for lecturers, teachers, lecturers, managers of educational institutions and further researchers who want to know more about the explanation of the misconceptions.

2. Practically, the result of this study is expected to be the informations to improve the quality of learning and equip students and teachers with the necessary conceptual knowledge in solving scientific problems. In addition, the results of this study are also expected to follow through in changing misconceptions on biology education students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan.






Based on the results of the study, the conclusions as follows :

1. The percentages of biology education students’ misconceptions

respectively found: 68.81% students possess misconceptions

2. The misconceptions of sub topics on circulatory system that were found

as follows : blood components, blood clotting mechanism, blood types, hearts, blood vessels, blood circulation process, lymphatic system, human circulatory system, invertebrates and vertebrates circulatory system on students exclude blood clotting mechanism and blood types. Misconceptions of sub topics on respiratory system that were found as follows : definition of breathing and respiration, respiratory organs, human respiration mechanism, gas exchange process, the disorders of human respiratory system. Invertebrates and vertebrates respiratory system.

3. The causes of misconceptions come from : students itself, learning

methods, and learning sources such as modules,books, or copies of learning matters .




The research implies that misconception is very important to be revealed on student teachers especially for the concepts on biology matters. By knowing and analyzing the persistence of student teachers’ misconception would give the extent of students' understanding of right scientific concepts on biology matters, both in the concept of the circulatory and the respiratory system, since misconceptions is a concept that is incompatible with the scientific sense or understanding accepted expert in a field of science. Therefore, the awareness of misconceptions that exist on the students’ knowledge neeSD to be improved on the wrong concept of biology matters at this time.

If misconceptions have entered into the cognitive structure of students, then such misconceptions will continue untill it will affect the students in accepting a new concept. And most students will consistently develop wrong concepts, and inadvertently constantly interrupt the lesson. Errors in understanding this concept will appear in everyday experience and very difficult to be fixed. Misconceptions that found on students can hinder the process of acceptance and integration of new knowledge in accordance with the right scientific concept in the way of students thinking. Therefore, we need a strong and fundamental conceptions of the students by connecting the old concept with a new concept that led to the right concept to each sub-matter on the topic circulatory and the respiratory system in order to prevent the persistence misconceptions.



1.3. Suggestions

Based on the above conclusions, then as a form of follow-up in this study there are suggestions in an effort to obtain a student misconceptions, as follows:

1. The lecturers, especially biology lecturer before or begin the process of

learning in the classroom, should first conduct an analysis test to determine students misconceptions on biology matters, according to the ways of students answer the right concepts through the administered questions. It aims to know whether the student's knowledge contains misconceptions that are still carried over when time in school or training period before the college students.

2. Suggest the next researcher to develop the results of this study in order to

the research contributions can be useful as a source of information on the use of good learning with knowledge of the misconceptions in order to find on students misconception is crucial to know. Thus the sources of misconception are important to be acquired in following various aspects: the source of teaching materials such as books, and educators (teachers and lecturers).

3. Based on the results of this study, recommend to the next researcher to

develop this research to overcome misconceptions in the level of undergraduate level especially for student teachers .




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Mills, K. R., Zhang, H., Bougjman, J. 2008. Essay Contert Reveals Misconception of High School In Genetic Content. American Society of Human Genetic. Journal of Genetics Education. 178(2): 1157-1168.

Novak, J.D., A.Canas. 2004. Building on new constructivist ideas and cmap tools to create a new model for education. Proceedings of the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, Pamplona, Spain. 1st June.

McClelland, J. 1984 . Alternative frameworks: Interpretation of evidence. International Journal of Science Education, 6(2):1-6.

Michael , Joel. A., and Daniel Richardson. 1999. Undergraduate Students’ Misconceptions about Respiratory Physiology. Advan in Physiol Edu 3(1):127-277.

Michael, J. A.,and M.P. Wenderoth.2002. Undergraduates’ Understanding of Cardiovascular Phenomena. Adv Physiol Educ 26(1): 72–84.

Muller, D.A. Sharma, M. D. Eklund, J. and Reimann, P. 2007. Conceptual change through vicarious learning in an authentic physics setting. Instructional Science.

Nelson, C.E. 2008. Teaching Evolution and All of Biology) More Effectively: Strategies for Engagement, Critical Reasoning , and Confronting Misconceptions. Integrative and Comparative Biology Advance, 27(1): 172–184.



Odom, A. L. . 1995. Secondary and College Biology Students' Misconceptions about Diffusion & Osmosis. The American Biology Teacher, 57(7):409-415.

O-Saki, K. M., & Samiroden, W. D. 1990. Children’s Conception of Living and Dead. Journal of Biological Education. 24(1): 199-207

Özgür, S.2012. The Persistence of Misconceptions about the Human Blood Circulatory System among Students in Different Grade Levels. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 23(4):561- 566)

Panggabean, H.N.S. 2011. Analisis Miskonsepsi Siswa dan Guru Biologi tentang Materi Klasifikasi Dunia Hewan pada SMA Se-Kecamatan Medan Helvetia.Tesis tidak diterbitkan.Medan:Program Pasjasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan.

Pelaez, N.J ., D.O.Boyd, J.B. Rojas., & Hoover. 2005. Prevalence of blood circulation misconceptions among Prospective Elementary Teachers. AdvicePhysiol Education, 29(3): 172-181.

Pfundt, H., R.Duit.1991. Bibliography: Students’ alternative frameworks and science education. Kile, Germany: University of Kiel Institute for Science Education, 23(3)143-156.

Prokop, P., M.Kubiatko. 2007 . Pupils' Misconception about Mamals. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6(3): 5-14.

Purba, Dermiana Yusnawati. 2011. Analisis Miskonsepsi Siswa dan Guru Biologi tentang Materi Sistem Respirasi dan Ekskresi pada SMA Negeri Se- Kabupaten Labuhan Batu. Tesis tidak diterbitkan. Medan:Program Pasjasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan.

Purba,Sumarni Tridelpina.2011.Analisis Miskonsepsi Biologi Sel pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Simalungun Pematang Siantar. Tesis tidak diterbitkan. Medan: Program Pasjasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan.

Rabitah.2011. Analisis Miskonsepsi Siswa Terhadap Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia di Kelas XI SMA Swasta Sub Rayon 04 Medan .Tesis tidak diterbitkan.Medan:Program Pasjasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan Silverthorn, D. 2002. Undercovering misconceptions about the resting membrane

potential Journal Advance in Physiology Education, 26(3): 69-71. Sunarto..2004. Konsep dan Penerapan Sains Biologi.Solo:Tiga Serangkai


85 Suparno.2005. Miskonsepsi dan Perubahan Konsep dalam Pendidikan Fisika.

Jakarta: Grasindo.

Tanner, K., D.Allen. 2005. Approaches to Biology Teaching and Learning: Understanding The Wrong Answer-Teaching toward Conceptual Change. Journal of Cell Biology Education. 4(4):112-117.

Tekkaya, C. 2002. Misconceptions as Barrier to Understanding Biology. Journal of Hacettepe University Educaion Faculty, 23(2):259-266.

Tobias, S., T. M Duffy. 2009. Constructivist instruction: Success or failure?.New York: Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780415994231.

Tran,Mark V. Emily G. Weigel, and Gail Richmond.2014.Analyzing Upper Level Undergraduate Knowledge of Evolutionary Processes:Can Class

Discussions Help?. Journal of College Science Teaching. 43(5):235-290. Turkmen, H. 2007. What technology plays supporting role in learning cycle

approach for science education, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(1):71-76.

Uzoamaka , E.C., C. O. Okafor , E.Akusoba . 2014. The Impact of Teacher Errors on Senior Students’ Understanding of Concept Respiration, in Awka, Anambra State. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(11):2250-3153.

Wilantara, I .P.2003. Implementasi Model Belajar Konstruktivis dalam Pembelajaran Fisika untuk Mengubah Miskonsepsi Ditinjau dari Penalaran Formal Siswa.Tesis: Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Negeri

Singaraja Program Pascasarjana.

Yarden, H., G.Marbach, and M.Gershoni. 2004. Using the Concept Map Technique in Teaching Introductory Cell Biology to College Freshmen. Journal of Bioscience Education. 30(2): 3-12.

Yates, T.B., E.A.Marek.2014. Teachers Teaching Misconceptions: a Study of Factors Contributing to High School Biology Students’

Acquisition of Biological Evolution-Related Misconceptions. Evolution: Education and Outreach 2014, 5(7):7-15

Yip, D. Y. 2010. Identification of Misconceptions in Novice Biology Teachers and Remedial Strategies for Improving Biology Learning. International Journal of Science Education, 20(1): 461-477.


1.3. Suggestions

Based on the above conclusions, then as a form of follow-up in this study there are suggestions in an effort to obtain a student misconceptions, as follows:

1. The lecturers, especially biology lecturer before or begin the process of learning in the classroom, should first conduct an analysis test to determine students misconceptions on biology matters, according to the ways of students answer the right concepts through the administered questions. It aims to know whether the student's knowledge contains misconceptions that are still carried over when time in school or training period before the college students.

2. Suggest the next researcher to develop the results of this study in order to the research contributions can be useful as a source of information on the use of good learning with knowledge of the misconceptions in order to find on students misconception is crucial to know. Thus the sources of misconception are important to be acquired in following various aspects: the source of teaching materials such as books, and educators (teachers and lecturers).

3. Based on the results of this study, recommend to the next researcher to develop this research to overcome misconceptions in the level of undergraduate level especially for student teachers .



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Mintzes , J. J . 1985. Naive theories in biology. Children’s concepts of human body.School Science and Mathematics, 84(4):548-554.

Mills, K. R., Zhang, H., Bougjman, J. 2008. Essay Contert Reveals Misconception of High School In Genetic Content. American Society of Human Genetic.

Journal of Genetics Education. 178(2): 1157-1168.

Novak, J.D., A.Canas. 2004. Building on new constructivist ideas and cmap tools to create a new model for education. Proceedings of the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, Pamplona, Spain. 1st June.

McClelland, J. 1984 . Alternative frameworks: Interpretation of evidence.

International Journal of Science Education, 6(2):1-6.

Michael , Joel. A., and Daniel Richardson. 1999. Undergraduate Students’ Misconceptions about Respiratory Physiology. Advan in Physiol Edu


Michael, J. A.,and M.P. Wenderoth.2002. Undergraduates’ Understanding of Cardiovascular Phenomena. Adv Physiol Educ 26(1): 72–84.

Muller, D.A. Sharma, M. D. Eklund, J. and Reimann, P. 2007. Conceptual change through vicarious learning in an authentic physics setting. Instructional Science.

Nelson, C.E. 2008. Teaching Evolution and All of Biology) More Effectively: Strategies for Engagement, Critical Reasoning , and Confronting Misconceptions. Integrative and Comparative Biology Advance,


Odom, A. L. . 1995. Secondary and College Biology Students' Misconceptions about Diffusion & Osmosis. The American Biology Teacher, 57(7):409-415.

O-Saki, K. M., & Samiroden, W. D. 1990. Children’s Conception of Living and Dead. Journal of Biological Education. 24(1): 199-207

Özgür, S.2012. The Persistence of Misconceptions about the Human Blood Circulatory System among Students in Different Grade Levels.

International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 23(4):561-


Panggabean, H.N.S. 2011. Analisis Miskonsepsi Siswa dan Guru Biologi tentang Materi Klasifikasi Dunia Hewan pada SMA Se-Kecamatan Medan Helvetia.Tesis tidak diterbitkan.Medan:Program Pasjasarjana Universitas

Negeri Medan.

Pelaez, N.J ., D.O.Boyd, J.B. Rojas., & Hoover. 2005. Prevalence of blood circulation misconceptions among Prospective Elementary Teachers.

AdvicePhysiol Education, 29(3): 172-181.

Pfundt, H., R.Duit.1991. Bibliography: Students’ alternative frameworks and science education. Kile, Germany: University of Kiel Institute for Science Education, 23(3)143-156.

Prokop, P., M.Kubiatko. 2007 . Pupils' Misconception about Mamals.

Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6(3): 5-14.

Purba, Dermiana Yusnawati. 2011. Analisis Miskonsepsi Siswa dan Guru Biologi tentang Materi Sistem Respirasi dan Ekskresi pada SMA Negeri Se- Kabupaten Labuhan Batu. Tesis tidak diterbitkan. Medan:Program

Pasjasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan.

Purba,Sumarni Tridelpina.2011.Analisis Miskonsepsi Biologi Sel pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Simalungun Pematang Siantar.

Tesis tidak diterbitkan. Medan: Program Pasjasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan.

Rabitah.2011. Analisis Miskonsepsi Siswa Terhadap Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia di Kelas XI SMA Swasta Sub Rayon 04 Medan .Tesis tidak

diterbitkan.Medan:Program Pasjasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan Silverthorn, D. 2002. Undercovering misconceptions about the resting membrane

potential Journal Advance in Physiology Education, 26(3): 69-71.


Suparno.2005. Miskonsepsi dan Perubahan Konsep dalam Pendidikan Fisika.

Jakarta: Grasindo.

Tanner, K., D.Allen. 2005. Approaches to Biology Teaching and Learning: Understanding The Wrong Answer-Teaching toward Conceptual Change.

Journal of Cell Biology Education. 4(4):112-117.

Tekkaya, C. 2002. Misconceptions as Barrier to Understanding Biology. Journal of Hacettepe University Educaion Faculty, 23(2):259-266.

Tobias, S., T. M Duffy. 2009. Constructivist instruction: Success or failure?.New York: Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780415994231.

Tran,Mark V. Emily G. Weigel, and Gail Richmond.2014.Analyzing Upper Level

Undergraduate Knowledge of Evolutionary Processes:Can Class

Discussions Help?. Journal of College Science Teaching. 43(5):235-290.

Turkmen, H. 2007. What technology plays supporting role in learning cycle approach for science education, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(1):71-76.

Uzoamaka , E.C., C. O. Okafor , E.Akusoba . 2014. The Impact of Teacher Errors on Senior Students’ Understanding of Concept Respiration, in Awka, Anambra State. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(11):2250-3153.

Wilantara, I .P.2003. Implementasi Model Belajar Konstruktivis dalam Pembelajaran Fisika untuk Mengubah Miskonsepsi Ditinjau dari Penalaran Formal Siswa.Tesis: Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Negeri

Singaraja Program Pascasarjana.

Yarden, H., G.Marbach, and M.Gershoni. 2004. Using the Concept Map Technique in Teaching Introductory Cell Biology to College Freshmen.

Journal of Bioscience Education. 30(2): 3-12.

Yates, T.B., E.A.Marek.2014. Teachers Teaching Misconceptions: a Study of Factors Contributing to High School Biology Students’

Acquisition of Biological Evolution-Related Misconceptions. Evolution: Education and Outreach 2014, 5(7):7-15

Yip, D. Y. 2010. Identification of Misconceptions in Novice Biology Teachers and Remedial Strategies for Improving Biology Learning. International Journal of Science Education, 20(1): 461-477.

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