There is the influence of systematic risk, interest rates, and

430 property companies, so the risk to invest in property companies will increase too. Increasing on investment risk will increase investors expectations on stock returns. Thus the third hypothesis in this research is there is a significant correlation and positive correlation between changes in tax rates on stock returns. H : 0 There is no positive significant influence of change in tax rate on stock returns . H : 0 There is positive significant influence of systematic risk on stock returns .

4. There is the influence of systematic risk, interest rates, and

changes in tax rates on stock returns The latest hypothesis in this research is there is simultaneous effect of systematic risk, interest rates, and changes in tax rates on stock returns in Indonesian property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. H : = = 0 there are no significant effect of systematic risk, interest rate, tax rate to the stock return H : at least one of i = 1,2,3 0 0 there are no significant effect of systematic risk, interest rate, tax rate to the stock return Statistics Model This reserarch use multiple regression to find the result. The multiple regression analysis adopted when the researcher has one dependent variable which is presumed to be function of two or more independent variable. The objective of this analysis is to make a prediction about dependent variables based on its covariance with all the concerned independent variables. The formulation of the models follows: Y it = B + B 1 X 1it + B 2 X 2it + B 3 X 3it + e it Note: Y = Stock Return X 1 = Systematic Risk X 2 = Interest rate X 3 = Tax Rate Article 22 B = Constant B i = Coeficient of each variable e = Error 431 REFERENCES Jogyanto, Hartono. 2010. Teori Portofolio dan Analisis investasi. Edisi Ketujuh.Yogyakarta: BPFE Kashmir. 2008. Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Lainnya. Rajawali Pers. Jakarta. Mishkin, S.F. 2008. Ekonomi Uang, Perbankan, dan Pasar Keuangan. Buku 1. Edisi ke 8. Salemba Empat. Jakarta. Sugiyono. 2011. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif Dan RD. Cetakan ke-13. Penerbit Alfabeta. Bandung. Tandelilin, E. 2010. Analisis Investasi dan Manajemen Portofolio. Edisi Pertama. Cetakan Pertama. BPFE. Yogyakarta. Van Horne, James C dan Wachowicz, John M, 2005. Prinsip-prinsip Manajemen Keuangan Buku Edisi 12, dialih bahasakan oleh Dewi Fitriasari dan Deny Arnos Kwary. Jakarta: Salmeba Empat. Dowd, K. 2005. Measuring Market Risk 2 ed.: John Willey and Sons. Merton, R. C. 1980. on the Estimating the Expected Return on the Market. Journal of Financial Economics, 323-361. Lakonishok, J., Shapiro, A. C. 1986. Systematic risk, total risk and size as determinants of stock market returns. Journal of Banking Finance, 101, 115-132. Malkiel, B. and Xu, Y. 2005. Idiosyncratic risk and security returns Husnan, Suad. 2008. Manajemen Keuangan Teori dan Penerapan .Edisi 4. Yogyakarta: BPFE-UGM. Yurtsever, C., Zahor, T. 2007. Oil price shocks and stock market in the Netherlands. In University of Groningen Working Paper. Samsul, Mohamad. 2006. Pasar Modal dan Manajemen Portofolio. Jakarta: Erlangga. Jogianto. 2003. Teori Portofolio dan Analisis Investasi. Edisi tiga. Yogyakarta: BPFE UGM. Suwardjono.2005. Teori Akuntansi Perekayasaan Pelaporan Keuangan. Yogyakarta: BPFE. 432 The Influence of Knowledge Creation Innovative Behaviour towards Work Efficiency In PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. Noodle Division Hermawan Cahyadi Priyo 1,3 , Santi Nurma Sari 2,3 1 Industrial Relation Staff at PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. Noodle Division - Branch Bandung, Padalarang, West Java; 2 Asisten Auditor Anti Fraud at Indonesian Bureau of Logistics, 3 Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran RESEARCH BACKGROUND The development of the Company or Organization, will make an organization a lot of attention to development and innovation in terms of progress. Human resources are the main factors for the perpetrators of the overall level of planning to evaluation by utilizing other resources of the organization or company. in order to always have a high innovation to develop the organization to be better than ever. Success in developing an organization is influenced by several factors, one of which is human resources. The development potential of existing employees will become a major concern in the field of human resources. In its development, things are usually done by the company is to provide training and development by providing a project, action role play, and so forth. It is implemented to meet the existing gap on the employee concerned. within an organization, the role of knowledge possessed as a whole can improve the competitiveness and efficiency of the organization concerned. In the information age it is important to realize that the flow of knowledge within and outside the organization to take place very quickly. With the utilization of information technology and telecommunications, dissemination and utilization of knowledge revolution is not a thing aneh. Many organizations today adopt and implement a knowledge management system as a means to support the processes related to the empowerment of knowledge they have. The training provided by the company so that employees can meet the competencies created and desired by the company. The company expects to training and development so they can be implemented on the company system. With the implementation done by employees are given the 433 training, can promote the company in the form of work processes, structures and systems that are running the company. Improve performance and generate various inovation. Inovation in an organization can be obtained through knowledge creation which is one dimension of the process of knowledge management. Thus the organization of continuous improvement and generate sustainable innovation to deal with change in a changing environment. How to improve the knowledge of which nurture a culture of communication among employees, provide opportunities for learning, and promoting the sharing of knowledge, either through learning forums or coaching clinic. PT. Indofood CBP Sukse Makmur Tbk Noodle Division Branch Bandung is one of the division of PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. The main focus in this unit is to sell Bag Noodles and Snack Noodles to the public. This unit is highly dependent on staffs Operator that have the role to Produce and sell the products. At PT. Indofood CBP Sukse Makmur Tbk Noodle Division Branch Bandung the level of Efficiency is quite high. This problem is caused by low effort done by the company to supervise and maintain the employees, especially highly wasting in many sectors Production Process, Raw Material, Finished Goods and Administration Bbecause of Human Errors, other than that, lack of knwoledge ini many sectors that effect the rises of human errors or mistake, it is because the employee do not have an experiences and initiatife which could make mistake in some work section eventough there are a lot of training have done. The number of training and development programs offered, both in terms of material, and in terms of facilities and others, are highly variable, with prices relatively expensive. Competition Companies and organizations at the program requires the company to make savings in terms of energy costs, infrastructure and human resources. In the field of Human Resources, there are some expenses that became a benchmark, such as, salaries, incentives, training, assessment center and the cost of safety and occupational health. Work efficiency is a basic principle for every activity of an organization with the aim to be able to obtain the desired results with minimal effort in accordance with existing standards. Minimal effort associated in conjunction with the use of physical force, thoughts, time, space, object, and money. 434 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. To study the impact of Knowledge Creation, Innovative Behavior and Work Efficiency; 2. To analyze the components, attributes and factors influence of Knowledge Creation, and Innovative Behavior; 3. To examine the attributes of Work Efficiency. LITERATURE REVIEW In the theory of knowledge creation Nonaka, 1994; Nonaka and Konno, 1998; Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995; Nonaka et al., 1996; Nonaka and Toyama, 2005 in Song uhm, 2011 is a framework for understanding and support organizational innovation. The theory holds that the four practice modes convert implicit or tacit knowledge as the main source of organizational knowledge into explicit knowledge assets of the organization. Knowledge is created through the interaction between individuals or between an individual and his environment. Context perceived in interacting with each other, and through some interaction, and participating in the ba and the context itself involved through its own interests in the creation of knowledge is called Ba. Nonaka et. Al., 2001, p.22; Nonaka Toyama, 2003; Branback, 2004. The process of exchange of information, knowledge and experience and justification among individuals, groups and organizations, the creation of new knowledge. A company can be seen as various organic configurations ba, where people interact with each other and the environment based on the knowledge they have and the meaning they create. When we look at a company as a configuration of an organic ba compared to the organizational structure, we can see the kind of knowledge that should and can be created, by the right people with the knowledge that stick and various interactions needed between them to create knowledge without the hindrance of the structure of the organization Nonaka et. al., 2001, p.22; Nonaka Toyama, 2003 This mode is socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization SECI. Four modes of knowledge conversion, among others: • Socialization is originally a common room that converts tacit knowledge of individuals obtained through observation formal or informal, imitation, and work experience-based tacit knowledge 435 collectively, appearing as a mental model together from the norms of work and culture Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995 in Song uhm, 2011. This formation is the beginning of knowledge creation in the individual, because of an internal process of interaction between individuals. • Externalization externalization, change the implicit or tacit knowledge is collected from a variety of interpersonal sharing Sharable into explicit concepts. Compared with socialization, in which knowledge is not justified to share explicitly with others and interactions tend to be loosely defined, externalization tends to occur through team meetings and formal task collaborative work to create and develop concepts that apply Nonaka et al., 2000 in Song uhm, 2011. When tacit knowledge is made explicit, knowledge sharing result and experience are used by individuals and other groups, so that it becomes the basic of new knowledge • In Song uhm, 2011 The third stage is a combination, is required to convert the concept explicitly to the team level organizational knowledge assets to be utilized in a broad sense. This process connects and combines distributed explicit experience to create a system of systematic knowledge, and middle managers and cyberspaces eg, information and technology. • Internalization I, explicit knowledge of the new organization and growing transformed into tacit knowledge of individuals, who are also constantly growing and changing. individual experimentation with new organizational knowledge and critical reflection influence the course of internalization. In addition, to promote the effective internalization, spoken and illustrated knowledge needs to be transferred into documents, manuals, or oral stories to help individuals not directly experience what others are doing Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995 in Song uhm, 2011. This tacit knowledge accumulated at the individual level, it can trigger a new spiral formation of knowledge when subdivided with other members through socialization Nonaka et al., 2000 in Song uhm, 2011. The process of formation of knowledge requires active interaction between employees, teams, business units, and strategic community through a process of organizational learning, Nonaka introduced four types of ba that acts as a dimension of interaction between two individuals or organizations in the process of sharing and formation of the knowledge. 436 i Originating ba In the form of face-to-face or on an individual basis, a context for socialization, which means the basic forms of knowledge conversion among individuals. ii Dialoguing ba In the form of collective and face to face, where knowledge shared and converted into common concepts and terminology. Dialoguing ba advantage of an individuals participation with the right combination of capabilities and specific knowledge is coordinated in a certain way. iii Systemizing ba Has a collective nature and virtual. Information and communication technology is effective in transmitting knowledge, for instance mailing list, new groups, or net meetings. iv Exercising ba. Individual and virtual, to allow for the Internalization of new knowledge through manuals, directories and professional journals. Innovative Behavior This definition describes how an innovation as the creation of knowledge and new ideas, which aims to improve internal business processes, structure, and creating products and services according to market demand. Sooner or later acceptance of innovations by the community is dependent on the characteristics of the innovation itself. Characteristics of innovations that affect the rate of speed in receiving information Everett M. Rogers 2003, among others: 1. Relative advantage 2. Compatibility 3. Complexity 4. Triability 5. Observability Innovation is considered favorable for the recipient. The level of benefit or the benefit of an innovation can be measured by its economic value, or of 437 related factors. Suistability innovation with value, past experience, and the needs of the recipient. Innovation is not in accordance with the values or norms that are believed by the recipient will not be accepted as quickly as innovations in accordance with the norms that exist in society. An innovation that is easy to understand and easy to use by the recipient will be quickly dispersed, while innovation is hard to understand or difficult to be used by the recipient will be a slow process spread. As well as the adoption of an innovation should be able to express its superiority. An innovation that results are easily observed to be more quickly accepted by the public, and if the results are difficult to be observed, will long be accepted by society. Everett M. Rogers 2003 Innovation does not only deal with new knowledge and new ways, but also with the values, because it should be able to bring better results, so in addition to involving new knowledge, innovation also involves perspective and social change , Innovation can provide several benefits as improving the quality of human life through his new discovery, increase sales and profits can be obtained at the company or organization, improve ability to distribute creativity into the container creation of something new, and diversity of product and type in the market. Bringing forth the new technology and the new product to meet the demands of customers. Everett M. Rogers 2003. Innovation can be supported by several contributing factors such as: 1 Their desire to change yourself, than can not be able to and from not knowing to knowing. 2 Their freedom of expression. 3 Their counselors are knowledgeable and creative 4 The availability of infrastructure. 5 Conditions harmonious environment, good family environment, social, and school. Efficiency According to The Liang Gie, in his book entitled Administrasi Perkantoran Modern. Understanding that the working efficiency is the best comparison between a job with the results achieved by the work. Furthermore, when a work is analyzed, it can be divided into two aspects, namely the essence and structure. The point is a series of the activity itself that its form follows 438 the objectives to be achieved, are being referred to the arrangement is the way-the way it conducted a series of activities. Thus, each job would include something particular way of doing each activity, whatever the purpose and results to be achieved with the work Efficiency with regards to producing something optimal production with the least resources in the process. Working efficiently is to work with movement, effort, time and labor as little as possible with the results remain the same. Efficient way of working that can be applied by all employees for all the work to small and great. So it can help speed up the completion of the task by saving energy, time, cost, and other materials. If an employee must immediately complete its work in a short time, then the employee should be able to increase the speed of work, but it should still maintain the quality of its work. Based on the principles and guidelines Administration of efficiency as described, it can be further elaborated ways of efficient work in the field of Business Management is to be implemented in any modern office. In line with the five elements of business or employment resources, the implementation of the efficiency on the kinds of administrative work is sub-divided according to the use of each source of labor: • Mind - the easiest way to achieve • Power - to achieve the lightest way • Time - to achieve the quickest way • Space - to reach the nearest way • Objects - to reach the cheapest way Thus the implementation of a number of ways to work efficiently in the field of Business Management will save the mind, energy, time, space and matter. For how great merit in something Administration of the organization or for the successful work of operative, it is mainly determined by the efficiency of its work RESEARCH METHODS Therefore based on the nature of this study, qualitative study is employed to explore the research questions. To the central focus of this study is to elicit the role of the Innovative Behavior in Work Efficiency. 439 The research purpose of a case study can differ from exploratory, descriptive, and explainatory Yin 1994. Thus, by nature this study pertains to exploratory method, as the purpose of the empirical study is to explore if there is relevance of the presented theory in the Organization context. Secondly, the study determines whether innovative behavior is a factor in Efficient working. Furthermore, this study has adapted qualitative method for two fundamental reasons. Firstly, the approach is best to implemented in organization employee treatment. Second, qualitative method can allow the respondents freedom of expressing opinions, views, and argumentation that might not have risen explicitly through other approaches. With regard to the research question, literally the overall objective is to explore how does the innovative behavior cues affects in efficiency in organization. To further elaborate the research questions, how the Behavior and knowledge of innovative. Hence, in reviewing available literature on the topic focus was placed whether available models and theories coincide with the postulated hypotheses. Nevertheless, nature of the question and topic discussed derives from the theoretical part. This will assist to verify theoretical review against a case study. Moreover, investigation questions were generated by reviewing relevant literatures and nature of the problem. It was taken into consideration that, the researchers should create conducive atmosphere as this study topic is sensitive by nature. In addition, the questions were designed to cover the background information of the organization in question, consequently in order to meet study eligibility. Elements such as Knowledge, Knowledge Capture, Coding, Factors and Behavior awareness are discussed at large. 440 Research Framework Two free variables independent and one related variable dependent are used in this research. The two free variables are Knowledge creation and Innovative behavior and related variable is Efficiency . There are also variables operational used in this research, they are: Data Resources The data in this research are collected from two resources, they are direct result of the research in the field which is called primary data or the available data before the research started which is called secondary data. 1. To get the primary data, the researcher spread some questionnaires to the employees of PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk Noodle Division Branch Bandung. 2. Secondary data are collected throughout some websites which provide information related to ongoing research, and also from literature study which gathered from related books or journals with the intention of supporting the validity of the primary data to be made as supporting references. Data Determining Methods The Data which are determined in the research can be in a from of population or sample. According to Sugiyono 2011 : 61 Population is a generalization territory which consist of objects or subjects which have a certain quality or characteristic which are assigned by the researcher to be investigated and to be made as a conclusion. While Sample, according to Sugiyono, is a part of amount and characteristic which are possessed by the population themselves. In this research, confidence level’s percentage is at 90 and precision point is at 10. Quantitatively, precision point is Knowledge Creation SECI Innovative Behavior Efficiency 441 standard error where the bigger the sample the smaller standard error, because the predicted point almost achieving its parameter. According To Precision Points Set, Then The Size Of The Sample Will Be Calculated By Using Slovin Formula Jalaludin RAKHMAT, 2004: = . + Notation statements: n = size of minimum sample N = size of population = precision level This research uses purposive sampling. According to Sugiyono 2011:68 purposive sampling is a technique to determine the sample with certain considerations. Therefore, this research gives criteria to respondents to fill in the questionnaires the respondents should be employees of PT ICBP Sukses Makmur Noodle Division Bandung in order to get an accurate and efficient information. Data Collecting Techniques The data collecting techniques used in this research are as followings: This research is done by spreading questionnaires as a primary data to the respondents who are the employees of PT ICBP Sukses makmur Tbk Noodle Division Bandung. The researcher aims to find theoretical data by observing books, international journals and related articles. In order to support the research related to the theory about observed variables. Data Processing Techniques To discover aspects of variables that will be investigated. It is required to have a measuring tool or a valid scale test which can be relied on, in order to make a clear and reliable results, accordingly, validity and reliability tests are used to show the accuracy of measurement. According to Malhotra 2010:309-311 reliability observed by determining relations between scores gathered by using different scaling tools, as for Validity can be defined as a measurement of how the differences of scores in the observed 442 scales reflect real differences between objects and characteristics. The perfect validity requires no measuring mistakes Hypothetical Test Hypothetical test is procedure of rule formulations which causes hypothetical acceptance or rejection. According to Malhotra 2010:56 Hypothesis is a requirement or proportion which has not been proved in the factor or phenomenon which become the focus of the researcher. For hypothetical test in this research, they are: 1. Hypothesis specifying H0: there is no influence between knowledge creation and innovative behavior towards work efficiency in PT. Indofood CBP Sukse Makmur Tbk Noodle Division Branch Bandung H1 :there is some influence between knowledge creation and innovative behavior towards work efficiency in PT. Indofood CBP Sukse Makmur Tbk Noodle Division Branch Bandung. RESEARCH PURPOSE, LIMITATION, AND ORIGINALITY The purpose of this section is to present the findings based on the premises of the research questions. This research has a limitation in terms of area coverage, which is only in Bandung city. Further research is needed to get the information about the `impact of knowledge creation and innovative behavior towards effiency. This research will provide information related to the impact of knowledge creation and innovative behavior towards effiency. Research Objectives Basically, this research aims to discover problems in PT ICBPSM Tbk, specifically at Nod-Div branch Bandung. This problem focuses on developing and maintaining Knowledge Creation and Stimulting the innovative behavior to deciding the suitable strategy to maximize Cycle time and Efficiency in work, training and developing. The more specific objective of this research is to give an input and advice which can be used by PT ICBP Sukses Makmur in order to discover: a How to keep Cycle of Knowledge and making new innovative and good result. 443 b The impact of training and development can be more efficiency and cost saving can increase. c To discover the influence of employee maintaining program and strategic innovation done by the company to its employees. Research Benefit The result of this research is aimed to be useful information about the importance of Knowledge creation and innovative behavior in a company. A company could found out about program which is most affective to develop and maintain Cost Saving and Competency of employee. This should be done in order to make the employees to be effective to done the task and to the company would achieve the targeted profit set by the company. This research is also aimed to give information for the companies about innovations that they could do, especially in Thinking, Process and behavior innovations to help the PT ICBPSM Tbk Nod-Div Bandung to achieve their targets. The result of this research is aimed to be useful in The more specific use of research is aimed to fulfill several needs as mentioned below : a For the researcher himself, as a study method and guidance if the researcher planning to work at Manufacturing, specifically at Food Units b For academic purposes, it is useful as a reference about Knowledge behavior and innovative behavior which can be applied at the company. c For the company itself, company in this research, this is PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk Noodle Division Branch Bandung, as a contribution of thought to be used by the company when the company wants to improve its employees’ performance and Efficiency. REFERENCE Krogh, Georg van. “Care in Knowledge Creation.” California Management Review, Volume. 40, No.3, Spring 1998. Mitchell, Rebecca. Boyle. “Brendan. Knowledge Creation Measuremement methods.” VOL. 14 No. 1 2010, pp. 67-82. Emerald Group Publishing limited. 444 Brannback, Malin.2003. RD Collaboration: Role of Ba in Knowledge- Creating Networks. Knowledge Management Research Practice 1, 28-38 , Song, ji Hoon. Uhm, Daiho.Organizational knowledge creation practice. Farshchi, Mahtab Akhava. Social Network and Knowledge Creation in the Built Environemnt: a Case Study. Structural Survey, Vol. 29 No. 3, 2011. Kodama, Mitsuru. “Strategic Community: Foodation of Knowledge Creation.” Reasearch Technology Management. Nonaka, I. 1991. The knowledge-creating company. Harvard Business Review,NovDec, 96-104. Nonaka, I. 1994 A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation.Organization Science, 51, 14-37. Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H. 1995. The knowledge-creating company. New York: Oxford University Press. Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H., Umemoto, K. 1996. A theory of organizational knowledge creation. International Journal of Technology Management, Special Issue on Unlearning and Learning for Technological Innovation, 1178, 833-845. Nonaka I, Toyama R Konno N 2000 SECI, ba and leadership: A unified model of dynamic knowledge creation. Long Range Planning 331, 5–34. Nonaka, I., Toyama, R. 2002.. A firm as a dialectical being: Towards a dynamic theory of a firm. Industrial and Corporate change, 115, 995-1009. Nonaka, I., Toyama, R. 2003. The knowledge-creating theory revisited: Knowledge creation as a synthesizing process. Knowledge Management Research Practice, 1, 2-10. Nonaka, I., Toyama, R., Konno, N. 2001. SECI, ba and leadership: A unified model of dynamic knowledge creation. In I. Nonaka D. J. Teece Eds., Managing industrial knowledge: Creation, transfer and utilization pp. 13-39. London: Sage. 445 Analizing Effect Of Shift Work Systems On Job Satisfaction In PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Mici Annisa Soraya HRD Staff at Rajawali Nusantara indonesia; Students of Master Of Management Program Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran INTRODUCTION Background Currently the development of technology is increasing and encouraging creative business ventures that use advanced technology to compete in an increasingly competitive world binis. It is important for a company, in addition to the attention to technology, also giving attention to its human resources that exist in the company. With maximum attention to existing resources, the company has been maintaining a good capital will continue to support the direction of the companys progress. To that end, the company must be able to think about how to provide comfort for those in work including appropriate working time which did not make the employee terforsir in running things. Besides those two things, things that should not go unnoticed is the working conditions that exist in an enterprise environment. With competition getting tougher by the number of goods of high demand, the company is required to maximize the production process and run for 24 hours a day. In addition, the human factor becomes a very necessary thing to note, because without the support of human resources is good then all will not run with the maximum. In addition to considering the issue of working hours, companies need to give attention to increasing the number of labor, considering the very not possible for a company to hire someone within a period of 24 hours in a row. To support this, then made time sharing system shift. Job rotation shift and excessive working time are usually implemented to better utilize existing resources, increase production, as well as extend the duration of the service. Shift work is different from a regular work day, where on a typical weekday work done regularly at a predetermined time, while shift work can be done more than one time to meet the schedule of 24 hoursday. In general, for a company that operates 24 hoursday, a 446 working system that is made is the third shift, which consists of a shift in the morning, afternoon and evening. Based on data from the production, it is known that the average productivity of employees who work in the afternoon and night shifts tend to be lower compared to the morning shift. Throughout the year 2011, the average number of production on the night shift 30 percent lower than in the morning shift. This indicates that there are significant differences in each shift associated with the employee productivity. From the above can author interested in conducting further research into the effects of shift work system. This is what will affect the overall employee productivity. Researchers are interested to know more shift work system influence on the productivity of employees of PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Makassar . Research Objective The Purpose Of This Study Was To Determine How The Effects Of Shift Work System Effects On The Productivity Of Employees At Pt . Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Makassar. Academic, research is expected to provide benefits for the development of science as well as further studies related to the implementation of the system of shift work in a company. Practical, this research can be input for the industrial world in general, especially PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia in production in implementing the system application settings shift work. LITERATURE REVIEW Human Resource Management Human resource is the resources most strategic owned by an organization. This statement does not diminish the importance of other resources such as capital, machines, work methods, materials, time, energy and information. However due to her various funds and non- human that it is an inanimate object and does not mean anything unless driven and used by humans, the availability of funds and abundant though not dengabuan orgabisasi itself qualify as a reliable vehicle to achieve the goal 447 Mathis:2011:8. According Hasibuan 2009:20 , human resource management governs the relationship and the role of labor in order to effectively and efficiently assist the realization of objectives perrusahaan, employees and communities . HRM functions of planning, organizing, directing, controlling, procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, discipline and dismissal. The aim is that companies obtain profitability profit greater than the percentage of bank interest rates . Employees aims to gain satisfaction from his work. Society aims to obtain goods or services either at a fair price and always available in the market, while the government has always hoped to get taxes. a. Components of Human Resource Management : 1. Employers Entrepreneur is every person who invests for income and the amount of income it is uncertain depending on the profit achieved by the company. 2. Employees Employees are the primary asset of a company, because without their participation, the activity of the company is not going to happen. 3. Leader or Manager The leader is a person who use the authority and leadership to direct other people and was responsible for that persons work in achieving a goal. b. Function Human Resource Management Hasibuan , 2009: 21 : 1. Planning Planning is planned workforce effectively and efficiently to match membantudnya kebutan company in the realization of the goal. 2. Organizing Untu organize activities of all employees by setting the division of labor, labor relations, the delegation, authority, integration and coordination of the organizational chart. 3. Direction Directing the activities of all employees, to cooperate and work effectively and efficiently to help achieve the companys goals, employees and the community. 448 4. Control Controlling activities of all employees to abide by the regulations of company regulations and work in accordance with the plan. 5. Procurement The withdrawal process, selection, placement, orientation, and induction to get employees in accordance with company requirements. 6. Development The process of improving the technical skills, theoretical, conceptual, and morale of employees through education and training. 7. Compensation Award remuneration directly and indirectly, money or goods to employees as compensation for services provided to employees. 8. Integration Activities to unite the interests of the company and the employees needs, in order to create harmonious cooperation and mutual benefit. 9. Maintenance Activities to maintain or improve the physical, mental, and employee loyalty, to keep them going until retirement. 10. Discipline Discipline is a function of Human Resource Management is paramount and his key to the realization of the purpose for discipline both difficult to achieve the maximum goal. 11. Termination The breakdown in the working relationship a person from a company. This dismissal is caused by the desire of the employees, the company wishes, their contracts, pensions, and because of other reasons. . Work System In Indonesia, there is generally a working system is the system of normal work and shift work system. It is differentiated depending on the type of business. For the industry, generally applied to accommodate shift work system meeting the needs of production. Average time employee in Indonesia is 8 hours for work Monday to Friday and 7 hours for the work Monday through Saturday. 449 Reports on the number of the longest working hours reported by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development OECD will only assess the number of hours of work developed countries read: Probe State Supreme Working Hours. However, developing countries such as Indonesia are not included in the assessment. Whereas if the calculated number of hours worked in Indonesia can be longer than in the European countries and the United States US. Based on the report of the Central Statistics Agency BPS, entitled Decent Work Indonesia expressed, the number of Indonesian workers working hours the average is eight hours a day and 5 days a week. This means that workers in Indonesia have a minimum average working hours of 40 hours per week. Work overtime The research proves that excessive overtime work not only doubt the output per hour, but will also meningkantnya absenteeism due to illness or accident. Comparison between energy consumption and replacement of the return or replacement between work and rehabilitation is the same for all body functions. It is required by all employees. Time istirshst the physiological needs that can not be avoided in order to maintain the working capacity. Rest periods for workers not only physical but also required by the positions that cause nervous tension and mental. Breaks are necessary to maintain the agility, sharpness and other senses and persistence of mental concentration. An activity carried out repeatedly at high speed causes a person to suffer pegeawai particular strain on the nervous system. This type of work as referred require more rest time than other jobs. Time off Through research work, it is known that an employee time spent working, can break interspersed with various ways. Break in working hours can be divided into several types, namely: 1. Rest spontaneous 2. Rest hidden doing things that are not important 3. Break conditions of employment 4. Rest been determined To understand the work with skilled and quick, it takes the grace period running in after istiraht. So to arrive at normal speed will take a few meit 450 grace. Much research has been done to mengerahui result of time off to production. For heavy work, long breaks should be determined in advance, and distributed evenly over the working day. If employees choose how to distribute istirahtanya time, they tend to encourage continuous work and diperobolehkan to leave work early. This will lead to excessive tension over-stressed, especially for employees who are old. For lighter work, a bit difficult to know whether a long break needs to be determined before or not. Although long break is the principle physiological needs, but by no means should be set formally as the working conditions and other types of breaks may be sufficient. Eating time In defending life, every person among others to pay attention to the following: 1. Raw foods carbohydrates, fats and proteins 2. The protective material vitamins, minerals, iron, iodine, fatty acids, etc. 3. The fluid for cooling Energy needs will be even greater if an employee did more physical labor, and energy requirements can be met by additional food intake. Set the time short break in the midday meal Adar means can be done in the cafeteria or in a restaurant close to the workplace. In general, eat in the cafeteria or in the restaurant remained relatively expensive, which would cause an employee to change habits, namely eating little during the day and eat a lot at night at home. For employees who do a lot of physical work, the extra water in the body is necessary to be more sweat, and additional snacks as well as an additional energy siperlukan. It can be affected by additional minerals such high- calorie sweet tea, milk, chocolate and sebagau tmperatur too ainya. When sweat a lot out due to face the situation and conditions of temperature or the temperature is too high, then use the tablet will be very helpful in order to increase the desire to drink. Rude clerks require food calories, while employees whose jobs are finer require foods containing vitamins not food calories. 451 Shift Work System Work rotating or Shift Work National Occupational Health and Safety Committee, define the work rotating shift work or are working outside normal working hours from Monday through Friday excluding holidays and work starting from 07.00 until 19.00 or more Knaught, 1997: 23. Based on technical guidelines for occupational health efforts in hospitals issued by the Ministry of Health, shift work is work that is basically done outside normal working hours. The distinctive feature is their continuity shift, turn, shift and work schedule special. Work diakatakan continue rotating when done for 24 hours every day including Sundays and holidays. Based NOHSC Knaught 1997: 24 defines that shift work is work schedules that are outside normal business hours starting around 07.00 to 18.00 to the length of working hours for a worker 7-8 hours in each of her shift. Interest enactment of this rotation job is to maintain production in order to continue a continuously through a series of working groups who work shifts. Classification Type Shift Work This shift in employment classification , in Indonesia there are no laws and regulations governing government permanently shift work schedules . This is due to the difficulty of accurately manentukan shift work schedule is the best to be used so that usually shift work schedule is based on the work of the operating companies . NOHSC Knaught 1997: 26 mentions that there are several characteristics in the preparation of work schedules, among others : Time Shift For companies that operate 24 hours , typically divide the work time shift into 2 or 3 shifts . While setting the schedule start and end depend on the duration of the shift . The division of the schedule start and end depend on the duration of the shift . The division of work schedule can be seen as follows : a Morning Shift first shift begins between 7:00 AM and ending at 14:00 452 b Shift afternoon second shift begins between 14:00 AM and ending at 21:00 c Shift Malama third shift begins anatar At 21:00 and ends at 07:00 Shift Work Schedule Permanent or Rotation For workers who suffered permanent night work is not entirely to adapt , but it is in this adaptable workers who suffered permanent night work have a way or method to fight fatigue on mala day . But , however the night workers still feel tired and sleepy at night the next day . Speed Rotation Directions Adaptation to shift influenced by the rotational speed and direction of rotation . The rotation speed means the number of shifts morning, afternoon and evening in a row before the change of shift. While the direction of rotation means : a Forward rotation is clockwise change starting from the morning shift to the afternoon and then evening . b Rotate counterclockwise retreat is a change in hours beginning from morning to night shift later in the afternoon. Ratio Work Break People who work for 8 hours has 16 hours to rest and do other activities , while working for 12 hours just to have a little time left for rest . Because they still have responsibilities and tasks at home such as caring for children who can not be replaced so that they experience dissatisfaction with the time of rest and sleep . Shift predictable By conducting the preparation of shift work schedules regular and predictable would memudahkaan for workers to make a schedule of activities outside working hours, as just doing activities with the family. Sumamur 1993: 86 classify shift work based on the workload with the following details: a Continuous, with balanced coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days per year with continuous workload as in nuclear power plants. b Continuous, with unbalanced coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days per year have a workload that is not uniform with more coverage is needed 453 on the morning shift, such as the service industry, hospitals and police stations. c Coverage economic shift as needed, not always 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, such as the car industry, manufacturing. Shift can be terminated depending on the business climate if at certain hours or days is not necessary. d Work irregular shift due to shift work is only needed at any time and schedule can not be estimated as the driver, truck and train crew. Health Effects of Shift Work Various types of shift work are enacted by the company , from the results of negotiations with workers or shift work schedules organized by the preparation of shift work from companies that earlier . Previously, experts consider that less sleep is not going to be a significant problem , but now that view has changed . The biological clock sleep a person needs a certain amount of time each day . If someone needs a certain amount of sleep each day . If those requirements are less and lasts continuously then he will experience a condition known as sleep debt debt sleeping . Sleep debt is a picture of the lack of sleep a person needs that accumulates within a certain time . For example if someones need for sleep is eight hours, but only slept for 6 hours in a day. Then in the first week of around 14 hours sleep debt . Dr. Eve Van Cauter, a researcher at the University of Chicago have found some impact on the health of the body associated with sleep debt. According to the research he did, the impact of these conditions is very dangerous for the body. For example, a group of young men were healthy after only 4 hours of sleep for six days. Successively, the results of medical tests they are quite alarming. The ability of them to make the process of storage of glucose was reduced by 30, due to the ability of insulin they have is very much reduced. Additionally levels of stress hormones cortisol increases, when these hormones can lead to hypertension and impaired ability to remember if the levels are high for a long time. Sleep debt can also lower the ability to think. Colonel Gregory Balenky, one of the American military doctor that deepen sleep problems, conduct 454 research to determine the effects of sleep deprivation on US soldiers. Based on the research, known to decrease overall brain functioning. With a tool that can display images of the brain using advanced technology, it was found that the damage is more severe in regions responsible for attention, planning an elaborate, complex mental processes and decision-making in the region. Dangers of sleep debt was also recognized by Dr. William Dement, a sleep disorders clinic staff Standford University. In a presentation to the US Congress, he explained that lack of sleep can lead to disaster in the country. According to the author of The Power Of Sleep, based on the results of the investigation showed that some of the fatal accidents caused by lack of sleep. Among others: exon valdez oil spill in Alaska in 1989. According to him, it happened because of the health workers and the public have not been able to correctly identify the dangers of lack of sleep and lack of sleep can result in an alarming condition for health. 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1. Introduction The role of banks which can be used as a tool in setting monetary policy is