Analizing Effect Of Shift Work Systems On Job Satisfaction In PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia

v Anugerah Mufti Putra, Arif Madya Armanto 26. Developing Performance Measurement And Setting Their Targets For A Small Start-Up Manufacturing Company In Indonesia Using Balanced Scorecard: A Case Study Of Pt. Multi Sarana Silicaindo Supiansyah, Deri Kurniawan 371 27. Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Leave among Nursing Staff Working in Sari Asih Ar-Rahmah Islamic Hospital Tangerang Pradipta Suarsyaf 389 28. The Effect of Brand Trust and Relationship Quality to Customer Loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi Rika Permatasari Effendi, Virza Yuniar 397 29. The Influence of Systematic Risk, Interest Rates, Change in Tax Rates to the Stock Return of Indonesian Property Companies Listed in IDX Karla Okta Mianda, Ratika Puspita Sari 415 30. The Influence of Knowledge Creation Innovative Behaviour towards Work Efficiency In PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. Noodle Division Hermawan Cahyadi Priyo, Santi Nurma Sari 432

31. Analizing Effect Of Shift Work Systems On Job Satisfaction In PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia

Mici Annisa Soraya 445 32. The Effect Of Banking Intermediation, Credit Risk And Operational Efficiency On Profitability Study In Bank Tabungan Negara Persero, Tbk. Period 2010 – 2015 Selvi Lusiana 456 33. The Influence Of Corporate Culture, Motivation And Leadership On Employee Performance In Sharia Bank In Indonesia Adisya Anggistya, Ferdi Abas 474 34. The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Leadership Style on Employee Performance Study at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung Nita Nursita 492 35. The Highest And Best Use Analysis To Determine The Type Of Aset Utilization Case Study on land at Jakarta Street, Bandung West Java Nurul Atikoh, Suriyanti Gaffar 502 36. Why Does Policy Fail? Understanding The Problems Of Policy Implementation About Retribution Of Local Wealth Usage: A Case Study In Central Maluku District Sut Mutiah, Dina Anggraeni 512 Past Events Photos: The 4 th International Joint Seminar Company Visit To Ricoh Company Ltd 525 Itenary 527 Rundown Company Visit 528 vi Session Chairs of the 5th International Joint Seminar 529 Outline of the Marketing Analysis Report 531 Outline of the Cross-Cultural Analysis Report 532 Acknowledgement 533 1 Welcome Speech 2 Welcome Speech Prof. Dr. Tri Hanggoro. Email: Rector of Universitas Padjadjaran Facing globalization in 2016 ensures Unpad to strengthen the cooperation with Rikkyo University. We are very proud to be part of the Internationalization process within MM FEB Unpad with Rikkyo University. We also very proud that Ricoh Company would welcome our students. Looking forward to having great collaboration between Indonesia and Japan. 3 Welcome Speech Prof. Noriyoshi Shiraishi Email: Senior Vice President of Rikkyo University Rikkyo University has introduced “Rikkyo Global 24” globalization strategy as a medium-and-long-term plan as a milestone for the university’s 150th anniversary in 2024. Rikkyo Global 24 will be the core of the plan. Within the strategy, one of the specific goals for globalization promotion is to expand acceptance of international students. Welcome the delegates of MM FEB Unpad to Rikkyo University. 4 Welcome Speech Dr. Nury Effendi, SE., MA Email: Dean, Faculty of Economics Business, Universitas Padjadjaran FEB Unpad is very proud to engage with Rikkyo University and Ricoh Company Ltd. MM FEB Unpad is the one of the schools within the Faculty of Economy and business, Universitas Padjadjaran. Its mission is to increase the international exposure academically and practically. We hope students and faculty members gain international perspectives from the 3rd International Joint Seminar between Rikkyo University and MM FEB Unpad. 5 Welcome Speech Prof. Akita Takahiro Email: Specially Appointed Professor, College of Business, Rikkyo University Indonesia is a great country. Building a relationship with Indonesia is very attractive experiences. Japan and Indonesia are two countries that have shown stronger relationship for decadees. These relations generate more collaboration academically. I believe Universitas Padjadjaran and Rikkyo University could perform and deliver mutual program in enchancing the collaboration. Additionaly, the company visit to Ricoh Company would enhance the understanding about Japan amongst Indonesia students. 6 Welcome Speech Popy Rufaidah, SE., MBA., Ph.D Email: Head, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics Business, Universitas Padjadjaran The 5th International Joint Seminar hold by Rikkyo University and MM FEB Unpad in Tokyo, Japan is our dedication and commitment to enhance the quality of education internationally. We also very honor to have warm welcome from the management of Ricoh Company for our delegates. The challenges for graduates from business schools are increased very rapidly. Students need practical knowledge and international exposure to align with their capabilities and competencies. We would like to thank for all support contributed by Rikkyo University, ABEST21, Ricoh Company and all parties that can not be mentioned one by one for making this event is taken place. 7 PERSON IN CHARGED RIKKYO UNIVERSITY Prof. Noriyoshi Shiraishi Prof. Akita Takahiro, UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN Popy Rufaidah, Ph.D. Yudi Azis, SE., S.Si., S.Sos., MT., Ph.D. 8 FEB UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN Popy Rufaidah, Ph.D. HEAD, MASTER OF MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN Egi Arvian, SE., M.Si. LECTURER FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN 9 COMPANY VISIT TO JAPAN CORPORATION HELD BY RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, TOKYO, JAPAN AND MASTER OF MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN 29 JANUARY – 02 FEBRUARY 2017 REGULAR PROGRAM No Photo Identity 1. Name: Robby Falah Firdaus Student ID: 120820160001 Phone: 081910051046 Email: Titled of the paper: Bank’s Performance On Stock Price: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Indonesia Period 2011 - 2015 2. Name: Aquinaldo Sistanto Putra Student ID: 120820160002 Phone: 081214932262 Email: Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Inovative Packaging Design Of Local Fruit In Bandung On Consumer’s Purchasing Decision 3. Name: Tresia Ekawati Student ID: 120820160004 Phone: 081275637075 Email: Titled of the paper: Marketing Strategy Using Business Model Canvas Innovation 3.0 Approach: Service Quality Management And Customer Relationship Management To Increase Customer Loyalty Case Study Of Auto 2000 4. Name: Btari Mariska Purwaamijaya Student ID: 120820160005 Phone: 085722237114 Email: Titled of the paper: The Analysis of Marketing Strategy Toward Online Consumer Trust Affecting Purchase Decision in E- Commerce Indonesia 10 Photo Identity 5. Name: Febriannisa Azrah Student ID: 120820160010 Phone: 081378133717 Email: Titled of the paper: Influence The Quality on Honda CB 150 R Motorcycle Purchase Decision in Bandung 6. Name: Muhammad Fanny Fajrin Pratama Student ID: 120820160012 Phone: 081323626050 Email: Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Inovative Packaging Design Of Local Fruit In Bandung On Consumer’s Purchasing Decision 7. Name: Helmi Setiawan Muhammad Student ID: 120820160013 Phone: 082219196597 Email: Titled of the paper: Analysis Of Impulse Buying That Affected From In-Store Stimuli, Hedonic Shopping Value And Fashion Involvement On Fashion Products 8. Name: Fadhilah Student ID: 120820160014 Phone: 087774623763 Email: Titled of the paper: The Analysis of Marketing Strategy Toward Online Consumer Trust Affecting Purchase Decision in E- Commerce Indonesia 11 Photo Identity 9. Name: Mario Student ID: 120820160015 Phone: 081222544755 Email: Titled of the paper: Influence The Quality on Honda CB 150 R Motorcycle Purchase Decision in Bandung 10. Name: Kevin Allan Maha Student ID: 120820160016 Phone: 081361342904 Email: Titled of the paper: Building Trust In E-Commerce Websites: An Indian Perspective 11. Name: Muhammad Hilmy Habibie Student ID: 120820160018 Phone: 089656097578 Email: Titled of the paper: Bank’s Performance On Stock Price: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Indonesia Period 2011 - 2015 12. Name: Melani Shintya Andiani Student ID: 120820160021 Phone: 081320446687 Email: Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Hospital Staff Performance And Interpersonal Communication Skill On Patient Satisfaction Case Study In Emergency Department Of Hasan Sadikin General Hospital 12 Photo Identity 13. Name: Puspita Candrasari Student ID: 120820160023 Phone: 081321304362 Email: Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Hospital Staff Performance And Interpersonal Communication Skill On Patient Satisfaction Case Study In Emergency Department Of Hasan Sadikin General Hospital 14. Name: Rendy Rosady Student ID: 120820160024 Phone: 082120633636 Email: Titled of the paper: The Effect of Tax Amnesty to The Improvement of Tax Revenue and Data Base 15. Name: Aditya Bagus Pribadi Student ID: 120820160026 Phone: 085722721423 Email: Titled of the paper: The Effect of Tax Amnesty to The Improvement of Tax Revenue and Data Base 16. Name: Septianti Chairunnisa Student ID: 120820160044 Phone: 085722586099 Email: Titled of the paper: Macroeconomics and Bank Specific Determinants of Non-Performing Loan: Evidence from Conventional Commercial Bank in Indonesia That Provide SME Loan in Period 2007-2013 13 Photo Identity 17. Name: Bintoro Bagus Purmono Student ID: 120820160047 Phone: 085750111594 Email: Titled of the paper: Analysis Of Impulse Buying That Affected From In-Store Stimuli, Hedonic Shopping Value And Fashion Involvement On Fashion Products 18. Name: Vanisa Assadiah Student ID: 120820160053 Phone: 08129408773 Email: Titled of the paper: The Influence of Organizational Change and Job Stress on Job Performance in PT “X” Bandung 19. Name: Maghfirah Student ID: 120820160054 Phone: 081341132656 Email: Titled of the paper: Marketing Strategy Using Business Model Canvas Innovation 3.0 Approach: Service Quality Management And Customer Relationship Management To Increase Customer Loyalty Case Study Of Auto 2000 20. Name: Regina Yuliani Student ID: 120820160055 Phone: 081394346534 Email: Titled of the paper: Macroeconomics and Bank Specific Determinants of Non-Performing Loan: Evidence from Conventional Commercial Bank in Indonesia That Provide SME Loan in Period 2007-2013 14 Photo Identity 21. Name: Rezki Dimetti Tirana Student ID: 120820160057 Phone: 081221851702 Email: Titled of the paper: The Influence of Organizational Change and Job Stress on Job Performance in PT “X” Bandung 22. Name: Rizky Mustika Hati Student ID: 120820160058 Phone: 081224080291 Email: Titled of the paper: Competitive Strategy Analysis To Increase Competitiveness In Exporting Seaweed From Indonesia To Japan 23. Name: Kenny Doenanke Aulia Student ID: 120820160059 Phone: 082117171836 Email: Titled of the paper: Competitive Strategy Analysis To Increase Competitiveness In Exporting Seaweed From Indonesia To Japan 15 COMPANY VISIT TO JAPAN CORPORATION HELD BY RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, TOKYO, JAPAN AND MASTER OF MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN 29 JANUARY – 02 FEBRUARY 2017 EXECUTIVE PROGRAM No Photo Identity 1 Name: Neni Suryani Student ID: 120820150502 Phone: 085720015771 Email: Occupation: CV Ravels Trans Pratama Titled of the paper: The Influence of Hashtag on Instagram and Value Creation to The Visitors Case Study of Visitors of Bandung City 2 Name: Firman Ariangga Student ID: 120820150506 Phone: 08568514248 Email: Occupation: PT Pupuk Kujang Titled of the paper: Analysis of The Impact Fertilizer Subsidy by The Government on Financial Performance Case Study at PT Pupuk Kujang 3 Name: Riza Putri Aulia Hernowo Student ID: 120820150507 Phone: 081282800900 Email: Occupation: RSUD Kota Bandung Titled of the paper: The Association of Working Environment and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bandung 4 Name: Noery Mutiarahim Student ID: 120820150508 Phone: 085624422460 Email: Occupation: PT. Adverta Nata Usaha Jaya Titled of the paper: Analysis of The Impact Fertilizer Subsidy by The Government on Financial Performance Case Study at PT Pupuk Kujang 16 No Photo Identity 5 Name: Wishnu Bhatara Student ID: 120820150510 Phone: 087722264342 Email: Occupation: PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat BantenTbk Junior Staff Divisi Dana Jasa Konsumer Titled of the paper: Influence Of Marketing Capability Innovation Capability To Marketing Perfomance In Bandung City 6 Name: Fanfan Rizky Oktavian Student ID: 120820150516 Phone: 081222497515 Email: Occupation: Titled of the paper: The Role of Knowledge Creation and Innovation Capital Toward Employee Commitment 7 Name: Hikmat Rachmatullah Student ID: 120820150517 Phone: 08112204113 Email: Occupation: PT Pupuk Kujang Titled of the paper: Comprehension Of Relationship Quality In The Retail Environment. Case Study of PT Pupuk Kujang Sales on Nitrea’s Product 8 Name: Mohamad Gani Student ID: 120820150518 Phone: 082137333376;08159999976 Email: Occupation: PT Pupuk Kujang Titled of the paper: Comprehension Of Relationship Quality In The Retail Environment. Case Study of PT Pupuk Kujang Sales on Nitrea’s Product 17 No Photo Identity 9 Name: Tri Mahar Lazuardi Student ID: 120820150519 Phone: 082120182094 Email: Occupation: Kementerian Perdagangan Titled of the paper: The Mapping Of Competitive Analysis Using BCG Matrix In Formulating Corporate And Business Strategy In Pharmaceutical Industries 10 Name: Debby Muliadin Student ID: 120820150523 Phone: 08567099998 Email: Occupation: Titled of the paper: The Influence of Government Regulation and Services Quality to the Peformance Services at Transportation Sector 11 Name: Muhamad Iqbal Ramdani Student ID: 120820150526 Phone: 082130898929 Email: Occupation: PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat BantenTbk Junior Staff Divisi BPRLKM Titled of the paper: Which CAMEL’s Analysis Variables, Have The Strongest Influences To Profit Growth on BPR in West Java 12 Name: Rocky Diardi Student ID: 120820150529 Phone: 082166828235 Email: Occupation: PT. Eltran Indonesia Titled of the paper: Analysis of Critical Succes Factor on Balance Score Card Effective Implementation, Case Study in PT Hexpharm Laboratories. a Pharmaceutical Company 18 No Photo Identity 13 Name: Sonia Rama Student ID: 120820150530 Phone: 082174676007 Email: Occupation: Titled of the paper: The Association of Working Environment and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bandung 14 Name: Yulia Isana Pratiwi Student ID: 120820150531 Phone: 081320005198 Email: Occupation: PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Corporate Culture And Competitive Advantage On The Company’s Business Performance Case Study In PT Bank OCBC Nisp Tbk. 15 Name: Priambodo Pratignyo Student ID: 120820150532 Phone: 08562305633 Email: Occupation: Anton Sulthon IF, SH. Rekan Titled of the paper: Influence Of Marketing Capability Innovation Capability To Marketing Perfomance In Bandung City 16 Name: Ridwan Bagus Syahputra Student ID: 120820150534 Phone: 085222002001 Email: Occupation: Konsultan Titled of the paper: The Role of Knowledge Creation and Innovation Capital Toward Employee Commitment 19 No Photo Identity 17 Name: Anugerah Mufti Putra Student ID: 120820150535 Phone: 085223935555;087770780877 Email: Occupation: Home Industry Sepatu Agnia di Tasikmalaya Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Talent Management And Innovation Capability To Employee Satisfaction In Micro Credit Unit Bank Mandiri 18 Name: Muhammad Haris Student ID: 120820150536 Phone: 082216273451 Email: Occupation: PT. Sanbe Farma Titled of the paper: The Mapping Of Competitive Analysis Using BCG Matrix In Formulating Corporate And Business Strategy In Pharmaceutical Industries 19 Name: Dhea Ryane Yanuar Student ID: 120820150539 Phone: 085723604017 Email: Occupation: Infomedia Solusi Humanika Titled of the paper: The Influence of Hashtag on Instagram and Value Creation to The Visitors Case Study of Visitors of Bandung City 20 Name: Arif Madya Armanto Student ID: 120820150540 Phone: 085659928400 Email: ARIF.MADYAGMAIL.COM Occupation: PT. Tricada Intronic Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Talent Management And Innovation Capability To Employee Satisfaction In Micro Credit Unit Bank Mandiri 20 No Photo Identity 21 Name: Deri Kurniawan Student ID: 120820150541 Phone: 0811248842 Email: Occupation: Pusat Survei Geologi Titled of the paper: Developing Performance Measurement And Setting Their Targets For A Small Start-Up Manufacturing Company In Indonesia Using Balanced Scorecard: A Case Study Of Pt. Multi Sarana Silicaindo 22 Name: Irvan Rivani Student ID: 120820150542 Phone: 08122182403 Email: Occupation: PT Hexpharm Jaya Labs. Titled of the paper: Analysis of Critical Succes Factor on Balance Score Card Effective Implementation, Case Study in PT Hexpharm Laboratories. a Pharmaceutical Company 23 Name: Pradipta Suarsyaf Student ID: 120820150544 Phone: 085782340567 Email: Occupation: Medical DoctorGeneral Practitioner at Rumah Sakit Islam Sari Asih Ar-Rahmah Puskesmas Cipondoh Titled of the paper: Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Leave among Nursing Staff Working in Sari Asih Ar-Rahmah Islamic Hospital Tangerang 24 Name: Valiensi Utia Student ID: 120820150545 Phone: 081315924761 Email: Occupation: PT Astra Nippon Gasket Indonesia Finance Accounting Section Hed Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Corporate Culture And Competitive Advantage On The Company’s Business Performance Case Study In PT Bank OCBC Nisp Tbk. 21 No Photo Identity 25 Name: Supiansyah Student ID: 120820150546 Phone: 081372241499 Email: Occupation: PT. Multi Sarana Silicaindo Titled of the paper: Developing Performance Measurement And Setting Their Targets For A Small Start-Up Manufacturing Company In Indonesia Using Balanced Scorecard: A Case Study Of Pt. Multi Sarana Silicaindo 26 Name: Rika Permatasari Effendi Student ID: 120820150547 Phone: 085794184505 Email: Occupation: Twin Tulipware Indonesia Titled of the paper: REVIEW JOURNAL “The Effect of Brand Trust and Relationship Quality to Customer Loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi 27 Name: Ratika Puspita Sari Student ID: 120820150549 Phone: 08157171624 Email: Occupation: PT LEN Industri Accounting Staff Titled of the paper: The Influence of Systematic Risk, Interest Rates, Change in Tax Rates to the Stock Return of Indonesian Property Companies Listed in IDX 28 Name: Hermawan Cahyadi Priyo Student ID: 120820150550 Phone: 081278941444 Email: Occupation: PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk Titled of the paper: “The Influence of Knowledge Creation Innovative Behaviour towards Work Efficiency In PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. Noodle Division” 22 No Photo Identity 29 Name: Muhammad Shendy Rachman Student ID: 120820150554 Phone: 08567935398 Email: Occupation: PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat BantenTbk Junior Staff Cabang Purwakarta Titled of the paper: Which CAMEL’s Analysis Variables, Have The Strongest Influences To Profit Growth on BPR in West Java 30 Name: Virza Yuniar Student ID: 120820150557 Phone: 081217177157 Email: Occupation: DValue Wedding Decoration Titled of the paper: REVIEW JOURNAL “The Effect of Brand Trust and Relationship Quality to Customer Loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi 31 Name: Prapto Utomo Student ID: 120820150559 Phone: 081321363900 Email: Occupation: PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Persero Titled of the paper: The Influence of Government Regulation and Services Quality to the Peformance Services at Transportation Sector 32 Name: Karla Okta Mianda Student ID: 120820150560 Phone: 085221213786 Email: Occupation: Astra International – Property Staff Accounting Tax Analyst Titled of the paper: The Influence of Systematic Risk, Interest Rates, Change in Tax Rates to the Stock Return of Indonesian Property Companies Listed in IDX 23 No Photo Identity 33 Name: Santi Nurma Sari Student ID: 120820150561 Phone: 081284193737 Email: Occupation: PERUM BULOG Titled of the paper: “The Influence of Knowledge Creation Innovative Behaviour towards Work Efficiency In PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. Noodle Division” 34 Name: Mici Annisa Soraya Student ID: 120820150014 Phone: 08156174417 Email: Occupation: Wiraswasta Titled of the paper: Analizing Effect of Shift Work Systems on Job satisfaction In PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia 35 Name: Selvi Lusiana Student ID: 120820150030 Phone: 0817610920 Email: Occupation: Karyawan Bank BTN Titled of the paper: The Effect of Banking Intermediation, Credit Risk and Operational Efficiency to Profitability Study in Bank Tabungan Negara Persero, TBK Periode 2010- 2015 36 Name: Adisya Anggistya Student ID: 120820150040 Phone: 082117000687 Email: Occupation: Marketing at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Corporate Culture, Motivation And Leadership On Employee Performance In Sharia Bank In Indonesia 24 No Photo Identity 37 Name: Ferdi Abas Student ID: 120820150054 Phone: 081323287200 Email: Occupation: Wiraswsata Titled of the paper: The Influence Of Corporate Culture, Motivation And Leadership On Employee Performance In Sharia Bank In Indonesia 38 Name: Nita Nursita, Se Student ID: 120820150060 Phone: 081321512390,081313313536 Email: Occupation: Pegawai Negeri Sipil Titled of the paper: The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Leadership Style on Employee Performance Study at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung 25 COMPANY VISIT TO JAPAN CORPORATION HELD BY RIKKYO UNIVERSITY, TOKYO, JAPAN AND MASTER OF MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN 29 JANUARY – 02 FEBRUARY 2017 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM No Photo Identity 1 Name: Nurul Atikoh Student ID: 120820160007 Phone: +6285227141444 Email: Occupation: Planner at Center for Trade Education and Training, Ministry of Trade Titled of the paper: The Principles Of Highest And Best Use Analysis To Determine The Type Of Aset Utilization Case Study on land at Jakarta Street, Bandung West Java 2 Name: Suriyanti Gaffar Student ID: 120820160042 Phone: 08124218439 Email: Occupation: Directorate General of State Assets Management, Ministry of Finance Titled of the paper: The Principles Of Highest And Best Use Analysis To Determine The Type Of Aset Utilization Case Study on land at Jakarta Street, Bandung West Java 3 Name: Sut Mutiah Student ID: 120820160033 Phone: 085215282243 Email: Occupation: Auditor at Indonesian Finance and Development Supervisory Agency BPKP Titled of the paper: Understanding The Problems Of Policy Implementation Concerning Retribution On The Use Of Regional Assets: A Case Study In The District Government Of Central Maluku 26 Abstract 27 Tourism Development in West Java Popy Rufaidah, SE., MBA., Ph.D. Head, Master Of Management Program Faculty Of Economics And Business Universitas Padjadjaran ABSTRACT Purpose DesignMethodologyApproach Expected Finding ManagerialPractical Implication OriginalityValue Keywords: 28 Regular Class 29 Bank Performance On Stock Price: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Indonesia Before And After The 2008 Crisis Robby Falah Firdaus 1 Muhammad Hilmy Habibie 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD ABSTRACT Purpose The main purpose of this study is to make sure that stock price evaluates bank performance indicators in the time before and after the 2008 crisis, regarding perceptions related to bank performace and stock price in case of choosing stock as an invesment. DesignMethodologyApproach The research methodology used in this research is descriptive method. This research uses regression method and comparative analysis. The population in this research are all Commercial Banking Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX. Expected Finding From this research, we expect that there is some performance improvement from the banks after the 2008 crisis, so their stock price will slightly increase along with the improvement of performance. ManagerialPractical Implication This study will benefit people as a consideration in choosing the right stocks to invest, and for the Banking Companies, it contributes to the management of their performance, so they can maintain or increase their stock price in critical situations. OriginalityValue This paper is the only study that is done on the Commercial Banks in Indonesia that have been affected by the 2008 crisis, and measures the impact of bank performance on stock price. Keywords: Bank Performance, Stock Price, the 2008 crisis 30 The Influence Of Inovative Packaging Design Of Local Fruit In Bandung On Consumer Purchase Decision Aquinaldo Sistanto Putra 1 Muhammad Fanny Fajrin Pratama 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to discuss the influence of innovative packaging design of fruit in Bandung City on consumer purchase perception. Design The research will use survey questionaire method, where data are gathered using questionairres distributed to random respondents. Respondents will be given three diferrent designs of fruit packaging, and they will decide which packaging material, design and information that have the greatest influence on purchase decision. Expected finding The expected results are to find how the packaged fruit gives more influence than the unpackaged one, and to find which kind of packaging gives the greatest influence on purchase decision. Practical implication The result of this research can be used as recomendation for fruit growers to create a new value for their product. Originality This paper can provide innovation on fruit packaging design to create a new value for local fruit in Indonesia. Keyword: Packaging, design, fruit, purchase intention 31 Marketing Strategy Using Business Model Canvas Innovation 3.0 Approach: Service Quality Management and Customer Relationship Management to Customer Loyalty Increase Case Study of Auto2000 Tresia Ekawati 1 Maghfirah 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose: This paper aims to focus on the relationship between service quality and customer relationship management to customer loyalty increase in AUTO2000, Bandung. Business Model Canvas is used to desribe “how” and “why” activities and choices are made by the company in order to achieve a sustainable position in its industry. Designmethodologyapproach: This study applies quantitative method which is enriched by interviewing the top management. The independent variables are Service Quality Management X1 and Customer Relationship Management X2 while the dependent variable is Customer Loyalty Y. The use of business model canvas focuses on the implementation of “Focus on Customer” value through Delivery Explanation to Customer. Expected Findings: This paper is expected to provide a comprehensive analysis of service quality management and customer relationship management to customer loyalty increase in AUTO2000. Research Limitation and Practical Implication: This paper is limited in terms of research coverage, using data collected through structured questionnaires administered to 100 customers of AUTO2000 in Bandung with purposive sampling method. There is a managerial advice by reviewing the current business model using Business Model Canvas Theory. Originality: The paper combines path analysis and business model canvas. The value of this paper is in the mapping of the business into nine blocks of value 32 propositions, customers segment, customer relationships, channel, revenue streams, key partners, key resources, key activities, and cost structures. The paper uses Business Model Canvas to frame and analyse the actual condition of business model in AUTO2000 after the implementation of “Focus on Customer” value through Delivery Explanation to Customer Keywords: Business Model Canvas, Service Quality, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Loyalty, Auto2000. Paper Type: Case study. 33 The Analysis of Marketing Strategy toward Online Consumer Trust Affecting Purchase Decision in E-Commerce in Indonesia Fadhilah 1 Btari Mariska Purwaamijaya 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to explain about the effective marketing strategy in e-commerce in Indonesia, regarding perceptions related to how the best marketing strategy can create online consumer trust to e- commerces in Indonesia and make a purchase decision to their products. DesignMethodologyApproach This study applies quantitative and casual explanatory method. It explains the relationship between indepedent and dependent variables. Purchase decision becomes the dependent variable while online costumer trust factors Vendor Capacity, Percieved – familiarity, percieived reputation, and percieived technology act as independent variables. Expected Finding The hypothesis developed in this study is that better perception towards marketing strategy will create online customer trust affecting purchase decision in e-commerce in Indonesia. So this study expects that there will be a significant relationship between each of independent variables and the sdependent variable. ManagerialPractical Implication The result of this study will have managerial implication on E-Commerce Management particulary in managing e-marketing towards online customer trust as well as aspects of marketing strategy that affect the purchase decisions in Indonesia. This study will also provide practical implication such as improving e-marketing, online customer trust and purchase decisions in terms of increasing the sales of e-commerce in Indonesia. 34 OriginalityValue This paper is the only study done in E-Commerce in Indonesia that measures the perceptions of marketing strategy provided by E-Commerce with the intention to seek effective marketing strategy in E-Commerce in Indonesia. Keywords: marketing, online customer trust 35 The Influence of The Quality on Honda CB 150 R Motorcycle Purchase Decision Mario 1 Febriannisa Azrah 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia ABSTRACT Purpose: This study discusses the research design to study the influence of the quality of the product on a Honda motorcycle CB150R in Bandung, Indonesia, as well as knowing how the quality of Honda CB 150 R, thus affecting the consumers decision to buy. Design methodology approach: The research will use descriptive and causal research method. Descriptive study aims to present information in a structured, factual, and accurate information on the factor product quality affect the purchase decision on CB150R motorcycle in Bandung. Population of this study is directed to who has bought Honda CB150R. Expected Finding: Expected outcome of this research is that the quality of the Honda CB 150 R specifies the significant influence to the consumer in buying a motorcycle Honda CB 150 R. Practical implication: The results of the study would have managerial implication to the Honda. Management particularly in managing the quality of product that affects the decision of a consumer to buy motorcycle. This study also would provide practical implication such as improving the product quality of the Honda CB 150 R of enhancing the visual appearance of the tangible aspects, improving the feature, increasing the performance, improving the reliability, the durability, the repair ability, the aesthetics, and the perceived quality. 36 OriginalityValue: This paper is the only study that is done in Bandung, Indonesia which measures the quality of the products supplied by Honda CB 150 R against the purchase decisions of the consumers Honda CB 150 R. Keyword: Honda CB150R, quality product, purchase decision. 37 Analysis Of Impulse Buying Affected From In-Store Stimuli, Hedonic Shopping Value And Fashion Involvement On Fashion Products Helmi Setiawan Muhammad 1 Bintoro Bagus Purmono 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose This paper aims to discuss the study about impulse buying influenced by hedonic shopping value, in-store stimuli, and fashion involvement in fashion product among high-income society in Bandung without planning before buying fashion products. Methodology The research will use descriptive and causal research method. The descriptive study aims to present information in a structured, factual, and accurate information of each variable . The causal research method is used to examine the influence of independent variables hedonic shopping value, in-store stimuli, fashion involvement on impulse buying. The sample in this study derived from the high-income societies in Bandung who had bought fashion products without planning. Expected Findings The results of this study are to make better comprehension. in terms of impulse buying which influenced by hedonic shopping value, in-store stimuli, and fashion involvement, and this study expected that there will be a positive correlation between each variable of independent variables and dependent variable as well. Managerial Implication Results of this study would help fashion retailers to choose the strategy for specific target market high-income society. Moreover, this study provides an opportunity to identify the potential success applications to ameliorate high-income society for buying fashion products without planning. 38 Origanility This study is would only conduct towards high-income society in Bandung, among big cities in Indonesia. Bandung is one of three cities that has growing impulsive on buying fashion products in fashion mall. Keyword: impulse buying, hedonic shopping value, in-store stimuli, fashion involvement, fashion products, high-income 39 A Brief Description Of Current E-Commerce Market Landscape In India Kevin Allan Maha 1 Sikandar Hasib 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD ABSTRACT Purpose E-commerce stands for electronic commerce. E-commerce is doing business online and electronically. The present study has been carried out to make a better understanding about the E-Commerce industry in India. DesignMethodologyApproach The research will apply descriptive and causal research method. The primary objective of this descriptive study is to present the contemporary picture of E-Commerce in India. The method which has been used is casual in nature to create a better understanding of E-Commerce in India. Expected Finding To describe the Current E-Commerce Market Landscape in India ManagerialPractical Implication The present development would be a valuable addition to researchers and academicians; and useful theory for practitioners, advertisers, and entrepreneurs. It will also assist strategic managers to develop a more appropriate strategy regarding E-Commerce sector in India. OriginalityValue This paper simply aims to create a better understanding about Indian E- commerce from the contemporary aspect. 40 The Influence Of Hospital Staff Performance And Interpersonal Communication Skill On Patient Satisfaction Case Study In Emergency Department Of Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Melani Shintya Andiani 1 Puspita Candrasari 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this research is to study the influence of staff performance and interpersonal communication skill on patient satisfaction, in emergency department of Hasan Sadikin General Hospital in Bandung, West Java Designmethodologyapproach: Independent variables in this research are staff performance and interpersonal communication skill. While the dependent variable is patient satisfaction. The research will be using cross sectional design. Patients or caregivers will fill a standardized questionnaire to measure their satisfaction level. Multiple logistic regression will be used to analyze the data. The population of this research is the patients who had received treatment at Emergency Department of Hasan Sadikin General Hospital and were still waiting to be discharged. Expected findings: The expected result is that there is a positive relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable. Practical implication: The result will assist the hospital to evaluate the ability of the staff in building relationship and interpersonal communication with the patients and also measure the competency of the emergency staff. It is also useful in planning the training and development program in the hospital, and developing the excellent service guidelines. 41 Originality value: This research is the only research that has ever been done in Emergency Department of Hasan Sadikin General Hospital regarding patient satisfaction from interpersonal communication and staff performance aspects. Moreover, the study relies on emergency department of Hasan Sadikin General Hospital to explain and understand results Keyword: staff performances, communication skills, patient satisfaction. 42 The Effect of Tax Amnesty on the Improvement of Tax Revenue and Database Aditya Bagus Pribadi 1 Rendy Rosady 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose The purpose of this paper is to determine the success of Tax Amnesty program which began in July 2016 and will end in March 2017 and to know the influence of tax amnesty on tax revenue and tax database in Indonesia. Designmethodologyapproach The method used in this research is descriptive research method with independent sample T test. Descriptive study aims to present structured information, factual, and accurate information on the number of taxpayers, whether it be personal or business entities that follow the tax amnesty program. Independent sample T test is used to know the influence of tax amnesty before and after on tax revenue and tax database. Expected Finding The finding that we expect from this research is information of to what extent the amnesty influences the Indonesia’s tax database and how much redemption obtained from tax amnesty contributes to the fulfillment of targeted tax revenue. Practical implication This study can be used to analyze one of the main factors of why the realization of the State Budget has never been achieved so far. OriginalityValue This study was conducted when the program of tax amnesty is running by the government of Indonesia. This research will provide information on how many citizens of Indonesia follow the remission of taxes, how much redemption money received from tax amnesty is directly related to state 43 revenues from taxes as well as how big the influence of tax amnesty on Indonesias tax database where the target of the tax is charged to the Directorate General of Taxation, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. Keywords: tax amnesty, tax revenue, and tax database. 44 Macroeconomic and Bank-Specific Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: Evidence from Conventional Commercial Banks in Indonesia that Provided SME Loan in the period 2007-2013 Regina Yuliani 1 Septianti Chairunnisa 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose: This study aims to analyze determinants of NPL from macroeconomic perspective, as the representation of national economic condition and microeconomic or bank specific perspective, as the representation of bank SME loan provider. DesignMethodologyApproach: This study applies quantitative approach with causal explanatory. The analytical method used in this research is multiple regression. NPL acts as dependent variable Y, while independent variables consist of macro- economic factors, such as GDP growth rate X1, inflation rate X2, exchange rate X3 and unemployment rate X4 as well as bank-specific factors, such as lending interest rate X5, bank size X6 and bank risk appetite X7. The sample of this study is a group of selected banks that meet the spesific criteria in the period 2007 – 2013. Expected Findings: This study is expected to provide a result of comprehensive analysis of NPL determinants from macro and micro perspectives. Macro factors as the indicators of national economic condition suggest that macro factors signaling stable or growing economics will have lower NPL than the other ones signaling economic stress. Bank-specific factors as micro perspective also suggest that character of bank and its policy will have significant effects on NPL. Research Limitation and Practical Implication: The scope of this study is limited to one specific type of financial institution, i.e. bank, and one microcredit scheme, namely SME loans. Based on these limitations, future research is expected to consider non- 45 bank financial institutions and other microcredit schemes in Indonesia. This study aims to get a better understanding regarding the management of NPL as an indicator of bank performance from external macro factors and internal micro factors analysis. OriginalityValue: Research on NPL from microeconomic and macroeconomic scales is very limited. The originality of this research is reached by providing new insight from new perspective of NPL determinants in Indonesia. Keywords: NPL, SME LOAN, macro factor and micro factor 46 The Influence Of Organizational Change And Job Stress On Job Performance In Pt ‘X’ Bandung Vanisa Assadiah 1 Rezki Dimetti Tirana 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of organizational change, mainly acquisition, on job performance and the mediating effect of job stress on this relationship in PT ‘X’ Bandung. Design Methodology Approach: Survey data, analyzed using path analysis, will be used to measure the direct effects of organizational change on job stress and job stress on job performance, and the indirect effects between organizational change and job performance. The authors will utilize the employees in PT ‘X’ Bandung as sample. Expected Findings: The authors expect that the results will show negative correlations between organizational change and job stress and that job stress, in turn, can significantly influence job performance. Research Limitation and Practical Implication: The authors may misinterpret the respondent’s responses to various questions on the questionnaire. Another potential limitation to the study is a lack of truthfulness, skills, or bias in the answers to the questions asked. Further research with different scope of organizational change, job stress, job performance, and locations may be necessary to confirm the results of this paper. This study will be valuable for PT ‘X’ and all parties who may be interested in the influence of organizational change and job stress on job performance in Indonesia and also can provide PT ‘X’ with recommendations of how they should manage this situation. Originality Value: Many previous studies have explored the influence of organizational change on job performance or the influence of job stress on job 47 performance but only few that examine the effect of organizational change, mainly acquisition, on job performance and the mediating effect of job stress on this relationship. Keyword: organizational change, job stress, job performance 48 COMPETITIVE STRATEGY ANALYSIS TO INCREASE COMPETITIVENESS IN EXPORTING SEAWEED FROM INDONESIA TO JAPAN Kenny Doenanke Aulia 1 Rizky Mustika Hati 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose: This research is aimed to formulate business strategies of Indonesian companies that produce seaweed to achieve export targets. In addition, this study measures the Indonesian seaweed competitive advantages in export destination countries to determine the competitiveness of Indonesian seaweed in Japan. The competitiveness of Indonesian seaweed is also analyzed to see the strengths and weaknesses of seaweed exports from Indonesia. Designmethodologyapproach: In this study, the data used are primary data and secondary data. This research is qualitatively descriptive, using Porter’s five forces model analysis and SWOT analysis. The samples are two companies that produce seaweed and successfully export it to Japan. The collection of data is obtained from the Department of Marine and Fisheries in West Java, Central Bureau of Statistics, and studies of related literature. Expected findings: This research is expected to be useful for industries that produce seaweed in order to implement competitive strategies that can penetrate export markets in Japan and the seaweed industry to sustain the company for the long term by implementing appropriate competitive strategies. Practical implication: In improving the competitiveness of the industry that produces seaweed in Indonesia, this research analyzes the external and internal factors within the company that has been able to penetrate the export market, and implements these strategies in order to be used as guidelines for companies that have not yet been able to fulfill the criteria for the export market to Japan. 49 Originality value: This research will help companies in Indonesia export seaweed to Japan by using a competitive strategy that is able to be implemented by companies that have successfully exported seaweed to Japan. This study provides knowledge regarding the solution in improving the competitiveness of enterprises to promote and sustain the activities of seaweed exports for companies that produce seaweed in Indonesia. Keywords: competitive strategy,export, porter’s five forces model, swot analysis. 50 Executive Class 51 The influence of Hashtag on Instagram and Value Creation to the visitors Case Study of visitors of Bandung City Neni Suryani 1,3 Dhea Ryane Yanuar 2,3 1 Administrators at Pacific Capital Investment; 2 Caroline Officer Telkomsel Infomedia; 3 Student of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran ABSTRACT Purpose This research is about well internal factors of Bandung city, including all components of Bandung and others especially for the tourism to make tourists visit Bandung. All information in this research is from social media on a Hashtag to improve value creation of Bandung. Method The method of this research is quantitative method. Quantitative research is to provide structural, factual and accurate information on marketing the tourism of Bandung city that influences the coming of tourists to Bandung. The population of the research is addressed in social media on Instagram using hashtag and getting satisfied. Hope Hypothesis that’s expanded in this research is the better perception on the qualities of places, services, features and public facilities in Bandung City, for maintaining the values of Bandung City as one of the destinations on tourisms either for locals or for tourists. By observing the result of which could be found by all people in media social, Instagram using hashtag will give visitors all information about Bandung, bad or good. Practice Implications This research will guide us to know about other factors influencing tourists to come over to Bandung. Whether it is about the services or the beauty of Bandung City containing the prices, places and concepts or even the aesthetics influences this but the societies need to get attention because we know that the people of Bandung is “someah”. 52 Originality This writing is a study that has been done in Bandung City, Indonesia for calculating the quality of marketing, one of which is justified by perception of the use of hash tag in Instagram to increase value creation on tourism of Bandung City. Keywords: Hashtag, Instagram, marketing, Value Creation 53 Analysis of The Impact Fertilizer Subsidy by The Government on Financial Performance Case Study at PT Pupuk Kujang Firman Ariangga 1,3 Noery Mutiarahim 2,3 1 Accounting Manager at PT. Pupuk Kujang; 2 Finance Staff at PT. Adverta Nata Usaha Jaya, 3 Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose This study aims to analyze the impact of fertilizer subsidy by the government on financial performance in PT Pupuk Kujang, related to subsidies income by the government subsidies, especially in the production of fertilizers. Design methodologyapproach The research will use regression analysis and independent sample t-test. The analysis data technique and hypothesis testing using SPSS software. Object of this research is PT. Pupuk Kujang. Financial performance is measured using data statement of cash flow of PT. Pupuk Kujang in the year 2007-2015. Expected Finding This study is expected to find positive impact towards subsidy policy of fertilizer, subsidies income on financial performance. So the expected results of this study is perception that positive impact towards towards subsidy policy of fertilizers, subsidies income on financial performance. Practical implication This case study will give an information in knowing the impact of subsidy policy of fertilizers, sales income of subsidies fertilizer on financial performance PT. Pupuk Kujang. OriginalityValue This paper is the only study that is done in PT Pupuk Kujang, that analysis the impact of fertilizer subsidy by the government on financial performance in PT. Pupuk Kujang. 54 Keyword: Fertilizer Subsidy, subsidy rules, financial performance and Cash flow 55 The Association of Working Environment and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bandung dr. Riza Putri Aulia Hernowo 1,3 Sonia Rama, S.KG 2,3 1 General Practitioner at Bandung General Hospital, 2 Dental Co Assistant at Padjadjaran University; 3 Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of satisfaction among nurses working at Bandung General Hospital and to find the association between four factors of work environment including autonomy, control over practice, nurse-doctor relationship, and organizational support with the satisfaction level. Design methodology approach This study uses cross sectional method to describe the proportion of job satisfaction as well as its association with four factors or working environments among working nurses at Bandung General Hospital. A questionnaire used is Revised Nursing Work Index NWI-R which consists of 57 items comprising four main subscales of autonomy, control over practice, nurse-doctor relationship, and organizational support with the satisfaction level. Multivariate analyses are performed to investigate the independent risk of each factor all together by using logistic regression. The sample used is all working nurses who have been working for six months. Expected Finding This study expects to see that working environment factors such as autonomy, control over practice, nurse-doctor relationship, and organizational support are associated and can be used as predictors for nursing job satisfaction among nurses at Bandung General Hospital. ManagerialPractical implication The results of the study would have managerial implication by helping the hospital management to manage nursing’s working environment in order to improve the workers’ satisfaction. This study would also provide 56 practical implication by improving patient care and health services through increasing the workers’ satisfaction. OriginalityValue This paper is the only study that is done in Bandung General Hospital which measures the level of job satisfaction and how working environments’ factors are associated with it. Keyword: Nurse satisfaction, working environment, autonomy, doctor- nurse relationship, control over practice, organizational support. 57 Influence Of Marketing Capability Innovation Capability To Marketing Perfomance In Bandung City Priambodo Pratignyo 1,3 Wishnu Bhatara 2,3 1 Consultant at Anton Sulthon IF, SH. Rekan; 2 Junior Staff at PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat Banten Tbk.; 3 Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjajaran Abstract Purpose Marketing capabilities and innovation capabilities is essential to survive in the competitive business world, particularly business travel and restaurant in Bandung. Marketing is not just making the company afloat, but innovation is also as important as marketing. Marketing capabilities and innovation capabilities potentially creating valuable relationships especially for sustantibility company. This paper aims to determine the strength of the relationship between marketing capabilities and innovation capabilities with marketing performance. Methodology The study is a qualitative descriptive study, which included qualitative research. The purpose of this study is to reveal the facts, circumstances, phenomena, variables and circumstances that occurred while running the research and presenting what it is. To test the hypothesis in this study conducted a few tools and statistical techniques with Validity Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Correlation analysis, Regression analysis. Expected Finding This paper is expected to provide the result of a comprehensive analysis of Marketing Capability and Innovation Capabality in the form of effect on business competition. Base on this finding, this paper can analyze the correlation between Marketing Capability and Innovation Capability toward Business Competition. OriginalityValue This paper is about the strength of the relationship between Marketing Capability and Innovation Capability toward Business Competition at XXX in 58 Bandung City. The result of this paper can be used as recommendations for restaurant. Keyword: Marketing Capability, Innovation Capability, Marketing Perfomance 59 The Role of Knowledge Creation and Innovation Capital Toward Employee Commitment Fanfan Rizky Oktavian 1,3 Ridwan Bagus Syahputra 2,3 1 Credit Officer at Microfinance Institutions, Bandung, West Java, 2 GA Consultant; 3 Students of Master of Management Program, FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose The purpose of this research to examine the impact the role of knowledge creation and innovation capital toward employee commitment in public sector organization. Design methodology approach The research will use the quantitative research. The central focus of this study is to implementing the role of knowledge creation and innovation capital toward employee commitment in public sector organization. Expected Finding The expected result of this research is to know the impact the role of knowledge creation and innovation capital toward employee commitment in public sector organization. ManagerialPractical implication This research will find out the factors that is also influence knowledge measurement base on 4 four dimension such as sosialization, externalization, combination, and internalization, innovation base 5 five dimension relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, triability, observability and employee commitment affective commitment, continuous commitment, normative commitment. OriginalityValue This paper is the only study that is done in the public sector organization in Bandung, Indonesia that measures the impact of knowledge management to employee commitment. Keyword: knowledge management, knowledge creation, innovation, employee commitment 60 Comprehension Of Relationship Quality In The Retail Environment. Case Study of PT Pupuk Kujang Sales on Nitrea’s Product Hikmat Rachmatullah 1,3 Mohamad Gani 2,3 1 Sales Manager at PT. Pupuk Kujang; 2 Sales Superintendent at PT. Pupuk Kujang, 3 Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study to find an interactions between relationship quality and intermediary management to buying decision process on farmers. The correlation would be an indication that the buying decision process is influenced not only because of the kiosks factor but also because of the quality relations with consumers. Design methodology approach This research method by giving questionnaires to 320 farmers in Karawang district in 32 sub-districts. Karawang selected as research sites because that area has been one of the center of the national granary in Indonesia, as well as a district of the PT Pupuk Kujang factories was builded. Based on primary data from the questionnaires, will look for a correlation between Quality and Intermediary Relationship Management on the Buying Decision Process. Expected Finding From the results of this study are expected correlation between Relationship Quality with the Buying Decision Process, there is a correlation between the Intermediary with the Buying Decision Process Management, an interaction between the Intermediary Relationship and Quality Management to the Buying Decision Process. ManagerialPractical implication In this paper, the authors attempt to find; how should kiosk build quality relationships with their farmers as consumers, and how to define the criteria in the selection of the kiosk as an intermediary, which would affect the purchase decision process of Nitrea products by farmers. The results of this paper is expected to be a guide for PT Pupuk Kujang in determining the kiosk and create a standard procedure for the kiosks in building quality 61 relationships with farmers, which will ultimately increase sales on Nitreas product for PT Pupuk Kujang. OriginalityValue This paper will also be useful for any retailer in order to build quality relationships with their customers. This writing is also will be needed by the distributors to specify the minimum standards that must be owned by kiosks how the products gets the attention by prospective customers, or consumers who already feel the benefit product will not switch to another kiosks. Keyword: Relationship Quality, Intermediary Management, Buying Decision 62 The Mapping Of Competitive Analysis Using Bcg Matrix In Formulating Corporate And Business Strategy In Pharmaceutical Industries Muhammad Haris 1,3 Tri Mahar Lazuardi 2,3 1 Production Supervisor at PT. Sanbe Farma; 2 Program Planner at Ministry of Trade; 3 Master of Management Program, FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to formulate the strategy in pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia based on the competitive analysis of a firm. One of the tools that use to analyze the competitiveness analysis in industries is BCG Matrix. Design methodology approach The research will use descriptive and causal research method. Descriptive study aims to present information in a structured, factual, and accurate information on the competitive analysis factor. Causal research method is used to examine the influence of competitive analysis on the formulating of strategy in the industries. The mapping of competitive analysis of the firm using BCG Matrix would help corporate and business unit to formulate the strategy in the industry. Expected Finding The result of using BCG Matrix as the tool to analyze the competitive analysis is the position of firm in the four cells labeled Star, Cash Cows, Question Mark and Dog. The strategy for corporate and business unit will be formulated based on the position at the four cells in BCG Matrix. ManagerialPractical implication The results of the study would have managerial implication to the pharmaceutical firm particularly in formulating corporate and business strategy that affects the firm’s competitive capabilities in the industry. Keyword: competitive analysis, BCG Matrix, corporate and business strategy 63 The Influence of Government Regulation and Services Quality to the Peformance Services at Transportation Sector Debby Muliadin 1,3 and Prapto Utomo 2,3 1 Founder of Green White Travel Bus; 2 Specialist Signaling Railway Evaluation at Indonesia Railway Corporation; 3 Master of Management Program, FEB Unpad Abstract Purpose This research is aimed to determine how public service performance in transportation sector that affected by government regulation and customer satisfaction index . Designmethodologyapproach This research use survey and case study approach as designanalysis method to determine effect between government regulation and customer satisfaction index to public services performance. With sample of 1000 economy class train and commuter line passenger as respondent. Expected Finding Expect finding of this study is to determine the effect of government regulation and customer satisfaction index towards public service quality in transportation sector in Indonesia. By knowing the effect of regulation factor and train users satisfaction index, it is expected that both factors can be guidance in improving public service quality in Indonesia. In private sector, this research can be used as reference in improving minimum service standard so they can retain their customers and improve top mind of corporate image in public services. Practical Implication Practical implication of this research can be used to know what appropriate regulation to be applied by government especially in the public transportation service. Originality Value Originality value this paper is aimed to determine public service level with quantitative method. 64 Keyword: goverment regulation, minimum service standard, tarrif, customer satisfaction index 65 Which CAMEL’s Analysis Variables, Have The Strongest Influences To Profit Growth on BPR in West Java Muhammad Iqbal Ramdani 1,2 , Muhammad Shendy Rachman 2 1 Staff Credit Analyst Credit BPR Microfinance Divisions at PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat Banten Tbk.; 2 Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose The purpose of this paper is to determine which CAMEL’s analysis Variables have the biggest influence on Profit Growth. Designmethodologyapproach Data retirived from balance sheets, income statements and notes of selected Rural bank on Indonesia during late 3 years Expected findings The Researchers expected that the result of this study is Capital, Asset, and Earning had a significant influence to determine the profit growth, while the liquidity ratio have less influence on it. Research limitationsimplications due the availbility of data that we’ve been retrieved, the findings of our research doesn’t impair it. Because the sample is the main part on rural banking system on selected region. The economic factors external factors contributing to profit growth are not covered in this paper. Orginalityvalue this paper help the readers to understand how rural bank economic foundation, and how they contribute on the growth of economic, and In this paper an attempt is made to discuss the financial performance of selected regional rural banks on west java during last three years. 66 Analysis of Critical Success Factors for Balanced Scorecard Implementation: Case Study in PT Hexpharm Jaya Laboratories, a Pharmaceutical Company Irvan Rivani 1,3 Rocky Diardi 2,3 1 Manufacturing System Development Manager at PT Hexpharm Jaya Labs; 2 Marketing Division at PT. Eltran Indonesia; 3 Students of Master of Management Program, FEB Unpad ABSTRACT Purpose This paper aims to study the barriers to effective implementation of Balanced Scorecard, to increase understanding of the factors which may cause BSC implementation to fail. This study also expands the boundary of knowledge of Balanced Scorecard implementation by adding the important factors that organization should consider when implementing the Balanced Scorecard, in addition to identifying critical success factors that influence the effectiveness of Balanced Scorecard model implementation in the company. Design Methodology Approach This investigation adopts an explanatory and an exploratory qualitative case study method to analyze the effectiveness of BSC over the strategy management processes. The researchers choose the case study method because it provides a good understanding and content theorization of the processes and context in which the practices of management control take place Adams et al., 2006; Berry and Otley, 2004; Berry et al., 2009. This Case-study research will use a fast growing Pharmaceutical company namely PT Hexpharm Jaya Laboratories, a Pharmaceutical company owned by Kalbe Farma Tbk., as the case-study organization which has implemented BSC since 2009. Expected Finding The expected finding developed in this study is that the critical success factors CSF influencing the effectiveness of Balanced scorecard implementation can be identified. The researchers compare critical success factors identified from literature with the actual implementation in the company, i.e strategy map development process, communication, company alignment, monitoring, learning and strategic feedback that influence the effectiveness of balanced scorecard implementation. The 67 expected finding also expands the boundary of knowledge of Balanced Scorecard implementation by identifying other important factors that organization should consider when implementing the Balanced Scorecard. Practical implication The results of this study will find out the critical success factors that should be considered by other firms that are implementing or about to implement the Balanced Scorecard, by aiding them in recognising the critical success factors before investing more time and effort. The results will also suggest the kind of action that should be taken to increase the effectiveness of Balanced scorecard implementation in enterprises. OriginalityValue This paper is probably the first attempt to examine the critical success factors that should be considered in effectively implementing the Balanced Scorecard. Keyword: Balance score card, critical success factors, Strategy map, communication, alignment, learning, feedback. 68 The Influence Of Corporate Culture And Competitive Advantage On The Company’s Business Performance Case Study In Pt Bank Ocbc Nisp Tbk. Yulia Isana Pratiwi 1,3 , Valiensi Utia 2,3 1 Service Assistant at PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk.; 2 Finance and Accounting Section Head PT. Astra Nippon Gasket Indonesia; 3 Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of corporate culture and competitive advantage on company’s business performance, particularly in OCBC NISP Bandung area. DesignMethodologyApproach The research will use qualitative research method using research tools such as interviews an surveys in order to gain a better understanding the underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations, also uncover trends in thought and opinios, and dive deeper into the problem. The interview and survey involve employees of Operation and Service Division, including teller, service asisstant, operation head, and senior branch operation head. Expected Findings The expected results of this study is to find how corporate culture and competitive advantage can affect business performance. Furthermore, this study is also expected to provide a new perspective in perceiving corporate culture and competitive advantage as key elements to develop business performance. ManagerialPractical Implication The result of the study will have managerial implication to OCBC NISP management, specifically to ensure that corporate culture is believed as a competitive advantage that can drive a better business result. This study also provide practical implication such as building employees awareness through OCBC NISP corporate culture to act and behave in certain ways when they deliver service to all customers. 69 OriginalityValue This study provides support for the description on how corporate culture and competitive advantage can affect business performance in OCBC NISP Bandung area. Keywords: corporate culture, competitive advantage, business performance Paper Type: Case study paper 70 The Influence Of Talent Management And Innovation Capability To Employee Satisfaction In Micro Credit Unit Bank Mandiri Anugerah Mufti Putra 1,3 , Arif Madya Armanto 2,3 1 Entrepreneur at Agnia Shoes Home Industry, Tasikmalaya; 2 M2M Marketing at PT. Tricada Intronik, Bandung; 3 Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose This study is to find the effect of talent management and innovation capability to employee satisfaction in micro credit unit Bank Mandiri, particularly in micro credit unit Bank Mandiri Bandung. Design methodology approach The research will use the qualitative research. The central focus of this study is to present accurate information of the influence of talent management and innovation capability to employee satisfaction. Population of this study is the staff of micro credit unit Bank Mandiri in Bandung. Expected Finding The hypothesis of this study there is influence between talent management and innovation capabilities to employee satisfaction. The expected result is the better talent management and innovation capabilities from an organization, can make employee more satisfaction than before and reduce the turn over. Practical implication This research will find out the factors that make employee more satisfaction based 5 dimension motivator, organization support, reward, career growth, job enrichment based on the influence of talent management staffing and recruitment, training and development, awards and recognition, defend practices and innovation capability product innovation, innovation process, marketing innovation, organizational innovation. 71 OriginalityValue This paper is the only study that is done in Public Bank in Bandung, Indonesia that measures the effect of talent management and innovation capability to employee satisfaction. Keyword: talent management, innovation capability, employee satisfaction 72 Developing Performance Measurement And Setting Their Targets For A Small Start-Up Manufacturing Company In Indonesia Using Balanced Scorecard: A Case Study Of Pt. Multi Sarana Silicaindo Supiansyah 1,3 Deri Kurniawan 2,3 1 General Manager – Factory at PT. Multi Sarana Silicaindo; 2 HRD Analyst at Center for Geological Institute; 3 Student of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose The purpose of this research is to help a small start-up manufacturing company top management in developing the performance management process, select measures and indicators using balanced scorecard, which relate to the strategies of their organisations directly. Further research is needed to get the information about the implementation of balanced scorecard in other small start-up manufacturing companies. Design methodology approach The research will use qualitative approach. The central focus of this research is to propose balanced scorecard for PT. Multi Sarana Silicaindo as a small start-up manufacturing company. The balanced scorecard shall be understood by the top management, Therefore they must be able to explain and describe in more detail, accurate and logic about the strategics of their organisations and how to build of their performance measurement indicators using balanced scorecard. Expected Finding The hypothesis developed in this research is the better perception towards performance measurement of PT. Multi Sarana Silicaindo. The expected results of this research is to establish performance development and evaluation system at PT. Multi Sarana Silicaindo of Indonesia using balanced scorecard. ManagerialPractical implication The results of the research would have managerial implication to the PT. Multi Sarana SIlicaindo particularly in measuring performance using balanced scorecard in their manufacturing environment that affects to make positive changes and improve their management and performance. 73 This research also would provide practical implication such as finding out the factors that is also influence performance measurement based on 4 four perspectives in balanced scorecard such as financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process as well as learning and growth. OriginalityValue This research will propose the specific performance measurement using balanced scorecard for PT. Multi Sarana SIlicaindo. It will help PT. Multi Sarana SIlicaindo to convert and deliver the strategy into a clear and achievable strategic initiatives, and the appropriate performance evaluation indicators. Keyword: Balanced Scorecard, Performance Development, Performance Evaluation, Good Governance, Public Sector 74 Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Leave among Nursing Staff Working in Sari Asih Ar-Rahmah Islamic Hospital Tangerang Pradipta Suarsyaf General Practitioner at Sari Asih Ar-Rahmah Islamic Hospital, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Padjadjaran University MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate and explain the level of burnout, job satisfaction and intention to leave among nursing staff in Sari Asih Ar- Rahmah Islamic Hospital Tangerang. The high responsibility of nurses working in hospitals has become a concern because they interact intensely with patients who act as customers of the health services. This study aims to find a correlation between these three factors among nursing staff in a Hospital. DesignMethodologyApproach This study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional design and will use analytical methods. Expected Findings The hypothesis of this study is that there is a correlation between these three factors. Practical Implication This study can illustrate to the management of the hospital about the level of burnout, job satisfaction and intention to leave among nursing staff in their hospital and whether there is a correlation between these variables. This information can be used by the hospital to evaluate their working environment and build a constructive solution for their situation. OriginalityValue This study is the only study that is done in Sari Asih Ar-Rahmah Islamic Hospital Tangerang that investigates about burnout, job satisfaction and intention to leave among nursing staff with the intention to explain and to find a correlation between these variables. Keyword: burnout; job satisfaction; intention to leave; nurse 75 The Effect of Brand Trust and Relationship Quality to Customer Loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi Rika Permatasari Effendi 1,3 Virza Yuniar 2,3 1 Twin Tulipware Indonesia, 2 Marketing at DValue Wedding Decoration, 3 Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose This research discusses how much the influence of brand trust and relationship quality to customer loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi. Design methodology approach This research use descriptive and quantitative methods. descriptive study aims to present the information in a structured information, factual, and accurate information on factors brand trust and relationship quality affecting consumer loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi. The population of this research is directed consumers in Cirebon and surrounding areas who have used the services EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi. Expected Finding The hypothesis developed in this research is a better perception of the brand trust and relationship quality that makes the promotion of consumer loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi. So the expected results then that brand relationship quality and gives a positive influence on customer loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi. The practical implications The study aims to determine whether the factors of brand trust and relationship quality aspects have influence on consumer loyalty to EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi. The aspects in the realtionship quality diataranya is satisfaction, trust, and commitment. Further aspects included in brand trust is performace Competence and Benevolence Intention. While on consumer loyalty variable aspect views including the Repeat Purcase, Retention, and Referalls. 76 Originality value This paper is the only study conducted in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi, Indonesia. To determine whether the factors brand trust and relationship quality influence on customer loyalty to EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi Cirebon, Indonesia. Keyword : Relationship quality, Brand trust, Customer Loyalty. 77 The Influence of Systematic Risk, Interest Rates, Change in Tax Rates to the Stock Return of Indonesian Property Companies Listed in IDX Karla Okta Mianda 1,3 , Ratika Puspita Sari 2,3 1 Accounting Tax Analyst at Astra Property Group, 2 Accounting Staff at PT. LEN Industri; 3 Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Abstract Purpose There are some risk factors that could affect investor desicion from investing in companies stock. Investor would expect to invest in stock that offer the lowest risk with the highest return, therefore they perform a variety of risk analysis before involving in stock exchanges. This study will analyze the risk factors that could affect companies stock performance in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the The Influence of Systematic Risk, Interest Rates, Change in Tax Rates to the Stock Return of Indonesian Property Companies. DesignMethodologyApproach The study use descriptive method with secondary data collection methods and cross sectional data. The samples taken by using purposive sampling of financial report of Indonesian property industries that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The hypotheses were analyzed using linear regression analysis techniques. Expected Findings We expect that this study will show us that systematic risk, interest rates, changes in tax rates, have significant effect to the stock return of Indonesian Property simultanously and partially. Practical Implication The conclusion of this study could be describe the condition of stock exchanges in Indonesia and what risk factors that affect significantly on Indonesian stock performance. Keyword: Systematic risk, Interest Rates, Tax Rates, Stock Return 78 The Influence of Knowledge Creation Innovative Behaviour towards Work Efficiency In PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. Noodle Division Hermawan Cahyadi Priyo 1,3 , Santi Nurma Sari 2,3 1 Industrial Relation Staff at PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. Noodle Division - Branch Bandung, Padalarang, West Java; 2 Asisten Auditor Anti Fraud at Indonesian Bureau of Logistics, 3 Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose Research related to the influence of knowledge creation and Innovative Behavior towards Work Efficiency. This study aims to examine the implementation and impact of the knowledge that employees have behavioral and innovative so as to generate efficiency in terms of cost or expenses for training, work time and productivity granted to the company. DesignMetodologi This research will use The Qualitative Research. Descriptive data and information will provide a rich, structured and accurate through a Method Interview and Questionnaire. So that it can be used to be analyzed and processed in the search for the influence of knowledge creation and innovative behavior towards work efficiency in PT. Indofood CBP Sukse Makmur Tbk. Population of this study is the employee of PT. Indofood CBP Sukse Makmur Tbk Noodle Division Branch Bandung Expected Finding Hypothesis in this study is influence between knowledge creation and innovative behavior to the efficiency of work. The Expected is to increase the work efficiency for companies or organizations, create new knowledge from the information obtained and innovative employees can behave. Knowing the factors that may increase the companys efficiency because innovative behavior. Practical Implication The results of this study are expected to be implicated in a company or organization in managing and empowering employees, so as to generate efficiency in terms of cost or expenses for training, work time and 79 productivity to the company. Find The Factor that can make the efficiency in work based on the influence knowledge creation and innovative behavior OriginalityValue This research will provide information related to impact of the Knowledge creation and Innovative Behavior towards Work Efficiency and the only study that is done in Manufacturing especially Food - Noodle Manufacture. Keyword: Knowledge Creation, Innovative Behavior, Work Efficiency, Efficiency 80 Analizing Effect Of Shift Work Systems On Job Satisfaction In PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Mici Annisa Soraya HRD Staff at Rajawali Nusantara indonesia; Students of Master Of Management Program Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose Analysis Research Aimed singer was a proposal for the review know how to influence systemic effects work shifts Against employee productivity PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Makassar. Design Methodology Approach This research is an explanatory research that aims to test causal relationship between variables. The method used is a survey method. The data analysis technique used is path analysis that examines the interplay between variables and determines the direct and indirect influence. The population in this study is the employees of pt charoen pokphand indonesia. Expected Findings The analysis is expected to find variables with significant influence toward the job satisfaction, so that the result of this study can be a reference for further human capital management in pt charoen pokphand indonesia. Research Limitation And Practical Implication Employee productivity and engagement is based ON ACTIVITIES whole company is mainly based AT Shifting System Works. employee involvement in PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia determining the employees contribution to the review Seeing the Companys productivity OriginalityValue This analysis may provide an overview of productivity of employees in pt charoen pokphand indonesia so that the result of this study can be used as reference material for the evaluation of strategic measures for further company’s performance. Keywords: Shift Work Systems, Job Satisfaction 81 The Effect Of Banking Intermediation, Credit Risk And Operational Efficiency On Profitability Study In Bank Tabungan Negara Persero, Tbk. Period 2010 – 2015 Selvi Lusiana Senior Manager at Bank Tabungan Negara Persero Tbk., Head Office Jakarta Indonesia; Students of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of banking intermediation, credit risk and operational efficiency on profitability. Banking intermediation is measured by loan to deposit ratio LDR, credit risk is measured by non performing loans NPLs, operational efficiency is measured by ratio of operating expense to operating income OEOI and profitability is measured by return on assets ROA. DesignMethodologyApproach The methods used are descriptive and verification methods, with secondary data from financial statements of PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Persero, Tbk. period 2010 – 2015. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression, while hypothesis testing uses T - test to examine the effect of partial variables and F - test to examine the effect of variables simultaneously with a significance level of 5 . Expected Finding During the period 2010 to 2015 the bank has been carrying out intermediary function optimally. This is indicated by the increasing ratio of loan to deposit ratio LDR. But the increase in LDR is not followed by an increase in profitability even bank profitability as measured by ROA tends to decrease. The low ROA is allegedly due to the increased credit risk and low operational efficiency. Based on the relationship between research objectives and theoretical framework to the formulation of the research problem, the research hypotheses are LDR, NPLs, and OEOI effect ROA. ManagerialPractical Implication Based on the results, it is concluded that partially LDR has positive and significant effect on ROA; NPLs have negative and significant effects on 82 ROA; and OEOI has negative and significant effects on ROA; Simultaneously, LDR, NPLs and OEOI significantly influence ROA with the level of 86.2, while the remaining 13.8 is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. OriginalityValue Results of this study are expected to be used as guidelines for the management of the bank to manage bank profitability to be a healthy bank. Keywords: loan to deposit ratio LDR, non-performing loans NPLs, ratio of operating expenses to operating income OEOI, return on assets ROA. 83 The Influence Of Corporate Culture, Motivation And Leadership On Employee Performance In Sharia Bank In Indonesia Adisya Anggistya 1,2 , Ferdi Abas 2 1 PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri, 2 Master Of Management Program, Faculty Of Economics And Business Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose - In the current era of globalization, the role of banks in promoting the economy of a country is very big. Almost all sectors related to various financial activities always require services of Banks. The banking industry has undergone many changes over the years, such as the increasing needs of the community for banking services, driven by the wariness of the future that makes people want to save some funds, as well as for the smooth running of their businesses. With increasing requirements, then banks should also increase the level of their service to the community, be able to properly protect the public funds entrusted to them and to channel funds for the achievement of community development objectives. The purpose of this paper is to determine and analyze the influence of corporate culture, motivation and leadership on employee performance in PT Bank Syariah Mandiri either simultaneously or partially Designmethodologyapproach - This study applies a descriptive method. The independent variables are Corporate Culture X1, Motivation X2 and Leadership X3. The dependent variable is Employee Performance Y. The data used in this study are collected through questionnaires, by distributing a list of questions which are answered in writing by the respondents. Sampling is taken randomly from employees in PT Bank Syariah Mandiri using a simple random sampling. Expected findings - This paper is expected to provide a comprehensive analysis of funds and loan disbursement in Sharia Banks. Based on this finding, this paper can analyze the correlation between capital and loan disbursement in Sharia Banks as suggested in the title and a brief recommendation on how capital and loan disbursement in Sharia Banks should increase their profitability. Research Limitation and Practical implication - This paper is limited in the scopes of research which only include sharia banks such as public and 84 private banks. Further research with a different scope about banking industry may be needed to confirm the result of this paper. This paper is written to provide good feedback to the regulator, Bank Indonesia and other banking industry and all parties who may be interested in banking industry which is focused on loan disbursement in Indonesia, students, and business people. Originalityvalue - This paper is about how corporate culture, motivation and leadership on employee performance in PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. Keyword - corporate culture, motivation, leadership, employees performance, PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. 85 The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Leadership Style on Employee Performance Study at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung Nita Nursita 1,2 1 Financial Department at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, West Java; 2 Student of Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran Abstract Purpose The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of job satisfaction and leadership style on employee performance at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung. DesignMethodologyApproach The research is conducted using descriptive and verification methods. Expected Finding The hypothesis developed in this research is how that leadership style and job satisfaction effect employee performance, while leaders should pay attention to their leadership styles to improve the job satisfaction of employees at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung. ManagerialPractical Implication The results of this research would have managerial implication to Hasan Sadikin Hospital particularly to show that leaders may affect morale, job satisfaction, safety, quality of work life and especially the level of achievement of a company. Therefore, the leadership style in a company must be considered. OriginalityValue This research will propose a specific method for Hasan Sadikin Hospital. It will help to examine and analyze the effect of job satisfaction and leadership style on employee performance at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Leadership Style, Employee Performance 86 Cooperative Class 87 The Highest And Best Use Analysis To Determine The Type Of Aset Utilization Case Study on land at Jakarta Street, Bandung West Java Nurul Atikoh 1,3 , Suriyanti Gaffar 2,3 1 Ministry of Trade, 2 Ministry of Finance 3 Master of Management Program, FEB Unpad ABSTRACT Purpose This study discusses the proposal of the highest and best use of the land and building which owned by the Local Government of Bandung on land at Jakarta Street, Bandung West Java, conducted with analysis of property productivity in aspect of physical, location and also law aspect and regulation, using the threshold testing and rating grid so it can be determine the type of asset utilization. Thus, determined with supply and demand market analysis, and also finance feasibility analysis for each usage proposal. Methodology The research will use descriptive and analytic method. Descriptive study aims to present information in a structured, factual, reliable and accurate information on the legal, physically possible, appropriately, financially of Highest and Best Use Analysis. In this research, the data to be analyzed consist of primary data secondary data. Primary data containing the incomes data, rent and expenditure that offered as alternative used, obtained from interview, while physical data containing size measure, tread’s form, topography, utility and others was obtained through direct observation. Secondary data was obtained from Statistical Center Organization BPS, central government and local government’s institutions in Bandung. Expected Finding The hypothesis developed in this study is gained optimal land usage proposal that is the use of the integrated area which consists of apartments and shopping market. So the expected results of this study is get the highest and best types alternative using of government asset, thus, it can increase the optimization. 88 Practical implication This study will find out the other factors that is also considered by the government is the asset productivity in law aspect, regulation and also aspect of physical, location and financial using the threshold testing and rating grid so it can be obtained an optimal alternative usage. Whereas the financial aspect based on the indicator of finance feasibility by Net Present Value NPV, Internal Rate of Return IRR, Pay Back Period PBP, Rate Return on Investment ROI, and Benefit Cost Ratio BCR. OriginalityValue This paper is the only study that is done on the land at Jakarta Street, Bandung West Java, Indonesia, that determine of optimization asset by highest and best use analysis. Keyword: Highest and Best Use Analysis, Asset Utilization. 89 Why Does Policy Fail? Understanding The Problems Of Policy Implementation About Retribution Of Local Wealth Usage: A Case Study In Central Maluku District Sut Mutiah 1,2 , Dina Anggraeni 1,2 1 Indonesian Finance and Development Supervisory Agency BPKP 2 Program Magister Manajemen, FEB UNPAD ABSTRACT Purpose This study discusses the proposal of the research to study the policy implementation Regulations of the Central Maluku District No. 12 of 2007 about retribution of local wealth usage and its failure factor. Design methodology approach The research use qualitative descriptive method. The study involved three data collection techniques –interviews, observation, and document analysis. Expected Finding The result of the study indicates the lack of policy implementation by adopting Jones 1991:293 theory. Firstly, interpretation, the implementer doesn’t understand the policy well. For example, implementer does not levy regional asset of government house using retribution because no direction from the leader. The policy does not derive into Standard Operating Procedure SOP or guidebook and its retribution target to understand the command chain and its target. Secondly, organization, the implementer and what’s their job description isn’t available in the policy. Third, applications, the formulation of calculating the payment of Sports Building using is not in accordance with the policy. Besides that, any customer doesn’t pay the retribution. Practical implication This study will find out the failure factors that also determine the policy implementation by adopts Sunggono 1994:151 theory. There are the substance of policy, information, supporting, and allocate potential. OriginalityValue Findings from this study provide useful input for the policy makers, academics and asset management practitioners in Indonesia to establish 90 and reformulation policy. Besides that, The results of this study are expected to give the contribution to BMD studies related asset utilization and contribute to the Government of Central Maluku district as input to evaluate and reformulate retribution of local wealth usage resources. Keywords: policy implementation, retribution of local wealth usage, failure factors 91 Full Paper 92 Tourism Development in West Java Popy Rufaidah, SE., MBA., Ph.D. Head, Master Of Management Program Faculty Of Economics And Business Universitas Padjadjaran ABSTRACT Purpose DesignMethodologyApproach Expected Finding ManagerialPractical Implication OriginalityValue Keywords: 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Regular Class 101 Bank Performance On Stock Price: Evidence From Commercial Banks In Indonesia Before And After The 2008 Crisis Robby Falah Firdaus 1 Muhammad Hilmy Habibie 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD RESEARCH BACKROUND The objective of this research is to make sure that stock price evaluates bank performance indicators in the time before and after the 2008 crisis, and to know the direction from the evaluation, especially when choosing a stock as an investment. This goal will be attained through examining the relationship between bank performance RGEC and stock price. To investigate the relationship between these two, the authors collected secondary data from Commercial Banking Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX. For this purpose, in this study we use variables of Risks, Good Corporate Governance GCG, Earnings, Capital, and Stock Price. The main purpose of this study is to empirically test the impact of bank performance on stock price. This study will benefit people as a consideration in choosing the right stocks to invest, and for the Banking Companies, it contributes to the management of their performance, so they can maintain and survive their stock price. The announcement of accounting information gives a signal that the company has good prospects in the future good news, which interest the investors to trade shares. Because of that, the market will react, reflected through changes in the volume of stock tradings, which convey all of the information obtained about all the things that can affect the company, then generally the market will respond to such information as a signal of an event that would affect the value of the company as reflected by the stock price. Jogiyanto, 2000 The case that occurred in 2008 was the collapse of the US economy due to the credit crisis that hit major banks in the United States which subsequently affected the various banks around the world. Many banks suffered heavy losses due to the impact of the U.S subprime mortgage 102 crisis. After Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in September 2008, the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis spread, characterized by the withdrawal of funds in foreign currency, especially the US dollar by creditors, financial institutions and the US investors. The withdrawal was carried out by selling stock securities and debt securities previously purchased and redeemed in the rupiah to the dollar. Volatile rates and expectations of depreciation amidst the great turmoil may cause public funds to move or run to banks with high quality. The turmoil will also cause bank debtors to experience business difficulties. As a result, banks were experiencing liquidity and led to increase the cost of funds so that banks do not bias in fulfilling their obligations to the Third Party Funds TPF. Withdrawal of funds by foreign insvestors caused banks to face a liquidity crisis and a decrease in productive asset. Therefore, commercial banks in Indonesia, especially Islamic banks are required to improve their performance, so that the crisis does not affect significantly in Indonesia, while maintaining the health of banks in order to remain resilient in the face of the ongoing crisis, The authors predict that bank stocks could be the culprit of JCI decline in a short term. This is because bank’s profit was diffcult to raise due to international economic slowdown that affected the national economy. We expect that there will be improvements in the performance of bank stocks. Prior researches have indicated a range of variables affecting stock price, but there’s still no clear view of the affecting variables and how great each of their impact is. Our paper contributes to the existing literatures by evaluating the relationship between performance using RGEC and stock price. Weston and Brigham 2004 said that earnings and risk level are part of the factors that affect stock price. David and Kurniawan 2010 added that the capital structure also affects stock price, and Alwi 2008 also said that the companys internal environment also affects the stock price. Some researches have been conducted to the subject of bank performance and stock price. Hariandy’s research 2010 shows that bank performance affects significantly on stock price. Laverty’s research 2001 shows that there is no 103 direct association between profitability and share. Gharaibeh’s research 2014 shows that there is a weak and significant relation between liquidity and stock, while the relationship with capital was also weak but insignificant. Motwani and Pandya’s research 2013 shows that corporate governance doesn’t affect the stock price. This paper is structured as follows: following this introduction, section 2 describes bank performance indicators RGEC. Section 3 reviews the existing literatures on the inter-temporal relationship among risk, good corporate governance, earnings, capital, and stock price. Section 4 outlines the empirical methodology. LITERATURE REVIEW This research describes the performance of 20 Commercial Banks from 2010 - 2015. However, this study focused on the effects caused by the policy on the performance level of 20 Commercial Banks that have gone public. Risk-Based Bank Rating RBBR method is used in this research. In RBBR method, there are four factors that are accounted for, namely Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings and Capital RGEC. The variables used in this study are NPL, LDR, GCG, ROA and CAR. Performance Level The performance level of a bank is an important feature that should be known by its stakeholders. Assessment of bank performance is useful in implementing GCG and facing future risks PBI No.131PBI2011. Especially for the shareholders, the assessment of bank performance level will act as a signal determining investment decisions. Irma, Rini and Yeni, 2016 The higher profit achieved by banks attributes to the lower cost through either superior management or production process rather than the concentrated market. Because the efficient banks have the ability to obtain higher market share, one way to distinguish between the two hypotheses is to include both the market share and concentration in the profitability equation. Tan and Floros, 2014 In general, the assessment of bank performance, has undergone significant changes since it was first enacted in 1999, namely from CAMEL to CAMELS 104 to the present RGEC method being used by BI. Through RGEC, the central bank seeks to ensure that banks are able to identify problems even earlier, to follow up through the appropriate repairs faster, and implement Good Corporate Governance GCG and better risk management so banks become more robust against financial crises. Irma, Rini and Yeni, 2016 A number of indices of corporate profitability and growth are used in this study sto assess corporate performance. Profitability and Growth are vitally important to corporate performance Tsay and Goo, 2006. Performance refers to the degree of success in attaining stated objective Sathye, 2005. The major objective of banks as other financial institutions is maximizing shareholders wealth. Following the literature, Return on Equity ROE is the common measure of performance. Return on equity reflects how effectively a bank management is using shareholders funds. A banks return on equity is affected by its return on assets as well as by the banks degree of financial leverage. Al-Smadi and Riyadh, 2011 RGEC Banks develop and become more complex, CAMEL and CAMELS have become less effective in evaluating the performance of a bank; the CAMEL method does not provide a conclusion that leads to an assessment of factors of different natures Bayu Aji Permana, 2012. To address this problem, on October 25, 2011 the central bank issued a new regulation on the assessment of the level of performance based on the approach of risk Risk-Based Bank Rating that includes all the four factors of measurement, i.e. risk profile, good corporate governance GCG, earnings earnings and capital capital, in short, RGEC. RGEC is a bank performance assessment method based on the central bank regulation No. 131PBI2011 with regard to the general assessment of bank performance. RGEC consists of a set of ordinances concerning bank ratings, which replace previous ordinances on CAMEL ratings. The risk profile includes eight types of risk: a credit risk, b market risk, c liquidity risk, d operational risks, e legal risks, f strategic risk, g the compliance risk, and h reputation risk. Some indicators in the previous CAMELS were realigned to include new Risk Profile factors. For example, factor L, or Liquidity, and factor S, or Sensitivity to market risk, in CAMELS assessment have been merged into factor R in the RGEC assessment procedure. Irma, Rini and Yeni, 2016 105 Risk Profile became the basis of bank assessment today because any activity carried out by banks is allowed to be the emergence of risk. Bank Indonesia explained the risks taken into account in assessing the health of banks by the method of Risk-Based Bank Rating in Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 1324DNPN in 2011. GCG governing the relations prevents the occurrence of significant errors in the companys strategy and to ensure that the errors that occur can be corrected immediately. From the definition above it can be concluded that good corporate governance is a system and rules that serve to regulate the relationship between shareholders, board of commissioners and board of directors for the achievement of company’s objectives. Zarakasyi, 2008 Gitman 2009 said that profitability is the relationship between revenue and costs generated by using the firm’s assets both current and fixed in productive activities. Capital Adequacy Ratio CAR measures the capital adequacy of banks to absorb losses and regulatory compliance applicable. CAR is used to determine how much capital owned by banks. The greater the value of CAR, the greater the performance level of the bank. Stock Price Jogiyanto 2003 said that stock price is the price that occurred in the stock market at the appropriate time determined by the market participants. According to Medpress Teamwork in David and Kurniawan 2010, stock price is a price formed on the stock market and share prices are generally obtained by calculating the value of the shares. According to J. Fred Weston and Eugene F. Bringham 2004, the factors that affect stock prices are: 1. Earnings Per Share EPS 2. Interest Rate 3. Total cash dividends given 4. The amount of income earned 5. Risks and Returns Rate According to Suad Husnan and Enny 2004, stock is a piece of paper that shows the paper owners right to a share of the wealth prospects or company that issued the stock and the conditions for enforcing those rights. Meanwhile, according to Irham and Yovi 2009, stocks are : 106 1. Proof of ownership of capital investmentsfunds in a company. 2. Paper that is clearly stated nominal value, followed by the name of the company and the rights and obligations described to each holder. 3. Inventories ready for sale. RESEARCH METHODS Research Population and Sample The population in this research are all Commercial Banking Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX. The sampling technique used in this research is non-probability sampling technique, which does not give an opportunity or equal opportunity for each element or member of the population to be selected into the sample Martono, 2012. The non-probability sampling technique that we use is purposive sampling, which is a technique for obtaining information from a particular sample targets that are intended by the researchers, because only a sample of those who can really represent the research Zulganef: 2013. The criteria for obtanining sample for this research are : 1. Has a complete Financial Statement from April 2006 to April 2010 2. Has a published Stock Price available from April 2006 to April 2010 The samples that fit to those criteria are listed as follows : No Bank Name 1 Bank Central Asia, Tbk 2 Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk 3 Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk 4 Bank Danamon, Tbk 5 Bank Pundi, Tbk 6 Bank QNB, Tbk 7 Bank Mandiri, Tbk 8 Bank Permata, Tbk 9 Bank of India Indonesia, Tbk 107 10 Bank Victoria, Tbk 11 Bank Artha Graha, Tbk 12 Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk 13 Bank Pan, Tbk 14 Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk 15 Bank Maybank, Tbk Research Object and Subject The objects of this research are Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, Good Corporate Governance GCG, Return on Assets ROA, Capital Adequacy Ratio CAR, and Stock Price. The subjects in this research are Commercial Banking Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX Research Methodology The research methodology used in this research is descriptive method. Descriptive method is a method that examines the status of a group of people, an object, a set of conditions, a system of thought, or a class of events in the future. The purpose of this descriptive method is to create a description or a view in systematic, factual, and accurate information on the facts, nature, and the relationship between the phenomenon Nazir, 2014 Data Collection The data used for this research are collected from literatures and the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s website . For collecting those data, we use data research, library research, and internet research. Variable Operasionalization Variable operasionalization is a process conducted by researchers to reduce the level of concept abstraction so the concept could be measured. Independent variables are variables that affect the dependent variable. The dependent variable is a variable whose values depend or be bound by the values from other variables or a variable that depends on other variables Zulganef, 2013. 108 The independent variables in this research are Credit Risk X1, Liquidity Risk X2, Good Corporate Governance X3, Return on Assets X4, and Capital Adequacy Ratio X5. The dependent variable is stock price Y. Data Analysis Method The data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and classical assumption. Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to determine the dispersion and distribution of data. Classic assumption test was conducted to test multiple regressions which would then be used to test the research hypothesis. Classic Assumption Test Classic assumption test is intended to test the error of regression model used in the study. Classic assumption test is conducted as a requirement to meet good regression equation. It means that the resulting equation is valid if it is used to predict Purwanto and Sulistyastuti: 2011. Classic assumption test is conducted by multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, normality test, and autocorrelation test Sunjoyo et al, 2013 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Multiple linear regression analysis is a statistical technique which can be used to analyze the relationship between a single dependent variable and several independent variables Silalahi, 2010. The equation of multiple linear regression analysis in this research is as follows : Ŷ = β + β 1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + β 3 X 3 + β 4 X 4 + e Source: Ghozali, 2013 Hypothesis Test The t-test is used to test the hypothesis partially to show the influence of each individual independent variable on the dependent variable. The t-test tests the regression coefficient of each independent variable on the dependent variable to determine how much is the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable Ghozali, 2013 The F-test is a test of simultaneous regression relationship that aims to determine whether all independent variables are together have a significant effect on the dependent variable Ghozali, 2013 109 The Hypotheses in this research are: H1 : Bank Performance does not have significant effect on Stock Price before the 2008 crisis H1 a : Bank Performance has significant effect on Stock Price before the 2008 crisis H2 : Bank Performance does not have significant effect on Stock Price after the 2008 crisis H2 a : Bank Performance has significant effect on Stock Price after the 2008 crisis Coefficient of Determination Analysis The coefficient of determination R 2 essentially aims to measure how far the ability of the model explains variations in the dependent variable. If the value R 2 is small it means that the ability of the independent variables in explaining the variation of the dependent variable is limited. A value close to the mean of independent variables provides almost all the information needed to predict the variation of the dependent variable Ghozali, 2013. REFERENCES Al-Smadi and Riyadh. 2011. The Impact of E-Banking on the Performance of Jordanian Banks. JIBC. Alwi, I. Z. 2003. Pasar Modal, Teori dan Aplikasi Cetakan Pertama. Jakarta: Yayasan Pancur Siwah. Brigham, E.F. Houston, J.F. 2006. Dasar - Dasar Manajemen Keuangan. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Kodrat, David Sukardi Kurniawan Indonanjaya. 2010. Manajemen Investasi Pendekatan Teknikal dan Fundamental untuk Analisis Saham. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Gharaibeh, Adnan. 2014, September. Capital Structure, Liquidity, and Stock Returns. European Scientific Journal. 10 25, 1, ISSN: 1857 – 7881 Ghozali, Imam. 2013. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program IBM SPSS 21, p. 96 98. 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Fruit commodities have also been characterized by high volatility, long-term downwards price trends and concentration of buying power Docherty, 2012. According to Yosini 2011, consumer preferred imported fruit over local fruit due of affordable price and attractive appearance. While the appearance of the fresh produce is a critical selling point, consumers make purchase decisions based on multiple factors. Produce selection mainly depends on consumer demographics, marketing strategies, environmental awareness, convenience of use, package design and esthetics, amount of product in the container, and price. Packaging is one of the extrinsic attributes that consumers tend to apply when relevant intrinsic attributes cannot be evaluated before the purchase of the food product Koutsimanis, 2012. Adding packaging to an ordinary food commodity like fruits is a way to differentiate the product in relation to the alternatives and gain a competitive advantage Fernqvis, Olsson Spendrup, 2015. Packaging and packaging design have therefore come increasingly to be seen by firms as an effective way of differentiating product offerings from those of competitors. Well-designed packages can in addition build brand and drive sales Rundh, 2013.When developing new products or improving the existing ones, it matters to understand how consumers perceive innovations, their expectations, which packaging attributes they consider most attractive, and which information affects positively their buying decision. Immediate product recognition is important since people 113 visualize 20 of them per second, thus making visual appeal fundamental for purchase to occur Dantas et. al, 2011. There are several factors to consider about fresh produce packaging. According to survey in Australia and New Zealand conducted by Product Marketing Association 2011, cleanliness and price are by far the most important factors in consumer’s decision to buy packaged produce. Consumers also want nutritional information and the convenience of both the product and the packaging. The produce packaging must preserves freshness and taste, with almost 90 of respondents agreeing this is important. Following closely behind in importance are that packaging protects against damage and that the package stores easily in their refrigerator. The most important attribute of the label is the size, indicating that consumers want to be able to inspect their produce before purchase, much as they would with bulk items. Highlighting shopper’s ever-growing concern for healthy eating, health and nutrition are the top pieces of information shoppers would like to see on packaged produce labels. Specific comments included wanting to know sodium content, use of additives or preservatives, calories per serving, and whether the produce is gluten-free. Literature review Total fruit production in Indonesia based on the collection and processing of SPH data in 2014 was 19,805,977 tons, earning an increase of 8.30 percent compared to 2013. The five commodities that provide the greatest contribution to the national fruit production are: banana, mango, pineapple, orange tangerine and barking. On the other hand, the other 21 fruit species had the production percentageless than five per cent compared to the total fruit production in Indonesia. The detail of 2014 fruit production in Indonesia is presented in Figure 1. 114 Source: Direktorat Jenderal Hortikultura 2015 Fruit production in Indonesia faces several challenges. Purwadaria 2006 identified several main problems of Indonesia’s fruit production: • Competition with domestic fruit market for the price of prime quality and total demand. • Requirement of intensive effort for introducing and adoption of good practices in production, postharvest and distribution handling due to more small-scale over large-scale growers. • Lack of integrated system to meet the increasingly high quality and food safety standard required by importing countries, and to reduce the cost of export handling and distribution. • Driven to choose either supplying to domestic or export market, since the consumer preferences in importing countries may quite diverse from the domestic one. Packaging in food industry is defined as a co-ordinated systemof preparing food for transport, distribution, storage, retailing, and end-use to satisfy the ultimate consumerwith optimal cost. Food packaging is an essential Series1, Banana, 34,65, 35 Series1, Mango, 12,28, 12 Series1, Pineapple , 9,27, 9 Series1, Keprok, 9,01, 9 Series1, Salak, 5,65, 6 Series1, Durian, 4,34, 5 Series1, Papaya, 4,24, 4 Series1, Rambutan, 3,72, 4 Series1, Watermelon, 3,3, 3 Series1, Jackfruit, 3,25, 3 Series1, Others, 10,29, 10 Fruit Production in Indonesia 2014 Banana Mango Pineapple Keprok Salak Durian Papaya Rambutan Watermelon Jackfruit Others 115 part of modern society; commercially processed food could not be handled and distributed safely and efficiently without packaging. According to Shin Shelke 2014, packaging has several functions in the food industry. The first function is containment, which means, simply, to contain products to enable them to be moved or stored. It is so basic that it is easily overlooked. The second function of packaging is protection from damage, Another function of packaging is utility. This function of packaging is sometimes termed “convenience.” Consumers demand products that fit into their lifestyles and the packaging industry has had to respond to this. Thus, the utility function encompasses all the packaging attributes that provide added value and convenience to the users of the product andor package. According to Rundh 2013, from a marketing perspective, packaging needs to fulfill a number of objectives within a marketing strategy: • Innovative design to create customer awareness • Identification of a brand. • Conveying descriptive and persuasive information • Facilitating product transportation and protection of product. • Aiding at-home storage • Ease of opening and closure • Supporting product consumption. • Clever dispensing and recyclability • Increasing awareness of environmental issues Purchase intention is a kind of decision-making that studies the reason to buy a particular brand by consumer, or a situation where consumer tends to buy a certain product in certain condition. Mirabi, Akbariyeh Tahmasebifard, 2015. In purchase process, ‘pre-attention phase’ is the phase where packaging on the shelf catches consumers’ visual attention. Then ‘succeeded attention phase’ puts effect on consumer mind and in ‘tipping point phase’ consumers stretch their hand and enter in the ‘physical action phase’. Packaging is also used for convincing the people towards certain brands because it communicates the benefit of products Naqvi, 2014. 116 The appearance of the package will definitely play a significant role in influencing consumers or to stir up their buying desire as the packages give out images or ideas to consumers and create emotional attachment in consumers towards the products they perceive. The communicational dimensions of the packaging become the factors affecting consumers and in the mean time influencing their buying behavior. Packaging acts as “silent salesman” or “salesman on the shelf” due to its purpose to attract consumers to purchase the products. Therefore, packaging elements including text, color and shapes are important to change the perception of consumers towards the product. Once the appearance of overall packaging changes the perception of consumers, they might purchase them regardless of the high end brand or not Harith, Ting Zakaria, 2014. Methodology The data that will be used in this research is primary data. Self-structured questionnaires are used to collect data and questionnaires will be distributed to fruit buyers in Bandung having different education level and age. The sample size is 250. The data will be analyzed using SPSS software to find the influence of brand packaging elements on consumer buying behavior and to determine whether any change in packaging changes the consumer buying behavior or not. The data used in this research paper are quantitative data. Self-designed closed ended questionnaires will be administered to gauge the preferences of respondents. The questionnaires are rated on the 5 point Likert scales with 1 for definitely not and 5 for definitely yes. The questionnaires are administered online as well as offline to seek responses. The simple random sampling technique is used in this study in which all types of users of fruit will be freely choose to fill the questionnaires.This research will observe the influence of packaging material X1, packaging shape X2 and packaging labeling X3 as independent variables. The dependent variable Y is purchase intention. The data will be analyzed using path analysis 117 Path Diagram Influence of Packaging Material, Shape and Labeling toward Purchase Intention References Baruk. A.I. A. Iwanicka. 2015. Polish final purchasers’ expectations towards the features of dairy product packaging in the context of buying decisions. British Food Journal Vol. 117 No. 1, 2015pp. 178- 194 Dantas, M.I.S., V. Nakajima, D.D. Rosa, C. Canzian H.S.D. Martino. 2011. Guava Jam packaging determinant attributes in consumer buying decision. Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment., Campinas, 313: 567-570, Direktorat Jenderal Pertanian. 2015. Statistik Produksi Hortikultura Tahun 2014. Kementrian Pertanian, Jakarta Docherty, C. 2012. Branding Agricultural Commodities: The Development Case for Adding Value through Branding. International Institute for Environment and Development, London Fernqvis, F., A. Olsson S. Spendrup, 2015. What’s in it for me? Food packaging and consumer responses, a focus group study. British Food Journal Vol. 117 No. 3, pp. 1122-1135 Harith, Z. T., Ting, C. H. and Zakaria, N. N. 2014. Coffee packaging: Consumer perception on appearance, branding and pricing. International Food Research Journal 213 p: 850-853 Koustimanis, G., K. Getter, B. Behe, J. Harte E. Almenar. 2012. Influences of packaging attributes on consumer purchase decisions for fresh produce. Appetite 59 pp. 270–280 Mirabi, V., H. Akbariyeh H. Tahmasebifard. 2015. A Study of Factors Affecting on Customers Purchase Intention; Case Study: the Agencies of Bono Brand Tile in Tehran. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 1, pp 267-273 Material X1 Shape X2 Labeling X3 Purchase Intention Y 118 Purwadaria, H.K. 2006. Issues and Solutions of Fresh Fruit Export in Indonesia. Departement of Agricultural Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University Rafani, M.I. 2015. Overview of Fruit Production, Marketing, and Research and Development System in Indonesia. Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta Naqvi, A. 2014. Impact of User Friendly Packaging on Consumption of Brand: a Study on Cooking Oil Sector of Pakistan from Consumers Perspective. Sci. Int. Lahore, 262, 881-884 Produce Marketing Association. 2011. Consumer Attitudes Toward Packaged Fruits and Vegetables. Produce Marketing Association, Newark Rundh, B. 2013.Linking packaging to marketing: how packaging is influencing the marketing strategy. British Food Journal Vol. 115 No. 11 p:1547-1563 Shin, J S.E.M. Selke. 2014. Food Packaging. in Food Processing: Principles and Applications. John Wiley Sons, New York Yosini, D. 2011. Consumer Preferences on Import and Local Fruit in Indonesia. Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Iaşi 119 Marketing Strategy Using Business Model Canvas Innovation 3.0 Approach: Service Quality Management and Customer Relationship Management to Customer Loyalty Increase Case Study of Auto2000 Tresia Ekawati 1 Maghfirah 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics, and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD Introduction Indonesia’s automotive market is experiencing rapid growth and increasingly fierce competition amongst brands. Internal surveys reveal 78 of customers will own their vehicles for a minimum of three years prior to repurchase, and 63 of customers consider after-sales service key to their purchasing decisions, with contact frequency of twice a year at a minimum. Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia GAIKINDO predicts that the automotive market in Indonesia will increase about 5 in 2016 GAIKINDO, 2016. In 2013, the use of cars in Indonesia reached 104,211 million units, increased about 11 from 2012 that only reached 94,299 million units TribunNews, 2014. One of autorized Toyota dealer that contributes 70-80 from total sales of Toyota cars in Indonesia is PT Astra International Tbk known as AUTO2000. AUTO2000 has core activities in the sales of services, maintenance, repair, and supply of spare parts designed for Toyota cars. In 2015, AUTO2000 was a market leader in Indonesia with a record of total sales in volume for wholesale trade of 321,818 units, seizing 31.8 of market share. The market share of AUTO2000 nationally stood at 35.7 until 2016 AUTO2000, 2016. AUTO2000 has three corporate values in running its business, one of them is Focus on Customer. This value is actualized by providing memorable services which exceed customer expectations by emphasing simplicity, familiarity, and reliability. “Focus on Customer” value is implemented through Delivery Explanation to Customer. In addition to maintaining the quality of product, improvement in service quality is a must to provide a significant impact in organizational growth. Service quality of the automotive industy focuses on after-sales services of cars which include two major services. AUTO2000 is currently developing other services that are handling and managing the relationship between the company and its customers. The implementation of Customer 120 Relationship Management CRM in AUTO2000 consists of express maintenance, regular check, general repair, THS Toyota Home Service, and booking service. The implementation of customer relationship management in AUTO2000 is also applied by providing a range of innovative services for its customers. There are several innovative programs presented by AUTO2000, including mobile AUTO2000 renewal, as well as AUTO2000 website and mobile application specifically dedicated to the customers of AUTO2000, namely AUTO2000 Fun. Various innovations in the field of information technology are aimed to build closer customer relationships and allow customers to interact with AUTO2000. Service quality serves an important role in maintaning and improving customer loyalty. Hamburg and Giering 2001 noted that initially, customer loyalty had been perceived to be a behavioural concept entailing repeat buying of product or service measured as a series or share of purchase, referral, magnitude of relationship or all of the above mingled together. Customer loyalty is used among every profit organization. In a normal situation, each company wants to have loyal customers. Loyal customers have a high repeat purchase behavior and a positive attitude towards a company. In this case, AUTO2000 tracks service quality ratios and numbers of dissatisfied customer to enable quick problem solving and propose improvements. To continually serve customers and retain their loyalty, AUTO2000 needs to expand its capacity while maintaining its service and delivery quality in the face of rising costs and customer loyalty. Business Model Canvas BMC is a tool to map a business with its nine building blocks that is able to give clarity to a company on what its key activities, key resources, main partners, customers, the financing structure and the revenue source of the business. In the Innovation 3.0 paradigm, Business Modeling is challenging exercise, since the complexity of framework conditions, paths to embed into knowlede comunities, exploitable technologies, architectural design of the value-network, interaction strategies with customer etc., are constantly rising Hafkesbring Schroll, 2010: 18. The main cause of the business model popularity used by many organizations is growing rapidly due to its ability to create the right business model PPM Manajemen, 1. Business Model Canvas is one of tools in strategic management and entrepreneurship, which allows to 121 describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot the business model Business Model Generation, 2016. This study is aimed to explain the relationship between the variables of service quality and customer relationship management to customer loyalty increase in AUTO2000, Bandung through business model canvas innovation 3.0 approach. This research is quantitative and presented in the form of case study. The data used are collected through structured questionnaires administered to 100 customers of AUTO2000, Bandung with purposive sampling method. From this paper, we expect that customer loyalty in AUTO2000 Bandung can be improved by the company after knowing the relationship between variables and its business mapping. The second part of the paper briefly describes the literature review. Section 3 introduces the methodology for mapping the business model using business model canvas 3.0 and path analysis to describe the relationship between variables to customer loyalty increase. At last, section 4 contains the statement of research purpose, limitation, and originality. Literature Review Business Model According to Pastore 2012: 104, a business model describes how a company functions, how it provides a product, or services and revenue and indicates how the business will create and adapt and market to technologies. Based on Osterwalder and Pigneur 2012: 14, a business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. A business model is a sustainable way of doing business. Here, sustainability stresses the ambition to survive over time and create a successful, perhaps even profitability Nielsen and Lund, 2012: 9 Business Model Canvas According to Osterwalder and Pigneur 2012: 14, Business Model Canvas is a common language to describe, visualize, assess, and change the business model. 122 Osterwalder and Pigneur 2012: 14 reveals that there are nine basic building blocks that show the way of thinking about how a company or organization generate profits. Nine building blocks described in the Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur 2012: 20-41 are as follows: 1 Customer Segments Illustrate different group of people or organizations that want to reach or serviced by the company 2 Value Propositions Describe the combination of products and services that create value for specific customer segments 3 Channels The way companies communicate and achieve market share to deliver the value proposition, distribution, and sales 4 Customer Relationships Describe the various types of relationships established by the company with a specific customer segment 5 Revenue Streams Describe how the company generate cash from its respective customer segments 6 Key Resources Describe the most important assets necessary for a function business model 7 Key Activities Describe the most important things that must be done so that the company business model can work 8 Key Partnership Describes the network of suppliers and partners to make the business model work 9 Cost Structure Describes all costs incurred to operate the business model Communities of Knowledge Communities of Knowledge add some questions on the Business Model Canvas to increase the focus in accordance with the role of other communities. Based on Hafkrsbrink and Scroll 2010: 2, Communities of Knowledge are divided into four parts: 1 Communities of Affinity Communicate constantly with prosumer producer-consumer and consumers B2C to catch up with new ideas, requests, fashion, and business opportunities. 2 Communities of Exchange experience with companies that 123 Interest innovate on the same field and to benefit from the crossover and complementary knowledge 3 Communities of Science Communicate with scientists to conduct research on the application of technology or a new design for the company 4 Communities of Practice Consist of the expert Business Model Canvas Innovation 3.0 In the Innovation 3.0 paradigm, Business Modeling is challenging exercise, since the complexity of framework conditions, paths to embed into knowledge communities, exploitable technologies, architectural design of the value-network, interaction strategies with customer etc., are constantly rising. A multitude of trends that have impact on the future business model, as well as the crucial link to knowledge communities, poses additional questions in the course of Business Modeling that need to be considered Hafkesbrink and Schroll, 2010: 18. Service Quality Parasuraman et al. Parasuraman, A. Zeithaml, VA. and Berry, LL., 1988 defined service quality as the gap between customers’ expectations of service and their perception of the service experience. The Gap Model, which was first developed by Parasuraman and his colleagues, and is considered the most eminent work done on the topic Jun, M., Yang, Z. and Kim, D., 2004, and focuses on the differences between consumer’s viewpoints and marketer’s viewpoints Svensson, G., 2006, has evoked a revolution Redman, T. and Mathews, B. P., 1998, and encouraged many researchers to investigate service quality constructs as part of the marketing concept Chowdhary, N. and Prakash, M., 2007. Service quality is a crucial element for service business, higher service quality will increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Consumers can strengthen their relationship with the organization via motivating by high quality services Hess, Ganesan Klein, 2003 while low quality can provoke a change in consumers’ attitudesbehavior towards an organization. The high quality services will have positive consequences on its customers’ purchasing intentions, on-word-of-mouth recommendations and on the willingness to pay a higher price Zeithaml, Berry Parasuraman, 1996. 124 Some researchers have developed alternate concepts for service quality. From the two internationally recognized schools of service management, the Nordic school view Grönroos, C., 1984 and the American school view [2, 4]; the Nordic school explains the service quality on two dimensions as functional and technical quality. Ever then, the American school defines service quality on five dimensions: 1 Tangibles Physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel; 2 Reliability Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately; 3 Responsiveness Willingness to help customer and provide prompt service; 4 Assurance Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence; and 5 Empathy Caring, individualized attention the firm provides for its customers. Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management CRM is a business strategy using technology to generate companies which are competent, trusted, and integrated to customers on their side so all process and interaction with customers can assist to maintain and improve profitable relationship Zikmund, 2003. It becomes the strategy of integrated sales, marketing, and service Kalakota and Robinson, 2001. Customer Relationship Management CRM has different dimensions, including CRM organization, knowledge management, customer orientation, and CRM based on technology. It is a dynamic process in managing the relationship between customers and company so that they can opt either deciding to keep commercially mutual beneficial relationship or anticipating the relationship for company benefit. Organizations realize that they do not just focus on transactions; they turn them towards opportunity to sell products with good service experiences to establish a long term one-to-one relationship with each customer. In recent years, organizations have to quickly decide the right way to build the long term relation with customers through different tools and techniques. Customer Relationship Management CRM is also a tool that has different techniques to attract, acquire, retain and build a strong relationship with customers. Customer Relationship Management is a dual creation process in which information is captured, integrated, accessed then exchanged to create value for future customer from current customer Boulding, Staelin, Ehret, Johnston, 2005. 125 Customer relationship management is the key to increase revenue and profit by making a strong and long term relation between company and customers. Customer relationship management also establishes and increases trust between customers and company. This trust leads to satisfaction, loyalty, cross and up selling, repeat purchasing, lower level of customer complaints, high market share, lower costs and profitability Rapp, Trainor, Agnihotri, 2010. Trust is increased by repeated and convenient interaction with customers. Customer relationship management capability is the back bone of organizational performance and if it is strengthened then the business performance will be automatically increased. Organizations have realized this fact and they are moving from traditional to customer-oriented business. Customer Loyalty Considerable debate exists in the academic literature regarding the definition and dimensionality of consumer loyalty. Oliver 1997: 392 defined this construct as “a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re- patronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same brand-set purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior.” Similar definitions for the construct exist but much of the original research on customer loyalty defined it in behavioral and attitudinal terms Han et al., 2011. Precisely, a general approach to analyze customer loyalty is to differentiate between consumers’ attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Han et al., 2011. The behavioral component of customer loyalty is related to repeated transactions made from the consumer in a specific period of time. However, repurchase behavior can be due to satisfaction or just to a lack of alternatives, or as a reason of convenience or habit. Therefore, it is thought that this approach can lead to identifying as loyalty some behaviors that have been usually described as “spurious loyalty” or even “no loyalty”, which happen when the repurchase takes place even if the organization has a negative image in the market Dick and Basu, 1994: 100. A broader and more complete vision of loyalty, supported in this study, refers to consumer loyalty as a step further. Therefore, loyalty is analyzed in terms of consumer preferences and intentions attitudinal loyalty. 126 Attitudinal loyalty means that a positive evaluation of the company is made together with the existence of an emotional link between the consumer and the organization that generates a real loyalty or, at least, a potential loyalty. This type is linked to active loyalty, which not only means repurchase but also a positive word of mouth. However, a customers’ favorable attitude toward a particular product or brand may not assure repeat patronage or repurchase frequency Dick and Basu, 1994; Oliver, 1997. Thus, the researchers insist and agree that measuring both attitudinal and behavioral aspects is essential to assess customer loyalty precisely Han et al., 2011. Research Methods Data Collection and Sample In this study, quantitative research will be selected. It will distribute a set of questionnaires to collect data from the respondents. The sample of this study is a group of customers of AUTO2000 in Bandung, collected through structured questionnaires with purposive sampling method. The criteria for sample of this study will be as follow: 1. Male or female customer, with no age restriction. 2. Have already come to AUTO2000 twice in minimal. The sample size will be taken from the number of car service customers in AUTO2000, Bandung. Presently, AUTO2000 Bandung has approximately 4,222 of car service customers in general. The minimum sample size in this study will be determined by using Slovin formula as follow: This study uses two types of data, i.e. primary and secondary. The primary data will be directly collected from questionnaires filled by customers at AUTO2000 Asia-Afrika, Bandung. The secondary data will be obtained from literature study. 127 To collect data from internal firm to map the model of business model canvas will be conducted with non-probability sampling using purposive sampling. The sample will be determined based on the competence and knowledge of AUTO2000’s management about the “Focus on the Customer through Explanation Delivery to Customer” value. Business Model Canvas is used to give clarity to the company on what its key activities, key resources, main partners, customers, the financing structure, and the revenue source of the business. The business model of it has to be changed by the implementation of interaction strategies with customers. It is preferable to collect data from internal firm by using semi- structured interviews to map the model of business model canvas in actual condition. The questionnaire will provide quantitative data in the next phase to analyze the relationship between service quality and customer relationship management to customer loyalty increase. To test the conceptual model, SPSS 19.0 is used. Finally, the current business model is reviewed by the business model canvas theory of Osterwalder and Pigneur 2010 and there is a managerial advice for AUTO2000. Framework of The Study Measures The existing and well-established multiple-item 5 point Likert scales, ranging from strongly disagree 1 to strongly agree 5 are adopted to measure variables in this research. To measure service quality, five 128 dimensions are adapted from the work of the American school: 1 Tangibles; 2 Reliability; 3 Responsiveness; 4 Assurance; and 5 Empathy. Whereas the customer relationship management will be measured using four dimensions, including CRM organization, knowledge management, customer orientation, and CRM based on technology. The four dimensions of Business Model Canvas will be measured as follow: Data Analysis The collected data are analyzed by PATH analysis. Path analysis is a method employed to determine whether or not a multivariate set of nonexperimental data fits well with a particular a priori causal model. In this study, path analysis builds upon simpler version by modeling both direct and indirect cause-effect relationship among the variables. By using path analysis, the researchers expect to get the theoritical explanations of cause-effect relationship among Service Quality X 1 and Customer Relationship Management X 2 as the independent variables with the dependent variable, that is Customer Loyalty Y, to build a nine-block of AUTO2000’s business model, the raw data from questionnaires are arranged and inputted base on the block. The independent variables are Service Quality X1 and Customer Relationship Management X2 while the dependent variable is Customer Loyalty Y. In order to simultaneously analyze the effects of independent variables on dependent variable, as well as the relationship between independent variables, a path analysis is used to describe the relationship between service quality, customer relationship management, and 129 customer loyalty. This paper uses business model canvas as an additional tool to map the business into nine blocks of value propositions, customers segment, customer relationships, channel, revenue streams, key partners, key resources, key activities, and cost structures. Research Purpose, Limitation, and Originality This paper aims to focus on the relationship between service quality and customer relationship management to customer loyalty increase in AUTO2000, Bandung. Business Model Canvas is used to desribe “how” and “why” activities and choices are made by the company in order to achieve a sustainable position in its industry. 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[Online]. http:www.tribunnews.comotomotif20140415jumlah- kendaraan-di-indonesia-capai-104211-juta-unit 132 The Analysis of Marketing Strategy toward Online Consumer Trust Affecting Purchase Decision in E-Commerce in Indonesia Fadhilah 1 Btari Mariska Purwaamijaya 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran MM FEB UNPAD INTRODUCTION The growth of digital industry nowadays is more spreading, accompanied by the increasing use of internet technology for many activities like communication, research, business transaction known as e-commerce, and also the activity of online marketing known as e-marketing. E-commerce and e-marketing are parts of organization’s e-business activities. They refer to the use of information technology for marketing activities, and the processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have values for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. In the practice of online business, transactions can happen between organizations B2B andor between business organization and Consumer B2C. Internet technology connects thousands of individual computer networks and organizations around the world. There are several reasons why internet technology becomes popular, some of them are because the internet has connectivity and wide reach; it can decrease the cost of communication, offer cheaper transaction cost and minimize the cost of agency; it is interactive, flexible, simple, and has the ability to distribute knowledge or information quickly. According to the Association of Internet Service Provider Indonesia APJII in 2015, the users of Internet in Indonesia have reached 88,1 million and 48 percent of them are daily users. This shows that a chance of e- commerce in Indonesia will increase. According to this data, DS made a report about DS Annual Startup Report 2015 which says that the growth of e-commerce in Indonesia is the largest in this world for this last four years. DS informs that in 2014 and 2015, Indonesia had 45 and 37 of this growth. As for in the world market, Indonesia’s growth is still under, 0,2 in 2014 and 0,17 in 2015. This numbers are the growth of sale’s number, not the value of sales. . 133 In practice, there is a wide variety of e-commerce activities within Indonesian society, among others are through social media and online shopping sites. This was proved by a survey titled Shopping is One Click Away Online Shopping Survey 2016 conducted by Poll JakPat to 430 respondents of reproductive age 18-38 years in various parts of Indonesia. Of the total respondents surveyed, 87 percent of them never make buyingselling transaction through e-commerce services. Of the remaining percentage, which has not used the e-commerce services, the majority 74 percent said that they will soon try it in the future The increase of value in e-commerce also affects the concepts of marketing. The marketing concept nowadays is consumer oriented. Behavior of consumer in e-commerce is different from that of traditional consumer. Online consumer, in doing transactions with online marketers, will consider scarcity and risk comparing with in the conventional transactions. The buyer gets the limit to know about the quality of product and can not try the things that they want from the websites. So, online transactions have high risk potential. The question is, “why the transaction of e-commerce still goes on and is likely to increase?” “What are the factors of marketing strategy that create online consumer trust to make a purchase decision via e-commerce?” Mayer et al. 1995 have done literature review and developed theory comperhensively to determine the dimensions of trust, namely ability, benevolence, and integrity. Those factors become important bases to build the trustworthiness of someone in order to trust some media, transaction or certain commitment. Today, the number of online shops in Indonesia has reached more than twenty e-commerces which sell various products like books, computers, handphones, cloths, shoes, and many more. It can certainly create comptetition between e-commerces. Each company should make the best marketing strategy so the consumers can trust their products and then buy them online. Based on this situation, this paper will give an overview of the best marketing strategy that can create online consumer trust to e- commerces in Indonesia and make a purchase decision to their products. 134 In the following section, based on the literature review, we explain and categorize the marketing strategy that leads to online consumer trust that affects their purchase decisions. The significant effect of online consumer trust derived from the marketing strategy toward purchase decision is captured in this section. In the next section, the research framework and conceptual models are derived to anticipate conjoint relationships of Marketing Strategy, online trust, purchase decision, and E-commerce. The following section discusses in detail the research design of this study. The next section analyzes, explains, and illustrates the results and discussions of the models with refinement. Then finally, conclusions, limitations, and future research guidelines in this context are presented. LITERATURE REVIEW Trust is the most important thing affecting consumer behavior, espsecially for online consumers. This section elaborates the theories and determinants underpinning the formation of marketing strategy toward online consumer trust, and the relationship between online consumer trust and purchase decision. The section culminates in the hypotheses and research model adopted for the study. Marketing Strategy The primary demand strategy can be classified into two types based on the type of target consumers, among others: • Attract New Users Non-Users Strategy The strategy to influence demand by increasing the willingness to buy and improving the ability to buy. • Raise the Purchasing Level of Current Users Strategy The strategy to influence demand which adds to the situation of use, increase the consumption level and push the replacement product. Demand strategy could selectively be three main alternatives, namely: • Expanding markets served The strategy to influence demand by expanding distribution and product line extension. • Taking customers from competitors The strategy to influence demand that can be head to head competition with the superior quality and price-cost leadership, or the differentiation of benefitattribute positioning and customer-based positioning. 135 • Maintaining or increasing the demand of its current customer base The strategy to influence demand by maintaining customer satisfaction, relationship marketing and complementary products. Malin Gustavsson and Ann-Marie Johansson, 2006; Mahmud Akhter Shareef,, 2008 Online Trust Online shopping requires more trust, since it is more complex than shoppisng in a traditional environment. On a public network, like internet, it is not easy to establish trust between the buyer and seller. In most social interactions involving uncertainty and dependency, trust is generally an important factor. Online trust plays a key role in creating satisfied and expected outcomes in online transactions Pavlou, 2003; Yousafzai et al., 2003; Gefen and Straub, 2004; Wu and Cheng, 2005; Flavian and Guinaliu, 2006; where trust existence increases consumers’ beliefs that e-vendors will not engage in opportunistic behavior Gefen et al., 2003. Gefen et al. 2003 summarize the conceptualisation of trust from prior research as: • a set of distinct beliefs consisting of integrity, benevolence, and ability; • a general belief or trusting intentions that another party could be trusted, or “the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another” Mayer et al., 1995: 712; “feelings of confidence and security in the caring response of the other party”Rempel et al., 1985: 96; and • a combination of these factors. According to Ribbink, et al. 2004, e-trust is defined as the level of consumer confidence to do online exchanges. Mayer, et al. 1995, after doing the literature review and comprehensive theory development, found a formula that trust was built on three dimensions, namely 1 ability, 2 benevolence good desire and 3 integrity. Ability is defined as a customer perception about the seller ability to provide goods, giving a sense of safety, and convenience in transacting through e-commerce media. Benevolence is defined as the customer perception toward the good wants of seller to provide satisfaction from e- commerce transactions through the media. While integrity is defined as customer perception regarding the sellers commitment in maintaining the values to provide the best services to the customer in the transaction through e-commerce media. These dimensions are basically very important 136 in building someone’s trust to the media, transactions, and specific commitments. These three dimensions examine more on the aspects of vendor-capacity. The research from Said and Edeen 2009 yields findings that: perceived familiarity and perceived reputation of the service provider online store are significant and become the main antecedents toward online-trust, and both are very sensitive antecedents if they relate to cultural aspects. The assumptions also stated differences in the level of trust in each individuals against e-commerce, which has been supported by several studies. It was found that there is a difference in the acceptance level of individuals against e-commerce due to the factors of gender Kolsaker and Payne, 2002, experience the experience of surfing - Corbit, et al., 2003, and also cultural background Cultural background in each individual. Jarvenpaa, et al., 1999. H 1 : Vendor Capacity positively related to online trust H 2 : Perceived – Familiarity positively related to online trust H 3 : Perceived – Reputation positively related to online trust Online trust and perceived technology A website assists e-consumers in interacting with e-retailers, in searching for or acquiring information from websites, and in completing the steps of online transactions; moreover, online consumers emphasizes on both “the instrumental value of the technology and the more immersive, hedonic value” van der Heijden et al., 2003,p. 42. The technology acceptance model TAM Davis, 1989; Davis et al., 1989 could partly explain the elements affecting consumer online trust and purchase intention Gefen et al., 2003; van der Heijden et al., 2003. TAM is based upon three key positive variables: perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use Davis, 1989; Davis et al., 1989; Koufaris and Hampton-Sosa, 2004, and enjoyment of technology Venkatesh and Davis, 2000; van der Heijden et al., 2003. Perceived usefulness refers to the belief that a particular system would enhance job performance and benevolence toward a website; perceived ease-of-use is the belief that a particular system would be free from effort van der Heijden et al., 2003; enjoyment of technology is regarded as a factor motivating a consumer’s desire to transact online. Useful and easily understood information on web sites reduces asymmetric information, processes information behavior, lifts the degree of online trust, and 137 positively influences purchase intention Koufaris and Hampton-Sosa, 2004; Kuo et al., 2004; Cao et al., 2005. Consequently, the perception of usefulness, perception of ease-of-use, and enjoyment of technology positively impact on consumer online trust: H4 : Perceived – technology positively related to online trust in e- commerce H4a : Perceived usefulness is positively related to online trust in e- commerce. H4b : Perceived ease-of-use is positively related to online trust in e- commerce. H4c : Enjoyment of technology is positively related to online initial trust in e-commerce. Purchase Decision Purchase behavior has recently gained much attention from marketers and researchers because of the significant role it plays in anticipating operational success and achieving sustainable competitive advantage Parasuraman et al., 1985; Zeithmal, 1988; Bolton et al., 1991; Dodds et al., 1991; Holbrook, 1994; Cronin et al., 2000. Purchase decision can be defined as a continuous process, which refers to thoughtful, consistent action undertaken to bring about need satisfaction. Generally, customers are quite rational and make systemic use of the information available to them Azjen et al., 1980. Purchase decision can be viewed symbolically in terms of emotional responses, sensory pleasures, daydreams, or aesthetic considerations Engel et al., 1993. From the perspective of marketing strategy, E-Commerce creating purchase decision in the consumer means meeting target customers needs and increasing perceived satisfaction Porter, 1985. Previous research has explained the multidimensional and context-dependent nature of perceived value for purchase decision Parasuraman et al., 1985; Zeithmal, 1988; Bolton et al., 1991; Dodds et al., 1991; Holbrook, 1994; Cronin et al., 2000. A purchase decision can be changed or modified with the circumstances of the person andor consumption situation derived from the quality attributes of vendors. Literature reviews on consumer behavior Engel et al., 1993 concluded portraying purchase decision as a personal phenomenon, a situational phenomenon, a social phenomenon, and a perceived contextual phenomenon. H 5 : There is a significant relationship between Online Trust and Purchase Decision 138 E- Marketing Understanding marketing according to the American Marketing Association states that: Marketing is the result of work performance of business activities that directly relate to the flow of goods or services from producers to consumers. Marketing is a set of activities performed by the organization and is also a social process. In other words, marketing is on the micro and macro levels. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the two definitions of micro and macro marketing. The first concerns the customers and organizations that serve them. The second takes a broader view of production system - overall distribution. But with more and more great changes, marketing needs to be redefined, because it was not solely the responsibility of the brand manager, product manager or marketing manager. According to McCarthy 1995: 9, marketing should be a strategic-business concept that is the responsibility of top managers to ensure sustainable satisfaction for the three main stakeholders. According to Sergio Zymann and Scott Miller 2002: 41, E-Marketing is an online marketing. The goal is the same as offline marketing which should be done by all of the companys performance to generate revenue and profit. Makki, 2015; Sherrie Xiao Komiak, 2004; Fang,, 2014; Homsud,, 2014 This marketing is a new marketing since 1995 where internet marketing has gone through two important phases and is now moving towards the third phase which is the most important. E-Commerce According to Phillip Kotler 2005 : 755, E-commerce or electronic commerce is the broad variety of electronic computer systems, such as the delivery of purchase orders to suppliers through electronic data interchange EDI; fax and e-mail to the transaction; ATM usage; use of the internet and online services E-commerce in Indonesia can be classified into several types based on the services provided by e-commerce, which include: • Classified Listings 139 This business form has a characteristic in which the service provider of e-commerce was not directly involved in the process of buying and selling happens. In this form of business, the companys e-commerce only be a medium that brings buyers and sellers in one place. The characteristics of this form is a web service provider of e-commerce that is not at all involved or facilitates direct online transaction that takes place. The second characteristic is in the use of e-commerce services, anyone who wants to sell its goods is free to do so anytime and anywhere online. Another characteristic of this form is the e- commerce benefit from premium advertising installed on the website. • C2C Customer to Customer Marketplace Business marketplace in the form of e-commerce will provide Escrow services or accounts of third parties. The function of the Escrow is as a bridge between the seller, the buyer and the e-commerce. After the purchase agreement, the buyer shall transfer the funds to the escrow. Once confirmed funds go into escrow, the seller can send the goods to the buyer. Then the buyer confirms arrival of the goods, then the escrow will provide the funds to the seller. Besides being more secure, using escrow services when suddenly there was a problem with the items, the funds will be immediately returned to the buyer. • Shopping Mall Shopping Mall is a form of business that offers services that are almost similar to the C2C Marketplace distinguishing between the both of them is the seller on both e-commerces. Parties that can be a seller on e-commerce are just certain brands trusted in local or international markets. If you want to register as a seller, it requires a verification process that is not easy. In terms of profits, e-commerce usually draws commission from the seller. • B2C Business to Consumer Online Shop Basically, this form of business is more focused on selling goods or products belonging to the company. So that all profits from sales of pure product are owned by the companys e-commerce and not shared with any other party. This type of business is one of the most developed in Indonesia, but in its development, it requires huge capital, availability of the supply of goods and the sales system should all be handled by the company. • Social Media Shop This form of business emerged as the development of social media are increasingly uphill. The potential of social media is now used directly 140 by e-commerce companies to build a business-based social media. Currently, social media is becoming a major development of this form of business that is still dominated by Facebook and Instagram, but with a shift in the trend of social media happened lately, it has also opened new competitors such as Path, Steller and Snapchat. The advantage of this form is in terms of the utilization of the many customers who came from the social media and also the ease of manufacture. The Conceptual Model of Online Customer Trust and Purchase Decision METHODOLOGY Quantitative approach with casual explanatory is used in this research to explain the best marketing strategy towards online consumer trust that affects purchase decision in e-commerce in Indonesia. This research will also explain the relationship between independent and dependent variabels. Purchase decision will become the dependent variable while online consumer trust factors Vendor Capacity, perceived – familiarity, perceived reputation, and perceived technology act as independent variables. 141 This research uses primary data and secondary data for analysis. The primary data will be collected by conducting survey and in-depth interview. The secondary data will be collected from the information contained in articels in websites. Conducting a survey and administering questionnaires, seemed like the most appropriate strategy to be able to get a picture of consumer’s opinions in the matter. The aim of our survey is to look at consumer trust in Indonesian e-commerce in general. To investigate online trust and purchase decision, Indonesian people who have done purchase in E-commerce are asked to fill the questionnaires. A questionnaire was obtained from the collection of data provided to the general public internet users in Indonesia, the survey method likert scale was subsequently selected based on units required. In part one of the web- based survey, participants were required to fill-in personal information. In part two, they were asked about the reason why they chose an e- commerce and made a purchase decision in that e-commerce. The participants were required to fill-out the remaining parts of the questionnaires, indicating responses to positively-worded questions on a four-point interval scale from 1 strongly disagree to 4 strongly agree. This part of the questionnaire contained the instruments based on the literature review. The research utilized descriptive and statistical analysis by SPSS software to examine the research hypotheses. Afterwards to obtain related information, one of the steps we take is to conduct in-depth interview. In depth interviews to get relevant information were conducted with the parties related to the discussion of research issues. The informant’s criteria for the research subjects in this study were: the companies that are experienced in running the business of buying and selling goods over the internet, the companies that are experienced in handling and resolving consumer dissatisfaction, those who manage and be responsible for the implementation of online trading activities in the company, the consumers who have been harmed or served by the e- commerce. Interviews were conducted with an interview guide that had been prepared, but did not rule out the guidelines proposed for interview questions in order to dig deeper discussion about the research. Interview we did was with relevant informants, which is part of the marketing of several e-commerce in Indonesia and loyal users of e-commerce applications. Sources or informants presented in this study can be classified as key informants that are deliberately chosen by the researchers. 142 RESEARCH RESULT EXPECTATION, LIMITATION AND ORIGINALITY This paper aims to explain the important factors in online purchase decision making and it relies on primary data where the survey is conducted in a developing country like Indonesia with a population of netter of 88,1 million. This paper contributes to find the factors that are important for establishing consumer trust in e-commerce, as well as to investigate how important certain factors are for consumers to feel trust to purchase online. So, our aim was not to build any new theory model. In order to find relevant trust establishing factors, we searched and reviewed literature on consumer trust and e-commerce. Literature review was done by looking for sources of literature supporting research and providing sufficient information to complete the research. The literature used, among other were books, journals, articles and papers. The factors that were found to be relevant guided our empirical research. In the empirical research we wanted to find out how important some of the factors are from the consumer’s perspective. The hypothesis developed in this study is that better perception towards marketing strategy will create online customer trust affecting purchase decision in Indonesian e-commerce. So this study expects that there will be a significant relationship between each of independent variables and the dependent variable, this study will also help the organization of e- commerce in Indonesia to get the best marketing strategy to affect online customer trust to make a purchase decision. Although there were numerous studies regarding consumer trust, research on consumer trust from e-commerce is very limited. The originality of this research is reached by providing new insight form new perspective of marketing strategy towards online consumer trust affecting purschase decision in Indonesia. REFERENCES Barnes, Y.-H. C. 2007. Initial Trust and Online Buyer Behaviour. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 107 1, 21 - 25. Chaveesuk, S. H. 2014, June. Understanding a Proposed Model of Customer Loyalty Formation in B2C e-Commerce. International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, 33, 193. 143 Dr. Kaouher Kooli, D. K. 2014. Determinants of Online Trust and Their Impact on Online Purchase Intention. International Journal of Technology Marketing, p. 5. Eyad Makki, L.-C. C. 2015. The Impact of Mobile Usage and Social Media on E-commerce Acceptance and Implementation in Saudi Arabia. Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, e- Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government EEE, pp. 25-30. Huei-Shan Lee, P.-C. S.-S.-J. 2015. The Effects of Avatar on Trust and Purchase Intention of Female Online Consumer: Consumer Knowledge As A Moderator. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 61, 99-117. Mahmud Akhter Shareef, U. K. 2008. Role of Different Electronic - Commerce EC Quality Factors on Purchase Decision : a Developing Country Perspective . Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 9 2, 94 - 97. Malin Gustavsson, A.-M. J. 2006. Consumer Trust in E-Commerce. Business E-commerce, pp. 11 - 18. Mingyao Hu, E. R. 2015. Customers Complaints in Online Shopping: The Role of Signal Credibility. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,162, 95-108. Saowakhon Homsud, S. C. 2014. Understanding a Proposed Model of Customer Loyalty Formation in B2C e-Commerce. International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, 3 3, 191-194. Sherrie Xiao Komiak, I. B. 2004. Understanding Customer Trust in Agent- Mediated Electronic Commerce, Web-Mediated Electronic Commerce, and Traditional Commerce. Information Technology and Management, pp. 181-207. Sohrab Karimi, H. s. 2015. Social Media Marketing SMM Strategies for Small to Medium Enterprises SMES. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 7 4, 86-98. Xiabing Zheng, C. M. 2015. Building Brand Loyalty through User Engagement in Online Brand Communities in Social Networking Sites. Information Technology People, pp. 90-106. 144 The Influence of The Quality on Honda CB 150 R Motorcycle Purchase Decision Mario 1 Febriannisa Azrah 2 1,2 Full Time Students, Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia RESEARCH BACKGROUND The number of motorcycle showrooms showed that it has a great development of marketing the motorcycle in Indonesia. It can be concluded that the sales of motorcycles are more increase from 2004 until now. It means that it has an improvement in public demand for the efficiency of transportation. Nowadays, motorcycles offer the other advantages, such as sport bike offers more power and more sporty, as well as targeting specific market share. Among motorcycle sport in Indonesia, Honda CB 150 R is one of the highest sales of motor sport in Indonesia. Based on the official website of the Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association, for three semesters until the first half of 2014, the sales of Honda CB 150 R increased, but at the second half of 2014, the sales of Honda CB 150 R decreased. Then, at the first half of 2015 sales of Honda CB 150 R decreased. Meanwhile, Bandung as the one of the major cities in Indonesia, the sales of Honda CB 150 R did not meet the set target. It occurred because Honda changed the display which had a sleek looking to become more visible with, the headlights are bigger and the V-shaped wear LED light system, taillights are more pointed, indicator panels use a view fully digital, larger tires, as well as engine specification Honda CB 150 R is no different and it is the indicators of quality Honda CB 150 R, it has an impact on the sales of Honda CB 150 R is decreased. This research presents some important part, namely ; background, review of related literature, and the methodology of research. The research objectives are would like to describe how the quality of a motorcycle Honda CB 150 R, and how the consumer purchasing decision Honda CB 150 R, as well as how quality Honda CB 150 R will influence the consumers to buy it. 145 LITERATURE REVIEW Product quality Eight dimensions of the quality of product can be used at a strategic level to analyze quality characteristics. The concept was defined by David Garvin. Some of the dimensions are mutually reinforcing, whereas others are not, improvement in one may be at the expense of others. Understanding the tradeoffs desired by customers among these dimensions can build a competitive advantage. Garvins eight dimensions can be summarized as follows: Table 2.1 Indicator Product Quality No Indicators Meaning 1 Performance It refers to a products primary operating characteristics. This dimension of quality involves measurable attributes; brands can usually be ranked objectively on individual aspects of performance. 2 Features They are additional characteristics which enhance the appeal of the product or service to the user. 3 Reliability It is the likelihood that a product will not fail within a specific time period. This is a key element for users who need the product to work without fail. 4 Conformance It is the precision which is the product or service meets the specified standards. 5 Durability It measures the length of a product’s life. When the product can be repaired, estimating durability is more complicated. The item will be used until it is no longer economical to operate it. This happens when the repair rate and the associated costs increase significantly. 6 Serviceability It is the speed which is the product can be put into service when it breaks down, as well as the competence and the behavior of the service person. 146 7 Aesthetics It is the subjective dimension indicating the kind of response a user has to a product. It represents the individual’s personal preference. 8 Perceived Quality It is the quality attributed to a good or service based on indirect measures Purchase Decision Process At the fifth stage of the above is only used in specific purchasing situations, for example when the first purchase of a product or product purchasing expensive and rarely done, while the most purchases are made with a low- involvement does not involve extensively. Needs are aroused quite satisfied with the re-purchase. The picture above shows that among the alternative evaluation stage and there is interest in the purchase decision to buy early, which measures the tendency of customers to perform a particular action of the product as a whole. Kotler and Keller 2012, p. 188, has formulated a model decision-making process of five stages, covering: 1. Problemneed recognition This is often identified as the first and the most important step in the customer’s decision process. A purchase can not take place without the recognition of the need. The need may have been triggered by internal stimuli such as hunger or thirst or external stimuli such as advertising or word of mouth.

2. Information search Having recognized a problem or need, the next step may takes the