The Influence Of Organizational Change And Job Stress On Job Performance In Pt ‘X’ Bandung The Role of Knowledge Creation and Innovation Capital Toward Employee Commitment


12. The Influence Of Organizational Change And Job Stress On Job Performance In Pt ‘X’ Bandung

Vanisa Assadiah, Rezki Dimetti Tirana 200 13. Competitive Strategy Analysis To Increase Competitiveness In Exporting Seaweed From Indonesia To Japan Kenny Doenanke Aulia, Rizky Mustika Hati 214 14. The influence of Hashtag on Instagram and Value Creation to the visitors Case Study of visitors of Bandung City Neni Suryani, Dhea Ryane Yanuar 225 15. Analysis of The Impact Fertilizer Subsidy by The Government on Financial Performance Case Study at PT Pupuk Kujang Firman Ariangga, Noery Mutiarahim 231 16. The Association of Working Environment and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Bandung dr. Riza Putri Aulia Hernowo, Sonia Rama, S.KG 240 17. Influence Of Marketing Capability Innovation Capability To Marketing Perfomance In Bandung City Priambodo Pratignyo, Wishnu Bhatara 253

18. The Role of Knowledge Creation and Innovation Capital Toward Employee Commitment

Fanfan Rizky Oktavian, Ridwan Bagus Syahputra 265 19. Comprehension Of Relationship Quality In The Retail Environment. Case Study of PT Pupuk Kujang Sales on Nitrea’s Product Hikmat Rachmatullah, Mohamad Gani 281 20. The Mapping Of Competitive Analysis Using Bcg Matrix In Formulating Corporate And Business Strategy In Pharmaceutical Industries Muhammad Haris, Tri Mahar Lazuard 296 21. The Influence of Government Regulation and Services Quality to the Peformance Services at Transportation Sector Debby Muliadin, Prapto Utomo 305 22. Which CAMEL’s Analysis Variables, Have The Strongest Influences To Profit Growth on BPR in West Java Muhammad Iqbal Ramdani, Muhammad Shendy Rachman 312 23. Analysis of Critical Success Factors for Balanced Scorecard Implementation: Case Study in PT Hexpharm Jaya Laboratories, a Pharmaceutical Company Irvan Rivani, Rocky Diardi 321 24. The Influence Of Corporate Culture And Competitive Advantage On The Company’s Business Performance Case Study In PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. Yulia Isana Pratiwi, Valiensi Utia 334 25. The Influence Of Talent Management And Innovation Capability To Employee Satisfaction In Micro Credit Unit Bank Mandiri 351 v Anugerah Mufti Putra, Arif Madya Armanto 26. Developing Performance Measurement And Setting Their Targets For A Small Start-Up Manufacturing Company In Indonesia Using Balanced Scorecard: A Case Study Of Pt. Multi Sarana Silicaindo Supiansyah, Deri Kurniawan 371 27. Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Leave among Nursing Staff Working in Sari Asih Ar-Rahmah Islamic Hospital Tangerang Pradipta Suarsyaf 389 28. The Effect of Brand Trust and Relationship Quality to Customer Loyalty in EMKL Saputra Trans Abadi Rika Permatasari Effendi, Virza Yuniar 397 29. The Influence of Systematic Risk, Interest Rates, Change in Tax Rates to the Stock Return of Indonesian Property Companies Listed in IDX Karla Okta Mianda, Ratika Puspita Sari 415 30. The Influence of Knowledge Creation Innovative Behaviour towards Work Efficiency In PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk. Noodle Division Hermawan Cahyadi Priyo, Santi Nurma Sari 432

31. Analizing Effect Of Shift Work Systems On Job Satisfaction In PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia