Background: Design of the IST Program

The United States Experience in Decentralized Coastal Management: Lessons for Indonesia Proyek Pesisir TR-0005-E 26

4.0 Lessons for Decentralized Coastal Zone Management

4.1 Background: Design of the IST Program

Strengthening the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries DKP is the primary goal of fourth and fifth year workplans for Proyek Pesisir. This will accomplished by building on the successes of Proyek Pesisir field projects in Lampung, North Sulawesi and East Kalimantan and direct support to DKP through the assignment of a Senior Policy Advisor SPA to the ministry. The SPA will help in developing policies that promote integrated coastal management at the Ministerial and Directorate General level with the primary task of helping develop a new national coastal management law. At the same time it is providing focused assistance to DKP, it is important that Proyek Pesisir continues ongoing support to programs with other government and non-governmental partners. This includes those organizations and entities already playing key roles under the project’s implementation plan, and others that may be identified in the future. CZM programs the world over distribute coastal management functions across various departments or ministries. The selection of IST participants was based on this realization and efforts were made to identify key individuals across departments in Indonesia that are important to the goals of the USAID CRMP. This broad approach continues Proyek Pesisir’s contribution to the attainment of the USAID goal for CRMP. This is expressed through Proyek Pesisir’s overall Life-of-Project Strategy LoPS: “…to positively contribute to the emergence of coherent and effective decentralized coastal and marine development in Indonesia.” Within the overall goal of decentralized coastal and marine development and management, an operative word within the project’s LoPS is “coherent”, in this case meaning integrated and sustained. Reflecting this, Proyek Pesisir was designed with a two track structure: 1 Developing best practices in a variety of situa- tions and contexts at the local level; and 2 Working at the national level to institutionalize coastal manage- ment within Indonesia’s overall environmental management strategy. This means connecting lessons learned through developing best practices in field sites with national policies that support the replication and sustainability of these best practices over the long-term. It also means connecting national policies with best practices from elsewhere in the world. Sites visited on during the IST were chosen to support Proyek Pesisir’s LoPS strategy Proyek Pesisir connects the local and national tracks inside the project by organizing around themes. These themes are individually described in project workplans. Here, the overall project themes have been col- lapsed into the following five themes for ease of discussion. · Research and Development to develop best practices in CZM · Policy and Enabling Conditions to support policy reform and integration · Institutional Strengthening and capacity building · Education and Training to support CZM implementation · Information Dissemination, Education and Outreach to support CZM constituency building These themes guide project activities and resources focused outside the project, as well. Although not singularly or individually sufficient, these themes represent most of the areas that require development for a national coastal management program. Working primarily with the Directorate General for Coastal, Beaches and Small Island Affairs and the Directorate General for Tourism, USAID support through Proyek Pesisir is an important catalyst to initiate coherent policy development through this thematic organization. A prominent feature of the IST was the intention to highlight different aspects of these thematic areas in The United States Experience in Decentralized Coastal Management: Lessons for Indonesia Proyek Pesisir TR-0005-E 27 terms of various United States CZM program structures and organizational integration. In addition, the program highlighted the structure of a coherent coastal management approach, especially in terms of inte- gration and sharing authorities and responsibilities between levels of government in a fully decentralized system. The following sections reflect this aspect of the IST and make the lessons learned from the tour more accessible to the user of this document. 4.2 Lessons Learned 4.2.1 Research and Development