Liberal Feminism Social Feminism Marxist Feminism

23 politic include ; the body, class, and work, this ability, the family, globalization human right, popular culture, race and racism, reproduction, science, sex and sexuality. 18

D. Kinds of Feminism

According to Martha E Jimenez, it was possible in the heady days of womens liberation movement, to identify four main current within feminist thought; liberal concern with attaining economic and political equality within the context of capitalism, radical focused on men and patriarchy as the main cause oppression of women, socialist critical of capitalism and Marxism, so much to avoidance of Marxism alleged reductionism resulted in dual systems theories postulating various form of interaction between capitalism and patriarchy, and Marxism feminist a theoretical position held by relatively few feminist in the U.S which sough to develop the potential of Marxist theory to understanding the capitalist sources of the operation of women. 19

1. Liberal Feminism

Liberal feminism is rooted in classic liberal thinking that individuals should be free to develop their own abilities and pursue their own interest, liberal feminist criticize our present society because women do not yet enjoy the same right and opportunities as men, just as liberal endure the civil right movement in support African 18 .Weber and Freud, Politic and Sexuality.London, 1998.p.102 19 Martha Gimenez, http; 12, 2008. 24 Americans liberal feminism endure the equal right amendment and opposed prejudice and discrimination that have historical limited womens achievement. 20 And key to sexual equality is reproduce freedom for women, only if women can choose whether to bear children, and if only parent share the responsibilities of child rearing, can women and men have equal opportunity in their working lives, for the same reason, liberal feminism advocates the right women to maternity leave and child care. 21

2. Social Feminism

The movement socialist focuses on removing the self-awareness of women about their underdeveloped position in society, it is very important because most women who lived in patriarchal society especially, do not aware that they are opposed by patriarchy, this theory assumes that living in the capital society is not the only casual factor of womens underdevelopment . Women can be liberated from this operation if the capital economic system changed into an egalitarian society, it must begin in family as the main institution in society, in which has a freedom to own herself, not to be her husbands. 22 20 Ibid.p.379 21 Liberal Feminism. http;en.wikipedia.orgwikiliberal feminism,retrieved,January, 28,2008. 22 Socialist feminism, hhtp;en.wikipedia.orgwikisocialist feminism, retrieved,January 28,2008 25

3. Marxist Feminism

In Marxist feminism, womens underdevelopment is not caused by the deliberately of individual movement but by social, political, and economical fabric of a society. It is possible for women to get their freedom in life if they still live in patriarchal society. One of the Marxist feminist, Friedrich Engels, in the origin family, private property and the state1972, said that there is a relationship between the operation to women in patriarchal society and the operation done by the bourgeois to the proletarian, within the family he is the bourgeois and the wife represents the Proletarian . 23

4. Radical Feminism