Character and Characterization THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK



A. Character and Characterization

The people in a fictional text are known as character in a story. Character is an important element that will develop the story, because character is person who carries out the events of fiction story and those events become a story 5 .The term of the character refers to the person or player of a story, character and characterization refers to the players characteristic and attitude, more refers to the personal quality of the character. 6 Characters are divided into two types; there are mainmajor characters and minor character, the major character is a character that always appears and dominated in every part of the story. That is character that is often told in the story, either as a conflict maker or those experiences a conflict to influence the plot development, the involvement intensity of the character in the events the develop the story is a criterion that is used to determine major character 7 . 5 Adip Sofia Sugihastuti, Feminism Dan Sastra, “Menguak citra perempuan dalam layar terkembang”Bandung: Penerbit Katarsih, 2003.p.69 6 Departement Of English, university of Victoria, Character And Characterization, from http;web.uvic.cawguidepagesLTcharacter.html. retrieved, January 2, 2008 7 X.J Kennedy, Literate: “an introduction of fiction, poetry and drama” New York; Harper Collins , published ,1991 p.47 17 Minor character is character that only appears in one event. Appearance of minor character in the entire story is less not significant and it appears only when there is connection with major character, either directly or indirectly 8 . The kind of character are dynamic and static, dynamic is character goes through some development. Undergoes permanent change in some aspect of character, personality or outlook, the alteration in out of self and the human correlation with affected, are able to touch the psychological and make the change and development attitude, while static is the character remains relatively in change. It is the figure, which not changes in essential of characterization because of phenomenon.

B. History of Feminism