c. Politics

While in politics, women were forbidden to join in government because the society assumed that they did not have enough intellectuality such men had to control politic. Consequently, they were lack of political opportunities. As there was no suffrage for women, they were not allowed to voice their will in making decision related to their lives. Meanwhile, suffrage became important for them based on the statement that „Many women regarded the issue suffrage as tangential to their economic and social needs.‟ Jansson, 2009: 189 Based on the idea that „a married womans legal existence was incorporated i nto that of her husband‟ http:learningtogive.orgpaperspaper62. html, most women were prohibited from voting or exercising the same civil rights as men during this time

2.2 Women and Politics of Suffrage

American regards competitive election as the way to decide who will manage public affairs. Citizen of America a person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth in America or naturalization to the protection of the state or nation have the rights to vote their candidates in election. The right to vote in political election is simply called by suffrage. Women can have very great influences when they are given their full rights. That affection gives them over at home, by teaching childhood and guiding youth, women have noble means for working good, not only to either their own households, or social circle, but to the nation as well. 12 As Bell hooks 2000:6 states „…no matter what a womans politics, be she conservative or liberal, she too could fit feminism into her exi sting lifestyle.‟ The statement is easier to be accepted for it presents the ability of women to balance politics and their nature as women, so they can be part of it without sacrificing their responsibility to the family, husband, children, and household as well.

2.2.1 Terms of Suffrage Activist

Womens suffrage is the rights of women to vote on the same terms as men. This was the goal of the suffragists and the suffragettes during the progressive era. Both terms seem similar, but actually there are some principles to differ them. The word suffragette came from British to differ the member of Womens Social and Political Union WSPU, a militant party from National Union of Womens Suffrage NUWSS, the moderate. In contrast with suffragette, suffragist welcomed male members in an effort to convince more men to their point of view. Scottish Archive Network SCAN official site gives the differences: „Suffragists demanded the vote as a basic human right and as a means of improving womens lives in the workplace, at home, in courts of law and in education. They demanded justice and equality for all women, and the Suffragists used peaceful, legal tactics to try to win support. They sent petitions to Parliament, wrote letters to MPs, distributed leaflets and organized meetings. They wanted to win equal rights through discussion and debate.‟ Suffragist believed in peaceful protest. However, because the progress of suffragist movements was very slow, more militant campaigner suffragette 13