Establishing National Woman’s Party NWP

Lucy : Did you hear that? Investigation of our finances. Good. Great, let them keep their Congressional Committee. We can run our own campaign. To hell with NAWSA. 00:41:45,002 - 00:41:54,744 Firstly Alice was doubt splitting from NAWSA, but Lucy‟s idea succeeded made up her mind. Finding no reason to keep walking on NAWSA track, Alice formed National Woman‟s Party and be the leader of it. She handled the party with her own rules and tactics to achieve women suffrage. The established party tends to be more militant as the young generation desire to achieve suffrage as soon as possible. They were tired to wait for either the president or Congress never responded the issue even in moderate ways. Alice : The National Womans Party is composed entirely of women and does not align itself officially or unofficially with any existing political party. The NWP does not put forth a candidate for election. We are a single-platform party dedicated to the passage of the following constitutional amendment; The right of citizens of the United States to vote... or any state, on account of sex shall not be denied or abridged by the United States... 00:44:23,694- 00:44:53,282 From Alice‟s speech above, she mentioned about NWP which was prepared to continue her struggle in gaining suffrage. Differ to NAWSA, NWP composed entirely of women. It committed to battle with any parties that refused their movement. Moreover, the party sued the authorities to legalize women suffrage into a passage in constitutional amendment. Through NWP, Alice did more actions than words like picketing the white house that will be explained in the following point.

4.3.5 Picketing the White House

The next attempt Alice has done under NWP is doing picket in front of White House gate. The picket line composed of women member of NWP. They committed to stand there from dawn to dusk everyday until women suffrage becoming a constitutional law, Alice : The National Womans Party will station sentinels at the White House gate from dawn until dusk every day until the Constitution of the United States is amended... to ensure that every citizen, regardless of sex is entitled to vote for the man... Journalist : Or woman. Alice : Or woman who occupies that House. Give that good boy an extra cookie. 01:05:26,922 - 01:05:49,710 The NWP staged the political protest to picket the White House. The picketers held banners under purple, white, and gold banners demanding women rights to vote. They hope that this act will press the President into taking action and endorsing Womens Suffrage. This was an example of a non-violent civil disobedience campaign. Extra work was needed to apply this kind of attempt. It is considered as an effective way to force the president about the issue by warning him everyday in front of his office. Mebel : Im heating bricks for the girls to stand on. Its freezing out there. Alice : Give them double coats. 01:06:13,502 - 01:06:18,636 Based on the film setting, the picketers must keep still in changing seasons. They endured burning hot from the sun in summer and frozen snow in winter. Not to mention, from rain in rainy season, and strong wind in autumn. Picketing of the White House continued day in and day out, regardless of the fact that the only acknowledgement they were getting from the President was a polite smile and tip of the hat. As time went on, some people began to worry as it appeared that the US was entering a war. Though, they kept protesting Wilson during the war time. This attempt provoked public anger against suffragettes into riot. People were around when officers came to arrest many suffragettes including Alice Paul.

4.3.6 Hunger Strike

Alice and other women characters are told being sentenced in charge of obstructing traffic during picketing the White House. They preferred going prison to paying fine. This is the step Alice must spend to achieve suffrage rights. In prison she endured from pain and torture. However, it could not fail her struggle. She still kept fighting inside the prison by refusing to eat like what so called by hunger strike, Dr. White : You refuse to eat. Can you tell me why? Alice : The hunger strike was a tradition in old Ireland and justice is done. You starve yourself on someones doorstep until restitution is made... Dr. White : It doesnt sound like a very effective method. Alice : A stinking corpse on your doorstep? What will the neighbors say? 01:34:55,222 - 01:35:21,210 It gives impression that she was ready to die in her struggle. She had nothing to eat and committed on hunger strike, a method of protest she learnt from Ireland, Britain. She used the threat of her own death until the goal for justice achieved. In response to the hunger strike, prison doctors put Alice Paul in a psychopathic ward. They threatened to transfer her to an insane asylum. Still, she