Holding Parade Alice Struggle for Equal Suffrage

which composed of women from different classes show that women could unite to further their political demand. Parade gives better impression performing their struggle rather than a petition in the form of paper that could be crumpled up and tossed away. The writer assumes holding parade as the second attempt of Alice‟s struggle to achieve women suffrage.

4.3.3 Lobbying Congress

Alice continued struggling for suffrage under the name of NAWSA by lobbying Congress, legislative branch involved in making laws process in democratic country . It is quoted from Alice‟s statement below: Alice : Hes stalling, Lucy. He knows Anna Shaw wont press him. What we need is a separate committee... dedicated to the federal amendment and nothing else. Weve got women coming in from every district to volunteer. Nows the time to train them. Lobby Congress. Really pressure both Houses... Get the amendment on the floor and to a vote. 00:28:46,791 - 00:29:21,118 The quotation shows Alice‟s plan to lobby Congress. She had enough volunteers from every district to represent the women, so hopefully they could get support from the Congressman of each district. She and congressional committee member pressed both Houses in Congress; The House of Representatives and Senate to legalize women suffrage in a passage of constitutional laws. The instruction for the lobbyists are stated by Lucy, Lucy : Instructions for lobbyists: Before you visit a Congressman, look him up in our card index. Learn the names of his children. What bills has he supported in the past? Whats his suffrage record? 55 Congressman 1: We dont need women voting in South Carolina. We know how to take care of our women. Lucy : Be a good listener. Dont interrupt. Congressman 2: The majority of intelligent, refined, educated women in our country dont want it, and thats a fact. Lucy : Dont lose your temper. Congressman 3: Since you are suffragists, you wont mind standing. Congressman 4: Im with you. Im for it. Im going to vote for it. Now dont bother me. 00:30:06,871 - 00:31:03,817 Based on Alice‟s instruction to lobby the Congress, Lucy continued by collecting volunteers to ask support from congressmen. She instructed them about what should they do and should not. The volunteers were supposed approaching congressman friendly like learning the name of his children and praised his policy. The ways of traditional lobbying and petitioning are mainstays of NAWSA. They begged the authorities to promote women issue on suffrage. However, this attempt was failed as no congressman supported woman suffrage case. Yet, this activity was supplemented by other more public actions including parades, pageants, street speaking, and demonstrations.

4.3.4 Establishing National Woman’s Party NWP

Alice felt discomfort with the elders‟ prejudice statement that the budget Alice collected from art gallery was suspended to be unauthorized expenditures which NAWSA planned to investigate. She also felt that her principals were different with them. Therefore, she decided to split from NAWSA and formed a new party for the same goal . Lucy‟s statement to persuade Alice to resign and leave NAWSA for her own campaign is illustrated in the following dialogue: