Significances of Study Outline of Study

Chapter two is review of related literature. It presents about American society around the early 20 th century, women and politics of suffrage, feminism approach and Iron Jawed Angels movie. Chapter three is about methods of investigation. It consists of design of study, object of study, sources of data, procedure of collecting data, and procedure of analyzing data. Chapter four is about the result of the analysis which consists of three sub chapter. They are; problems related to women rights, suffragist and suffragette and Alice struggle for equal suffrage. Chapter five is the last chapter; it consists of conclusions and suggestions. 8 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The chapter presents the theories underlying the topic of the study. This chapter consists of four sub-chapters. They are American society around the early 20 th century, women and politics of suffrage, feminism approach and Iron Jawed Angels Movie.

2.1 American Society around the Early 20

th Century The Progressive Era in American history was a time of great change and reform in the United States. It was a period of moral progress coming after plundering, exploitative years of the late nineteenth century. The period flourished from the 1890s to about 1920s. There were three presidents during this period, including Theodore Roosevelt, Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. The optimistic progressive faith attacked a wide variety of problems; monopolies, political bossism, labor conditions, urban housing, the drinking of alcohol, inequitable suffrage and taxation. Marcus, 1971: 195 Progressive people tried to give improvements for the better quality of society in America by resolving those problems. Activism, new federal laws, and a series of constitutional amendments marked this era of change. Disturbed by the inefficiencies and injustices of the Gilded Age, the progressives were committed to changing and reforming the country. Significant changes enacted at the national levels included the imposition of an income tax with the Sixteenth Amendment, direct election of 9 Senators with the Seventeenth Amendment, Prohibition with the Eighteenth Amendment, and womens suffrage through the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiProgressive_Era

2.1.1 Women in Progressive Era

The progressive era, as much as any other time in American history, was a period whose fundamental character was defined by women as well as men. During the era, different treatments were based on religion, race, economy, and sexes. One side was treated well, while the others were treated unfair and even sometimes lost of their rights as citizens. It was a difficult time for women in America before the passage of nineteenth amendment about women suffrage established in 1920s. Sandra Opdyke 2000:76 states in her book that „during this year roughly 1890-1917, people operating from many different organizations struggled to improve American Society.‟ Women led some of these movements for the better America. One of them was the movement for equality, and also to enfranchise women from the oppression, exploitation, and bad perception of the society. Although women were often in the vanguard of social reform in the Progressive Era and made some economic and other gains, they remained shackled by traditional notions of their role in society. Jansson, 2009: 188 According to the statement above, women in gaining economic and other gains were restricted by their notions reflected in society. These notions of traditional and social view about women‟s roles limited them in expanding their