Primary Data Sources of Data

3.3.2 Secondary Data

The secondary data are taken from other sources which are related to primary data that support the topic of the analysis. The writer searches some references from books, articles, dictionary, as well as the websites to support this study.

3.4 Procedure of Collecting Data

Procedure of collecting data in this study is divided into several steps, they are:

3.4.1 Watching

Since the object of the study is a movie, the basic step in collecting the data is by watching it. The writer watched the movie for several times to get common understanding about the movie.

3.4.2 Reading

The writer reads the script thoroughly to synchronize the dialogue spoken by the characters in the film with the original dialogue in the script. This step gives the writer a closer look and deep understanding to the main idea of the work.

3.4.3 Identifying

Identifying refers to the activity of separating between data and non-data by marking and numbering. The marking activity is done by italicizing the dialogues, narration, and observable attitude of the characters dealing with research problems. The writer names those data as quotation. Identification process enables the writer to review the quotation for the inventorying process. 27 3.4.4 Inventorying The next step is by inventorying. It refers to the activity of listing all identified data into column. The writer uses table to make it easier storing the data. The content of the table are including data number, time, quotation, and number problem answer. Those inventoried data can be seen in Appendix A. Here is the example of the table, 3.4.5 Classifying After inventorying the data, the writer classifies the inventoried data into some criteria based on the case analyzed. In this process, the writer begins to categorize the scenes and the dialogues that support the data to answer the statements of the problems. Each classified data will answer a particular question in the statement of the problems, whether question number one, two, or three. No. Time Quotation No. Problem Answer 1. 00:06:10,837- 00:06:41,864 That the female mind is inferior to the male mind... need not be assumed. There is something about it essentially different... and that this difference is of a kind and degree... that votes for women would constitute a political danger... ought to be plain to everyone. I do not wish to see the day come...when the women in my state shall trail their skirts... in the muck and mire of partisan politics. These flippant girls singing votes for women... know not the disasters they invite by this reckless movement. 1 28