INTRODUCTION The hospital is a public health care facility that

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 19, No. 1, April – July 2016, pages 69 – 78 69 The effect of emotional intelligence on burnout and the impact on the nurses’ service quality Agustina Hanafi 1 1 Sriwijaya University, Srijaya Negara Street, Bukit Besar, Palembang, 30139, South Sumatera, Indonesia A R T I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 26 May 2016 Revised 22 June 2016 Accepted 24 June 2016 JEL Classification: M19 Key words: Burnout, Emotional Intelligence, and Quality of Nursing Services. DOI: 10.14414jebav.v19i1.530 A B S T R A C T This study attempts to analyze the effect of emotional intelligence on emotional exhaustion and this, in turn, on the quality of hospital care nurse. The subjects were nurses and patients RS RK.Charitas Palembang. This sample was taken using Non- Probability Sampling towards the nurses and patients in the patient units of the hospital Joseph 1 2, with the total respondents of 200 people. These were selected as sample and the data analyzed through the process using Structural Equation Model SEM. It shows that emotional intelligence negatively affects the emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, the emotional intelligence has positive effect on the quality of nursing care. Most importantly, there is a greater direct effect of emotional intel- ligence towards service quality than the indirect effect through the emotional ex- haustion. Emotional exhaustion negatively affects the quality of nursing services. A B S T R A K Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menganalisis pengaruh kecerdasan emosional pada kelelahan emosional dan kemudian, pada gilirannya, pengaruhnya pada kualitas perawat perawatan di rumah sakit. Subjek penelitian perawat dan pasien RS RK.Charitas Palembang. Sampel ini diambil menggunakan Non Probability Sam- pling terhadap perawat dan pasien dalam unit pasien rumah sakit Joseph 1 2, dengan total responden 200 orang. Responden ini dipilih sebagai sampel dan data dianalisis melalui proses menggunakan Structural Equation Model SEM. Hasil- nya menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan emosional berpengaruh negatif terhadap kele- lahan emosional. Selain itu, kecerdasan emosional berpengaruh positif pada kualitas pelayanan keperawatan. Yang paling penting, ada pengaruh langsung yang lebih besar dari kecerdasan emosional terhadap kualitas pelayanan dan pengaruh tidak langsung melalui kelelahan emosional. Kelelahan emosional berpengaruh negatif pada kualitas pelayanan keperawatan.

1. INTRODUCTION The hospital is a public health care facility that

should be always ready to serve the public during 24 hours a day. However, a good hospital should also provide the best quality service to the patients. For that reason, nurses are the vital factor for this service quality in the hospital. Their performance and productivity can affect the level of service pro- vided by the hospital Suhartati 2012: 1. In the case above, the role of nurses in the health care for the patients is vital. They s must be able to cope with the stress they experienced in their work, because the nurse could not make mis- takes at all. It required special attention in nursing services. Thus, they have hard responsibility and demands that must be endured by them. In addi- tion, they are prone to experience burnout. The term burnout was first proposed by Freu- denberg, a clinical psychologist in 1974. Burnout is a psychological condition that a person experiences a stress due to failure to achieve the expectations accompanied the relatively long period of time. Burnout commonly is found in the human service professions, namely in the fields directly related to people and social service. Besides that, there is a possibility of burnout which can also occur in non- human service professions Pangastiti et al. 2011: 3. One of the phenomena that occur in the Hos- pital of RS RK Caritas related to nurses experienced burnout was through the story of the colleagues Corresponding author, email address: 1 Agustina Hanafi: The effect of emotional … 70 that there was a nurse who worked at the hospital initially experienced a situation where she was bored with her work. He said it was very tedious and too much demanding. Very often, the nurses leave early from their job. Even, they have an idea to resign and switch to another profession. Yet, they are aware of no other qualities that can be supported in addition to their skills as a nurse. Gradually, there were many changes in there. They felt being lazy to work, more emotional, irritable, irritable, and often being rude to patients. It became worse and worse, meaning that such a behavior does not only occur in the work environment but also in their everyday life outside the workplace. Their super ordinates often give warning, because their work was not good. They did not understand what was happening to them. So, they were no longer interested in the job. Based on the existing problem, the researchers argued that initially, the nurses are only experienc- ing a mediocre stress because they feel bored with their job. Unfortunately, the stress becomes pro- longed until the nurses want to switch professions. This problem seems to be a small part of the real problems often faced by nurses in their profession. In addition to other problems, they also show the occurrence of burnout in other fields. In line with such a case above, the researchers found that RS RK-Caritas should continue to im- prove the quality of service for their clients. This should be done either through improved facilities or through infrastructure facilities. These should be their attention for improving the performance of health care workers in general, and in particular, the performance of their caring people. However, it has not been proven empirically whether the Chari- ty RS RK success was due to the quality of service of nurses who have given to their patients. For that reason, the researchers attempt to examine further the emotional intelligence, emotional exhaustion and quality of service of nurses. It concerns the effect of EQ Emotional Intelligence of the Emo- tional Exhaustion Burnout and the impact on quality of the Nursing Care at the Hospital RK Charitas Palembang.