Abnormal Calving Calving Management

143 Cold Winter Climates calving. Only intervene if there is no progress for some hours. Once the calf is born it should be left alone for the irst 12 to 24 hours to establish the cow-calf bond. Following a short recovery period immediately after calving, the cow will lick the calf clean and allow the calf to suckle her. Placenta Afterbirth When the calf is born the placenta normally detaches within a few hours and is expelled. In almost all situations, the placenta is expelled within 12 hours of the birth of the calf. If the placenta does not come away naturally, leave it alone Fig. 5.14. Do not pull it out. If the afterbirth is pulled by force, you could cause a haemorrhage and the cow could bleed to death. Check 12-24 hours later, and if necessary, leave for another day Figure 5.14. Example of a retained placenta in a cow following calving. Source: Livecorp and Meat Livestock Australia, Cattle Breeding Guide - A guide to the management for breeding cattle in South-East Asia. and then seek veterinary assistance if it is still retained. A retained placenta usually causes the cow to have an increased time from calving to the conception of the next calf. It is not uncommon for a cow with a retained placenta to delay the next pregnancy for 2-6 months, meaning she has a high chance of being non-pregnant at the next pregnancy diagnosis in a restricted mating system.

5.5.2. Abnormal Calving

The majority of cows calve without trouble. However, a cow that has not calved within two hours of the appearance of a luid sac needs to be brought in and examined. On inspection, any cows or heifers that have a calf that is mal-presented should be assisted immediately. Similarly, a cow or heifer that is weak or exhausted should also be assisted immediately. 144 Beef Breeder MANUAL If the cervix is fully dilated and three essential parts of the calf two forefeet and head, or two hind feet and tail can be felt in proper position, the problem may be due to the uterus not contracting properly. If this is the case then attempts can be made to pull the calf out. However, prolonged calving can cause the uterus to tire and stop contracting and if this is the case there is the danger of the uterus rupturing. A veterinary surgeon should be called immediately if assistance is unsuccessful and the calf cannot be safely delivered. Some abnormal calving presentations are shown below Fig. 5.15. Once the calf has been born, allow the mother to clean her calf. If the mother is too weak the calf should be handled and cleaned up. In these circumstances, it Figure 5.15. Abnormal Presentations. Top Left - One foreleg back. If necessary, push the head back into uterus, then bring both forefeet into the normal delivery position. Top Right - One foreleg back and upside down. This position will require the calf to be rotated and both forefeet brought to the normal delivery position. Bottom Left - Upside down breech presentation hind legs forward. Carefully push the calf forward, rotate, and bring the hind legs into the birth canal. Bottom Right - Head turned sideways. If necessary, push the calf back into uterus, then bring the head and forelegs into the normal delivery position. Source: University of Nebraska, Lincoln. may be necessary to clean mucus from the nostrils and attempt to start the calf breathing. If a cow or heifer has been assisted in calving she should be kept conined in a yard until she has accepted her calf and allowed it to suckle. After a diicult calving, heifers in particular will often abandon their calves. In these instances it may be necessary to place the mother in a crush to allow the calf to drink. Where a cow has twin calves, a maximum of four hours should be allowed after the waters have broken for the irst calf to be born, and a maximum of two hours allowed after the irst calf has been born for the second calf to be delivered. 145 Cold Winter Climates

5.5.3. Prolapse