Class Observation Activities During the Job training in SMP N 3 Boyolali

commit to user In English lesson, the students of SMP N 3 Boyolali are enthusiastic and interested very much. They are very active to join English competition like speech contest and debate. In this school, English lesson is taught by four competent English teachers who are graduated from bachelor degree and doctoral program. For developing their English skill, the students’ are given an extracurricular program named English club which is held one time a week after learning process is end. The activities in English club are speaking, discussing difficulties in English lesson, practicing speech and debate or making a poem and a story. Based on the description and explanation above, the writer finally decided to conduct job training in SMP N 3 Boyolali because the school has good quality and enthusiastic students.

B. Activities During the Job training in SMP N 3 Boyolali

The writer did some activities in SMP N 3 Boyolali before conducting the process of teaching descriptive text to the seventh grade students. The activities done by the writer are conducting class observation and making lesson plans.

1. Class Observation

Class observation was the first activity done by the writer before doing the teaching process to the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Boyolali. This activity was done by observing each classroom condition, facilities inside the classroom, the way the English teacher in the school taught the students, and the students’ motivation in learning English. By doing class observation, the writer knew each commit to user class condition and students’ motivation so the writer could decide and planed how to conduct the learning process in the school. The class observation was done on Monday, 2 nd January 2012 and Wednesday, 4 th January 2012. The writer observed six classes of the seventh grade because the writer got opportunity to teach all seventh grade students in that school from class A – F. There, the writer followed the English teacher to join each class and wrote all information that was observed by the writer such as physical classroom condition, number of the students, students’ interest, and the way the English teacher taught English to the students. The physical condition of each class is mostly same each others. The classroom is wide, clean, and bright so it is comfortable for learning process. Every classroom is facilitated with two wide boards, students’ desks, student’s chairs, teacher’s desk and chair, cupboard, and a speaker. All classrooms are located in the first floor. That makes the students can interact easily with others. The number of students from class A until F is 194 students. They were divided as follows: class VII A consists of 31 students, 13 boys and 18 girls; VII B consists of 31 students, 16 boys and 15 girls; VII C consists of 31 students, 14 boys and 17 girls; VII D consists of 34 students, 14 boys and 20 girls; VII E consists of 34 students, 16 boys and 18 girls; and VII F consists of 33 students, 17 boys and 16 girls. Meanwhile, based on the writer’s observation can be concluded that s tudents’ motivation and interest about English lesson is high and very enthusiastic. Each class is differentiated according to the score and ability of the commit to user students. It means that VII A is the best of all other classes. According to the observation, VII A, VII B, VII C and VII E were more respectful and understand the material than VII D and VII F. The teacher needed extra creative activities to facilitate the students in VII D and VII F to conduct the learning process. Class management is very important and can be the main factor to remember when the teacher taught in VII F students, because they were busy with their own activities like chatting each other and making a joke. However, all the students have active participation in the learning process and have high motivation in English learning. Moreover, the writer observed the way the English teacher taught the students. First, she greeted the students, asked the previous lesson and gave motivation to them. After that, she explored the students about the new material by giving answer and question or facilitating them with picture. Then, she gave task, discussed together, and evaluated or gave students opportunities to ask and solve the difficulties which they faced. At the last, students and teacher made a conclusion about the material that they have learnt. In the learning process, the teacher used bilingual language with the English as the most language used when giving direction and discussion. Sometimes, the teacher spoke fast so the students could not understand what the teacher meant. But the teacher used her gesture and clear pronunciation to direct and to explain what she said. That method made the students understand well and interested in their teacher. She also divided the students into several group for abridging discussion of the students. commit to user

2. Making Lesson Plan