commit to user In fact, learning is the human activity which least needs manipulation by others. Most learning is not the result of instruction. It is rather the result of unhampered participation in a meaningful setting Illich in Harmer, 2007:52. It means that learning is not always done by self but we need participation from others like teacher, peer, resource or environment to get the best result of learning. It is also supported by Harmer that “Learning is a partnership between teachers and students Harmer, 1998:9. In other words, in learning process, a learner or student also need motivation from himself or others to get predicate of successful learner. Harmer states that whatever kind of motivation students have, it is clear that highly motivated students do better than ones without any motivation at all 1998:8. There are many students ’ motivation for learning especially foreign language like for getting a better job, passing globalization, and others but assimilating culture of its native speaker and having hard interest to master foreign language are the most important motivation to become successful language learner. Gardner and Lambert as cited by Harmer 1998:8 suggest that students who felt most warmly about a language and who wanted to integrate into the culture of its speakers were more highly motivated and learnt more successfully than those who were only learning language as means to an end e.g. getting a better job.

C. Teaching Writing

According to Carrol, Wilson, and Forlini 2003: 3 writing is one of the most powerful communication tools and it is useful for sharing the thoughts and commit to user ideas with others without face to face. Besides, writing is the act or art of forming letters and characters on paper, wood, stone, or other materials, for the purpose of recording the ideas which characters and words express or communicating them to others by visible signs www. brainyquote.comwordswrwriting240703.html . Ardi in his blog argues that writing is not the only activities combine words. Writing is a process repeated, namely process of revising and rewriting. Teaching writing means that we create a science education that helps students see that writing requires steps to find, plan, and create a draft text http:smp3lembang.blogspot.com. “Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ” defines that writing is the particular way that someone writes. Based on the definitions above, the writer concludes that writing is a process of someone to write in a media like paper, wood, or stone by characters or symbols in order to reveal and express his idea or his thought to others, and teaching writing is helping students to write through some steps like find, plan, draft, write, revise, and rewrite. Teaching writing is one of skills that are important in teaching language so people learn it to make a good writing or others reason that push someone to do it. There are many reasons and situations that motivate people to do writing such as to share problems and emotions to others, to please writer himself or to facilitate his hobbies like a diary entry and personal poem, and to fulfill task or homework assignments at school or business letter at work Kramer, Leggett, and Mead available at http:smp3lembang.blogspot.com Besides, in the book “How to Teach commit to user English ”, Harmer states that there are some reasons in teaching writing to students, they are: 1. Reinforcement: some students acquire language in a purely oralaural way, but most of us benefit greatly from seeing the language written down. The visual demonstration of language construction is invaluable for both our understanding of how it all fits together and as an aid to committing the new language to memory. 2. Language development: writing helps us to learn as we go along. Besides, constructing proper written texts is all part of the ongoing learning experience. 3. Learning style: writing is appropriate for such learners who think things through and produce language in slower way. It can also be a quiet reflective activity instead of the rush and bother of interpersonal face- to- face communication. 4. Writing as a skill: writing is a basic language skill. Students need to know som e of writing’s special conventions punctuation, paragraph construction, etc. just as they need to know how to pronounce spoken English appropriately. Harmer, 1998:79-80 The psycholinguist Eric Lenneberg cited by Brown 2001:334 once noted, in a discussion of “species specific” human behavior, that … we learn to write if we are members of a literate society and usually only if someone teaches us. It means that writing is not a process which is done by self but it needs some stimulation and teacher or tutor to do it. Brown suggested that teacher who is commit to user teaching writing should give attention to how the writing process is. Writing needs long process from planning until editing. Teacher should conduct students step by step. Sometimes, students also need prompter to help them when they cannot get ideas to continue their writing. Teacher as a prompter has responsibility to give some suggestion that can make students’ idea appear. Besides, teacher should also give feedback so students can know the mistake in their writing Moreover, in teaching writing, a teacher should play an important role as a facilitator, helping and guiding students in order just to find and plan their idea in writing. That is supported by Brown 2001:340 who explain ed that “As a facilitator, the teacher offers guidance in helping students to engage in the thinking process of composing but, in a spirit of respect for student opinion, must not impose his or her own thoughts on student writing”.

D. Writing Process