Benefits Definition of Terms


2.1.2. Teacher – Made Tests

A test designed by the teacher can provide the most important data which consists of the students’ general achievement of the progress test and final test. In order to get the data to determine the students’ progress, the teacher arranged a test by looked at the specific goals and objectives of the units he teaches. Teacher also had to look for the curriculum which is used. The English progress test in SMAN 1 Pamulang is designed by the teacher herself. A teacher –made test is arranged by the teacher who will use the test according to her needs. The test is meant to measure how far students have mastered the lesson materials that have been taught.

2.1.3. Types of Tests

There are several types of tests. Hughes 1976 categorized tests into four groups. The first is “the proficiency tests” p. 9. They are used to measure people’s ability in language regardless of any training they may have had in that language. The second is “the achievement test” p. 10. They are made to establish how successful individual students, group of students or the course themselves have been in achieving objectives. The final achievement tests are those administered at the end of a course of study. Whereas, the progress achievement tests are intended to measure the progress that students are making. The third category is “the diagnostic tests” p. 10. They are made to identify students’ strength and weaknesses. They are intended primarily to ascertain what further teaching is necessary. This type of test typically includes a relatively large 8 number of test items in each specific area, with slight variations from one item to the next so that the course of specific learning errors can be identified. The diagnostic test focuses on the common sources of error encountered by students, so that the learning difficulties can be pinpointed and remedied. This test is designed to probe deeper into the course of learning deficiencies that are left unresolved. The fourth is “placement tests” p. 11. They are used to provide information which will help to place the students at the stage or in the part of the teaching program most appropriate to their abilities. Placement testing is not always necessary. Teachers who have worked with students for some time may know their past achievement, well enough so that pre-test may not needed. Placement testing is most useful when the teacher is unfamiliar with the students’ skills and abilities. The placement test provides an invaluable aid for placing each student at the most beneficial position in the instructional sequence. Considering that categorization, English progress test falls into the progress achievement test because the test emphasizes on measuring the students’ progress on mastering the language materials given in the classroom within a period of time. One way of measuring progress would be repeatedly to administer final achievement tests, but this is not really feasible, particularly in the early stages of a course. The low scores obtained would be discouraging for both students and teacher. The alternative is to establish a series of well-defined short-term objectives. Based on the tests administered, Lado 1964 explained that there are “discrete tests” p. 14 and “integrative tests” p. 15. The discrete point test is one in which certain component of language is tested, item by item. Each item is 9 independent of each other, but it is usually related in its form to the next item. The integrative one is testing combination of many language elements in the completion of a task. It measures students’ ability to use the target language. The items are dependent on one another, and are related in meaning. Therefore, English progress test is included in the integrative test for it consists of reading, vocabulary structure, and speaking component, and each of them is related to one another. Without understanding the meaning of an item, an individual may not do it correctly as far as he recognizes its form. Arthur 1989 adds the categorization. Based on the method of scoring, if no judgment is required on the past of scorer, then the scoring is objective. A multiple- choice with the correct responses unambiguously identified, would be a case in point. If judgment is called for, the scoring is said to be subjective. There are degrees of subjectivity in testing. The impressionist scoring of a composition may be considered more subjective than the scoring of short answers in response to questions. Then, English progress test for the first year student of SMAN 1 Pamulang is an objective test. Ebel 1979: 56 states that the most commonly used types of tests are the essay or discussion type, the objective or short-answer type, the mathematical problem type, and the oral examination type. Mehrens and Lehmann 1973: 245 states that all objective item formats may be divided into two classes: supply type short answer and select type true-false, matching, and multiple choice. The supply and select types of objective item formats are sometimes called recall and recognition , respectively. Thorndike and Hagen 1969: 50 used the classification of 10 free answer-type and the structured answer type of item. Lien 1971: 63 and Grondlund 1971: 131 used essay and objective or supply type and selection type. Carroll and Sapon 1958: 43 states that there are two types; language aptitude test and language proficiency test. And three types: placement tetsts, diagnostic tests, and achievement tests. Finnocharo 1969 : 337 puts forward the definition of test types as a series of varied tests which measure receptive and productive abilities. Further she adds that these types are also called as devices that permit the teacher to measure the attainment of a particular skill. In this study, test types are a series of varied tests which measure the student’s progress in receptive abilities listening and reading and productive abilities speaking and writing. The English progress test for the first year students of SMAN 1 Pamulang used supply type short answer and select type true-false, matching, and multiple choice and essay type.

2.1.4. The Function of Test

The result of the tests determine the success of a course. Therefore, tests are needed to give information about “what individuals have achieved in a second or foreign language” Hudges, 1990 : 4 Moreover, Lado 1969 states that there are six categories which indicate different emphasis in measuring students’ ability and potential. 1. to determine the readiness of an instructional program. 2. to classify or place individual in appropriate language classes. 3. to diagnose students’ strength and weaknesses.